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Nick Redfern Speaks: Paranormal Bigfoot
Why Do So Many Bigfoot Researchers Ignore the Paranormal Side of the Mystery?
Just about everyone – whether they believe in it or not – have heard of the phenomenon of Bigfoot.They are, in essence, perceived by believers as North American, unknown apes. Even non-believers know what the creatures are supposed to be. As someone who has a deep interest in the field of Cryptozoology (a posh term for monster-hunting), I’ve spent a lot of time in the woods looking for the creatures – and particularly where the beasts have been seen regularly and still are seen in those same places. Such examples are the Big Thicket of Texas, the Florida Everglades, and the massive Pacific northwest forests. The creatures are said to be huge in size and, given there are sightings all across the USA, there must be thousands of the things. This brings me to the most important aspect of all this: why can’t we catch them? Even one! The fact is that we have never caught one. DNA is always hazy. Photos are never 100 percent perfect. The same goes for footage that is constantly debated. I wouldn’t mind if the creatures were tiny, little apes – creatures that could probably elude us if they were the size of a squirrel. But, as anyone knows, Bigfoot is not the size of a squirrel! The mysterious animals are giants!

If, as the evidence suggests, these creatures are real , then we really should, by now, have solid evidence for their existence. Even if the evidence only equated to just one body. Or, one live creature. But, not even that happens. How can it be we’re always able to get good, solid, undeniable pictures of deer, bears, etc., but when it comes to Bigfoot, there’s always an issue. Then, there’s the matter of the Bigfoot creatures vanishing before the eyes of startled people. I don’t mean them vanishing into the woods and blending in. I’m talking about them literally becoming invisible. I know of a lot of Bigfoot researchers who flatly refuse to believe that the things can vanish in a second. Yet, there are so many such cases on the record.
The late Rob Riggs, who was a dedicated researcher of the Bigfoot mystery, told me of the many and varied cases he’d come across in which witnesses to the Bigfoot had seen small balls of light surrounding the beasts. He also had reports of electrical equipment malfunctioning when the creatures were around. I have eight cases on record where people claim to have had psychic/ESP-style conversations with the things. Eyes, in some cases, change from normal to blazing red. Theories abound that the Bigfoot can leave our reality and stride into other realms of existence – what we might call multi-dimensions. “Worm-holes,” and “multi-dimensions” are among the words that pop up in such situations. The ability of the Bigfoot to affect peoples’ minds by the use of a low-frequency known as infrasound – a phenomenon that can affect the human mind and make people sick – has become a part of the Bigfoot mystery. Short-term memories can be affected by it. Witnesses feel sick and nauseous. I could go on and on, but, by now, you’ve probably got the point I’m making.

There’s one even bigger mystery that much be addressed: why is that so many Bigfoot seekers/researchers outright refuse to deal with the weirder side of the enigma? That’s one of the main things in this particular field I’ve never been able to understand. As I see it, we should be looking for the creatures, no matter what they are: flesh and blood, paranormal, or occult-based. That Bigfoot enthusiasts would actually get mad because someone told them they saw a Bigfoot vanish in a flash of light – or encountered it covered in flickering lights – is crazy. Ridiculous. Nutty. Everyone in this field should look at each case on its own merit, and not by censoring the data. Yes, censoring in this field does occur. Shame on them who are driven by belief.
Yes, there really are creatures out there that have become known as Bigfoot, Sasquatch, the Skunk Ape and more. But, they’re not what many people believe them to be – or earnestly want them to be. Namely, North American apes that are akin to African gorillas. The Bigfoot creatures have supernatural angles to them. Like it or not, but these things are much more than unknown apes. Trying to catch them like you might try and catch a grizzly bear is utterly pointless. Zoology will never solve the Bigfoot mystery. But, a paranormal/occult approach, one day, probably will.
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The Humanness of Sasquatch and its diversity

