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Dimensional Walking -a paranormal Journey-Episode 7 – Rainbow – Bringing Haunting Back Home
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Reality Rewind
It occurred to me, that for most abductees or experiencers, we have to take our lives and do an automatic rewind. We have to fill in the blanks, because of those abrupt slips of missing time, unknown people, unknown places and images that come in and out of our consciousness. Anything can trigger a memory, a movie, and a phrase in a book or dialogue, a location or on the other end of the spectrum, smells colors and sounds.
For me, certain animal sounds can just freak me out especially if I hear lions and tigers pouncing on prey, making those attack howls and bellows on TV. My psyche goes into a tailspin and I go into a massive depression, fraught with an irritability that makes no sense. It’s like I’m almost stuck in this place of a bottomless pit of darkness.
I get glimpses occasionally from my childhood memories, split-second images, voices, and animal growls that make no sense. From the kind of childhood upbringing I had, these images just don’t make sense. If I bring up questions regarding these memories to my parents, they look at me as if I lost my mind. Maybe I did, who knows…
Déjà vu is a huge part of understanding these memories. I have been placed and sworn I had been there before or have seen people in poses, clothes that looked familiar to me yet I knew I have never met them. A phrase will ring a bell and it will be familiar. It’s as if I am reliving something that already took place yet again, I know that I am living my life day to day. So how does something become familiar in the present that somehow is remembered? Is it reality rewind?
Memories can be borrowed, implanted or suggested especially with AI, mind control and artificial frequencies hitting our brains. How do we know what is real within our own reality or what is a semblance of something else? This is the million dollar question.
Within our souls, there is an inner sanctum that can’t be penetrated; it’s a wall-less, lighted array of brilliance that is an omnipotent existence. This sentient sanctuary for the average man or woman, by default, has become a forgotten and desolate existence. The sound of silence bellowing its unnatural call to deaf ears roars like a raging tidal wave, hoping that we become awake, remembering our place in the Universe.
Why did we trade everything for so little? Who convinced us this was better? How do we get back to our true selves?
We do this by, “Remembering who we are.”
I’m not asking for a hand out from some other living being, whether they be extraterrestrial or interdimensional, I am asking myself to awaken to the possibility of what I was and even more so, to whom I will become. It’s time to step up to the plate, rewind to the past so that we can fast forward to a world that truly is home and to a planet that we so richly deserve but more importantly, a planet that we take care of and in return, takes care of us. The time is now!
Paranormal Black Swan of the Family
Over our years of research Rainbow and I have come to a conclusion that in many families there is one person, a child that may have been selected to have plenty of encounters from paranormal and or Alien being sources. Even though all or a few other family members may have had similar experiences, they are not forthcoming to discuss the events. The selected child’s (the Black Swan) experiences are very much on the surface, not hidden or covered-up. The other family members are screened or the sheer fear – suppresses the paranormal memories.
In a way, there is a bit of a curse for the one that remembers. They are told by other family members it’s your imagination, a bad dream, its not true, or you’re just crazy. It can even get into shaming and bullying the child into an unstable mind meld I feel this works into the paranormal/ alien agenda causing more interior emotional conflict among the family members. The creation of this emotional energy could be by itself one of their agendas. This human energy could nourish the entities bodies and minds.
As it has been stated before, alien entities encounters are generational. There is a huge educational process that is going to have to happen among families that have been touched by the unthinkable – an alien/paranormal experience. It has been my experience that when families sit and talk through their common, otherworldly experiences, amazing life puzzles are solved. Each family, a member holds a key piece to the understanding of their duo life in this day to day reality and the dream/alternate reality most of us have, but few acknowledge.
Let me share some amazing numbers I believe are true from my 50 years of research, 85% of humans on earth have had some sort of Alien/ paranormal experience, 60% of them are part of a generational group agenda project. And the other 15% they are hybrids, and they live knowing both worlds, with amazing clarity.
Sleep tight , part of our journey is to reconcile our duo self into these duo realities.
