I have been doing research in the strange but real world of UFO and the Paranormal for over 50 years, and one thing I have learned is that you need to practice some serious form of self-protection, especially when doing field research. This is because we are dealing with entities like reptilians, ghosts, forest beings, and dark entities of all shapes and forms and they can harm you physically and mentally.
The problem here is since a researcher is going into various powerful beings’ habitat, it is truly best to put some protection around your physical and energetic body. These entities can attach themselves to the unaware researcher and cause havoc after the person leaves the field research area and re-enters his/her home base.
So what can happen if you are not careful and don’t protect yourself? Here are a few examples. First, many of you have heard of Skinwalker Ranch, a powerful vortex in Utah where strange entities come and go through a portal area on the old ranch. The volume of strangeness became so great that the government took it over to watch over this huge vortex. Back before the government took over, a man came out to meditate on the ranch and to make contact with the alien entities, but through this process, his mind was possessed by frightening beings, and that ended his meditation career, and he was never the same. Rainbow and I also went to the Ranch. It seemed like everything was quite normal with the experience. We smudged before and on the way back home but a couple of strange entities followed us to our house. Rainbow being empathic was able to communicate with the two entities, keeping the diabolical one at bay.
Another personal experience I had, was when I was meditating in my home in Georgia, I received a telepathic warning that entities were on their way. The warning led me to believe they were coming for negative purposes so I prepared myself and was ready. Shortly after I received the warning, three reptilian beings came into my meditation and wanted permission to enter my house and possibly do harm to me and/or my family. I confronted them outside my home and they vanished. Confronting them in a fearless way normally will stop their advances.
All of these bad outcomes could have been avoided with a little extra protection. Researchers should simply clear themselves as they leave their homes, doing both, a clearing mantra and smudging. Also before entering a research area, researchers should ask for permission which can either be granted or reject. If permission is rejected, leave immediately. Finally, if permission is granted and you are leaving the research area you should thank the entities for allowing you to occupy their space. A final protection could be to recite a mantra before the researcher enters his/her home base stating that no entities may enter your sacred place now or ever. It’s quick and it works.
Sleep tight, you always need to protect your mind and soul, because they have infinite cosmic value. To some entities, it’s like winning the lottery, especially if they can invade a human’s inner- self.