Rural Oregon – A World Full of Paranormal

We have lived here in Oregon for about 7 months and a quite amazing trend is developing. The area east and southeast of Portland called the Mt. Hood Territory is loaded with paranormal happenings. When you are new to an area, you first need to explore. That is what we have done and we have driven hundreds of miles of back-roads within 50 miles of our home.

The purpose of these drives was to feel and see the surroundings. With Rainbow being an empath, she can sense areas favorable for paranormal activity, focusing on these areas to make contact and build a relationship with the local people. For the locals, are the storytellers, the experiences and the ones who have the rich encounters that can grow the wisdom and knowledge of their native paranormal. The paranormal for most of them is just the norm.

So we have focused our research in two areas, one around Estacada and Silver Falls State Park Oregon. In the Estacada area, Rainbow made direct contact with a Sasquatch for about one month. She was told this Sasquatch family would be moving to a summer camp in the Mt Hood area. Back about two months ago, we started exploring Mt. Hood and our initial contact were with a Park Ranger who talked to us about his personal encounter with an entity on a park trail. He also told us a story about a person who had a one on one encounter with a child Sasquatch, this person lived and worked in Sandy, just outside of the Mt Hood National Forest.

Next, we have started making contact with wonderful people around Silver Falls State Park area who have shared several stories about their Sasquatch encounters, UFOs, Ghosts and other interesting beings.

The Mt Hood territory is rich in beauty and rich in the paranormal. As far as I can tell,  their paranormal experiences are quite normal and most of them seem to enjoy living among the high strangeness as long as it’s not too scary.

Sleep tight — Remember only fear can make the strangeness scary … you have the control.