People need to speak Truth on UFOs and the Paranormal

People need to speak about their UFO/ Paranormal experiences. They need to speak the truth about their interest and yearnings on the subject. UFOs and the paranormal discussions should be as common as apple pie with a Sunday dinner.

I have flown around this country thousands of miles over the last 5 years, and I got some of my best UFO/Paranormal conversation on the plane or getting to the airport, discussions with random strangers. Like several amazing discussions with a scientist from an Aero-space company who knew the inner workings of the Star Wars project – and note the project wasn’t to keep watch/ defend ourselves against the Russians or any other human country on earth. In the other candid conversations, hundreds of people poured out their souls. Many could not believe what they said – but it felt so good to them, to express their inner feelings about their paranormal experiences.

After 50 years of having this amazing passion for the unknown, I again will state everyone everywhere has had paranormal/ UFO experiences with Angels, ghosts, alien beings, demons, Cryptids, wee people and things I cannot describe in human terms. The fear of reliving the experience and the fear of being ridiculed by their peers has suppressed millions of people from speaking the truth.

This must all stop and people need to gather in groups and share their experiences, so the cosmic burden can be lifted from our planet. If we in mass would open up and tell our experiences to other around us, the paranormal beings would no longer be able to be invisible to us. They would have to show themselves, our new awaking as humans would lift the veil, millions of human quantum minds would force those “the paranormal beings” into our dimensional reality. And we would deal with each other as equal citizens of a new and better world.

Sleep tight, knowing a group of like-minded humans can move a mountain and together even see an alien being.


Haunted Houses- Walking into another world —-Is it was True Series #440


haunted house

A while back I received a phone call from a woman who thought she had a poltergeist in her house. I listened to her talk about doors slamming, shadow people walking about and things being moved or disappearing. It affected one child but the rest of the family didn’t seem to be bothered by the activity. This made me think, “Why would a few members of the family be affected but not the rest?”

It seems that the activity followed this woman from one house to another. When I hear this happens, it’s clear to me that either, a person is the one being haunted and not the house or that they are Empathic which opens them up to spirits in and around the house itself.

As I was listening to this woman talk, a few things came to my attention. First, she was laughing about some of the experiences which made me wonder if it was just her way of dealing with stress or did she know something she wasn’t telling me? After about 20 more minutes on the phone, I realized that this woman not only had a secret but I was able to figure out what it was by a few things she said. She said she had a friend who dabbled in the occult. (Lightbulb moment) It came in loud and clear to me that she was had done some sessions with this woman. If you play with Ouija boards, do séances or play with magic spells, the outcome will likely come back and bite you in the booty or as in this case, slam doors and become a daily menace.

Interestingly enough, it was almost as if two voices were speaking through her to me at once, one pleasant and the other a bit darker. I knew at that moment, going to her house was out of the question.

Funny though, as if on cue, she urgently asked to me to come to her house that same day, stating that it was imperative that I help her out. I not only saw a set up but sensed it, but not from this woman, from whatever dark energy was controlling her and her environment. Sometimes, we have to say no to unsafe and undesirable situations.

Being an Empath has its advantages but it can also be a double edged sword especially when our guard is down or as in my case so many years ago, I was naive and green between the ears.

Years back when I was in my early twenties, I rented a house with my ex-husband in Arizona. I can’t quite remember if it was in Flagstaff or Williams but it was large, by a river with lovely views. It only had one problem; there was a bedroom that faced the hallway next to the master bedroom that was strangely odd, foreboding and terrifying. The owner, who was a famous writer and dietitian, was leaving to go abroad. He made a comment about the ominous room which made my skin and hair stand on end. He said, “Don’t go into that bedroom. It’s not welcoming and I don’t think you’ll feel comfortable in it.”

