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Paranormal Vortex Photography Part 1
See more of us on Dimensional Walking – a paranormal journey – YouTube
Joel Reyerson’s Vortex Photography

A Possible Resolution to the Artificial Portals Is it all True Series #365
To my chagrin, Loekey awoke me from a deep sleep Tuesday the llth of this month, (Nov.) in the wee hours of the morning and decided to impart vital information to me. The information started to flood into my mind as I tossed and turned in bed. I opened my exhausted eyes and told Loekey that I was too tired and I wasn’t going to go to my computer to type down any information. Unfortunately, information continued to flood my brain for what felt like three hours. I then was able to fall asleep but I lost those vital hours of sleep and I looked tired and haggard the next morning.
This is all the information I can retain at this time. Until Loekey comes back and helps me remember more…this is it.
Loekey told me that the earth has upper and lower transparent frequencies that are connected to the upside down pyramids. These frequencies rotate opposite of each other and because of this; Loekey thinks there might be a chance to use these frequencies to close off the artificial portals. Understanding the science behind the two frequencies is paramount at this point.
Interestingly enough Loekey said there is another frequency they think they can use and this comes from a seismic influx from the sun, we call a solar flare. It is thought that when a solar flare comes towards earth, this can be used along with the earth’s two frequencies, to close up the artificial portals. If all goes well, the first to be closed will be the artificial portals that are opened in the areas where the solar flares converge with the transparent frequencies. It was important for me to understand that because the two transparent frequencies rotate opposite of each other, they are a big part of the equation but Loekey didn’t say why.
The mathematical equation-resolution is coming from an outside source so Loekey said they are waiting for the go ahead, the explanation regarding how it will all work and what their assistance will be.
This is all Greek to me, so obviously Loekey has a better understanding of what is going on then me. I also remembered that he told me something about a gravitational wave but the details have left me. Anybody reading this…please understand that I am the messenger, not a scientist.
Tuesday the 25th, again in the wee hours of the morning, I woke up out of a dead sleep and said out loud, “Sacred Geometry can solve the artificial portal problems.” I said this matter of factly out loud and I told myself to remember what I said and then I immediately fell back asleep.
I woke up the next morning, immediately remembering what I said and wondered what the heck that was all about. Either it was Loekey who woke me up and made me remember the words, Sacred Geometry or for some bizarre reason it was me. (I seriously doubt it was me.)
I then realized that in my dance class the night prior, I was teaching my students about movement within choreography. The design within any movement is just as important as deciding which group of moves fit together. I told the girls that when they are creating choreography from a specific design, they need to follow the pattern and see where it leads them. This is because while they are continuing with the design, no matter what they add in, traveling steps or turns, they will still be connected to the original inspired pattern. The pattern is always an extension of itself and even though in dance at any given time, it can change into another design, it all fits together like a kaleidoscope. None of the beautiful patterns ever take away from each other; they tend to create multiple images of extended patterns that emerge from each other.
After remembering my dance class and talking to Michael about it, he commented that maybe Loekey was somehow aware of my dance class and from my description and explanation to my students, perhaps he got the, “Sacred Geometry,” idea. This might be farfetched but to be honest with you, neither one of us has a rational explanation as to why out of the blue, I woke up and blurted out the words, Sacred Geometry.
I checked out Wikipedia’s description regarding, Sacred Geometry also known as the Flower of Life and this is what it said:
The Flower of Life is the name that gives to a geometrical figure composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles. This figure forms a flower-like pattern with the symmetrical structure of a hexagon.
A “Flower of Life” figure consists of seven or more overlapping circles,[1] in which the center of each circle is on the circumference of up to six surrounding circles of the same diameter. However, the surrounding circles need not be clearly or completely drawn; in fact, some ancient symbols that are claimed as examples of the Flower of Life contain only a single circle or hexagon.
Drunvalo Melchizedek has called these figures symbols of sacred geometry, asserting that they represent ancient spiritual beliefs, and that they depict fundamental aspects of space and time.[2][3] Melchizedek claims that Metatron’s Cube may be derived from the Flower of Life pattern, and that the Platonic solids within it were “thought to act as a template from which all life springs.”[4][5] Melchizedek has been teaching the Flower of Life at workshops since 1985.