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Reality vs Frightful Shadows Part 2- Phobias
Throughout childhood really weird phobias crept out of nowhere and I found myself in some cases manipulated by odd fears. To this day, I hate cars or vehicles of any sort coming up behind me. It unhinges me to no end. If I hear cars coming I either run or hide in bushes. There’s a really interesting comfort in knowing I can’t be seen. As a child, I would outrun cars walking home or find hiding places along the way home. I actually had hiding places down in my head that I could run to at a moment’s notice along the way to and from school. To this day as an adult, I have to keep myself from jumping into bushes. I’m sure Michael wouldn’t appreciate trying to coax me out of our neighbor’s bushes so I do my best to control this strange habit.
I can’t sleep with a top sheet. I don’t like the feel of it and I don’t like my feet being confined by the weight of the top sheet and the bedspread. I have memories of being on a table and having a thick, sticky, mucus like substance draped over me. It would get really tight and I wouldn’t be able to move. My arms and legs would be held so tight that I remember screaming with no sound coming out of me.
I could turn my head side to side and look around but I couldn’t get free and the more I struggled, the tighter it would become. It would feel like hours would pass with no one coming around. In some ways that was just as bad as what the Greys were doing to me. That was probably the worst torture of all and I believe to this day that the Greys and anyone else who does this, knows it. It’s part of the mind-screw that they implement starting at young ages. To this day if I find sheets on me, I panic.
Add to the above, the uncomfortable and stressful feelings I get being in an elevator or in a car on a highway that is slowed by traffic. When I was in Paris, France years ago, I was staying at a hotel that had a small and round elevator. It was big enough just for two people. I went up it the first time and by the time we hit the floor our room was on, I was a total mess. I couldn’t breathe, I had sweat coming off my forehead and the palms of my hands were sweaty and hot. When I got to my room, I looked in the mirror and was flushed from head to toe. I looked like I had been in the sun and was a cooked lobster. It took a few hours for me to get back to normal. I walked up and down the stairs after that.
Just recently Michael and I went to go get family from the airport and the roads were full of black ice. Traffic came to a standstill, three or four times and I found myself panicking, not being able to breathe. My palms were sweaty and I was stressed beyond my limits so much so that I almost jumped out of the car. This particular phobia, I don’t understand unless I was taken away against my will multiple times in vehicles and I associate traffic and being confined in a car to this fear.
Like most abductees, I can’t sleep with the lights off. The darkness is too vast and so much can happen in the blackness of the room. Corners in a room become hiding places for uninvited creatures and closets become doorways into the unknown. I can feel spirits looking down at me, sucking my breath away or standing by my bed staring down at me. I have been touched and shaken even with the lights on but for me, the advantage is that I can see my surroundings. The days of sleeping in a dark room were over years ago.
I grew up in an average household with two older sisters. We were middle class America with hopes and dreams just like everybody else. Maybe that was a part of this phenomenon, the more American pie people are, the better they are for target practice and to experiment on.
How does the paranormal fit into all of this? Well, for some reason abductees attract the paranormal to them and I am assuming because we carry with us a very distinct energy or frequency that becomes altered through the abductions, it stays with us throughout our lives.
Sometimes the shadows will divulge what type of intelligence is lurking in the corner. It doesn’t matter if it’s Alien, human or spirit, I don’t like uninvited guests especially when I’m at my most vulnerable. For Empaths like myself, we don’t like surprises so turning on the light seems to be whole heck of a lot easier than waiting for the darkness to emerge.
As Michael says, sleep tight but for those of you like me, keep the lights on.
Paranormal Awareness
Sometimes I listen to paranormal shows and I often wonder what their impact on people is. What are the do’s and don’ts of living in a haunted house? What are the signs that there is a problem and when should a person get professional help? It’s not easy living in a haunted home or for that matter experiencing the paranormal on a daily basis. It usually happens when we least expect it which in a warped way, is the paranormal’s way of showing us; it has a dark sense of humor.
When I was in my early teens, I realized that there were some things I had to learn to do to survive even the slightest hint of anything paranormal. I didn’t have any tools so I did what I could to feel safe. I realized even back then that there were people like me who were experiencing the paranormal but that there wasn’t a specific rule of thumb to go by. Maybe it’s time I wrote about my version of this rule of thumb so to speak and how it helped me get through some dark and tough times. This is obviously based on my experiences so I hope in some manner, large or small the advice I give will help those in search for answers.