Come to find out, he lost two loved ones in the house. First, his wife and the other I believe was a son. I could only gather from this information that the infamous bedroom was his sons. From the day we moved in, I found it very hard to be anywhere near that bedroom. For instance, at night I would usually wake up to use the bathroom. I would lie in bed and try to get up enough courage to cross the hallway into the bathroom. I had to pass the doorway to “that” bedroom and found that every fiber in my being was yelling at me to stay in bed. My bladder on the other hand was screaming for me to hurry up and pee. What’s a girl to do?

Well … I would smack, roll over or talk loudly to wake up my ex and act like it was an accident. I knew that if he was awake than at least if anything grabbed me, he would be awake to rescue me. It wasn’t fun for him but I at least could make a run for the bathroom, peeing in record time.

Daytime didn’t make things any better. You know those stories on TV about the haunted house being dark even with all the windows open and the blinds up; well this house was exactly like that. The hallway leading to the scary door would always seem longer than it was. I couldn’t be in the house by myself and before long my ex got so exacerbated at me that he told me I had to finally face my fears.

With a knowing and long sigh, I slowly walked down the extremely long hallway with the floor somehow becoming uneven and moving, making me really dizzy besides that upchuck feeling like I was going to puke my brains out.  The door was ominous and as I reached for the handle, it felt extremely cold to the touch, almost like I had grabbed on to an ice cube. The door creaked open and a gust of wind hit me, making me feel like I was in the North Pole. I can’t really explain it; it was like I passed beyond the veil into another world void of emotion, empty, dark  and cold. Did I mention I could see my breath? The more I saw my breath, the more I felt like something was sucking the air out of me like a cinched up corset, way too tight. I felt eyes peering down on me from the moment I walked in. I knew that whoever was waiting and watching was going to pounce on me any second. The fight or flight feeling hit me like a ton of bricks and I flew out of there so fast that I didn’t even bother to close the door. But that didn’t matter because within seconds of me running out of the room,the door slammed shut behind me.



To be continued …

911, a Massive Mind Control Operation-Is it all True Series #374

911 of 1

Nearly 14 years ago I was sitting with the FBI in Salt Lake City doing a criminal investigation of a possible bomb under expressway during the 2002 Olympic Games. I am a bit of a psychic of sorts and I happened to mention to them (now my FBI buddies) that I felt that something was about to happen, something to do with airplanes. Of course they just looked at me with a blank stare and I decided to shut-up, because they were probably the wrong group to play psychic with.

The next day, I had off to spend time with my kids, who were visiting my home in Park City Utah. The date was September 11th, and from that day on, the world would never be the same. I woke up to one of my daughters screaming about a plane crashing into Twin Towers in New York. As soon as I got to the TV, I knew my premonition was correct and I would probably be questioned by the FBI and of course I was. Luckily, I was a known person to the gentlemen and I have an honest face.

The reason I titled this article, “Massive Mind Control,” is because it was the media who started the ball rolling, announcing it was Bin Laden and gang as the second plane crashed into the tower. No way could anyone at that early of a time, truly have known who did it, if they hadn’t known the coming event. The next three weeks the government/ media flashed continuous pictures of the bad guys and the planes hitting the building with pictures of people jumping to their death out of the towers. A total mind f**k.

The % of the American population that truly believes that this was an inside job with the Bin Laden as a distraction, is still running about 15%, but it is growing very slowly toward a tipping point which will shake the world to its core.

My plea to the skeptics, is to please go to the websites of the professionals who can provide you with a substantial amount of solid evidence of the real sobering truth on what really happened on 911. These websites can also demonstrate, why we cannot allow this crime against all the world to go unpunished or it will be repeated over and again each time getting bigger and bigger.

Here are the websites that will change your mind. These websites represent thousands of professionals that have some firsthand knowledge of the real truth that must be told. These professionals hold pieces of the 911 puzzle. Here are some of the websites but not all:

• firefightersfor911 the;
• (medical professionals);
• (military officials);
• (Politicians);
• New Zealand);
• police for;

The big one with over two thousand engineers and architects who build similar, Twin tower type buildings – say Absolutely NO to the official government version-

Sleep tight – this truth will not be suppressed for much longer – the Truth-seekers will have their say and all mankind will win.

