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DOGMAN Photo – with Dimensional Walking episode ” The dude with Dog head “

To left of large tree center
New Episode 5 – Dimensional Walking – Sasquatch and Dogman
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Werewolf, Wolfman, Dogman – a Cryptid of different names

Werewolfs and Wolfman have been known around the world since the beginning when man started to pass down stories of them from Scandinavia. England to India, China, Japan, Brazil, and Russia to name a few areas.
These were scary creatures tall with a wolf-like appearance (with a longer narrower snout than a wolf ), running bi-pedal, with strides four to six feet and more. They are quite a sight, as I will tell you about my personal experience later.
Wolves in Native American vision are magical animals – powerful, very smart, and with a spiritual aura to them. They probably have nothing to do with the Cryptids that have the appearance similarities. Wolves are magnificent creatures, I have seen them in the wild and one to touch from a wolf sanctuary. It’s a must event on your bucket list. That is why I have them at the top of my web page.
A werewolf and wolfman are the mythical versions of the Dogman. They are mythical because these have a man turning in a wolf or a man part of them and I don’t buy it. Man has always tried to make things scarier, so we embellish for maximum effect.
But Dogman is real, we ( Rainbow and I ) have seen one. Back several years ago when we lived in New Mexico we were hiking on the east slope of Sandia Mountain outside of Albuquerque. We parked at the trailhead, Rainbow got out first ( as normal ), and moved toward the trail, I got out and saw a huge bear in front of her and I shouted to watch out. The bear ran and that was that., at least we thought, Then Rainbow noticed a very tall hunched over person gliding across the ridge ahead of us. I saw it too, but it was NOT a person – it was an 8 ft plus Dogman. After catching our breath we decided on a fearless move, follow it.
So we curiously walked toward a situation we were hoping wasn’t a trap. After moving slowly up the trail about 1/2 mile in. about 150 or so feet away. leaning next to a huge tree there it was very still and watching us. Its body seemed to slowly sway back and forth. Huge head, big eyes, multi-colored hair/fur. Then suddenly we felt we needed to back off and go back and leave. We think the pushback was from the Dogman. But we did get a picture as we left -see below.

Sleep tight – Dogman are real – but I sincerely believe they are not dangerous to man as long as one , heeds their warning
A Possible Dogman Encounter from Joe in Alberta

Every so often, we have a reader write in and share their experience with Michael and me. This is one of them. We would like to thank Joe for sharing his encounter with us and for letting us share his story with you.
On the evening I have seen the hyena-like animal I was small game hunting along a heavily wooded seismic exploration trail that looked fruitful for rabbits. I generally hunt alone but carry a shotgun because all too often during these often successful rabbit and grouse hunting journeys black bears and occasional wolf packs were nearby and a 22 rimfire is a poor caliber for self-protection here in northeastern Alberta.
During my hunting walk along this one west to east goat path, I noticed a turkey vulture was always overhead and if you watched your six an owl always trailed me. This is very routine there. What was not, in my opinion, a routine thing was an unusual noise animal source never found. A constant coughing sound I describe best as like a cat coughing up a fur ball but no change in pitch or volume or cadence. It sounded like a sound effect generated by a studio. Certainly what animal has the lung capacity and vocal cords to generate this very strange sound??
Tell you what this is almost more worrying than the sighting itself.
On this day I just came to the decision to ignore this sound and continue hunting. This particular forest trail had two small rises along my direction of travel to the east and over the second hump, a small game was more frequently seen I think because the main road was far enough away that small animals felt safer there behind the second mound. Soon I heard what was larger than a rabbit was just off to my right and I was later than unusual arriving there and the daylight was rapidly fading.
Thankfully this was at the intersection of two trails and I seated myself on a large rock on the opposite side of the trail and sat looking in its direction with my trusty shotgun across my lap felt very confident in my ability to protect myself and I always keep two shotgun slugs really handy to swap out the birdshot in my over-under just in case I had a bear encounter at close range I seen this dog like animal as it came around a large tree. It had dog-like ears and dog-like snout. But it’s front legs were certainly longer than its back legs! Never seen this before or since! Also appeared to have very muscular back and chest. Almost hump-backed to me.
