Dreggs of the Netherworld

This topic isn’t one of my more comfortable ones. I think now that the veil is thinning, almost completely gone that I should talk about some formidable foes. Before I start, the one thing to remember is that our homes are our sanctuaries and that we have dominion on this planet along with so many other beings that are born on Mother Earth with us.

Throughout my journeys, there have been a few Spirit Guides and Cryptid that have conveyed messages to me. There was also the Jinn, Antioch who shared information with me and another Dark Entity that I haven’t spoken about before. Today I will share tidbits of forgotten knowledge that ended up in the shadows of forgotten history, the side roads of obscurity.

The word, “Dreggs,” came from Antioch, when he spoke to me from Skinwalker Ranch in Utah. He defined the Dreggs as dark entities, beings or forms of energy that feed off, harass or enslave humans.

Humans have an interesting fate. We are born completely wiped of any memory of any past life and then as we progress through life, we strive to remember who we were and who we are becoming. The animals in the forests are born and reborn with a connection that is never severed from itself. Many sentient beings live lifetime upon lifetime so much so that we as humans need to live multiple lifetimes to follow the years in their footprints.

Our inability to access important memories quickly from early on becomes our downfall which is why as humans we are constantly striving for a remedial answer to this beleaguering problem. This is our Achilles heel. And it sucks because many of these lost memories are golden, pure history, truth with no fillers, the actual account of what life was, is and will be.

Within the subsisting vivacity of existence, there seems to be brooding and hushed darkness that we as humans have forgotten about. Here is some of this forgotten history or as some would prefer to say, the tall tales of yesteryear.  Truth or fiction, you decide.

The Cryptid Tulack was quite the silent type but what little he did open up to me about, was surprising. There are fewer Dogmen now than ever before. Their presence here is constantly being disturbed by a very weird outside source. It’s a predatory Cryptid created by a Grey faction working with our military. I think this creature has the DNA from both Sasquatch and Dogman besides an unknown Alien DNA. I thought it was perhaps Grey DNA but I’m not so sure. Whether this problem is a result of manipulated genetics, I just wonder who and what this creature is loyal to. One has to think, is it loyal to its master or is it a self-evolving entity out of control. The dangers in our National Parks will continue to stay hidden as long as programs such as this exist. How can anyone be safe?

Antioch was an odd fellow. I was never comfortable with his communication with me because I knew he despised humans and I just so happen to be a human. I often wondered why he offered up a plethora of info. I didn’t pay much attention which some researchers would find unprofessional in our field but this particular contact unnerved me to my core.

He said in a matter of fact tone, (from the little bit that I remember) to imagine if you can, creatures who feast on humans. They are not Demons but something that crossed over from another Dimension, waiting for the chance opportune time when the veil weakened, barely holding its form. Imagine, a being that can occupy a body and invite others like it to occupy the same body at the same time? They are calculating and cunning way beyond the dark entities that exist here already. Humans are their prime food source and all they have to do is to focus on one person at a time. They basically have a food source for a millennium.

What is interesting is that these beings are the ones coming up in ceremonies, Ouija boards, scary movies and the imagination of story tellers alike. They are taking darkness to a whole new level and the very people that think they can get in on the action will eventually find that they are nothing more than food to these beings. We are not at the top of the food chain and in many ways we are actually a delicacy for many creatures and entities.

Are we slaves on this planet? I was shown a mesh of yellow and gold tubes that are woven around the earth. The tubes glowed and pulsated as if they were all alive. I saw many human souls try to fly out of the mesh, and when it would sense them trying to get away, it would extend itself and send off a vibration that would pull the souls back into itself. There was no escape and I saw that I was trapped just like everybody else.

The Dark Entity that I haven’t spoken about before is a  Shapeshifter. I have stated in other articles that there is a huge difference between a Skinwalker, Shapeshifter, and Cryptid. They are all different beings.

The Shapeshifter does the actual ceremony that steals the life force of a targeted individual. The individuals are usually children. From start to finish it usually takes a year to complete the actual ceremony. It is dark and it is sinister. I can’t go into details of what the ceremony entails because I would fear for my own safety if I did so. I witnessed the end part of the ceremony by mistake. I am an Empath and sometimes when I venture off with my dream body, I get caught in dark webs that extend beyond into the ethereal world. The dark shaman I witnessed, maintained his youth and age and was by today’s standards an average guy in his 30’s. In reality he would be hundreds of years old. I believe he is a cousin to the Vampire of old. Depending on which continent such a creature exists, it can take on many forms.