Religion and the Abductee Experience- Is it all True Series #373

Religous 3

My private journey into the phenomenon of the paranormal and abductee experience was and is an isolated, complex, up hill trek that tends to leave me feeling vulnerable and exposed not only to the elements but to opinions. To be more to the point, I am speaking about opinions like yours, your friends and the public at large, yet here I am sharing my story with you. Am I a glutton for punishment, not really? This is just apart of my desire to see if anyone else, has had similar experiences, perhaps furthering my own exploration into the religious, abductee experience.

My religion seemed to add a twisted, exorcisty kind of atmosphere that made me think I was possessed or abnormal most of my childhood. The two worlds for any child can create a dysfunctional and skewed perspective concerning what reality is and what it will become. If I can levitate does this mean I’m an angel? If I see beings from above, does this mean they are from heaven? Most of these questions were answered from my childhood in the most basic to elaborate of ways. Who might I ask, could answer the questions that plagued me, especially if they didn’t understand the problems at large, the unequivocal intimidating type that molded and encouraged me to become a timid victim? Believe it or not, it was religion that was quick to answer me pointedly because in some peculiar ways, it played a role in my experiences.

Sorry, I’m not going to write about great experiences with the church I grew up with. I went to a Catholic school for the First grade, which played a surreptitious role in me being bused out a few days a week to a base and underground facilities where I grew up. I was warned early on that if I said anything to anyone, especially my parents, one of my parents would get hurt. What can a child do but believe that the adults scolding her, making her feel responsible are not only speaking the truth but making her a part of the consequences. I was tight lipped and proud yet I held on to a secret that no child should ever have to deal with. At age six, I was responsible for the well being of my parents, or so I thought.

This kind of responsibility leaves a mark; it’s like an emblazoned imprint on the soul because the mind of a child can only handle or empathize with what they are being told by adults. As time faded the mark of my censorship, the imprinted stigma stayed with me because the moments of responsibility took a toll on my childhood and in essence took away my childhood naivety.

It didn’t help that right around the time I was 13, the movie, The Exorcist came out in theaters. I thought for sure I was the object of some ill-begotten spirit. Night time was a panicky and heart palpitating occurrence, where I lived under the covers. I could always feel spirits looking down at me, just a nose length away from my face, trying to suck the breath out of me. I had two giant teddy bears on either side of me that did nothing but help me hide, from whatever I knew was in the room with me. I loved sleeping under the covers because they always gave me a false sense of comfort, a divided barrier that hid me from whatever was antagonizing my sanity.

Obviously the paranormal plays a role with abductees. In my case, with spirits freely visiting me at night, I also had to deal with the infamous … closet! It didn’t matter what house I stayed at, closets always symbolized the omnipotent, ethereal world that was black and empty. As a very young child, I knew vampires, witches and goblins lived in closets but after age five, there seemed to be something more sinister, lurking within the claustrophobic blackness. I have always felt that because of my interactions with the Greys, I have become more empathic, almost as finely tuned and observant as they are. This came in handy, when I felt they were near.

A sound can be just a sound to everybody else but as an abuductee, sounds are the introduction, the beginning of a dreaded dream that always seems to portray itself with the same characters, over and over again. In the end, the closet doors always opened slowly, creaking methodically and within my child’s mind, everything the blackness represented eventually came out to play. Sometimes, I would hear a voice, speaking faintly, its words lingering in my ear or was it in my mind. Either way, there were always two black eyes to go along with the ominous voice, I came to dread.

Sometimes even in the light of day, I saw strange things. I had a picture of the Virgin Mary that was on a wall by my bed. I would look up to her in the mornings for some kind of explanation for the previous night’s activity. Occasionally, I would think I saw a faint change in her face, and I would jump out of bed because my nerves just couldn’t handle another manifestation of either the paranormal or spiritual. For a child, even the most symbolic representations of religion, can become a daunting reminder of the unreachable, the unfathomable beyond that is heavy handed and unyielding. Sometimes religion can make God seem like a million miles away.