Was this a wolf with a deformed broken back or the now ten thousand years extinct American hyena? I don’t know and I have seen several wolves in the past and innumerable coyotes and fox so I feel well qualified to speak about canine animals.
Also, it’s incisor teeth looked unnaturally long and I think it had a greyish coat with some strange yellowish or red patches on its back. Very hard to confirm in the dusky light. Its eyes had a strange yellowish color to them. I was unsure whether to shoot it or not but decided to leave this area immediately. I know well enough not to run as to appear to be prey to a predator. But kept my loaded shotgun at the low ready just in case. Stopping often to check my six just like an infantry soldier on a patrol. I left and never actually returned to this spot.
On another occasion, I heard the large animal getting up in the woods at least twice in a totally different place again while small game hunting. I had a distinct feeling I was being watched. This was near a registered trapline I later discovered so was easy to find an excuse not to return there. Some months later I found two thoroughly mutilated calves and a cow someone really took their time with. Again at a different location about ten miles from here as the crow flies.
The cow had an ear tag and I reported it to the RCMP they tell me in a later phone call this incident was forwarded to local livestock inspector. I must say perhaps just rustled cattle butchered right there But seems stupid as it is at corner very busy forest road.
Maybe a mutilation maybe not I just hope these strange occurrences are it for me.
I had a recent health scare and do not need any more drama in my life!
Joe in AlbertaToggle
Paranormal Underground Magazine-Rainbow Issue

Check out this amazing magazine that I contribute to! Inside each issue are great articles from some of the best researchers, paranormal investigators, Shamans alike. It’s a must have for Cryptid and paranormal researcher enthusiasts!
In this issue, read my two articles, “Are You a Sensitive, Psychic or Empath? What’s the Difference? and “Dogman VS. Werewolf: Similar Cryptids With a Big Difference.”
Thanks Everyone,
A Hike in the Woods

Ever walked a trail in the forest, after listening to David Paulides talk about disappearances? In the back of your mind … the stories are there and every step you take, every breath you make, lingers in slow motion because it’s the, “what if,” scenario that makes your pulse quicken while your eyes dart around for any sudden movement or sound. A hike in the forest will never be the same.
Michael and I enjoy walks and we try to visit our forest friends as often as we can. This particular walk for both of us was a bit sobering. As researchers, we know what might be out there and we also know surprises can lurk around any corner. The majesty of the trees, the sound of the river racing along, can make a person forget to be vigilant because let’s face it, we go on hikes to relax, not to stress ourselves out.
The big question is if we think about Sasquatch, Dogman or the mystery Cryptid, Michael coined, Creature X, do we attract them to us? What if the little elemental sprites, faeries are running around, will they know we come in peace? The darkness and its shadowy minions can play havoc on our fears, so what happens when and if our paths cross?
The day was just like any other day, here in Oregon, bright and lovely, the clouds seemed to almost dip down and touch us, and the path was one of the best we have seen, almost like it was cleared and laid out just for us. So, why was I nervous?
This was our first time in this particular forest so it felt a little intimidating, at least for me. We took apples, granola bars and a note for Warsiah. We usually leave something for the Sasquatch every time we go on a hike.
The trail was just beautiful with tall trees and amazing smells. We were the only people on the trail so it felt like we were in our own piece of paradise. Twenty minutes into the hike, we both noticed that there were no birds or squirrels to be seen … anywhere.
I stated that this was odd to Michael and he agreed. My mind was racing and I was trying to remember what I was told by my benefactors years ago when they told me what birds being quiet meant. Was it a warning?
I had the impression that literally no squirrels lived in this forest and maybe that is a possibility but I’ve never known this to be. And besides that, I really didn’t notice any bugs flying around. It was if we were in a forest that had no animals living in it at all. So, was this a vortex we were in? This is the only answer that seems to check most of the boxes in my mind, except, I didn’t notice any weird smells or electricity in the air.
After about almost an hour, we heard our first bird but never saw any squirrels. We didn’t even see a bird flying around, only heard them. I reasoned that maybe this was because the trees were so tall, maybe the birds were up high but even still, when birds aren’t around, that definitely is alarming.