Once I read the description of the Flower of Life, I realized why there could be a possibility of this ancient pattern effectively closing the artificial portals. The pattern and its spheres are identical to the distances between the tones and the half tones in music. The frequency of the tones and half tones in music affect people along with any living being or creature within audible range. Since the artificial portals aren’t apart of the natural pattern created by earths design, they would be vulnerable to her frequency tones which could be considered like seismic waves. If so, with the pattern repeating itself, there is a chance the artificial portals won’t be able to stay open without the blue print of the original hexagonal pattern opening and closing. And let me say, that I am guessing here because at this point any of the above could be a solution or a figment of my imagination.
As a result of my obvious confusion over frequencies, I decided to look into what kind of frequencies come from the earth and found out that there were man made artificial frequencies as well. Here’s a few that I found with a little bit of information to go along with them.
The earth has a resonant frequency which is a natural wave created from lightning storms. It is also called “earth brainwaves,” because it is identical to the frequency spectrum of human brainwaves.
Infrasound which as also known as low-frequency sound, is used by whales, elephants, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, giraffes, and alligators to communicate over long distances. I think most of us know that migrating birds use naturally generated infrasound, from sources such as turbulent airflow over mountain ranges, as a navigational aid.
HAARP(High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) waves produce elf waves which manipulate the ionosphere. When certain areas are targeted, it can create devastating weather changes and also affect people in ways such as mood swings, irritability etc. Unfortunately, this might be a growing problem that interferes with earth’s natural frequency blueprint.
I came across this artificial frequency which I didn’t know much about. GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network) transmitters affect the earth’s natural brain rhythm by replacing natural geomagnetic waves coming from the ground with artificially created low frequency (LF) ground waves. I wondered how this is affecting people, animals and the Earth herself.
At this point, I must say that I am beginning to wonder if Sacred Geometry could even work considering the various types of man made artificial interference through out the planet. I can only assume Loekey already knows all of this and this is why they need an outside source to help them close off the artificial portals. Taking it a step further, maybe the interference coming from Haarp and GWEN have played a role in helping the artificial rips stay open and in place. It’s a huge assumption but one that has to be put out there.
To be honest with you, I’m starting to think, Loekey works in mysterious ways and that he wanted me to do some of this research on my own and write about it. I can see the full spectrum of this massive task that has been placed on his and many others shoulders. All I can say is that my respect for him has grown immensely from knowing this.
Loekey hasn’t communicated with me in his “non-typical” way since I emphatically told him I wasn’t getting out of bed to type the information he was imparting to me. I understand Loekey works on a vastly different timetable then me. His idea of sharing information is paramount and in the moment, not necessarily when it’s convenient for me to receive it. All I can say is, the next time he contacts me, I’ll get my tired butt up out of bed and I’ll do what I promised him I would do, which is to be a mediary, receiving and imparting his message to who ever wants to read it. This is all for now or until further communication with Loekey resumes.
From Rainbow Radaelli –
Loekey, Portal Jumping and Artificial Portals– Is it all True Series #362
Loekey said that the portals are upside down pyramids. The point of the pyramid gains its energy from Middle Earth. Each natural portal has a drop off point that has a timing to it. He said that any topography around the portals would give off a distinctive vibration that would affect the senses for anyone within its perimeter. It would feel as if there was a morphed or skewed altering of time. Visually he said it looks like colors come from all directions and the depth perception of anything within the portal is distorted, almost stretched.
Within each portal is an octagon mirage that gives off multiple pyramid shapes. Once they jump in the portals, he says that the multiple pyramids turn in all directions. It’s like an illusion of several endless mirrors, rotating at once. Loekey said, it can be very disorienting for humans because most humans haven’t developed their pineal gland. (I slightly disagree here because I think we do an astral jump of sorts when we use our astral body. I think we do use our pineal gland a little, it just happens to be at night when we dream.)
Loekey said that the natural portals affect areas around them within a mile of each direction, that includes up above (the sky) and down below going towards Earths center. At certain times of the day or night the natural portals rotate and the octagon pattern shifts. This is because Mother Earth adjusts for anything that is going in or coming out of the portals. He said, the important aspect of the portals is that when the pyramids are pulling towards Middle Earth, this very action helps the Earth rotate.