David Paulides wrote a book in 2008 called the Hoopa Project: Bigfoot encounters in California. David, a former law enforcement professionals, is a highly trained interviewer. His interviews among the Hoopa, First Nation may have been a historic first, because of David’s investigative abilities. David also had on his team an excellent forensic artist named, Harvey Pratt. The artwork that Harvey produced, was quite amazing and I would guess a very accurate projection of what the witnesses were telling him.
One of the main findings was, that the Bigfoot witnesses didn’t see the sagittal crest (pointed head), heavy brows, and ape-man “muzzle” features. The witnesses seemed to see what would be considered a more “wild-man” type of being.
My friend researcher, Kewaunee Lapseritis has said for many years that at a minimum there are two types of Bigfoot and maybe more, again the ape-type and the other human type. Also, there may be another one called, an Ancient One. This Ancient One has some features of both other types. On my last mini-expedition with Kewaunee, I was lucky to get a distance photo of an Ancient One.
Reports of this “wild-man” type, go back to the 1800s and were a favorite conversation of lumberjacks and other people who worked out in rural forested areas of North America. If you look at the Patterson/Gimlin film and the photos that have come from it, it truly shows human features, but some ape features also. There have also been interesting reports from Tennessee and Alaska also commenting about these human features. Could this human-type Bigfoot, be our missing link or are we their missing link? It looks like we have common DNA between the two species.

Rainbow, here in Oregon after having audio contact with a female Sasquatch, got a vision of this female Sasquatch and she had characteristics of a prehistoric humanoid, that had the Sasquatch typical hair known today. Also Rainbow had visual contact with a male Sasquatch ( Loekey) that had features she describes as all Sasquatch, where they look like nothing else in comparison.
Sleep tight – We will find out someday that Sasquatch is our closest relative in the human life chain and we came from a common ancestor. And I believe this could make us ( humans) hybrids of the Sasquatch or maybe more like Sasquatch’s evil twins.
Appearing and Disappearing Staircases and our Sasquatch Research
A while ago Michael and I got wind of a phenomenon that might have some truth to it. We had read some stories on Reddit about a SAR officer who claimed to have seen various staircases in the middle of forest treks with nothing else around them. How much truth is behind these stories and what should we look for when we enter the forests?
After reading multiple stories by this one particular search and rescue individual and then the numerous people adding their stories into the mix-well as you can imagine, a domino effect spiraled out of control and the conclusion for us at least, is on hold. Since Michael and I go into the forests in this area, we realized early on that there was a palatable feeling almost faerie like that gave us a sense of walking into a wonderland. Perhaps it is this very feeling that leads people astray because there is a comfort, false as it might be, that all is well.

In the various places we have been, we have been followed or accompanied by someone or something. Our new location is definitely Sasquatch homeland with the perfect setting for contact but so far we have only had the infamous footsteps that didn’t match ours especially when we stopped suddenly. But to our surprise we did have apples eaten in a hidden spot.
This new hidden spot was different from our other locations because I actually put wooden sticks up and covered a hole in the ground up against a tree. I put the sticks in a certain way and when we went back 2 weeks later, the sticks were in the position I left them but the apples were gone. We had a drawing I did of Warsiah our female Sasquatch contact in a plastic container and two granola bars. They left everything else but obviously wanted the apples.

I lived in various locations on ranches, camping out with raccoons coming around and as many of you may know, they are notoriously messy so we knew this interaction was from someone who was more courteous.
We left two more apples this past week and we plan to go back to see if the sticks are in the same position we left them and if anything has been taken. We are hopeful that this is another Sasquatch, time will tell.
But I must say, between our Sasquatch research and the appearing and disappearing staircases, the forests do have a different look to them, sometimes quieter, almost a hushed scary silence.
I know what some of you must be thinking, I didn’t say anything yet about appearing and disappearing staircases, so I’ll share with you all that we know so far. It looks like somebody took a house but left the stairs intact, in the middle of the forest. The staircases look new, almost as if time has had no effect on them. The forest is usually quiet, almost serene but with an ominous undertone. Birds don’t fly around the stairs including any of the forest animals. They all steer clear of them.