One Saturday morning when I was 14, I abruptly awoke, opening my blurry eyes. I had to adjust my vision because my room was brightly lit. On this particular morning, for some bizarre reason, I didn’t feel safe immediately after waking up. I was facing the picture of the Virgin Mary and as I was gazing up at her, from my peripheral vision, a shadow like figure darkened both my windows, and the face of the Virgin Mary started to drip blood and become distorted. I quickly closed my eyes and hid behind my big teddy bear. My door was closed so making a run for it, was out of the question. I subsequently opened one eye and tried to peak around my teddy bears left ear. To my relief, the picture of the Virgin Mary was back to normal again and my room was bright with sunshine. I thought to myself, did I just dream that or did it really happen? I jumped out of bed and ran for the door, deciding the answer wasn’t important.

Questioning oneself is the modus operandi for most abductees. A mark on the body is either a beauty mark or just a mark, even if it has a strange design to it. Finding clothes put on backwards the next morning, just means, we weren’t paying attention the night before. A strange gooey substance coming out of our private parts is a mild case of the flu, diarrhea or food poisoning. Waking up with strange bruises on our body, just means we knocked into something the day before, and didn’t pay attention. Bloody noses that are extreme, occurring on a daily basis, are explained as dry nose and common place. Finding ourselves outside our homes in the middle of the night, is described as sleep walking, even if all the doors and windows are locked from the inside. One clear observation that can be made, is that we are the most absent minded and obtuse people on the planet, especially to those people who are our critics, and the naysayers of our experiences.

When I was 18, I called upon a young priest who occasionally gave service at the church I attended. My experiences were getting beyond what I thought I could handle and I decided I needed some outside guidance. He was young, giving the appearance of being slightly innocuous, yet astute in his demeanor, I was uncomfortable and sweaty beyond belief.

Within seconds of sitting down, I literally spewed out my predicament, leaving nothing to the imagination. A long, torturous silence followed and I felt compelled to high tail it out of his office because I became horribly uncomfortable. He eventually looked up at me from closed eyes and said, “Pray my child and God will help you.” I stated that I did pray and the experiences still happened. He then said I needed to pray harder. I basically bared my inner most secrets to this man, thinking he would be my redeemer and to my dismay, he brushed me off with a safe and predictable answer. I left his office feeling foolish for even thinking he could help me.

I decided to go to see another priest (who was older) and prepared myself with a more resolute attitude, knowing he was going to help me and give me the answers I was seeking. To make a short story even shorter, within minutes of explaining my situation, I was asked to leave his office because he didn’t have time to deal with a paranoid and delusional parishioner like me. I left knowing that the religion I thought I could always count on, wasn’t there for me anymore.

The different times I did pray during an abduction experience, my abductors didn’t seem to pay attention to me or they ignored what I was doing. I realized that prayer is great for an abductees’ sanity after the fact, because it pacifies the nerves and serves as a familiar and safe haven. In order for prayer to work, we have to assume that ET’s have religion similar to ours and like us, they view God in the same way. If they are doing something terrifying to us, we can only assume, they must be malevolent in nature, opposite of our beliefs and that of God. If they don’t know God, how can they fear God. I remember thinking to myself years ago, that to assume my abductors followed society’s dictates and customs was just about as ludicrous as assuming they would ask me if I wanted to go with them instead of taking me against my will. I understood a long time ago they weren’t from here.

Growing up with an abductee’s state of mind was not easy, especially when high school became the mile marker that indicated that I was not like everybody else. Graduating from high school helped me feel normal because it seemed like a momentary way out or a reprieve from the abduction phenomena. Months after graduation, my nightmares and experiences became less and less and I “almost” lived a normal life.

