Ever walked a trail in the forest, after listening to David Paulides talk about disappearances? In the back of your mind … the stories are there and every step you take, every breath you make, lingers in slow motion because it’s the, “what if,” scenario that makes your pulse quicken while your eyes dart around for any sudden movement or sound. A hike in the forest will never be the same.
Michael and I enjoy walks and we try to visit our forest friends as often as we can. This particular walk for both of us was a bit sobering. As researchers, we know what might be out there and we also know surprises can lurk around any corner. The majesty of the trees, the sound of the river racing along, can make a person forget to be vigilant because let’s face it, we go on hikes to relax, not to stress ourselves out.
The big question is if we think about Sasquatch, Dogman or the mystery Cryptid, Michael coined, Creature X, do we attract them to us? What if the little elemental sprites, faeries are running around, will they know we come in peace? The darkness and its shadowy minions can play havoc on our fears, so what happens when and if our paths cross?
The day was just like any other day, here in Oregon, bright and lovely, the clouds seemed to almost dip down and touch us, and the path was one of the best we have seen, almost like it was cleared and laid out just for us. So, why was I nervous?
This was our first time in this particular forest so it felt a little intimidating, at least for me. We took apples, granola bars and a note for Warsiah. We usually leave something for the Sasquatch every time we go on a hike.
The trail was just beautiful with tall trees and amazing smells. We were the only people on the trail so it felt like we were in our own piece of paradise. Twenty minutes into the hike, we both noticed that there were no birds or squirrels to be seen … anywhere.
I stated that this was odd to Michael and he agreed. My mind was racing and I was trying to remember what I was told by my benefactors years ago when they told me what birds being quiet meant. Was it a warning?
I had the impression that literally no squirrels lived in this forest and maybe that is a possibility but I’ve never known this to be. And besides that, I really didn’t notice any bugs flying around. It was if we were in a forest that had no animals living in it at all. So, was this a vortex we were in? This is the only answer that seems to check most of the boxes in my mind, except, I didn’t notice any weird smells or electricity in the air.
After about almost an hour, we heard our first bird but never saw any squirrels. We didn’t even see a bird flying around, only heard them. I reasoned that maybe this was because the trees were so tall, maybe the birds were up high but even still, when birds aren’t around, that definitely is alarming.
We then heard a noise, it sounded like a footstep to our left, further back where some trees were down. We started to walk and again, there was that same noise that sounded like a step, almost like someone or something was following us.
We heard other sounds but the footsteps seemed to be the most unsettling. After we heard the steps, we decided to walk a bit further and then turn around. We found a secret place to put the apples and other goodies for Warsiah (our Oregonian Sasquatch contact) and we started back.
On the way back, I thought of all the missing people who started off just like we did but never made it back home. Does awareness of beings in the forest guarantee a safe journey back to the car? I don’t really know, but one thing I do know is that hikes for Michael and I, as much as we love them, will always be a bit precarious now. After all, the first step on any trail either leads to the desired destination or one that is unexpected.
Just remember, we really aren’t alone in the forests, maybe we never really were but thanks to the hard work of David Paulides and others, we now know to be awake and aware. Happy and safe trails.