Watch us on Dimensional Walking a paranormal journey — YouTube
Cryptid, Alien, Entity, and Djinn — Rainbow’s drawings from her experiences – via Dimensional Walking – a paranormal Journey – YouTube
Werewolf, Wolfman, Dogman – a Cryptid of different names

Werewolfs and Wolfman have been known around the world since the beginning when man started to pass down stories of them from Scandinavia. England to India, China, Japan, Brazil, and Russia to name a few areas.
These were scary creatures tall with a wolf-like appearance (with a longer narrower snout than a wolf ), running bi-pedal, with strides four to six feet and more. They are quite a sight, as I will tell you about my personal experience later.
Wolves in Native American vision are magical animals – powerful, very smart, and with a spiritual aura to them. They probably have nothing to do with the Cryptids that have the appearance similarities. Wolves are magnificent creatures, I have seen them in the wild and one to touch from a wolf sanctuary. It’s a must event on your bucket list. That is why I have them at the top of my web page.
A werewolf and wolfman are the mythical versions of the Dogman. They are mythical because these have a man turning in a wolf or a man part of them and I don’t buy it. Man has always tried to make things scarier, so we embellish for maximum effect.
But Dogman is real, we ( Rainbow and I ) have seen one. Back several years ago when we lived in New Mexico we were hiking on the east slope of Sandia Mountain outside of Albuquerque. We parked at the trailhead, Rainbow got out first ( as normal ), and moved toward the trail, I got out and saw a huge bear in front of her and I shouted to watch out. The bear ran and that was that., at least we thought, Then Rainbow noticed a very tall hunched over person gliding across the ridge ahead of us. I saw it too, but it was NOT a person – it was an 8 ft plus Dogman. After catching our breath we decided on a fearless move, follow it.
So we curiously walked toward a situation we were hoping wasn’t a trap. After moving slowly up the trail about 1/2 mile in. about 150 or so feet away. leaning next to a huge tree there it was very still and watching us. Its body seemed to slowly sway back and forth. Huge head, big eyes, multi-colored hair/fur. Then suddenly we felt we needed to back off and go back and leave. We think the pushback was from the Dogman. But we did get a picture as we left -see below.

Sleep tight – Dogman are real – but I sincerely believe they are not dangerous to man as long as one , heeds their warning
Creature X — Revisited

There is strange and deadly stuff out in the world, besides humans, Only a few people up to now have had an encounter with these hellish creatures I call Creature X. So little is known about them except their destruction to living things is beyond comprehension. There have been many credible stories. Here is a summary of one of these stories I received from a couple of reliable sources, one is Phantom and Monsters and the other was very similar to this source.
This story from Phantoms and Monsters is from a US military platoon leader in Afghanistan. They were doing a night patrol and they came upon a small village of 7 buildings. No one answered their knocks so when they entered the buildings there were piles of human bodies, ripped and torn apart like nothing these tough, military types had witnessed. The damage looked like it was from a huge creature, beyond their imagination. As they walked to the end of the village, there it was – a goddamn terrifying monster, (beyond description). All hell broke loose, the platoon focused all their firepower on the thing, 50 cal machine guns, grenade launchers, and high powered automatic weapons. Nothing stopped it, the armored vehicle with several men in it was thrown 700 yards. Everyone was screaming and howling out of their minds, but suddenly it all stopped, the creature was gone. The curious thing though was the area that the creature had stood was not damaged at all, almost like it was surrounded by a protective shield.
There have been more stories directly from my personal sources. One of the stories was from a friend who spoke at my group, N.M. UFO and Paranormal Forum, in New Mexico. He related a story about him and his associate being asked to travel to Northeast Alabama, and investigate the murder of three hunters. When they arrived on the scene, they were met by the Sheriff’s department and they explained what they were about to see was horrific, now my friend had seen some crazy and scary stuff in the past, being in the military and working on an Indian Reservation in the Southwest. But nothing was going to prepare him for what he was about to see. Where the hunters use to stand stood a pile of flesh 4x6x3 feet on the spot. Like someone took a laser and instantly cut the three men into 3-inch slices – head to toe. Remember they were heavily armed hunters. It was a horrific sight, one that my friend, a famous Cryptid researcher would never forget, nor would I. There had been many other stories from Park Rangers and other Law Enforcement who have convened similar stories. Missing people found, high up top trees or somehow put in inaccessible mountain top location, where only skilled mountain climbers could climb with great difficulty, torn and ripped apart.