The word “almost” is very important to remember here because it seems like the alien agenda carries within it individual timelines for each abductee. This can mean months, even years can go by with nothing happening and then all of a sudden … boom, with no warning, they start up again! The rollercoaster begins and it’s a ride that consumes the senses, leaving no room for normalcy, only the descent of questionable insanity.

In some ways, my abduction experiences tested my belief in God because if he existed, how could he let this happen. Yet, I have to say, something really interesting happened as I started to stand up and face my fears. I knew that being human was not only to my advantage but a blessing in disguise. I realized I was apart of something that was wise, venerable and sentient. This connection allowed me to see, that I needed to stand on the building blocks of my own convictions. This birth right which I call our fundamental foundation consists of 4 pillars that hold all of us up as human beings. They are known as, the emotional, spiritual, physical and mental pillars of humanity. The consequences of abductions, can wreak havoc on these pillars, tearing them down one by one leaving a person broken and fragmented. Once the human foundation is unbalanced, the three pillars by proxy, have no recourse but to carry the burden of the faltering pillar. This unbalanced condition can become so intolerable for abductees, that they react from a survival perspective based on fear rather then an analytical response based on faith.

I had to figure out a way, how to become whole again during these dark and confusing times. I realized that my faith was more then super glue, it was the rudiments from which my pillars were made. God created my pillars and because they were made by his blue print, I knew they could rebuild themselves back up. I also knew that it’s who I am in-between the abductions that matters most. The question of, why me, turned into, it does not define me.

Faith replaced the religion that I grew up with and it has been the one constant through out my life that has never let me down. Once I started to understand who I am, the abductions became less monumental in my life. This makes sense to me because I no longer feed the fear mongering monsters lurking in the closets; the door stays shut and if it opens, it’s because I opened it myself.

My Life Manifesto — Sandy Penny

SandyPennyMy Life Manifesto
by Sandy Penny, 2-2-2015

I never wanted to compete with others, only with myself. Even as a child, I wanted to create cooperation, not competition. Growing up with nine brothers and sisters was competition enough. I wanted to learn something new every day, and I have. I have always strived to be better at the things I choose to do, to improve processes, to innovate, to organize. I have always endeavored to leave a job better than I found it. I subscribed to the old adage, if a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well. I intend each day to ask myself if I’m living from love or fear, and to always choose love.

I hope, when I leave this world, that I have had a positive impact on those I’ve known, and that I have done as little harm as is humanly possible. I intend, every day, as Ghandi advised, to be the love I want to see in the world, to treat others with kindness, compassion and respect. I intend to leave every person with whom I interact feeling better than when we met, without attachment and expectations. If one person has been helped by me, if I have lifted anyone’s suffering, made anyone smile, then I have lived a life worth living. And, for myself, I want only to be the highest and best expression my soul intends for my earthly life, knowing that when I leave this world, I feel complete with each and every sacred relationship I forged, and every relationship is sacred.

I commit to using and fulfilling the purpose of each chakra, each energy center within me, to express the colors of the rainbow that is me. I open myself to the golden connection that is my crown chakra, that I may bring more spirit into matter. I connect with the source of all light and open my inner and outer vision that I may see myself, others, my life, and the world clearly and through the love that manifests all creation. I connect with the source of all words and align my voice with the voice of love and joy. I align my mind with the universal consciousness that I may raise my thoughts to higher realms and transcend all negativity of the human consciousness, that I may think in more creative ways, that I may inspire higher thinking through all that I touch, that I may express right thought, right speech and right action for each and every situation I encounter, that I may share wisdom when needed. I clarify and align my feelings and emotions with unconditional love that I may create sacred partnerships throughout my life, knowing that all relationships are sacred and deserve love and compassion. I align and restore my physical body to the perfection in which it was created that I may walk this earth, strong and healthy, and follow my own path on my own journey of spirit flowing into matter and matter returning to spirit, a conduit of love, light, joy and completion.

