2015 – Poor Man's Prophecies # Is it all True Series# 341

Prophecy as I always say is for amateurs, but it makes a fun posting and our viewers seem to like it.
So here we go for 2014- How did I score? — The below is from my 2014 predictions and the results –I originally posted the predictions on Jan 05 2014.

And here are the 2014 predictions — and My Results

1. Pope continues on his People’s Pope Agenda until a huge event shakes the Vatican. – True he is continuing his reforms ,, and the people are liking him, but nothing huge shakes up the Vatican , just some of the same issues plaguing the Vatican.– I get a 1/2 pt.
2. Severe drought in the Southeast will redevelop in late spring– No wrong
3. A bad January for US weather will welcome a February Spring – No fairly Bad to Average balance of the Winter

4.There will be unusual large meteorites entering the earth atmosphere- Yes there were several ,, including a Monster in Russia which injured a thousand people

5. There will be a huge unknown explosion in Brazil. No wrong

6. Winter Games will not go well for Putin. — Generally the games went well, But Putin got major Heat from the huge price-tag of the Games – 1/2 pt.
7. Japan will suffer another 7.5 or larger earthquake , further damaging Fukushima. Nope- wrong
8. A very powerful hurricane season will fully make up for the passive 2013 season in the Atlantic basin.- No wrong extremely light season
9. Unexpected temperature drop ( world average) surprise climate change scientists, but its just part of the Change, yes sort of right — cooler than it has been especially Midwest and the Eastern part of the US. — say 1/2 right
10.I finally predict we will make it to see 2015- 100% right , unless something huge hits the fan in the last 10 days of 2014.

Final Score for 2014 3.5 right and 6.5 wrong — or a correct % of 35–well that sucks

Now the new predictions for 2015

1. There will be a huge scandal in the world of American Lottery — The criminals won’t probably surprise you.
2. Hacking on the internet will stop millions from buying products on-line and banking on-line will sharply decline.
3. Warm- wet winter for US ,, following by a very cool spring and hot summer.
4.Three bigger than life movie stars will die within weeks of each other.
5.Because of the decline in Oil prices – Russia’s economy will start to fall apart , and a world-wide recession will start the end of 2015
6. War drums will start sounding — players will be Russia, China, Iran , Israel and of course the US.
7. More large meteors will continue to hit the earth. One will hit close to major world city and kill two thousand people.
8. World knowledge about the damage Fukushima has done to mankind will continue to grow.
9. Chicago Cubs will win the World Series
10. Ebola will start spreading again around the world moving into India and Southeast Asia. Maybe a new and more dangerous strain.

Well sleep tight – I predict you have a 100% chance the sun will rise tomorrow.


Never Forget Fukushima and Climate Change — They will not forget you- they will effect us all — until the End.

MarchFairewinds on the March

­­No matter what one’s political persuasion, it is evident that the world’s weather patterns have intensified and are impacting people around the globe. To focus world attention on this issue, at least 400,000 people stepped out in New York City in the People’s Climate March on Sunday September 21st. This unified effort was the first gathering of this magnitude and meant to focus world attention on the dramatic consequences climate change is having on the world’s economy, environmental health, and the personal health of people throughout the world.

Fairewinds Board Member Chiho Kaneko and I were part of more than 1,000 marchers in the Nuclear Free, Carbon Free contingent.

“This is a movement embraced by young people, which is good – so different from whom we see in the anti-war & anti-nuclear movements,” Chiho reflected. “They are urged to DO something, so this had a different flavor and brought in a new generation of people.

Riding on separate buses from Vermont, we realized the importance of the Nuclear Free contingent well before we arrived. On the long trip from Vermont, we both spoke to staunch climate change activists, yet when the discussion changed to nuclear power, some were on the fence. They would say, “I read a new study saying new nuclear reactors and recycling spent fuel is so much better, and, isn’t nuclear power emissions free? Shouldn’t nuclear be part of the mix?”

Chiho and I believe it is vital to have an honest discussion about nuclear power and the future of energy policies, especially with the people spearheading the climate change movement. We want to hear an honest discussion between people like Arnie Gundersen and Bill McKibben.

When our buses were delayed in traffic, Chiho missed her engagement to sing at the rally. Even before we found the Nuclear Free contingent, two-dozen blocks from the bus drop off, we saw “Nuclear? No Thanks” smiling sun flags everywhere in the streets. NIRS (Nuclear Information Research Services) gave 650 flags away before the march even began. We wandered among the 1,000 plus nuclear crowd, greeting colleagues from around the country, and meeting nuclear campaigners from Indian Point, Pilgrim, Fitzpatrick, Tennessee, South Carolina, New Jersey, and more. Many people recognized Chiho from her Fairewinds media work, her translation work, and through New York City events in which she has participated. They expressed their gratitude to us for the work done by Fairewinds.

“In the New York area, the Japanese community concerned with nuclear issues is relatively small,” Chiho said. “One young woman told me that it is very difficult for her to talk about Fukushima Daiichi with her peers especially mothers, because they don’t want to think about it, it is too disturbing” Chiho added, “She feels pretty isolated, and when she comes to a big march or rally, it is a consolation. That one is not alone is a huge value of public demonstrations. That recognition can encourage them to continue their work back home.”

