For the most part, Michael and I are usually on the same page regarding our projects, interests and ideas. Every once in a while, we don’t agree, which makes life interesting. So last week’s post, written by Michael wasn’t something I totally agreed with. Here’s my take on this subject.
Since I’m an Empath, throughout my life I have had disembodied spirits talk to me besides other beings of different intents and places. Most of the time, I don’t go looking for them, they come looking for me. As a kid I was scared to death, as a teeny bopper, I was annoyed and as a young adult I just wanted to be like my friends, oblivious to anything outside of school and boys.
Time doesn’t exist outside of our last breath; at least this is what was told to me by spirits, ghosts and a few goblins. It’s a comfort, kind of like leaving the lights on at night but outside of our existence, it’s not necessary.
Ghosts become the end result of their lives, whether they be short, long or in the middle. Painful deaths, wrongful deaths and long and tortuous deaths can change the outcome of where we go as humans in the afterlife. And sometimes, people just don’t want to leave. The attachment to a person or a place is so great, that they are bound to the emotional attachment of their memories. Love is a strong bond that holds no bounds.
Residual hauntings are a different story; they are a replaying of emotional trauma intentional or accidental. A car crash, catastrophic circumstances, heart attack or whatever can ail the human body. Shock and awe can saturate a place within seconds and leave a residue of unrequited answers lingering for eons.
Unconsecrated ground brought forth from ceremonies, unholy or untimely deaths can create such a outburst of emotional repulsion and distress that, that very moment in time is imprinted forever. To be within this energy is unhealthy and for anything to linger within its effluence can create a crack within the parameter of existence for ghosts and humans alike.
Whatever can bring about confusion and denial, usually holds the human spirit here. It’s a tough realization to comprehend that the human body is no longer a part of life, that the things that most of us take for granted … are gone for good. When death enters the picture, there are no second chances. The door is closed, at least for the human to human contact we live with day in and day out.
But let’s take this a step further, imagine, using other abilities to communicate to loved ones, that weren’t used while you were alive. What is death, really? It takes away the body only, but not who we are as sentient beings. The ghostly others, have communicated with me throughout my life, so this does happen, this “different” way of communicating.
What if there are other ways to communicate that we unfortunately don’t use while we are alive like telepathy, mind over matter and levitation. It seems through stories and recounted events, that shocking circumstances can prompt the use of these abilities. Why is it that people who come so close to death or perhaps die for minutes, bring back these abilities with them?
To me, ghosts are reminders that life continues on and if they can relay to me what lies beyond the life I know, I am more than willing to talk to them.
Yes, they do have a voice; it’s just not with vocal chords.Toggle panel: Therapy Settings