Some people have climbed to the top of the stairs and had nothing happen to them. Others have not been so lucky. One man who was at the top of a staircase, lost his hand when he raised it up. It was cutoff clean but nobody could see from what. Others have had bad luck afterwards or disappeared entirely from the top step never to be seen again. So beware if you see any staircases …

I feel our Sasquatch research keeps us safe enough because we don’t venture too far off the zig-zagged paths we follow. We have seen staircases of late but they don’t have the same scary look to them as the staircases I mentioned. But if we do see one, we’ll be sure to steer clear of it but I promise, we’ll take a few photos of it before we carry on our way, looking for our Sasquatch friends.
A Hike in the Woods

Ever walked a trail in the forest, after listening to David Paulides talk about disappearances? In the back of your mind … the stories are there and every step you take, every breath you make, lingers in slow motion because it’s the, “what if,” scenario that makes your pulse quicken while your eyes dart around for any sudden movement or sound. A hike in the forest will never be the same.
Michael and I enjoy walks and we try to visit our forest friends as often as we can. This particular walk for both of us was a bit sobering. As researchers, we know what might be out there and we also know surprises can lurk around any corner. The majesty of the trees, the sound of the river racing along, can make a person forget to be vigilant because let’s face it, we go on hikes to relax, not to stress ourselves out.
The big question is if we think about Sasquatch, Dogman or the mystery Cryptid, Michael coined, Creature X, do we attract them to us? What if the little elemental sprites, faeries are running around, will they know we come in peace? The darkness and its shadowy minions can play havoc on our fears, so what happens when and if our paths cross?
The day was just like any other day, here in Oregon, bright and lovely, the clouds seemed to almost dip down and touch us, and the path was one of the best we have seen, almost like it was cleared and laid out just for us. So, why was I nervous?
This was our first time in this particular forest so it felt a little intimidating, at least for me. We took apples, granola bars and a note for Warsiah. We usually leave something for the Sasquatch every time we go on a hike.
The trail was just beautiful with tall trees and amazing smells. We were the only people on the trail so it felt like we were in our own piece of paradise. Twenty minutes into the hike, we both noticed that there were no birds or squirrels to be seen … anywhere.
I stated that this was odd to Michael and he agreed. My mind was racing and I was trying to remember what I was told by my benefactors years ago when they told me what birds being quiet meant. Was it a warning?
I had the impression that literally no squirrels lived in this forest and maybe that is a possibility but I’ve never known this to be. And besides that, I really didn’t notice any bugs flying around. It was if we were in a forest that had no animals living in it at all. So, was this a vortex we were in? This is the only answer that seems to check most of the boxes in my mind, except, I didn’t notice any weird smells or electricity in the air.
After about almost an hour, we heard our first bird but never saw any squirrels. We didn’t even see a bird flying around, only heard them. I reasoned that maybe this was because the trees were so tall, maybe the birds were up high but even still, when birds aren’t around, that definitely is alarming.
We then heard a noise, it sounded like a footstep to our left, further back where some trees were down. We started to walk and again, there was that same noise that sounded like a step, almost like someone or something was following us.
We heard other sounds but the footsteps seemed to be the most unsettling. After we heard the steps, we decided to walk a bit further and then turn around. We found a secret place to put the apples and other goodies for Warsiah (our Oregonian Sasquatch contact) and we started back.
On the way back, I thought of all the missing people who started off just like we did but never made it back home. Does awareness of beings in the forest guarantee a safe journey back to the car? I don’t really know, but one thing I do know is that hikes for Michael and I, as much as we love them, will always be a bit precarious now. After all, the first step on any trail either leads to the desired destination or one that is unexpected.
Just remember, we really aren’t alone in the forests, maybe we never really were but thanks to the hard work of David Paulides and others, we now know to be awake and aware. Happy and safe trails.
Sasquatch and the Egyptian Connection – Part 2