Closets From childhood on up to this very day, closets still scare the bejeezus out of me. If a child or young adult tells their parents there is a problem in the closet, in most cases, they won’t be believed. This happened to me and it was really more about my parents didn’t want to deal with something that could possibly be a problem. The door would be shut and if it opened, there was a rational explanation. A closed door that doesn’t usually open on its own isn’t normal. Sounds from a closet are not normal. Things being messed with in a closet isn’t normal. Something coming out of a closet definitely isn’t normal. If any of these things I spoke of are part of a conversation you have with your kids or family members, there’s a problem. The real question is, why would a parent discount what a scared child or young adult tells them?
I believed my daughter when she told me something was in her closet watching her and what was worse, she then proceeded to tell me a voice told her to go to the closet. When she told me this, I immediately knew something was up. I mean, that is not a regular conversation I would usually have with my four years old. First and foremost, believe what your kids and family members are telling you. Secondly, it’s important to go and open the door, look around in the closet and state you are aware it’s there. Claim the closet as part of your house and smudge the inside of it with sage. I would also light either, frankincense and myrrh or dragonsblood incense in the bedroom. I would call my daughters guardian angels into the room and ask them to watch over her. I would also place a piece of tiger eye or serenite in the closet. I also do this for myself.
Antiques I’m a sucker for antiques and in some ways, they can be my downfall. There are two things you can do if you want to bring a piece of the past home with you, first, ask the history of the piece, where it came from and who owned it before it came up for sale. Secondly, ask the salesperson if anything strange has happened around it. If you get bad vibes meaning heart racing, headache, stomach tightening or goose-bumps from being around the piece, that’s usually a sign you should not buy it. Remember if something is attached to a piece of furniture, art or lamp, you will feel it. It’s harder for the darkness to hide when the room temperature changes. Beware of cold spots.
Haunted Rooms In a prior post I wrote about a house I lived in, in my early twenties. The room was one of the most haunted spaces I even to this day have come across. Usually haunted rooms or locations occur when a death, natural or unnatural has occurred. This means that perhaps violence and or negative emotions were absorbed into that room. Sometimes spirits like to occupy a space even if they did not live or experience anything there, it just depends on the circumstances. For example, a little boy spirit would peer in my daughter’s room from an outside window when she was young. He didn’t have anything to do with the house but was more attracted to her and her playing in her room. He wanted her to invite him in; I made it clear there would be no uninvited spirit playmates in the house.
Clearing a haunted room isn’t that easy. As a homeowner, it’s important to state it’s your house and that includes those spaces that are apart of your house that is compromised. I have always had an altar in my bedroom anywhere I’ve lived. It’s the one thing that I think people should do in their homes. Once I get my altar set up, I then make it clear that my guardian angels and spirit guides are invited in besides friendly contacts but all others with negative intentions, have to leave. If they don’t like it, I ask my guardian angels to take care of it. The important thing here is to know without a shadow of a doubt that your guardian angels will take care of it. If you doubt this, you take away their ability to get rid of unwanted spirits and you actually empower the unwanted spirit with the fear of uncertainty. Your convictions as a live human and your beliefs are put to the test when you have to get rid of unwanted spirits. They have to know that you have dominion in this reality. If they are mean, it may take some time but when I’ve had my fill of activity, I’m steadfast and stick to my guns in order to get them out.
Attachments Spirits have their own agendas and sometimes figuring out what their agendas are can be like going down a rabbit hole. It’s important to look at yourself as a whole individual with a protective bubble around you. The one-way spirits can attach themselves to people is when they are depressed and unprotected. Think of all the people who take medication for depression, it’s a real problem and a part of this problem is dark energy taking advantage of the low points in people’s emotional lives.
Here’s something that might help, first off, it’s important to have daily goals even habitual routines that are reminders to keep our shields of protection up. All this shield is, is asking your spirit guides or guardian angels or whoever to protect you. Imagine wings around you all day or a wonderful array of lights engulfing you. However, you can imagine your shield around you because it is the most important part of keeping the darkness at bay. Imagining it, feeling it and relaxing in its protection is what makes it real. It’s a daily ritual of asking that reminds us that at certain times within a day, we can become vulnerable. This is when we need help the most.