These are strange and scary stories, that I believe are very true. There are things out in this world, that are truly beyond description. I am not saying — don’t go out and enjoy the beautiful natural country. Just know we live in a complex multi-dimensional world, and sometimes a window or door opens.
Sleep Tight , MWiz.
Check out this amazing website. It’s one of the favorites that we follow daily. Thanks, Lon, for doing such a great job!
Paranormal Underground Magazine-Rainbow Issue
Check out this amazing magazine that I contribute to! Inside each issue are great articles from some of the best researchers, paranormal investigators, Shamans alike. It’s a must have for Cryptid and paranormal researcher enthusiasts!
In this issue, read my two articles, “Are You a Sensitive, Psychic or Empath? What’s the Difference? and “Dogman VS. Werewolf: Similar Cryptids With a Big Difference.”
Thanks Everyone,
Dreggs of the Netherworld
This topic isn’t one of my more comfortable ones. I think now that the veil is thinning, almost completely gone that I should talk about some formidable foes. Before I start, the one thing to remember is that our homes are our sanctuaries and that we have dominion on this planet along with so many other beings that are born on Mother Earth with us.
Throughout my journeys, there have been a few Spirit Guides and Cryptid that have conveyed messages to me. There was also the Jinn, Antioch who shared information with me and another Dark Entity that I haven’t spoken about before. Today I will share tidbits of forgotten knowledge that ended up in the shadows of forgotten history, the side roads of obscurity.
The word, “Dreggs,” came from Antioch, when he spoke to me from Skinwalker Ranch in Utah. He defined the Dreggs as dark entities, beings or forms of energy that feed off, harass or enslave humans.
Humans have an interesting fate. We are born completely wiped of any memory of any past life and then as we progress through life, we strive to remember who we were and who we are becoming. The animals in the forests are born and reborn with a connection that is never severed from itself. Many sentient beings live lifetime upon lifetime so much so that we as humans need to live multiple lifetimes to follow the years in their footprints.
Our inability to access important memories quickly from early on becomes our downfall which is why as humans we are constantly striving for a remedial answer to this beleaguering problem. This is our Achilles heel. And it sucks because many of these lost memories are golden, pure history, truth with no fillers, the actual account of what life was, is and will be.
Within the subsisting vivacity of existence, there seems to be brooding and hushed darkness that we as humans have forgotten about. Here is some of this forgotten history or as some would prefer to say, the tall tales of yesteryear. Truth or fiction, you decide.
The Cryptid Tulack was quite the silent type but what little he did open up to me about, was surprising. There are fewer Dogmen now than ever before. Their presence here is constantly being disturbed by a very weird outside source. It’s a predatory Cryptid created by a Grey faction working with our military. I think this creature has the DNA from both Sasquatch and Dogman besides an unknown Alien DNA. I thought it was perhaps Grey DNA but I’m not so sure. Whether this problem is a result of manipulated genetics, I just wonder who and what this creature is loyal to. One has to think, is it loyal to its master or is it a self-evolving entity out of control. The dangers in our National Parks will continue to stay hidden as long as programs such as this exist. How can anyone be safe?
Antioch was an odd fellow. I was never comfortable with his communication with me because I knew he despised humans and I just so happen to be a human. I often wondered why he offered up a plethora of info. I didn’t pay much attention which some researchers would find unprofessional in our field but this particular contact unnerved me to my core.
He said in a matter of fact tone, (from the little bit that I remember) to imagine if you can, creatures who feast on humans. They are not Demons but something that crossed over from another Dimension, waiting for the chance opportune time when the veil weakened, barely holding its form. Imagine, a being that can occupy a body and invite others like it to occupy the same body at the same time? They are calculating and cunning way beyond the dark entities that exist here already. Humans are their prime food source and all they have to do is to focus on one person at a time. They basically have a food source for a millennium.
What is interesting is that these beings are the ones coming up in ceremonies, Ouija boards, scary movies and the imagination of story tellers alike. They are taking darkness to a whole new level and the very people that think they can get in on the action will eventually find that they are nothing more than food to these beings. We are not at the top of the food chain and in many ways we are actually a delicacy for many creatures and entities.
Are we slaves on this planet? I was shown a mesh of yellow and gold tubes that are woven around the earth. The tubes glowed and pulsated as if they were all alive. I saw many human souls try to fly out of the mesh, and when it would sense them trying to get away, it would extend itself and send off a vibration that would pull the souls back into itself. There was no escape and I saw that I was trapped just like everybody else.