The Sasquatch that I saw was different, an ancient group that was more original to the look of what the Sasquatch embodied, many thousands of years ago. They had nothing in common with humans when they came here; the novelty for them was the chance to trade and interact with us. They learned quickly how dangerous humans were and because of this, they have very little contact except for a chosen few they feel they can trust.
The Demigods liked trading and working with the Sasquatch because they were not only experts in earth’s geological structure but great gemologists and metallurgists. If anyone group can find gold, the Sasquatch is at the top of the list. I often wonder if this is where myth and legend come into play regarding dwarfs. I know the physiology between them is at opposite ends but as time passes by, the enduring stories of old tend to stay alive, especially by livening up the details a bit.
Gold is the main component of Gaia’s blood. Is it any wonder this is the aphrodisiac of the Demigods? Does Vampirism come to mind?
I know with this bit of information, I will probably get people thinking I’m a Looney tune, but this is what I was told and I stand by it.
The Demigods took humankind’s inner compass and felt it best to block it and alter what inner knowledge we were born with. As thousands of years have passed by, we, unfortunately, have no idea what has been lost. What was written in books was either hidden away or destroyed. A society ignorant of their birthright is much easier to manage. Within us, cobwebs and dust have accumulated becoming like the sands of time. Even if we dig up our past, the chances of understanding what we find are mute, especially if we don’t even know or remember, our connection to Gaia.
After the Demigods did this, they then embarked on an exhaustive campaign of epic proportions … religion. Spirituality went out the window and images, sculptures and structures were erected in their likeness. Mythology is an interesting and wondrous topic taught in schools but at certain points in history, these immortal beings were alive, especially for their many followers and worshipers. The Demigods were out in the open for over a thousand years but they eventually saw that hiding in plain sight, was easier. Various religions played a key role in manipulating the masses, making sure everyone toed the line. Thinking outside the box of specified doctrines even to this day isn’t allowed and frowned upon, especially by religious purists and fundamentalists.

