Our planet’s magnetic field normally flips every 200,000 to 300,000 years – north pole to south pole. It is 500 to 600 thousands years overdue. The magnetic field has been weakening by roughly 5%, every 10 years. A weakening or unstable magnetic field could be a sign that a reversal is about to occur. The strength of the magnetic field normally fluctuates quite a bit, but the rate that this appears to be happening is larger than normal. The field appears to be weakening about ten times faster than previously predicted, indicating that an event could be coming sooner than first projected. All this information, was from a Swarm Science meeting in Copenhagen this Summer.
I do vortex photography made possible on the principle of portals created by earth’s Magnetic field. When an area on earth has high magnetic readings, next to a low magnetic reading, a Rip Zone is created, where interesting beings and creatures from another time or dimensional plane, can come through to our world in our present time.
About 28 years ago, much lower than normal magnetic readings were reported in Eastern Canada, from the Hudson Bay area to the Atlantic ocean and on the edge of this area were Rip Zones. Also note, this area, suffered a massive blackout in 1989 from a Solar Flare event because of its weak magnetic field . During this same period, there were many UFO sightings. I believe the alien crafts, used the Rip Zones around the weakened magnetic field, to easily come through the portals.
In recent months, there has been weakening magnetic areas in Amazonian areas of South America and Southeast Asia , so I believe Rip Zones will develop in the near future in those areas. This will thin the veil, allowing anything good or bad to come through until the magnetic shift happens and the portals close. These areas will also be vulnerable to massive power grid issues from Solar activity, since the protective shield from the earth is becoming weaker by the year.
The concerning question is, what happens to the the beings or creatures that came through to our side? Will they leave before the magnetic shift is completed and the portals close or stay with an unknown agenda ?
Sleep tight , If you start seeing UFOs and other paranormal activity near your home blame it on a weakening magnetic fields and a portal opening up. Eyes open, no fear, be safe.