Monsters Inc. and More – Mike & Rainbow on Psychic Babes

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Dimensional Walking Episode 4 ((( ALERT Haunted))) ╰(*°▽°*)╯ – Paranormal – Alien Abductions etc

— We just notice on this video at 40:55 (( listen))- there is an anomalist laughing voice coming from a possible unknown location, Quite strange

(( If you like us Truthseekerforum please free subscribe – right column – “Subscribe to our wonderful site” ))Also, share your experiences in the same column – we answer all questions and inquires. And also we now have a Youtube channel – Dimensional Walking – come in see us, Like us, and also subscribe therewe can also directly answer any questions at And please share stories – we will try to read on our channel.

Paranormal Black Swan of the Family

Over our years of research Rainbow and I have come to a conclusion that in many families there is one person, a child that may have been selected to have plenty of encounters from paranormal and or Alien being sources. Even though all or a few other family members may have had similar experiences, they are not forthcoming to discuss the events. The selected child’s (the Black Swan) experiences are very much on the surface, not hidden or covered-up. The other family members are screened or the sheer fear – suppresses the paranormal memories.

In a way, there is a bit of a curse for the one that remembers. They are told by other family members it’s your imagination, a bad dream, its not true, or you’re just crazy. It can even get into shaming and bullying the child into an unstable mind meld  I feel this works into the paranormal/ alien agenda causing more interior emotional conflict among the family members. The creation of this emotional energy could be by itself one of their agendas. This human energy could nourish the entities bodies and minds.

As it has been stated before, alien entities encounters are generational. There is a huge educational process that is going to have to happen among families that have been touched by the unthinkable – an alien/paranormal experience. It has been my experience that when families sit and talk through their common,  otherworldly experiences, amazing life puzzles are solved. Each family, a member holds a key piece to the understanding of their duo life in this day to day reality and the dream/alternate reality most of us have, but few acknowledge.

Let me share some amazing numbers I believe are true from my 50 years of research, 85% of humans on earth have had some sort of Alien/ paranormal experience, 60% of them are part of a generational group agenda project. And the other 15% they are hybrids, and they live knowing both worlds, with amazing clarity.

Sleep tight , part of our journey is to reconcile our duo self into these duo realities.


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Reality VS the Frightful Shadows Part 1

The paranormal can be many things for a variety of reasons. For the most part within our reality here on this planet, there are the unseen, unknowable aspects of the darkness and only what seems to be like a handful of books to address any problems lurking within the shadows. Syfy has taken liberties with imaginative monsters and dark gabled windows that reflect back more than the naked eye can see. What happens when the darkness is real, the experiences are terrifying and the impulse is to run with nowhere to hide? It’s become a rudimentary and convoluted topsy turvy problem; the reality for some reason seems to be less terrifying to fanatical listeners and distantly obsessed observers because Horror and Syfy shows have taken everything to the extreme, the impossible, and the unthinkable. People who experience the darkness these days have to prove its existence to the naysayers, when years ago, on word of mouth only and a preacher’s visit, the said acknowledgment was enough.

With this being said, to an, “In the moment Experiencer,” there is no movie comparable to living and breathing the reality of shadows and mysterious creatures. The reality of the unexplained is not only a lonely endeavor but for most people, they instinctively loath the idea and without a doubt, resolutely avoid its path. Those few brave souls like Michael and myself who do venture forward towards the unknown, become acquainted with the shadows and the shadows forever follow us. This doesn’t mean that light doesn’t peek through the shadowy silhouettes; it means that once acquainted with the unknown, one becomes altered by its association.

Here are a few experiences I have had that I can’t explain. I’ve tried to figure out scenarios that fit perfectly like puzzle pieces even though these sequences are just as fantastical as the experience. Maybe this is the first clue, what seems to be complete fantasy probably is closer to the truth and reality than what we can ever know. Aliens, Shadow People, Men in Black, Black Ops and Cryptids welcome the occasional traveler through their domains or so we think. Maybe in some cases, it’s a bit more sinister.

I don’t want to put human thought into the minds of certain beings, Aliens, Cryptids or whoever lurks in the corners. But I must say, my human mind wants clarification and tutoring into the protocols of each group. How do we understand what exists alongside us that is ultimately as foreign to us as the distant star? Those dark and mysterious reclusive souls who stay within the shadows eventually come out and show themselves in the most unusual and convoluted ways. It comes down to seeing beyond our expected reality, our eyesight’s normal range so that we can see the depth of the exceptional unknown. The question is, how do we get past our minds roadblocks?