We then heard a noise, it sounded like a footstep to our left, further back where some trees were down. We started to walk and again, there was that same noise that sounded like a step, almost like someone or something was following us.
We heard other sounds but the footsteps seemed to be the most unsettling. After we heard the steps, we decided to walk a bit further and then turn around. We found a secret place to put the apples and other goodies for Warsiah (our Oregonian Sasquatch contact) and we started back.
On the way back, I thought of all the missing people who started off just like we did but never made it back home. Does awareness of beings in the forest guarantee a safe journey back to the car? I don’t really know, but one thing I do know is that hikes for Michael and I, as much as we love them, will always be a bit precarious now. After all, the first step on any trail either leads to the desired destination or one that is unexpected.
Just remember, we really aren’t alone in the forests, maybe we never really were but thanks to the hard work of David Paulides and others, we now know to be awake and aware. Happy and safe trails.
A Dogman Experience – Is it all True Series # 444
Cryptids have always been in the background in my life experiences even when I worked cattle or packed up the Continental Divide in Colorado. I knew they existed but I always felt our paths wouldn’t cross at least yet. It wasn’t because I was so ignorant and ignored the reality of them, more so that I just wasn’t in that mindset and I truly believe that what we focus on, we intend into our reality. I guess in my younger days, I was dealing with the Medicine Way and understanding the implications of dealing with dark witches, spells, and shapeshifters.
When I met Michael, my fiance, it seemed to be just a matter of time before these creatures started to show themselves. I had an experience with a Sasquatch name Loekey first and then the experience with Tulack, a Dogman who lives in the back area of the Sandia mountains in New Mexico. The day I saw him wasn’t in a secluded area, it was the beginning of a back road that leads to the top of the Sandias. It was a holiday so there were a lot of people out having picnics or going for family hikes.
Michael and I forgot that it was a holiday but once we started up the winding road leading to the top of the mountains, we decided to stick with our plan to do some vortex photography. I’m sure that in the back of our minds, we never thought in a million years that we would see a Dogman or his companion, a large brown bear. It was just by chance we saw what many have seen in much scarier scenarios.
Our experience started as soon as I got out of the car and started to climb some rocks on the other side of a walkway. I had lost my balance and I was teeter tottering from left to right continually until I got my balance. I was babbling off something to Michael when he yelled,
“Rainbow watch out for that bear!”
I looked in front of me past the road towards a thicket of large bushes and saw massive haunches turning in front of me and the sound of branches being cracked and stepped on as it was running away. I guess almost falling over on the rocks must have scared it. I can only guess.
As I watched the bear run away, out of some trees to the right of it, I saw a very strange and I mean very strange person walking going opposite of the bear. Its stride was like something I’ve never seen especially a normal person do. For every step, it took there must have been 4 to 5 feet in between each step which means that I was looking at something very tall. Its back was hunched over and at first, I thought that maybe he was carrying a backpack. I mean, my mind was going a hundred miles a minute trying to figure out what exactly I was looking at. Then I realized that it wasn’t a backpack but the man’s back. Then I saw how strange the color of the man was. At this point, I had no idea I wasn’t looking at a man. Its color was grey, purple and dark brown. There seemed to be patches of what looked like to me, purple but who knows what I was looking at.
It didn’t turn and look at me but kept at a very fast pace walking down what we eventually saw was a path. I said to Michael how weird this fellow was but he couldn’t see him. I then pointed to the location of where he went and as we walked in that direction, that is when the horrible feeling hit us both in the gut. Something told both of us to stay back. It was a clear message and one I was willing to ignore but not Michael. I wanted to go down the path further but he said it was too dangerous.
I must say, the feeling in our gut was like a slight punch, almost a nauseating feeling. It affected our heart rates and our adrenaline was racing. I could feel my heartbeat all over my body. It was at this point that I decided to take photos in the direction the strange hiker had gone.
It was in one of these photos that we captured what turned out to be a Dogman. He was standing and watching us as we were trying to figure out what to do next. We didn’t smell him at all; he didn’t have an odor any more than the bear did. But I must say, we sure did feel him.
