Fairies, good folk, wee folk, people of peace, and very fair-skinned beings, are all terms used to describe these amazing small beings that are human in appearance with supernatural powers. Some fly, cast spells, and possibly can influence the future. They have been said to shapeshift into normal-looking forest animals such as deer, birds of prey, and squirrels. Their behavior ranges from peaceful, to mischievous and sometimes even evil and devilish. This reportedly devilish behavior came with the invasion of the Christians into the pagan lands throughout Europe. Some pagans worshiped these fairies to the dismay of the new religious sheriffs in town.
In my 40+ years of paranormal study, I have come across some lucky people who have seen them. I feel the chances are actually far greater to see a fairy than a Gray alien being. Now I will tell you this, children under five years old are the ones who will see the fairies the most. Why these children? This is because the very young still have very open minds. As we get older our cultures mold our minds to what fits and what is comfortable. I constantly tell parents to listen to their children; they see what they see and it is very real to them. I say don’t discourage their minds, this is some kind of amazing experience. Let them embrace it and not fear it.
Now let me tell you a modern tale. A friend of mine just came back from a place in northeastern Washington State. He met a nice retired couple who was visiting this same area of the state a year before. Their story goes, they were hiking in a very wooded area and walked in about three miles where the woods were extremely dense. There in the distance was a beautiful clearing; a meadow of sorts and it seemed to have heat waves rising or heavy vapor hanging at the back of this grassy area. Suddenly out of this mirage appeared a swarm of Fairies, but they were bigger than bees, maybe hummingbirds. As the couple walked closer they stated that every hair on their bodies was standing up. Suddenly they saw a foot-high gorgeous fairy staring straight in their eyes. They did not feel fear but rather a very peaceful feeling befalling upon the couple. A swarm of hundreds maybe thousands of fairies began coming out of their vortex to play, and then they were gone just as quickly as they had appeared.
Is it all true? My friend said the retired couple seemed very sincere, and as they told their tale tears came out of their eyes. I guess I will see, for Rainbow and I plan to go to this vortex area in the next few years to search for the swarm.
Sleep tight, and may your dreams be filled with beautiful fairies.