If an artificial portal is made, this changes the timing of the “natural” portals rotating. For instance, if Aliens rip through or open up a portal either dimensionally or galactically, this is not good for the planet. The fabric of time and space has to come from the composition of the original source meaning that the energy and frequency has a pulse that is like a blue print. All beings who are natural portal jumpers have within their DNA, Earth’s blue print. This means that if anything happens to the rotation of the portals, it can affect the portal jumpers biologically in a bad way especially if they are in the portals at the same time another artificial portal is ripping through Earth’s atmosphere. I can only assume the octagon and the multiple pyramids can’t function properly with the artificial rip or pull coming from an outside source other then Earth.
Loekey was saying that the species called Dog Man is being affected not only by these artificial portals but by the changes within the Earth’s environment. Dog Man’s ability to sense where the natural portals are, offers other beings a type of road marker, an essential chart in and out of the portals. At this point he said it is just a matter of time before Dog Man chooses another dimensional planet to live on. If this happens then he suspects that it will be hard for portal jumpers to know where the natural portals are versus the artificial ones. Loekey said that each Earth Keeper has different duties and Dog Man’s is essential for the portals rotation of the octagon pattern. He said that when the Dog Man species go in and out of the portals, they fine tune the Earth’s rotation so that it stays at a specific velocity.
It’s important to note that the artificial portals allow other dimensional beings in that otherwise could not come through the natural portals. Unfortunately, because most of the artificial portals have not been closed off, we now have problems with biological beings called “bioinerts,” who otherwise can not come to Earth without the help of the artificial portals. They are like parasites and Loekey said they are very dangerous and destructive. He said that some of the bioinerts are a problem for them as well so humans aren’t the only ones who have to defend themselves. Unfortunately the artificial portals and the “bioinerts” combined affect the natural process and encoding that Mother Earth goes through for the natural portals. The question at this point is how to close off the artificial portals once they open up. Since the artificial portals are dangerous to jump into…there is no way to know how to close them off from their point of origin. Given that the artificial portals are foreign to Earth; their technology is also of unknown origin so it’s anybody’s guess how to close them off here. If Loekey or any of the numerous portal jumpers decide to take on such a dangerous mission and jump into the artificial portals, there is no way of knowing if any of them would survive the jump or come back to Earth. Loekey said they are now contemplating whether they will take on the task of closing off the artificial portals.
Loekey emphatically stated, “That if any life forms come here to visit and they can’t come through the portals naturally, then they don’t need to be here…period!”
By Rainbow Radaelli
Vortexes Types and Origins—Is it all True Series # 328
Vortexes are amazing phenomena that occur around the world. They come in many shapes and sizes, from the size and shape of a thimble to an exact square five miles across. Vortexes are vehicles for good and bad. Beings of many shapes, forms and sizes travel through and across vortexes to their next inter-dimensional adventure.
There are four types of vortexes I am aware of. First, the natural ones, the earth type: all over the earth there is a network of points, ley-lines of converging high and low electrical magnetic fields. These are the vortexes that fairies, Bigfoot and Dogman use to move in and out of dimensions to gain a safe and secure place from harm.
Next we have the human created vortexes such as Stonehenge, smaller pyramid structures, and stone circles. This type is created for positive access to outer realms; although the Druids have been noted to sacrifice hard criminals, in most cases it was just for positive results.
The third type are Alien vortexes, ones created by alien being groups like grays, tall whites, reptilians and others. These are created strictly as travel through lanes to quickly reach other dimensions and other worlds. Examples of this type include crop circles and the great pyramids, which I would consider a vortex area also.
Last and the least are the very dark vortexes created by satanic sacrifice ceremony, which bring in dark entities. Their ceremonies use virgins and young innocent children, pure bloods, to draw down the demons/jinn. These sacrifice offerings are done in exchange for favors.
I myself have taken thousands of photos around the country and have seen various creatures/ beings in and around vortex areas. Go to the upper right hand corner of this site and put “vortex” in the search function and enjoy.
Sleep tight, the proper use of vortexes could make man’s wisdom of our universe explode.