As I awoke this morning, these thoughts were running through me, and I wanted to write them down, to remind myself that this is my life creed, and that I intend to live it fully, and I am. I am a spark of infinite love emanating from the unlimited stream of love divine. I am a bubbling spring of joy and wisdom to quench the thirst of all who drink it in. As I intend, so shall it be, for intention inspires action, and action creates and manifests. I am creator, manifestor and the artist of my own life.

Divine love, through me, blesses and multiplies all the good I am, all the good I have, and all the good I share. And so it is, and I am grateful.

Posted by Sandy Penny at 12:32 PM

2015 – Poor Man's Prophecies # Is it all True Series# 341

Prophecy as I always say is for amateurs, but it makes a fun posting and our viewers seem to like it.
So here we go for 2014- How did I score? — The below is from my 2014 predictions and the results –I originally posted the predictions on Jan 05 2014.

And here are the 2014 predictions — and My Results

1. Pope continues on his People’s Pope Agenda until a huge event shakes the Vatican. – True he is continuing his reforms ,, and the people are liking him, but nothing huge shakes up the Vatican , just some of the same issues plaguing the Vatican.– I get a 1/2 pt.
2. Severe drought in the Southeast will redevelop in late spring– No wrong
3. A bad January for US weather will welcome a February Spring – No fairly Bad to Average balance of the Winter

4.There will be unusual large meteorites entering the earth atmosphere- Yes there were several ,, including a Monster in Russia which injured a thousand people

5. There will be a huge unknown explosion in Brazil. No wrong

6. Winter Games will not go well for Putin. — Generally the games went well, But Putin got major Heat from the huge price-tag of the Games – 1/2 pt.
7. Japan will suffer another 7.5 or larger earthquake , further damaging Fukushima. Nope- wrong
8. A very powerful hurricane season will fully make up for the passive 2013 season in the Atlantic basin.- No wrong extremely light season
9. Unexpected temperature drop ( world average) surprise climate change scientists, but its just part of the Change, yes sort of right — cooler than it has been especially Midwest and the Eastern part of the US. — say 1/2 right
10.I finally predict we will make it to see 2015- 100% right , unless something huge hits the fan in the last 10 days of 2014.

Final Score for 2014 3.5 right and 6.5 wrong — or a correct % of 35–well that sucks

Now the new predictions for 2015

1. There will be a huge scandal in the world of American Lottery — The criminals won’t probably surprise you.
2. Hacking on the internet will stop millions from buying products on-line and banking on-line will sharply decline.
3. Warm- wet winter for US ,, following by a very cool spring and hot summer.
4.Three bigger than life movie stars will die within weeks of each other.
5.Because of the decline in Oil prices – Russia’s economy will start to fall apart , and a world-wide recession will start the end of 2015
6. War drums will start sounding — players will be Russia, China, Iran , Israel and of course the US.
7. More large meteors will continue to hit the earth. One will hit close to major world city and kill two thousand people.
8. World knowledge about the damage Fukushima has done to mankind will continue to grow.
9. Chicago Cubs will win the World Series
10. Ebola will start spreading again around the world moving into India and Southeast Asia. Maybe a new and more dangerous strain.

Well sleep tight – I predict you have a 100% chance the sun will rise tomorrow.


Mayan doomsday 'safe zone' shut down By Stephanie Pappas News NBC- from

Authorities worry that crowds will flood French mountaintop Dec. 21

A tracing of an artistic representation of the Maya sun god found on the north side of the Diablo Pyramid at El Zotz, an archaeological site in Guatemala.By Stephanie Pappas
Senior Writer

Citing fears that doomsday believers, curiosity seekers, and “above all” journalists, will flood a French mountaintop on Dec. 21, the supposed day of the Mayan apocalypse, local officials are banning access to the mountain.

