Location. California (exact location not given)
Date: September 30 2009
Time: 2150
At 1500 the witness was watching his cat in the yard from inside the house, looking out a sliding glass door. He was looking out into a field and then looked straight up. His ears went flat and his eyes were big and he ducked down and quickly ran to a tree to climb but stopped halfway looking up all around. At that moment the witness saw a reflection of a black oval (off a camper shell window in the driveway) moving away to the left. The witness has tall trees all around the house but only the sky can be seen in the reflection. He went and picked up the cat and he was trembling and shaking. Later that night at exactly 2150 he went outside to feed the cat, as he stepped out of the door he saw something flashing colorful lights just off the porch steps in the yard no bigger than a baseball. It was very dark and he took 2 steps towards it and noticed that it was being held by “something” about 1 to 2 feet tall. The witness was startled and he jumped back and at the same time the “thing” was startled also and dropped the flashy object and ran away very fast. The witness looked where “it” dropped the bright object because it was right in front of his pumpkin patch. He heard it hit the ground and later believes it bent a pumpkin leaf stem. There was nothing there. He was terrified by then and ran inside his home to collect himself.
HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com
Type: D?
Location. Spring Lake Park, Minnesota
Date: October 2009
Time: 0530a
The witness was driving to work past Spring Lake when he approached a stop sign; he got a clear view of the lake. From the stop, to the lake, its maybe 20 yards. He looked over and crouched down next to the lake were two figures. At first he didn’t think anything of them, but as he went through the stop, one of the creatures stood up and looked at him. He pulled over and stared at it. They looked like two large ‘mutant bears’, but muscular and had human features. He could see fingers with claws. Its face was human-like, but with a snout. After watching for a good minutes, the second creature stood up. The witness then drove away at high speed.
HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—April 2010
Type: E
Location. Near Churchville, New York
Date: October 2009
Time: evening
The main witness, ‘Paul’, (involved in other encounters), while hunting with friends on a farm three miles from his house, came across a creature standing in the woods, Paul described it as being three feet tall with white skin, black almond shaped eyes with no whites, a small nose, and very thin lips. To his amazement the creature looked almost human. It was wearing a green camouflage hunting cap. Paul’s hunting buddies were turned away from it at the time, so he was the only one that witnessed the creature before it vanished. Paul thinks the creature may have been some sort of human alien hybrid, but cannot explain why it was wearing a hunting cap.
HC addendum
Source: http://www.unexplainable.net/
Type: E