I was on the logistics team for many of the Vermont Yankee events and on the team that organized the Nuclear Free Contingent for this march. Most people have a misconception about protesters. The people who I met mirrored what research has shown. They came out to protest because they have already educated themselves on issues, vote, contact politicians, attend hearings, and write letters to the editor.

Sunday’s march marked the beginning of a broad coalition of issues under one umbrella – climate justice. It also motivated tens of thousands of people who are new to public protest. The new marchers were activated by the outrage they feel and a well-organized broad event, one safe enough for these new activists to move from letter writing to marching in the street.

At times while we walked, I saw Chiho sketching what she witnessed. “It is the role of artists to really see the problems we face and articulate them, to find ways to think about things on a very basic level, not just issue by issue,” Chiho said when I asked her about it.

“If people say ‘lives matter,’ that is a starting point. Without that, you don’t have a foundation to nurture sound judgments. It felt like this march was an occasion to be completely open and available to our fellow humans,” she said.

Chiho also noted that at one point, she was sketching while marching, there was a stop, and a policeman was looking over Chiho’s shoulder. He shook his head, as if saying, “I don’t know how you do that,” and they bumped fists. “It was a connection. That was the sweetest moment.”

To me, the most touching post-March moment was Tuesday when President Obama, in his speech to the United Nations, said, “Our citizens keep marching. We cannot pretend we do not hear them. We have to answer the call.

By Leslie Sullivan Sachs

2014 – Poor Man's Prophecies # Is it all True Series #307

Prophecy as I always say is for amateurs, but it makes a fun posting and our viewers seem to like it.
So here we go for 2013- How did I score? — The below is from my 2013 predictions and the results –I originally posted the predictions on Dec. 31st 2012.

So for 2013– my results..
1. World starts taking Global Warming seriously –Obama takes important steps.-Yes , but is it too late?
2. Two super winter storms one will strike the Pacific Northwest and one the Southeast US with blizzard conditions and winds accessing 70 MPH. 1/2 right huge winter storm hits Pacific NW , in Jan 2013
3. Looks like a double dip recession for the second half of the year. Very wrong
4. Truce will hold in the Mideast until at least the 4th quarter of the year. Yes still holding
5. Stocks moving up slowly but I see a 25 % decline into the end of the year. Very Wrong
6. Two major air crashes will shock the nation, one over a major US city. Wrong, thank GOD
7. There will be one super solar flare that will barely miss a direct hit on the Northern hemisphere, so powerful it would have destroyed 60% of our electrical power grid here in the US, but luck will be with us.Yes middle of the year a close call.
8. A new discovery will help millions of diabetic patients. 1/2 right small important discoveries did happen — and stop eating sugar its poison
9. Spain and Italy are slowly moving into default. Yes still happening
10. I predict we will make it to see 2014. Yes very right

Well better than last year — 2013 — 60 % right or sort of right .

And here are the 2014 predictions

1. Pope continues on his People’s Pope Agenda until a huge event shakes the Vatican.
2. Severe drought in the Southeast will redevelop in late spring
3. A bad January for US weather will welcome a February Spring
4.There will be unusal large meteorites entering the earth atmosphere
5. There will be a huge unknown explosion in Brazil.
6. Winter Games will not go well for Putin.
7. Japan will suffer another 7.5 or larger earthquake , furthur damaging Fukushima
and poluting the Pacific ocean
8. A very powerful hurricane season will fully make up for the passive 2013 season in the Atlantic basin.
9. Unexpected tempurture drop ( world average) surprise climat change scientists, but its just part of the Change.
10.I finally predict we will make it to see 2015.

Well sleep tight – I predict you have a 100% chance the sun will rise tomorrow.


US Death Rates Increase from Fukushima Fallout– Don't forget,,, it will effect us for thousands of years.

Alexandra Bruce
August 6, 2013

Dr. John Apsley reports on the increased deaths in North America that he believes
are associated with the Fukushima catastrophe and radiation leaks.

There was a spike in infant mortality rates within the first 10 weeks of the catastrophe in cities across the US, and the radiation contamination likely came through rainfall, he said, adding that infants were particularly susceptible because of their reduced thyroid function.

He attributes 14,000 deaths in the US so far to the fallout from Fukushima. – See more at: http://www.forbiddenknowledgetv.com/videos/radiation-poisoning/us-death-rates-increase-from-fukushima-fallout.html#sthash.aI7E9pMU.dpuf

Never forget Fukushima– It won't forget you… from forbiddenknowledgetv.com

Testing of groundwater outside the turbine

building of reactor No. 2 had shown the level

of strontium-90 had increased by more than

100 times between December 2012 and May

this year, Toshihiko Fukuda, a general manager

at TEPCO, told a news conference.

The reading for strontium-90 increased from 8.6

becquerels to 1,000 becquerels per liter between

December 8, 2012 and May 24, 2013, Fukuda said.

The elevated reading of strontium is more than

30 times the legal limit of 30 becquerels per liter.

TEPCO had previously been trying to convince

skeptical local fishermen that it is safe to dump

100 tons of the groundwater a day into the ocean

to take some of the strain off its storage facilities.