The spot, Pic de Bugarach, is rumored to be one of the only safe places on the planet on Dec. 21, according to Raw Story. On that date, a major cycle of the Maya Long Count calendar ends. The calendar is split into several chunks, including 400-year spans called b’ak’tuns. Dec. 21, 2012 on our calendar marks the end of the 13th b’ak’tun and the beginning of a new cycle.

The calendar change would not have been seen as the end of the world by the ancient Maya, scholars agree. But in New Age and other online subcultures, believers have come to expect something major on that day, with predictions ranging from a new dawn of peace and harmony to an explosive doomsday.

..One online rumor holds that on this day of destruction, Pic de Bugarach will open up to reveal an alien spacecraft, which will save believers nearby. That has local officials worried. [ End of the World? Top Doomsday Fears ]

“We are expecting a few visionaries, a few people who believe in this end of the world, but in extremely limited numbers,” state official Eric Freysselinard told Raw Story. “We are expecting greater numbers of people who are just curious, but in numbers we cannot determine. Above all, we are expecting lots of journalists.”

In response, officials will call in 100 police and firefighters on Dec. 21 to seal off approaches to the mountain, Freysselinard told Raw Story.

Other areas are welcoming the doomsday attention. In Belize, the Chaa Creek resort is trying to lure tourists with a seven-day, all-inclusive “Maya Winter Solstice” package, which includes workshops on Maya crafts, traditional Maya garb and names of guests inscribed into a giant stele that will be erected on Dec. 21.

.In Guatamala, the national tourism bureau is organizing all sorts of festivities, including a “New Dawn for Humanity” summit in Tikal, a major ancient Maya city. Elton John, Bruce Springsteen and U2 will provide entertainment.

Mexico is aiming for the action, too, launching a tourism campaign called “Mayan World 2012” and encouraging visitors to seek out sites in southern Mexico, where the ancient Maya once built complex cities. In Cancun, the National Institute of Anthropology and History has opened the enormous “Museo Maya de Cancun,” a museum dedicated to Maya history.


The Power of Your Awakened Heart and Imagination—George E. Green

By George E. Green

As human beings, we have now reached a tipping point in our arc of evolution. We find ourselves as a species, beginning to recognize, have a sense of and embrace our greatest evolutionary potentials in earnest.

Because we are in this incredible time of evolutionary challenge and opportunity, we all are being called upon to innovate, to imagine, collaborate, and create like never before. You are here to be inspired, live an inspired life and to inspire others. Period.

NOW is your time to take action, and step forward into the full manifestation of your own goals & dreams, already realized and received. If you are waiting for something or someone other than yourself then you are backing up or backing out.

This time, right here, right now is your time to dive deeply and courageously into your Heart, deeper than ever before. Call up from within yourself your greatest qualities, your vision, your brilliance and beauty, then apply them to your life and your world. This time, right here, right now is your time to become the creator you were born to be.

You have the power.

You have the power to effect truly authentic, sustainable change, to evolve and grow. You have the power to consciously upgrade and accelerate your own personal evolution, vastly improving your life and your world. Ultimately, by embracing personal change and evolution, you have the power to change OUR world for the better.

Your perception of reality and the inherent limits your perceived reality suggests are ingrained as neurological and neuro-chemical patterns, all based on your past experiences, memories, traumas and unconscious assumptions. The sum total of these elements generates what seems to be a very solid, predictable and immutable sense and experience of your reality.

What has been discovered through advanced scientific research is that your experience of reality is actually being simulated and manufactured in your mind via your brain. Dr. Rick Hanson explains in his book Buddha’s Brain that “Your brain simulates the world – Each of us lives in a virtual reality that’s close enough to the real thing that we don’t bump into the furniture.”