The Dark Entity that I haven’t spoken about before is a Shapeshifter. I have stated in other articles that there is a huge difference between a Skinwalker, Shapeshifter, and Cryptid. They are all different beings.
The Shapeshifter does the actual ceremony that steals the life force of a targeted individual. The individuals are usually children. From start to finish it usually takes a year to complete the actual ceremony. It is dark and it is sinister. I can’t go into details of what the ceremony entails because I would fear for my own safety if I did so. I witnessed the end part of the ceremony by mistake. I am an Empath and sometimes when I venture off with my dream body, I get caught in dark webs that extend beyond into the ethereal world. The dark shaman I witnessed, maintained his youth and age and was by today’s standards an average guy in his 30’s. In reality he would be hundreds of years old. I believe he is a cousin to the Vampire of old. Depending on which continent such a creature exists, it can take on many forms.
The Kraken was an entity that I was shown a few years ago that was a bad omen. He looked like an old man with a mustache and beard. He had a full head of hair that was long past his shoulders. He had three octopus legs for the lower half of his body. Having him in our timeline means that we fluctuate between the possibilities of dimensions. He reminds me of old man time except for the fact that he is an entity that messes with timelines and changes the course of parallel universes. He does become a heavyweight for Mother Earth and he affects her ability to spin on her axis.
Last but not least is the Giants. I definitely wanted to add them because of Michael’s last post on Giants and my vision of seeing them wake up. There is so much important history that was placed in stasis with them. I fear that with the burials of the Giants being dug up, this history will only be shown to a chosen few. The Dreggs here are those hiding history. The questions is what are they hiding and why?
There are people like us all over the world seeing, remembering and starting to wake up. We would be a nefarious foe for the Dreggs and just imagine the changes we can make together so that we can live on Mother Earth as we were intended.
People need to speak Truth on UFOs and the Paranormal
People need to speak about their UFO/ Paranormal experiences. They need to speak the truth about their interest and yearnings on the subject. UFOs and the paranormal discussions should be as common as apple pie with a Sunday dinner.
I have flown around this country thousands of miles over the last 5 years, and I got some of my best UFO/Paranormal conversation on the plane or getting to the airport, discussions with random strangers. Like several amazing discussions with a scientist from an Aero-space company who knew the inner workings of the Star Wars project – and note the project wasn’t to keep watch/ defend ourselves against the Russians or any other human country on earth. In the other candid conversations, hundreds of people poured out their souls. Many could not believe what they said – but it felt so good to them, to express their inner feelings about their paranormal experiences.
After 50 years of having this amazing passion for the unknown, I again will state everyone everywhere has had paranormal/ UFO experiences with Angels, ghosts, alien beings, demons, Cryptids, wee people and things I cannot describe in human terms. The fear of reliving the experience and the fear of being ridiculed by their peers has suppressed millions of people from speaking the truth.
This must all stop and people need to gather in groups and share their experiences, so the cosmic burden can be lifted from our planet. If we in mass would open up and tell our experiences to other around us, the paranormal beings would no longer be able to be invisible to us. They would have to show themselves, our new awaking as humans would lift the veil, millions of human quantum minds would force those “the paranormal beings” into our dimensional reality. And we would deal with each other as equal citizens of a new and better world.
Sleep tight, knowing a group of like-minded humans can move a mountain and together even see an alien being.
Werewolf Encounter Is it all True Series #442
Years ago I can remember stories up in Taos, New Mexico about Cryptids called Werewolves and Dogman. I can’t say for sure that Werewolves are Cryptids because they seem to be darker in nature, half animal and half human. Are humans Cryptids, obviously not.
The Taos Mountain in many ways became my enchanted forest, the mystery of not only my soul but also that which I couldn’t see but feel. My first Vision Quest happened up in the back mountains of Taos when I was 23. The three day Vision Quest started with prayers and a peaceful repose that lingered within my heart through out the days and nights of mediation. The ending though, was far from serene, more like the scene out of a scary movie.
The difference is this really happened and it happened to me.
I have always felt that trees can hide people from danger, if only they are asked to do so. The trees seemed to shelter me and I felt I was hidden away in my private world of mediation. With the trees as my allies I had a false sense of protection. They after all can only do so much from their high vantage points but I was to find out, they have other ways of at least warning people of possible danger.
Lying down in my tent, I noticed that I had goosebumps on my arms and then I sat up and felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up. The dead silence of panic was deafening along with the startling angst in my chest. The dead silence alerted my warning bells and they started to chime unabashedly. The beautiful night’s tranquility had been shattered within the blink of an eye.
