Missing 411- Montana- New Book – David Paulides

David Paulides has just released another blockbuster Missing 411 book!!!!!!!
Missing 411- Montana is the first book ever written exclusively about a state. It has 289 pages of cases and something a United States book has NEVER included a full-size color cluster map. Over 30 all-new cases with several updates on older incidents previously covered.
This project has been one year in the making and has some of the most bizarre cases David has ever researched. There is another big change to David’s book, starting with Montana, there are MANY more photos!
The book is only available on our website for pre-sale.
All books will ship on December 7.
The book and the stand-alone map- $24.99
Pre-Order now and guarantee yourself a copy: https://www.canammissing.com/huge-announcement.html

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Dave Paulides Presents- An Alert

In the past, David and I have done a bit of dueling bingos on my website about the reality of Sasquatch and their possible involvement with missing persons in the wilderness. As time goes by people’s wisdom and knowledge can change or evolve and that is what I believe has happened to David over the years, it happens to us all. I have followed him for several years, he is a good guy, a great researcher, and an excellent detective. He has asked to spread this important video – so enjoy.

Thanks David, Mike