Locations can trigger memories as far back as our earliest childhood. Blocks and unconscious association to places and people can be the hardest of all to understand. Los Alamos, New Mexico is one of those places for me. As a child along with my older sister Holly, we realized that something was off, almost  peculiar regarding the town itself. And I say town because it wasn’t very big in the 70s. We would go to visit my uncle and aunt and each visit was always accompanied by dread not only by me but my sister as well. Back then as a kid, I felt I was going to the Twilight Zone. It reminded me of a town hiding secrets and the people seemed to be strange not only in appearance but in some other odd manner that even to this day, I can’t put my finger on. My uncle worked for Los Alamos Labs but we never knew what he did, he took its secret to his grave.

Funny thing is, that I had been there a few times as an adult but I blocked out the way from both directions, a back way through  the Jemez Mountains and the other off of  I-25. With the knowledge of my childhood apprehension regarding Los Alamos, Michael and I decided to take a trip the back way into Los Alamos to see why I felt the way I did. It was lovely, the Jemez Pueblo was surrounded by red rocks and the Caldera further down the road, was magnificent in size. How on earth could I have forgotten such a beautiful place? As we went along the winding road getting closer to Los Alamos, my breathing became heavier and I started to get sweaty palms. We past an area of high grass along the highway that ventured out into pine trees. A flash of memory came back to me but I wasn’t sure at first what it was. A few days later, it hit me like a ton of bricks, a full blown memory that to this day, I can’t believe I had forgotten.

I was around 6 or 7 years old and I remember a group of men in military uniforms. Some in brown and others in blue except for … the Grey Aliens. They were testing me along with a selected group of children. We were all supposed to levitate over an area the size of a football field. They had us running along a large valley of tall grass surrounded by pine trees. I was scared and knew that I wouldn’t be able to levitate as they requested. My mind was literally mush so nothing could get through. I literally felt like a scared rabbit.  I knew that the repercussions for not doing what they asked me to do was going to be a severe punishment but I didn’t care. I knew that if I ran a little behind the other kids that there might be a chance that I could escape. I didn’t see the soldiers that surrounded us when I made a run for it and I was immediately picked up scampering in another direction. The memory stops here.

Another memory came weeks later, I was back in the same area with the other children. The Greys were levitating over us and wanted us to follow them. They had instructions for us. It was a total mind manipulation, a third eye mind meld. I remember I physically saw through another way, I think my pineal gland and I felt tingly all over as if I was half in my body and half out. I levitated a little and would fall … constantly. I’m sure I was bruised. The other kids did the same but they didn’t seem to care if we were getting hurt, they just wanted us to keep up the levitation to a point to where we could float and move from one end of the field to the other. I remember I was levitating up to about 10 feet and I was looking down at the ground below me. It was such an exhilarating feeling of not only accomplishing what they wanted but entering another place in my mind. Some voice in my head told me that I was doing a good job. As a child, I liked pleasing this group of Aliens. Good things happened when I was able to do as they asked, but the consequences I use to suffer for my failures is still blocked. In a way, I’m glad I can’t remember.

The final memory which I believe involves my childhood handler is foggier than the other memories. I was holding a man’s hand who was very familiar to me. I looked up to him more as a father figure than anything. We were standing by a 4 door sedan. I knew it was my handler’s car. There were 4 men directly in front of us in military uniforms besides other vehicles that were military. One person in particular was a high ranking officer, I believe he was a Major. He was yelling at my handler, telling him he was inappropriate with me and getting in the way of my progress. I held my handler’s hand tightly because I didn’t want him to go away. At that very moment, I had a sinking feeling that things were going to change and never be the same. I knew they were going to make me leave in another car with some stranger who I didn’t know and who would be assigned as my new handler. Something happened though it’s foggy, someone took my arm as my handler pulled me closer to him and tried to fight off whoever was trying to take me away. The memory just fades away after that. I can’t remember what happened.

If I try to explain these memories, I can’t. They are as detailed as if they happened yesterday. How do I explain or prove them? This is hard to do.

Stay tune for part 2. Rainbow

People need to speak Truth on UFOs and the Paranormal

People need to speak about their UFO/ Paranormal experiences. They need to speak the truth about their interest and yearnings on the subject. UFOs and the paranormal discussions should be as common as apple pie with a Sunday dinner.

I have flown around this country thousands of miles over the last 5 years, and I got some of my best UFO/Paranormal conversation on the plane or getting to the airport, discussions with random strangers. Like several amazing discussions with a scientist from an Aero-space company who knew the inner workings of the Star Wars project – and note the project wasn’t to keep watch/ defend ourselves against the Russians or any other human country on earth. In the other candid conversations, hundreds of people poured out their souls. Many could not believe what they said – but it felt so good to them, to express their inner feelings about their paranormal experiences.

After 50 years of having this amazing passion for the unknown, I again will state everyone everywhere has had paranormal/ UFO experiences with Angels, ghosts, alien beings, demons, Cryptids, wee people and things I cannot describe in human terms. The fear of reliving the experience and the fear of being ridiculed by their peers has suppressed millions of people from speaking the truth.

