At various points in my life, I instinctively go back to my Celtic roots. I feel more Irish and Scottish than my Italian and Spanish self is willing to admit. The Celtic music speaks to me in ways that go directly into my fiery core which is like a beckoning light, leading me home.
There are so many questions that I have, it’s almost like I don’t know who I am. Is the negative blood type running through my veins really Alien in nature or am I a different kind of human that is either a forgotten myth or interstellar traveler?
Either one is fine with me, as long as there is some semblance of truth guiding me on my quest for answers. So, I thought I would share some interesting, maybe weird findings with all of you. Life experiences can either be unexpected treasures or the junk of disappointment. Either way, there is always something to be learned.
Belonging Some Place Else
Sometimes I feel very alone, not the self-indulgent, “Woe is me” feeling but more, “okay, where did my people go?”
I have had memories and visions, but I must pause here to fervently state, these are not dreams which are entirely a different ballgame. These are wor that feel so much like home that when I realize I am back here in this reality or dimension, that I almost feel horribly abandoned, lost to my true home. As much as I love this planet, home is not here.
I think many RH negative people feel this way to a certain degree. Do I have proof, no but I have talked to many who feel a calling to someplace else. We feel a kinship with vast open spaces along with the mountainous regions. I am not a water person by a long shot but the opposite of this is the vast and bottomless ocean. We are kin to one or the other.
Fairy Folk
Michael and I believe in the Fairy folk and other Wee people of purported myth. We search out Cryptids and Beings of old who have not abandoned our forests. As long as they are still here, we truly believe humanity has a chance to correct the chaos and mayhem we created. I feel when humans stray from their true nature; our beloved friends can no longer communicate with them. Humans can become blind and deaf to the ancient ones. The wake-up call is now.
Crowds can become like the definition of a claustrophobic maze. The roads less traveled are more comfortable. It’s a feeling where I become undetectable, hidden from sight which is a much more relaxed feeling. Though I must admit, I still have the weirdest desire to jump into bushes when cars drive by our front yard. It’s so overwhelming that at times, I feel like I will jump out of my skin if I don’t hide. It’s the darndest thing and one that I don’t think I will ever outgrow.
Blood Type Diet
Interestingly, I was introduced to what is called the blood diet years ago. My naturopathic doctor introduced me to it years before I met Michael, who is a big fan of it. There is no distinction between positive and negative blood types. I was left scratching my head when I saw they didn’t differentiate between the two because I feel there is a big difference with the blood types.
Michael didn’t think it would matter but I told him that some of the foods I wasn’t allowed for my blood type didn’t feel right. For example, I feel like crap after weeks of not eating ground beef or beef itself. That kind of meat every so often just keeps me going. How can spinach pasta be bad for me? I like spinach and feel good eating it. I love cashew and pistachio nuts and low and behold, I’m not supposed to have them either. I just go according to what my body says, and she says eat what feels good.
I often wonder if this other realm that RH negatives are from, is underwater only because of how much water we drink. I know I’ve stated this before but it’s a bit bizarre how much water I drink considering the fact that I don’t really like to swim. I often have felt that if I was by the ocean for too long, the mermaids would come looking for me. I wonder if there is a connection between my blood type and the Merpeople. Unless I develop gills any time soon, I’m probably not going to find out.
Peeping Toms
This last bit of sharing is a rather strange one. It doesn’t happen all the time (thank goodness) but when it does, it’s really frightening. I can be in a room and know if someone is watching me, you know like the invisible peeping toms or the yellow eyes with no face. When I would practice for a show or restaurant gig in my dancing days, the feeling would be so strong that the back of my neck would get all prickly and I would get Spock ears …which usually meant that someone with a dubious and formidable presence was close by. I could also feel people watching me from the ceiling. It was the oddest sensation because either they had to be looking down at me or they were watching from some form of technology that gave the impression they were looking down at me. I could feel people outside my window, and I would peer out and see nothing but I knew they were there.
As an RH negative, I think we are watched every so often. Are we a part of an agenda that very few speak of, only time will tell but until then, I will keep searching for answers even if they are in the weirdest of places and beyond the ordinary.
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