Sasquatch saw this manipulation and started to cut ties with the Demigods. The “live and let live,” gentle giants wanted no part in this manipulation. They came to love this planet and many made it their home planet. Others travel back and forth through natural portals that manifest and disappear within a time frame that is queued from sacred geometry. These portals change locations every three weeks. The Sasquatch are born with an innate ability that helps them sense where they manifest at any given time. I think this might be one of the reasons why the Military might be interested in the Sasquatch.
Egypt is the best way to see how the Demigods played out the different aspects of their agenda. The Pharaohs acting as living Gods was one way of familiarizing the masses with their rulers. Interbreeding with humans ensured that this sacred bloodline, specific to the Demigods would live on.
Not many people know this, but the Sasquatch were in Egypt many, thousands of years ago. The pyramids Menkaure, Khafre and Khufu to name a few are natural portals that are still used today. The Sasquatch don’t use these portals anymore since they easily can travel back and forth, closer to home. The natural portals are usually found in national forests around the world.
I had my own experience of missing time in Egypt with one of Menkaure’s smaller pyramids. Around 2 or 3 am, I climbed to the top of one of the pyramids and after I stopped to catch my breath, I heard a humming sound, blacked out and a few minutes later, I reemerged on the same spot except 2 to 3 hours had passed and I could hear the morning prayer on the loudspeakers. Maybe the smaller ones are portals too.
So today we have a history that is hidden, and yet it is crucial to understand that until we start to take a stand, not just for off-handed answers that are circulated time and time again … no, it’s time we make it clear we want to know the truth of our past and WHO has manipulated it so that we are only half the humans we used to be. We deserve to know how connected we are to Gaia and what that connection means. I believe, Sasquatch is here to help us make a stand because it is obvious that the Demigods will do whatever is in their power to keep hidden the secrets of our freedom.
Warsiah Continued
Interestingly, things with Warsiah didn’t go as I planned and in some ways that is the best way things can go. We went back the following week and took chocolate, apples and granola bars for Warsiah. She loves chocolate!
The second week, we put an apple in location #1 in-between the tree trunk and saw that the apple was completely taken out with nothing there. In location #2 which was Warsiah’s choice, we put chocolate, an apple and the granola bar in the tree trunk.
We walked for a while, which took us around an hour and decided to go back and see if anything was taken. In location #1, the apple was still there. In location #2, to my surprise and Michael’s delight, she took the chocolate out of the plastic and folded it back and put it back in the tree trunk. We got a partially eaten apple with teeth marks but the granola bar was still there.
That for me was just as exciting as the wreath because of the fact that she put the plastic back and folded it. She definitely is a classy gal and I could feel her presence that day.
In-between the following week, Warsiah told me she and her clan were moving to higher ground away from the hustle and bustle of people. She said that we had to go find her further in the forest. That is not easy, to say the least. I know the general direction but not the exact location.
After getting this news, the following week we went back and took more food and checked each location. Location #1 had no apple so we replaced it and put in a granola bar. Location #2, the apple was gone; the granola wrapper was opened up. (Footnote: I had shown her how to open it) the chocolate was still there.
I knew immediately that she hadn’t been there and I felt someone else had taken the apple and granola bar. We decided to replace the apple, granola bar and keep the chocolate in the plastic wrapper so she could find it. (I didn’t know if she had left yet.)
Michael wanted to find another location that we named location #3. In that location, we placed an apple, chocolate, the drawing I had done of her, a granola bar and a written note saying hello from Michael and me.
At this time I had received two new names of Sasquatch in Warsiah’s clan. Echobah is a very tall, 9 to 10 feet in height male, reddish in color who is very vocal, though I will say I have not heard him as of yet. Warsiah said he is very vocal and I assumed that we would have heard him by now but I think they all left before this could happen.
Also, Warsiah has a son and I received the name, Obregon. He’s an adolescent, about 6 feet high and dark brown with light brown hair like Warsiah. I was hoping to see them all before they left but this past week, her chocolate still hasn’t been touched or the granola bar from location #2 and #3.
On this day, I could feel all three. That blissful feeling that you hear about people getting when they communicate, it was consuming and intoxicating. The most amazing feeling I have ever felt in my life!
Interestingly these past few weeks we have been finding money on the ground, twice so far. The first time was a $5 dollar bill down on the ground below the passenger side door at a coffee shop and the second time a $5 and $1 dollar bill in front of our house. I heard that they can leave money so if it happens a third time, I will know it’s from Warsiah.
Michael also received a name while we were visiting the third location. The name that came to him was, Camoot. So, we will see where these names, money and new location take us. Stay tuned!
The People of Heart
In a land not so far away, are very enchanting people. They walk a path, one that leads to more questions than it answers. It’s a never-ending path that zigzags and straight-lines itself into twists and turns. It’s a shadowy and ominous place full of silence and the respite of languishing dreams. Humans call it-the Forest; the clans of Sasquatch call it home.
The smell of rainfall and the wetness squishing between each footstep, along with the swirling clouds opening up to the sun and then closing their puffy doors without notice, is an everyday occurrence for the Oregonian Sasquatch. They welcome Natures fickle and remedial musings.