A voice, Elemental in nature yelled, “Run!”
It seemed the trees started to creek and moan loudly, waving at me, seemingly throwing branches at my tent. I scrambled out of my tent and started running without a second thought. The moon was full and high within the darkened night sky yet her luminous glow was my beacon leading me in the direction of my family’s campground. With the speed of a scared rabbit, I jumped over sagebrush and knew that even one glance back would be my downfall.
I could hear breathing from far behind me with a slight growl escaping its jaws besides sagebrush and rocks being scattered and trampled. I was running as fast as my feet allowed me and in some strange way, I knew that if I didn’t pick up my pace, I was a gonner. Somehow I just went for it, an all out run, yet this thing was getting closer and closer. I could feel its gaze, penetrating my back, that of an angry predator. To put it bluntly, I felt like a deer or antelope escaping for my life. Somehow my superhuman powers took over and I sprinted home with a speed I didn’t know I was capable of.
I ran into the bus and slammed the door behind me. I could tell it had stopped chasing me a couple yards away. The horses started to get panicky and the dogs growled. Let’s just say I woke up the whole camp, humans and animals alike. That night, I realized that I was just out of harm’s way by seemingly an arm’s length.
That night I was lucky that the Werewolf backed off.
Monsters in our future– Is it all True Series #439
The Island of Dr. Moreau, Brave New World, Frankenstein- movies and books of fiction are being bought to real life by our government through the organization called the NIH (National Institute of Health). Today the federal government announced plans to lift the moratorium on funding experiments that would use human stem cells to create animal embryos that are partly human. So our government is going to be in the business of making alien hybrids. They said the positive side is that these creations would help man understand the inner working of the human body and create human-like parts inside animals for transplants into humans all for the good of humankind. Sounds really good if you had a child who needed a transplant to live.
But there is great danger here, what they are talking about is just a minute away from making monsters who could think like us with the strength of 10 humans but the passion of a fish. Why do I say this? What do I know? What have I seen? Several years ago I helped support a conference in Dulce New Mexico. The conference was on the mysterious underground base, called Dulce underground base on Archuleta Mountain New Mexico on the Jicarilla Apache reservation
The conference was quite wild, with the military showing up and harassing the whole town.
After the conference was over I was approached by several Jicarilla Apaches and they showed me a book of very real photos showing these hybrids – human faces, with gills, scales around their necks and some parts like cowhide. The pictures showed them dead, my only thought was how unhappy it made me feel. Beings that didn’t fit into any one species.
So the NIH’s mission is really in the long run to create new forms of life – monsters in our own image. Aliens and humans have been doing this for years hidden in a mountain (Dulce underground base) out of sight, now coming in plain sight in a city near you.
Sleep tight – I think Donald Trump could support this.
The Migration–Cryptids– Climate Change and other Super Events— Is it all True #434
There is movement out there. The word among the Cryptids is something huge is happening and a bigger event is happening soon. There are Empaths, people who communicate with Sasquatch, Dogman, Hybrids, Elementals and other portal travelers saying there is a migration to safer areas happening now.
These Cryptids are feeling the seismic movement along the coast from California to Oregon and Washington. Forest are burning, month after month we are recording record heat through-out the world. Parts of India are in a major catastrophic drought – thousands of their farmers have committed suicide in the last several months. Also fish and sea mammals are dying in record numbers, 300 species are going extinct yearly and now the Blue- Green slim is consuming Florida and destroying the tourist business there. Some scientists are saying wait for the super hurricanes to hit the east and the gulf coasts, because of the extremely warm waters of the oceans and the changing upper levels wind patterns and I believe the Cryptids are seeing the same huge storms on the horizon.
Climate change is the greatest threat to this planet, the greatest threat ever. And why do I know – because Cryptids are running very scared and according to empaths only something very big would make them migrate out their beloved areas of the east and west coasts of the US and Canada.
Another thing that is being said – what seems safe is not and what seemed non-safe is safe. They the Cryptids are migrating to upper Mid-west and South central Canada.
We the humans need to take notice and prepare for the unthinkable the reduction of 80% of the world population by the year 2100 seems impossible but the global tipping points have been reached at so many different levels. Population growth out of control and the greed to consume has led to this human earth as we know it. The 20% that can and do survive, we can only hope they will understand and build a new Earth, with a new human species that will never ever forget the past.
Sleep tight – We are here to learn – and that is what will save us humans from total extinction.