We didn’t know what we had captured until we got home. It was quite the surprise and the beginning of my connection to Tulack, the Dogman.
It’s interesting having a connection with another creature that is not human outside of a Sasquatch. Tulack has relayed interesting information to me, the most obvious is that they don’t think like humans. They understand their place in the forests and they don’t put out their threatening stance to other animals in the forests except when they hunt. As far as how they interact with each other, he stated that they have an understanding with each other. He preferred his solitude and said he particularly didn’t stay with any group but knew where they roamed. He was to me obviously intelligent beyond just a beast in the woods. He distrusted people extremely as do most Cryptids. He didn’t go into more detail than this but I’m pretty sure that what we see on TV with Werewolf movies isn’t even close. Tulack said that he and the large brown bear have been palling around for years. People put human issues and temperaments to other creatures and beings that have nothing to do with them at all.
I think that through the 240 years the USA has been around that Cryptids have had numerous altercations with humans, learning we are a dangerous species. One thing that I want to point out is that a clear mind is better than a pointed gun when walking in the woods. There are those who will say that is ludicrous but I do believe that harmful intent attracts what it focuses on. Cryptids will always be elusive if they know people carry guns, they’ll never see them. It comes down to what kind of interaction a person wants with Cryptids.
As the future unfolds, hopefully, I will have more interactions with both Dogman and Sasquatch. Time will tell.
Werewolf Encounter Is it all True Series #442
Years ago I can remember stories up in Taos, New Mexico about Cryptids called Werewolves and Dogman. I can’t say for sure that Werewolves are Cryptids because they seem to be darker in nature, half animal and half human. Are humans Cryptids, obviously not.
The Taos Mountain in many ways became my enchanted forest, the mystery of not only my soul but also that which I couldn’t see but feel. My first Vision Quest happened up in the back mountains of Taos when I was 23. The three day Vision Quest started with prayers and a peaceful repose that lingered within my heart through out the days and nights of mediation. The ending though, was far from serene, more like the scene out of a scary movie.
The difference is this really happened and it happened to me.
I have always felt that trees can hide people from danger, if only they are asked to do so. The trees seemed to shelter me and I felt I was hidden away in my private world of mediation. With the trees as my allies I had a false sense of protection. They after all can only do so much from their high vantage points but I was to find out, they have other ways of at least warning people of possible danger.
Lying down in my tent, I noticed that I had goosebumps on my arms and then I sat up and felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up. The dead silence of panic was deafening along with the startling angst in my chest. The dead silence alerted my warning bells and they started to chime unabashedly. The beautiful night’s tranquility had been shattered within the blink of an eye.
A voice, Elemental in nature yelled, “Run!”
It seemed the trees started to creek and moan loudly, waving at me, seemingly throwing branches at my tent. I scrambled out of my tent and started running without a second thought. The moon was full and high within the darkened night sky yet her luminous glow was my beacon leading me in the direction of my family’s campground. With the speed of a scared rabbit, I jumped over sagebrush and knew that even one glance back would be my downfall.
I could hear breathing from far behind me with a slight growl escaping its jaws besides sagebrush and rocks being scattered and trampled. I was running as fast as my feet allowed me and in some strange way, I knew that if I didn’t pick up my pace, I was a gonner. Somehow I just went for it, an all out run, yet this thing was getting closer and closer. I could feel its gaze, penetrating my back, that of an angry predator. To put it bluntly, I felt like a deer or antelope escaping for my life. Somehow my superhuman powers took over and I sprinted home with a speed I didn’t know I was capable of.
I ran into the bus and slammed the door behind me. I could tell it had stopped chasing me a couple yards away. The horses started to get panicky and the dogs growled. Let’s just say I woke up the whole camp, humans and animals alike. That night, I realized that I was just out of harm’s way by seemingly an arm’s length.
That night I was lucky that the Werewolf backed off.