Vortex photography – Is it all True Series # 297
About 6 years ago I came across by accident an amazing discovery – there are these wonderful vortexes in and around this country (USA) and probably all around the world. I have been very lucky to have an incredible person who map dowses for these vortexes and I go out with this dowsed TOPO map and take random digital photos with Cosmic/brilliant results. If you would like to have a map dowsed for UFOs, Bigfoot or Vortexes or others things contact Kewaunee Lapseritis directly at 425-844-8409 please note there is a charge for his services. Also note when I take the photo the vast majority of the time I do not see the beings but only after in view screen in the back of the digital camera these strange beings are seen. So over the next year I will periodically share with my website visitors these photos of what I feel are inter-dimensional beings. These postings will be posted on the weekends under the headings” Is it all True Series”? I will under each photo describe what I see and please feed-back to me what you see. Either as a comment on the site or a direct email to Enjoy
So this time on a recent mini- expedition east of Albuquerque we (my partner Rainbow and I) take about 150 pictures in vortex area and some sky shots. So I will share the photos with you below. And we still have 50 to 75 photos more to examine in detail for some other possible strange beings/UFOs.
The Blob beast in the woods east of Albuquerque
Ghosts in a vacant an old home north of Santa Fe.
Small Ancient Head in a cave
Vortex photography – UFOs and More– Is it all True Series # 293
About 6 years ago I came across by accident an amazing discovery – there are these wonderful vortexes in and around this country (USA) and probably all around the world. I have been very lucky to have an incredible person who map dowses for these vortexes and I go out with this dowsed TOPO map and take random digital photos with Cosmic/brilliant results. If you would like to have a map dowsed for UFOs, Bigfoot or Vortexes or others things contact Kewaunee Lapseritis directly at 425-844-8409 please note there is a charge for his services. Also note when I take the photo the vast majority of the time I do not see the beings but only after in view screen in the back of the digital camera these strange beings are seen. So over the next year I will periodically share with my website visitors these photos of what I feel are inter-dimensional beings. These postings will be posted on the weekends under the headings” Is it all True Series”? I will under each photo describe what I see and please feed-back to me what you see. Either as a comment on the site or a direct email to Enjoy
So this time on a recent mini- expedition east of Albuquerque we (my partner Rainbow and I) take about 150 pictures in vortex area and some sky shots. So I will share the photos with you below. And we still have 50 to 75 photos more to examine in detail for some other possible strange beings/UFOs.
First one – a small alien being/fairy face, left side of tree in the center.
Number two – two blue star/Orbs objects, with an interesting cloud face down of the Stars and to the left.
Number three- a pink square UFO in the middle of beautiful party cloudy mountain sky.
Fourth photo- Maybe a Bigfoot or dog man, center right, left of two trees.
Sleep Tight , Life and the world around is so much more interesting than most do think…
Vortex Photography and sometimes seeing maybe believing Part 12- Is it all True Series #281
About 5 years ago I came across by accident an amazing discovery – there are these wonderful vortexes in and around this country (USA) and probably all around the world . I have been very lucky to have an incredible person who map dowses for these vortexes and I go out with this dowsed TOPO map and take random digital photos with Cosmic/brilliant results. If you would like to have a map dowsed for UFOs,Bigfoot or Vortexes or others things contact Kewaunee Lapseritis directly at 425-844-8409 please note there is a charge for his services. Also note when I take the photo the vast majority of the time I do not see the beings but only after in view screen in the back of the digital camera these strange beings are seen. So over the next year I will periodically share with my website visitors these photos of what I feel are inter-dimensional beings. These postings will be posted on the weekends under the headings ” Is it all True Series” ? . I will under each photo describe what I see and please feed-back to me what you see. Either as a comment on the site or a direct email to Enjoy
Bigfoot – Foot
Fairies in the grass
Black and white face
Vortex Photography and sometimes seeing maybe believing Part 11- Is it all True Series #280
About 5 years ago I came across by accident an amazing discovery – there are these wonderful vortexes in and around this country (USA) and probably all around the world . I have been very lucky to have an incredible person who map dowses for these vortexes and I go out with this dowsed TOPO map and take random digital photos with Cosmic/brilliant results. If you would like to have a map dowsed for UFOs,Bigfoot or Vortexes or others things contact Kewaunee Lapseritis directly at 425-844-8409 please note there is a charge for his services. Also note when I take the photo the vast majority of the time I do not see the beings but only after in view screen in the back of the digital camera these strange beings are seen. So over the next year I will periodically share with my website visitors these photos of what I feel are inter-dimensional beings. These postings will be posted on the weekends under the headings ” Is it all True Series” ? . I will under each photo describe what I see and please feed-back to me what you see. Either as a comment on the site or a direct email to Enjoy
BIGFOOT Cammo-ed center