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Dugway Photos for the Dimensional Walking Episode 12 Youtube video
The YouTube video will be live at 11:00 am PST Wed. 03/17/21 – check out at “Dimensional walking – a paranormal journey”
Photos below:

It was taken on one of our Dugway Utah trips about One mile east of the base. We were looking down into a small valley

Taken in Skull Valley – up against hills east side of main highway

West side main highway driving toward the base
Dugway — a place far away but in Utah – Is it all True Series #421
This week will be a brief post. Here are a few more photos from our Dugway trip from last year and earlier this year.
I do believe that there are more energy beings coming to the planet.
Utah is definitely different than New Mexico. The Plasma Photon vehicles seem to be attracted to this area. The years we were in NM, I didn’t notice them and they didn’t come out in photographs that Michael or I took.
There is also something else … I saw what appeared to be like a 10 foot wave of energy that gently came towards me, washing over me. I felt it a few weeks ago and noticed that things started changing, blocks opened up and stagnant energy around me not only started to flow, it became a raging river flooding my senses.
Be on the lookout for changes because they are coming in all shapes and sizes, personal, public, natural and man-made.
Along the Road to Dugway Proving Grounds … Continued Is it all True Series #410
Michael and I went back to Skull Valley after the snow stopped towards the beginning of February. In my mind, I was eager for the same type of photos and yet at the same time, hoping that our one special day was unique and not repeatable.
My wish came true since the photos didn’t pan out or show any type of images remotely similar to the previous trip. It was kind of a bust in a way but then we did get a few anomalies in some photographs.
Like dutiful researchers we went back but to be honest, nothing seemed to be pulling us to go back there. It was almost like intuitively, we knew the plasma photon vehicles wouldn’t be there. We followed the same steps from our prior trip so I am convinced high strangeness wasn’t in the mix that day. The paranormal equation in some instances has to play a factor to at least effect the outcome of certain experiences or circumstances. It was nowhere to be seen the day we went.
There is one thing that I am interested in though, in the area of the mountains where the summit is along old Lincoln Highway, I always get a sense of an intelligence similar to Sasquatch but much, much different. We are interested in checking out this particular area which is where we got the photograph of the reddish looking plasma photon vehicle. We both feel it’s worth a look to see if we can make some sort of contact in the near future.
Today it snowed, so I think we will be waiting until April to check this area out. When we do and if there is anything to report, we will let you all know.
On the Road to Dugway– Is it all True Series #409
This has been a long time coming not only because Michael and I have photographs that depict our little friends coming in and out of view but it’s the first time my empathic abilities led us to a definite destination. I was contacted by these energy beings from our first trip to Dugway. They indicated they wanted us to go back out to Skull Valley to see them. There were moments when I thought maybe I was tricking myself into thinking that it was all in my head. As an Empath sometimes we doubt ourselves as much as the next guy. Thank God, Michael knew we had to go because he felt it was important. So this is our journey the second time around to Dugway. By putting our findings out to the world, there is no telling what the world will say back to us but we both feel it’s important to share these photos and see if anyone else has seen the same thing.
The first trip out to Dugway started with me listening to multiple radio shows about Dugway Proving Grounds and the possibility that it may be the new Area 51.So We decided to head out to Dugway a few months after moving to Utah. The ride in itself was interesting because the Goshute Reservation is located at the base of the Deep Creek Mountains which is just 85 miles from Salt Lake City and not very far from Dugway. The reservation itself seems desolate but active at the same time. It being our first road trip out, Michael and I sensed an odd energy to the place. It’s obvious that a lot of the biological and chemical testing changed the vibration of the land. It has almost like a scarred energy to it, it’s not necessarily the most vibrant valley but its hard core, like it’s been through a lot like a seasoned warrior.
It leads one to believe that anything can happen in the valley that extends for miles; paranormal, Military Ops or Alien. The valley is isolated, eerily quiet with at least one ranch with stockyards in operation along a two lane road heading south to Dugway. That to me just makes it even stranger because the ranch seemed so out of place. The wind seems to blow constantly which gave Michael and I reservations about getting out of the car since it’s so close to the base. It’s the perfect storm, the sleeping giant that not many people know about.
The infamous journey of photographs started after our first trip to Dugway in November 2015. The light beings became aware of both of us on that trip and decided from that moment on to communicate with me. Day after day, they didn’t let up and Michael was a little concerned over my obsessive desire to go back to the Valley. It was not like me but it was obvious my desire was influenced and a result of these light beings wanting us to go back.
We went back the first part of December and I remember the final moment we turned off the main highway heading south towards Skull Valley, we both felt that something would reveal itself … and as you can see, it did.
Michael came up with the name, “Plasma Photon Vehicles,” in the shower, a few days after our road trip. When he told me, I was pretty impressed with the name and find it fits the images perfectly. We don’t feel comfortable saying they are orbs, spheres or energy vortexes because they don’t look like many photos we have seen on-line stating the latter.
The details of the day I took the photos are pretty standard. It was past noon or a little later and the sky was partly cloudy. Michael’s camera is a Nikon digital camera that is pretty easy to use. I got out of the car and aimlessly photographed the landscape because I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to be taking pictures of. Once the images appeared, we were very excited.
We continued past Dugway on a winding road up to the base of the surrounding mountains. It happens to be part of the old Lincoln Highway which was one of the earliest transcontinental highways for cars across the US. This was the area where I took a photograph that Michael feels is the creme dela creme of the day. It was taken in haste because there was a truck full of men behind our car so I didn’t want to get out. I just told Michael to stop the car and I snapped the photo without really thinking much of it.
As researchers, Michael and I knew we had to go back and take more photos to see if the plasma photons were a common phenomenon in that area or something unusual from our special road trip.
Our next trip back was surprising to say the least …