Our journeys from New Mexico, Utah, and Oregon have initiated some contacts that were more bone-chilling than others. Do these type of Entities, really understand the effect they have on the human psyche or do they have such a cold indifference, that they don’t care?
From the information that Antioch gave me, I tried to find out what other researchers in the field of Djinn have discovered and believed. I wrote to Rosemary Guiley and she responded to my first email, saying she would get back to me. She never did. I sent two more emails and they were never responded to. I also wrote to George Knapp and he also responded to my first email, saying, he would get back to me but that also proved to be a dead end.
I was disappointed because I thought Rosemary Guiley, would be interested in my contact with a Djinn since she is an expert on this topic and George Knapp because the Djinn I encountered came from, Skinwalker Ranch in Utah.
So I decided I am going to state what I know and let it stand on its own.
I’ll start by refreshing everyone’s memory regarding this particular trip Michael and I made while we lived in Utah. Skinwalker Ranch was always on our radar and we knew we would eventually be heading there to investigate the area. On the day we went, we smudged going and coming back and did all the things you would do to stay safe.
To make a long story … short, not much happened while we were there. It was after we pulled up into our garage that contact was made. This meant that contact didn’t necessarily have to happen there. Anyone can be followed and we were.
Two Beings made themselves known to me. First, was Amadeus and then Antioch. Interesting name choices, don’t you think? Theirs, not mine.
Amadeus and Antioch are the keepers of a very special vortex on the ranch. They showed me in my mind’s eye where the vortex is on the property so I could see where they basically come from. They are the balance between the light and dark frequencies that pull on the earth’s magnetic field from the inside out. This particular vortex is very important and special because it is one of three; natural vortexes in the US that affects Mother Earth and actually has a great enough impact on her ability to spin. The frequency from Skinwalker Ranch is unique with the vortex going all the way into inner earth, connecting with a very unusual magnetic ley line that is part of how our earth rotates.
Think of it this way, there are many doorways to Inner Dimensions that are accessed through this vortex. The one thing that I was told, is that you have to know how to use the vortex. Anyone who ventures in, who don’t know the protocols, can end up lost or in a place they didn’t intend. I think it has to do with the time of day or night, when it’s entered and what is brought into it. But because of the importance of this vortex and all that it attracts, it would make sense that very powerful Beings would be a part of its guardianship.
Amadeus is a light being close to what Angels are except he-she is Earthbound. Amadeus is a hermaphrodite, harmoniously encompassing both male and female energy. From what I was told, Amadeus is in contact with the Heavenly sphere but he-she didn’t call it this. It’s more like a light portal, a location where Energy Beings come together, connect, gather information and decide on matters. Amadeus had light moving through him-her that was like rainbow-colored sunbeams. The light passed through him-her fast and at other times swirled and vibrated out from head to toe. In my mind’s eye, this was quite a luminous sight!
Antioch was more emphatic on talking with me. I didn’t like this because I felt as if he assumed this was his right. His energy was like a pulsating thick river that moved at a heartbeat speed. It was as if the colors of red, yellow and copper were flowing through him, pulsating with each heartbeat, almost ready to explode or implode through him. I thought at first he was the Devil himself, but he seemed older if that is even possible.
Both Amadeus and Antioch were tall, both over 10 feet, probably more but what was interesting was they tolerated each other. This I found bizarre.
Antioch tried to get my attention for days and I just didn’t want to communicate with him because I knew what he was and I also knew he didn’t like humans, not in the least. He didn’t let my mind rest and there was paranormal stuff going on, so I finally allowed a conversation to take place.
Here’s part of what he said.
The Djinn were on this planet from its inception, they are literally like smaller assimilated versions of hydrogen and helium energies that have a consciousness.
He told me that he was not a Demon but that he didn’t mind the public misidentifying him with them. To Antioch, Demons are always subservient to something or someone else. Antioch said his kind, were created when the Angels were created and so they have a relationship with the Angelic realm. He doesn’t fight with them but they serve very different purposes. His primordial lineage is connected to planets, suns, red dwarfs, galactic mass-energy that is as old as space and time. He laughed and said; time is only used for more primitive species such as humans. His seems to embody a void kind of existence that in itself surprisingly waits for evolving life energy whether it’s the consciousness of a planet or species.
Antioch’s existence doesn’t consist of a compassionate-conscious awareness of other Beings, only the knowledge that they exist. Djinn are a reclusive species and want their domain to be left alone which is why they don’t like us. They feel they were duped into giving us this planet. To them, we are not only inferior but a wasted experiment. He says we are a test tube species that was created for cellular myopathy testing for other Beings. The disease is created here and used on us to see how it changes and decimates the body.
Demons, come in many different types: Inter-dimensional, dimensional, and lower frequency vibrations that exist on other planes parallel to this one. They can manifest within the blink of an eye and they are harder to get rid of than any parasite imagined. They don’t function well here on their own, so they need to possess a human body to reside here.
Demons, don’t like humans either so we have two different species that have it in for us. Antioch also talked about Dreggs who he said are actually the underlings of Demons who do their bidding. They are more so than not, what humans see when they call up the dark side. According to Antioch, Demons don’t come out just because humans call to them, they usually send a Dregg to see what kind of deal can be made, first.
The deal that is made, is the difference between the Djinn and Demons. Djinn don’t make deals. They don’t want to possess a human and they don’t need anything other than the very planet we live on. What they want is their planet back where they resided so many eons ago, before we were a sparkle in the creator’s eye.
So, this info is what Antioch, shared with me. Take from it what you will but for what it’s worth, I did leave some things out, that I felt weren’t necessary.
Personally, I think we have surprised many Beings because, throughout all of the trials and tribulations on this planet, there are many of us who know that our souls are made of the ultimate light source of a consciousness awareness that embodies rapturous joy, love, compassion, and understanding.
I might be a lab rat, but at least I’m a conscious one and I know I belong on this planet. Her frequency runs through my veins and being born on Mother Earth means, that I have a place, I can call home. Demons, can’t say this and the Djinn can’t deny this. Humans as a species have come a long way… Rainbow