Our new understanding that what we experience as reality is only a simulation, only our virtual reality maintained exclusively in our brains, is the foundational core awareness, principle and upgrade for any and all of our transformational practices of mindfulness and higher consciousness:

The very nature of our reality and world, seemingly solid and immutable is actually in fact quite liquid and completely moldable to anyone desiring and willing to explore, expand and then exceed the former boundaries of what they believe to be both real and possible.
Rather than being subject to your former inner “simulation” of reality, you and many others just like you are awakening to a deeper understanding and deep inner desire to directly and consciously create your “active and mindful” state of reality. In this your “New Reality”? You reclaim your authority and your authorship of your New Story, one where you are and remain self liberated, self defined and self determined.

Through any of a variety of mindfulness practices, you can discover your new active and more authentic reality. Your new reality, constantly expanding and evolving within you, possesses a tremendous and innate inner field of infinite potential that simply awaits your own mindful direction through your awakened imagination, conscious creativity and heart felt actions.

Why are imagination and creativity so important?

Albert Einstein once said “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world and all there will ever be to know and understand.”

Einstein clearly understood that our ability to imagine and then create is indeed infinite. So much so that as the story goes, one evening Einstein experienced a lucid waking dream, an awakened vision where he was chasing after a beam of light across the vast expanse of the universe. Through his memory and the experiential epiphany of his lucid and waking dream he imagined and created the theory of special relativity and the one scientific formula he is most famous for: E=MC2.

Through his awakened imagination, Einstein resolved a long standing conflict between Newtonian physics and the new physics of the 20th century. His idea, his waking dream and vision then quite literally changed the world.

Again, why are imagination and creativity so vitally important to your own life and living?

When you watch any Master, any Champion athlete, any musical Maestro or artist extraordinaire, any human being that meets then exceeds their former limits and achieves their highest vision of expression and embodiment, you are experiencing and witnessing the direct results of their Awakened Imagination, their Hearts, and their creative minds actively operating in complete unison. Period.

SO … What powerful and important role can and does your Heart play in your awakening imagination and creativity, in authoring your new story and reality?

Your heart is the first organ to fully form in utero and begins beating 21 days after conception.

Your heart sends more information and regulatory signals to your brain than your brain sends to your heart.

With each beat, your heart creates a powerful, pulsing and rhythmic electromagnetic field. The electrical element of your hearts field is 60 times more potent and powerful than your brain’s field and directly influences every cell and organ in your body. The magnetic element of your heart’s field is 5000 times more powerful than your brains magnetic field.

Your heart generates two point seven watts of electrical power each time it beats. With each beat, your heart generates a looping, rhythmic, pulsing rotating field of biomagnetic and bioelectric energy and information that is 12 to 24 feet in diameter and looks remarkably similar to the looping magnetic filaments of plasma and energy emitted by our Sun.

Your heart is composed of 60 to 65 percent neurological cells that are identical to your brain cells, generating the same neurotransmitters as your brain. Of that 60 to 65 percent, 40 percent of your hearts neurological cells are configured as a second, parallel nervous system that interacts with and sends regulatory information to all your organs including your brain.

Scientific research has discovered that your heart responds to information, energy and input milliseconds before that same input is actually received. Your heart responds even before your brain does. Your heart is your true center of intuitive and emotional intelligence and science now has evidence that your heart’s intelligence literally transcends both time and space.

You Have the Power.

You and many other Visionaries, Poets, Imagineers, architects and authors of millions of new stories and new worlds are awakening right now. This is your chosen moment of awakening.

Your time is now.

Your new Life awaits and requires your mindful presence, awakened Imagination and conscious creation. This moment, right here, right now is our time to begin building our new world and our new reality together today.

George E. Green is CEO and Founder of Personal Alchemy Systems and creator of the Lucid Living Training and Mentoring Experience featuring the Heart Harmonics™ and Awakened Imagination™ trainings and practice. George lives & plays in Austin Texas.

To view and experience the first of a series of free online video classes,
“Lucid Living’s Heart Harmonics™ anytime On Demand log on to:
The Live Broadcast Premiere of Lucid Living’s second free Heart Harmonics™ class “The Power of Your Awakened Heart and Imagination” will also be airing live this week on the following dates …