The air is full of promise; the wind echoes the songs and dialogues of everyone she passes, almost becoming the gossipmonger of all. The trees stand strong almost as if they are the sentient guardians that have truly stood the tests of time. It’s a world that very few humans understand and that to the Sasquatch is the way they prefer it.
To understand the Sasquatch world, humans would have to first confront their inner fears, those created by insecurities developed within the concrete world of their making. Secondly, they would have to be willing to let go of materialistic and superficial desires that fill the mind with constant want, the insatiable appetite for convenience.
To be with Sasquatch in the moment, is a meditation of the mind, almost like a Zen moment that is beyond a hallucination, the reality in 3D to all the senses, feeling, tasting and seeing beyond the flat and mundane colors of existence in our concrete reality. They see how we live as a prison, self-created, self-imposed, inflicted upon our children with no more regard than it would be to shoot down a bird for sport. They see us as lost children, constantly looking for sustenance and meaning to a world we created out of a tedium and laborious mindset.
They reach out because they are people of heart.
This isn’t because they see that we always need help, but because they see us asking, seeking, and sometimes silently screaming for answers that often seem to evade us but only because we can’t see past our own convoluted ideals. They remind us, the answers are always within arm’s reach, we just need to get past preconceived notions that reality only existed after we placed it in our concrete world, and hid it in a well forgotten place called, in consequence.
The Eagle and the Hawk and a Sasquatch named Warsiah
During our most recent Sasquatch research outing, we pulled into a parking lot of a nearby State Park and something caused Rainbow to look up into the sky to witness an amazing maybe once in a lifetime event. It was a Bald Eagle and a large brown speckled Hawk flying about 20 feet apart. They were in peace with each other’s presence, which in its self would be a major happening. Two birds of prey don’t normally dance nicely together. The Native Americans would consider what we both saw, as a sign of something important going to happen. And it did.
We had gone to see if a female Sasquatch named, Warsiah had taken apples again and a chocolate offering we had left about 3 days before. One apple and a small piece of wrapped chocolate were placed in the middle of a cluster of tightly paired Douglas fir trees. And another apple in a small stump – 4 foot high that had a center that was rotted out to make a perfect hiding place for a nice Organic Fiji apple. This was a particularly picturesque area with moss-covered tree trucks and a small running creek.
When we came back on this day, we went to the closest hidden site to the parking lot and yes the Apple was taken, but the Chocolate was not. Rainbow thought Warsiah probably didn’t know what the small package was, but Rainbow said she would first let Warsiah know if we leave something new in the future. Oh you need to know one more thing, Rainbow is a receiver/Empath and she can get communications from a Sasquatch and she has. Rainbow can even ask a question or two but for now more receiving than sending.
In to the second location, Warsiah had told Rainbow to find this particular tree with a hole in it for the apple. And on this return trip, again the Apple was gone. So it was a happy result, but the best was yet to come.
Instead of turning back toward the parking lot Rainbow was directed by Warsiah to go back on the trail toward an open field and as we did that I saw the beautiful wreath hanging from a small broken tree limb. I call it, Warsiah’s twisted vine art – our gift from a Sasquatch. I was looking for something of solid evidence since I am not as gifted as Rainbow is-as an Empath. The wreath was that evidence I wanted.
Rainbow mentioned after the wonderful day, that Warsiah told her, I was the Eagle and Rainbow was the Hawk. Rainbow had told Warsiah she loved feathers, this was Warsiah way of giving more.
Sleep Tight – There is more to come – with the Eagle, the Hawk and Warsiah.
Encounters— Everywhere Anywhere
I have gone into deep woods in search of Sasquatch contact, but as time goes on I have started to realize that people have had encounters anywhere in the world – urban/rural/ desert / forest/islands and everywhere in between.
I have recently moved to Oregon and interestingly found out we live in the county with the most sightings in the country. Now remember its Oregon and people here are very open to these type of encounters, and I recently learned from a Sasquatch contactee that they love these huge trees that Oregon offers. Word has it they use the extensive root systems of these trees to communicate and even travel. The contactee I am speaking of is my finance and her first Sasquatch contact was in the shower in Albuquerque, telepathy. Her next encounter was in Portland area a suburb call Lake Oswego in the physical an in the house encounter.
My encounters and sighting happened in the deep woods of Northeastern Washington State, which was made up of a couple of prints, hand on my shoulder in tent, a photo and a chorus of hooting Sasquatch. But there are many examples of the big Guys being seen and felt in urban areas around this country.
So let’s look at a few cities around the country that have had recent Sasquatch sightings , first Chicago there is a large forest preserve northwest side of the city , where joggers have gotten glimpses of the hairy folks over the years. In St Louis at their famous River Park there have been several sightings recently by picnickers who said they felt their presence and briefly saw the big guys watching them eat their food. King County/ Seattle 50 reported solid sighting the last 2 years. Miami/ Dade county numerous sightings of the Skunk Apes looking into people’s windows near the Everglades locations. And for many years south of Denver there has been a rash of day and night sightings in the middle of beautiful suburban areas.
So the bottom line here is researchers stay home, save your money they are in your backyard, meditate, look and be patient. If you are a peace loving person with a very open mind, they will contact you just reach out to them in a meditative state, and they will come – that easy.
Sleep tight – the paranormal is a normal state that exists all around you, embrace it and explore it.