This must all stop and people need to gather in groups and share their experiences, so the cosmic burden can be lifted from our planet. If we in mass would open up and tell our experiences to other around us, the paranormal beings would no longer be able to be invisible to us. They would have to show themselves, our new awaking as humans would lift the veil, millions of human quantum minds would force those “the paranormal beings” into our dimensional reality. And we would deal with each other as equal citizens of a new and better world.

Sleep tight, knowing a group of like-minded humans can move a mountain and together even see an alien being.


The thinning of the Veil – Yes Now? Is it all True Series #445


I have been traveling for work over the last couple of weeks and last week a couple quite interesting events happened on my way home. On the return trip back through the airport, I was approaching a Chick- filet restaurant and I was looking at the menu standing in line. I was debating on whether to have cheese on my breakfast sandwich. I was still debating the subject (in my mind) when I was next in line to order when the lady behind the counter said cheese or no cheese? I looked at her and said “what” – I had not ordered an item nor said a word to her at that point. So I asked her – did you read my mind? She just smiled.

I would not have thought much about this, but 20 minutes later a similar event occurred. I was sitting waiting to board the plane and I noticed a seat across from me that would work better when I boarded the plane, (Southwest line-up) my line-up number was on the other side of the numbered posts. As I stood up to make my move, out of the corner of my eye there was a man and his service dog approaching and I heard his wife say there is a couple of seats for us, (one of the same seats I was eyeing). So I sat down and as the man with the dog passed, he smiled and said –“Thank You”. I had never telegraphed my move other than in my mind, I had just stood up. Was he another person who read my mind? I think so.

So the next day I was with my fiancé and we were in a department store and looking for some” hand wipes”, we looked all over with no success. So we decided to look for an employee for some assistance. And there down an aisle was an employee stocking shelves. So we asked him where we could find some “wipes”, he looked a bit confused, but there in his hand were the “wipes”. We had to bring it to his attention, almost like he didn’t realize he had something in his hand, let alone the “wipes” we were looking for.

So three examples of telepathy and manifestation, within a very short time-frame. Why now? Is there a shift coming or is it here. Is humankind regaining its ability to read minds and manifesting its day to day needs- simply as finding hand wipes?

Sleep tight, we are entering an old era, when we won’t afraid to have our minds read and manifestation of our all needs was easy, like having an APP to get an UBER.


Albert Rosales and his very Strange World, # 80

Location. Spring Lake Park, Minnesota
Date: October 2009
Time: 0530a
The witness was driving to work past Spring Lake when he approached a stop sign; he got a clear view of the lake. From the stop, to the lake, its maybe 20 yards. He looked over and crouched down next to the lake were two figures. At first he didn’t think anything of them, but as he went through the stop, one of the creatures stood up and looked at him. He pulled over and stared at it. They looked like two large ‘mutant bears’, but muscular and had human features. He could see fingers with claws. Its face was human-like, but with a snout. After watching for a good minutes, the second creature stood up. The witness then drove away at high speed.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—April 2010
Type: E

Location. Near Churchville, New York
Date: October 2009
Time: evening
The main witness, ‘Paul’, (involved in other encounters), while hunting with friends on a farm three miles from his house, came across a creature standing in the woods, Paul described it as being three feet tall with white skin, black almond shaped eyes with no whites, a small nose, and very thin lips. To his amazement the creature looked almost human. It was wearing a green camouflage hunting cap. Paul’s hunting buddies were turned away from it at the time, so he was the only one that witnessed the creature before it vanished. Paul thinks the creature may have been some sort of human alien hybrid, but cannot explain why it was wearing a hunting cap.

HC addendum
Type: E

Location. Shrewsbury, Massachusetts
Date: October 2009
Time: night
After dinner and some drinks (they were not intoxicated) a husband and wife went outside the club to go their car, when they husband noticed what looked like someone standing near a fire escape across the street. At first he didn’t pay much attention until his wife pointed out how ‘peculiar’ the man looked. His face seemed somewhat obscured by shadows, but he was about 7 feet tall, slender and in a black suit. It felt like he was watching them. That was their cue to leave quickly, the wife was a little shaken up and the husband was somewhat rattled. Then as they were not even 10 minutes away from their house they saw the same tall man in the black suit standing on the sidewalk. The witness headlights briefly shone across the stranger’s face, but he had no features. Not looking back the witnesses sped away from the area. The couple does not discuss the incident for a week until she was woke up by a nightmare one night. In it, the skinny, faceless man, hovers into their room and fiddles around with something in their nightstand, takes something and leaves. The husband gets up and investigates and finds 20dollars missing from his wallet (!).

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—March 2010
Type: E
Comments: A thieving humanoid?