The Kraken was an entity that I was shown a few years ago that was a bad omen. He looked like an old man with a mustache and beard. He had a full head of hair that was long past his shoulders. He had three octopus legs for the lower half of his body.  Having him in our timeline means that we fluctuate between the possibilities of dimensions. He reminds me of old man time except for the fact that he is an entity that messes with timelines and changes the course of parallel universes. He does become a heavyweight for Mother Earth and he affects her ability to spin on her axis.

Last but not least is the Giants. I definitely wanted to add them because of Michael’s last post on Giants and my vision of seeing them wake up. There is so much important history that was placed in stasis with them. I fear that with the burials of the Giants being dug up, this history will only be shown to a chosen few. The Dreggs here are those hiding history. The questions is what are they hiding and why?

There are people like us all over the world seeing, remembering and starting to wake up. We would be a nefarious foe for the Dreggs and just imagine the changes we can make together so that we can live on Mother Earth as we were intended.


The Haunted Age of Memories and Voices Part 2 – Is it all true Series #400

Here are my thoughts on what I believe the two aspects of hearing voices are about.

“A haunted voice is just memories replaying through the doorways of the mind. There are no locks on the doors so walking through a residual thought is just like playing the reruns of a personal existence, whether it be your own or someone else’s.”

“The intelligent voice plays upon the secretive inclinations of the emotional state along with original thoughts, owned by each person. The intelligent voice takes words out of context and confuses the intent of sentences with alien concepts not original to the person in question.”

The difference between the haunted voice and that which is placed within the mind, is the intelligence behind it. A weak echo can’t answer anyone back but an intelligent voice can play havoc with the mind. Understanding these two concepts was vital in me healing from the fear of worrying about schizophrenia or mental illness. Our minds are more powerful than any one is willing to admit, especially those that prey on real or invented diagnosis to make a buck.

Let’s look at what really happens when an intelligent voice occurs.

One day I was sitting at my desk getting ready to write some choreography text for students. All of a sudden out of the blue and literally in my head, I heard a man and woman converse over what they were going to say to me. I think they forgot somehow that the switch was turned ON and I could hear everything they were saying to each other. I looked at my speakers and thought, “Are they on”? I checked and they weren’t. I looked at my computer to see if I was on the internet without knowing it but I wasn’t. I had actually just sat down to work and hadn’t been on the computer for hours. But the really weird thing was, they were in my head, not outside of me. It was like I had speakers in my head.

It was the one and only time I can remember this kind of thing happening and I laughed outloud, telling them that I didn’t have time for their BS and that I had work to do. Even though I could still hear them, (and yes, they heard me because I heard them become baffled as to the fact that I could hear them,) I focused on what I love to do which is create choreography and their voices literally became whispers and finally within about 10 minutes, they were gone. All that I had in my mind was my creative thoughts. I learned that day that focusing on something else was a great way to dispel the voices. They can’t compete with how our brains function to our own commands. I also rerouted my attention to right and left brain choreography because I work with both sides of the body continuously so creating moves, counting out combinations and steps, outmatched their voices. It didn’t occur to me to be afraid, I was more annoyed at the fact they invaded my body and mind which to me was a total violation of privacy.

Intelligent voice

Spirits, Entities, Unknown Beings or Cryptids talk to me but when they speak, they speak more so at me even though it’s in my head. Sometimes I have heard them in the room with me but most of the time, they will speak directly to my mind. This kind of intelligent voice can feel strange at first but it can be blocked which makes it less invasive. I think as an Empath, the green light is always on for chance communication. We are like a beacon, open day or night, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Since I’ve learned to live with this from childhood, I don’t mind asking if communication can happen another day if I don’t want to engage in a conversation at that moment. Also, I’ll block what I don’t want to deal with especially if it’s someone or something I feel is dangerous. Believe me when I say, sometimes with what’s literally out there, I want to be able to block undesirable company .

Adding to the intelligent voice phenomenon, it’s important to know that sometimes entities or deities will wonder within the mind to see what lies hidden, what is feared and what as mortals is our Achilles heel. It’s important to know that whatever information they find is only as important as we make it.

The Voice of Self

There is one aspect to being human that I think is amazing, a true gift that we have at our fingertips which is the knowledge of the innerself. We have thousands upon thousands of years at our fingertips and all we have to do is listen to our gut, our God Connection. A majority of our lives is like living in the dark ages because we live without ever knowing we have this inner source of wealth and knowledge. Mass media, entertainment, politics, and I must include religion here, all want to mediate for us, only allowing a minute amount of information out, literally a drop at a time. We are already created with the ability to access whatever we need, we only need to believe in this and know that our questions are already answered many times over if only we listen to our inner voice, hearing the whisper of the Universe and Gods infinite wisdom.