Dark Shadows Every so often in the various houses I’ve lived in, I have seen dark shadows. I don’t always see them as something apart of the house because I have seen them outside as well. I think they are beings from other dimensions who are fascinated with our energy. I think our vibrations of emotional highs and lows attract the attention of these creatures. Whatever appearance you see them it doesn’t really matter because they all seem to show themselves in whatever image gets the worst scare out of you. I’ve seen black blobs, shadows of men in military uniforms, tall and short figures of people and the list goes on. Whenever I see them, I say out loud, “I see you!” This has always worked in making them leave because for some reason they don’t like for the people to know they are watching them. I can’t say in all cases that if you let them know you see them that they will leave but at least it puts you on an even keel with whatever is looking at you. Awareness is key here.
Paralysis This is a weird one here because I have woken up on my stomach totally paralyzed except for my eyes looking around. I have had a strange dark figure try to pull me off the bed a few times with me paralyzed except for my eyes and a difficult time speaking or should I say screaming! If I focus on my vocal cords and really try to get them to work, I usually can make a sound squeak out and then I can get it louder from there. I think on this one if you can stay focused on your body and not what’s going on around you it helps. It’s important to try to get your mind over matter and focus on what works so that you can go to that inner place within you that is your source of power. This is what I call the sanctuary of the soul where God presides. In my opinion, there is nothing more powerful than this place within a person and if we can learn to focus on it, we usually can free ourselves. I know I did it in Egypt when I woke up paralyzed. The Medicine men and women I studied with showed me how to focus during times of distress.
You have to calm down your breathing, almost feeling your heartbeat, feeling it within your chest beating in a more relaxed manner. Secondly know that you are working from your mind and that what the mind tells the body to do, it does. Its part of the reality of this dimension, our mind is the pilot of our body. Focus on your inner sanctuary where your essence is most comfortable and at home. Between the two, mind and essence, focus on easing yourself from the confines of the paralysis. As it was told to me, all humans need to get used to going within themselves instead of focusing outside themselves. By going within, we make it harder for paralysis and mind control to happen. There’s a vast Universe within us that we never venture into, maybe it’s time you did.
Hope these examples help you. I’ve been dealing with all kinds of things for 50 years. Not much surprises me but there are those exceptions. I’ll talk about those in my next post.
e it harder for paralysis and mind control to happen. There’s a vast Universe within us that we never venture into, maybe it’s time you did.
Hope these examples help you. I’ve been dealing with all kinds of things for 50 years. Not much surprises me but there are those exceptions. I’ll talk about those in my next post.
Triggers and the Aftereffects– Is it all True Series #402
Out of the blue, triggers can sneak up on anybody. These are a few of my accounts where images and words literally debilitated my state of mind. One of the more alarming experiences that I can remember, happened around 2012.
My daughter asked me if I wanted to see a really good movie called, “Life of Pi”. I said sure and she went ahead and rented it for the evening. After dinner, we sat down and started watching the movie. After about 20 minutes or more into the movie, something snapped in me and I immediately jumped up and yelled at my daughter, “How dare you get this movie! You knew exactly what you were doing!”
I stomped off and my daughter was at a loss for words. She came into my bedroom and asked me what was wrong and I told her the movie was very upsetting for me and that I didn’t want to watch it. She was upset at me for yelling at her and I was just basically a frazzled mess. She left my bedroom and I tried to get some work done on my computer but to no avail.
That evening I cried for what seemed like hours and eventually fell asleep. The next morning, I felt like a freight train had run over me and my head felt like it was ten times larger than normal. My daughter felt responsible but I told her it had nothing to do with her; I apologized for my behavior and tried to make light of what happened. But I was depressed and totally out of it for a couple of weeks afterwards. To this day, I can’t even see images of that movie.
Another incident happened just recently with Michael. We were watching Utopia, a British TV series that was about mind control and vaccines. It was really good up until I saw a young infant around 1 or a little older with a bunny rabbit in front of him. I sensed what was going to happen and jumped up from my seat and went upstairs. After a bit I came back down and asked Michael if the bunny rabbit was harmed and he said yes. I told him, I couldn’t watch the show anymore because it reminded me of my childhood when I went to a Catholic school. A few of the adults used rabbits and kittens to get their point across that we should not tell our parents what they were doing with us. The military was connected and I think they were the ones scaring us but I have no proof.
My meltdowns seem to happen with animals either killing each other or getting hurt themselves.
This is one area that I may never find the answers to because I don’t think I have it in me to see what the memories are about. I think there are deeper areas here that I haven’t even touched. Some things I guess are just better left alone.