Rainbow's Diary– Is it all True Series #363
New Additions 11-23-14
These two additions from my diary have always stayed with me through out the years. I decided to share them because I think people need to know that there have been visitors coming here for many years. I feel if people need proof at this point in history then they really are living with their heads in the sand. We all instinctively know what is the truth. In today’s day and age, people are accustom to bury the truth deep within them. The more technology, the more foreign our higher-selves become to us.
The Men in Black memory, is one of many. The Alien-Men in Black taught me when I was a little girl so I tend to have a love-hate relationship with them. The government, Men in Black are just agents who take on the appearance of the initial Men in Black. The only similarity they have is the way they dress, beyond that there is no comparison.
Spacecraft and Children
Written down 9-8-2010
I was invited as a special guest to visit a spacecraft that was positioned close to earth. The human looking visitors were familiar with earth and they often came to visit us from what I was told.
I was standing in an unusually shaped spacecraft that served like a classroom of sorts for various types of curriculum’s being taught to these visitors kids. We were all in very tight corridors so I knew it was a small spacecraft that operated more like a transportation vehicle. I was walking around many children who looked just like children on earth. I had the feeling that the mothership they came from was massive and not far away, though I can’t recall seeing it, I had more a feeling it was not far away.
The light inside was very bright and I was taken aback because the children seemed really excited to see me. For some reason I was compelled to tell the kids that I was from earth and immediately the hostess who was showing me around, anxiously told me not to tell the kids where I was from because I would scare them. This was so odd to me but it was made clear to me to keep quiet. I wondered why they felt this way about earth…
The children seemed to move at a faster speed then me and my mind had a difficult time slowing them down. They were highly intelligent and they obviously exuded a higher frequency then me. A little girl came over to me and started to excitedly talk to me but she was giving me a really bad headache. I immediately felt dizzy as she focused all her attention on me. Her speech sounded like it was on fast forward and I couldn’t keep up with what she was saying.
She was around 9 or 10 and her brain function was so much higher then mine and I could tell she didn’t understand why I couldn’t understand her. She assumed because I looked like her that I was just like her.
I came back from this experience very humbled because the children were just so much more intelligent then not only our kids but most adults here. I remember the hostess telling me that they learn at a very fast rate. In a silly way I almost wished that some of their intelligence would have rubbed off on me. I knew I was human and without a doubt that just wasn’t going to happen.
Men in Black/a Pointed Needle/a Voice behind Me
The year of this experience wasn’t written down but I believe I was in my late 30’s. The first thing I remember was that I was tied down by my wrists and ankles to a large chair that made me look like I was a small child. It reminded me of the electric chairs in years past that they used in prisons. This one must have been for very large people.
There were two Men in Black standing in front of me by a doorway. They weren’t the white skinned Alien type but government agents. None the less, they were dressed completely in black, including sunglasses. I really didn’t like them and my animosity was growing because they seemed to be making fun of me. I lunged forward trying to get at them and realized I was tied down by my wrists and ankles.
A voice from behind me told me to look at my right palm. My wrist was untied and for a minute I thought maybe I could untie myself. The voice told me to take my right palm and place it over a long, pointed needle that was about a foot long and pyramid shaped. I immediately felt uncomfortable and I told the voice emphatically, “No,” and then said they couldn’t make me. The two Men in Black started to laugh and I again instinctively lunged at them which made them laugh even harder.
The voice told me again to place my palm over the needle and I again said “No!” All of a sudden my right arm moved on it’s own which was the weirdest feeling I have ever felt and I immediately knew I couldn’t stop it. I watched as my right palm moved over the sharp point of the long needle and no matter how much I focused, I couldn’t stop my right palm from being pricked by the needle. I blacked out as soon as I felt the tip of the needle prick my palm.
I believe the purpose of the chair was to intimidate me and make me feel like a small child. What I can say is because of the experience, I realized that I acquired a different kind of perception, almost like my frequency was altered, more sensitive.
I saw no cut or prick on my right palm after I remembered the experience happened. There were no marks on my wrists or ankles. My palm in no way felt sore or showed any signs of being messed with. I was agitated beyond belief though, and I honestly think I could have taken those Men in Black on and beat the crap out of them.
By Rainbow Radaelli – Truthseekerhighway.com