Werewolfs and Wolfman have been known around the world since the beginning when man started to pass down stories of them from Scandinavia. England to India, China, Japan, Brazil, and Russia to name a few areas.
These were scary creatures tall with a wolf-like appearance (with a longer narrower snout than a wolf ), running bi-pedal, with strides four to six feet and more. They are quite a sight, as I will tell you about my personal experience later.
Wolves in Native American vision are magical animals – powerful, very smart, and with a spiritual aura to them. They probably have nothing to do with the Cryptids that have the appearance similarities. Wolves are magnificent creatures, I have seen them in the wild and one to touch from a wolf sanctuary. It’s a must event on your bucket list. That is why I have them at the top of my web page.
A werewolf and wolfman are the mythical versions of the Dogman. They are mythical because these have a man turning in a wolf or a man part of them and I don’t buy it. Man has always tried to make things scarier, so we embellish for maximum effect.
But Dogman is real, we ( Rainbow and I ) have seen one. Back several years ago when we lived in New Mexico we were hiking on the east slope of Sandia Mountain outside of Albuquerque. We parked at the trailhead, Rainbow got out first ( as normal ), and moved toward the trail, I got out and saw a huge bear in front of her and I shouted to watch out. The bear ran and that was that., at least we thought, Then Rainbow noticed a very tall hunched over person gliding across the ridge ahead of us. I saw it too, but it was NOT a person – it was an 8 ft plus Dogman. After catching our breath we decided on a fearless move, follow it.
So we curiously walked toward a situation we were hoping wasn’t a trap. After moving slowly up the trail about 1/2 mile in. about 150 or so feet away. leaning next to a huge tree there it was very still and watching us. Its body seemed to slowly sway back and forth. Huge head, big eyes, multi-colored hair/fur. Then suddenly we felt we needed to back off and go back and leave. We think the pushback was from the Dogman. But we did get a picture as we left -see below.

Sleep tight – Dogman are real – but I sincerely believe they are not dangerous to man as long as one , heeds their warning