Loekey and Debryon- " Rainbow"–Is it all True Series # 369

Time and Earth

January the 19th, Early Morning

Two interesting things happened in the wee hours of the morning of the 19th. I had a feeling I was going to be kept up and I knew I had to try to clear my head as much as possible. Sometimes before I go to bed, I can hear faint echoes, voices whispering and I feel my body adjust itself, almost like it knows there will be little sleep. Loekey, came through, speaking to me and in the best way he could, explaining what’s been going on since we last communicated. It was so much information and I hope I was able to get most of it. This time I got out of bed and wrote down what I needed to and I think the rest will come when I write this entry.

However … someone else came through but I must confess, it wasn’t the first time. Michael calls this mystery being the, “The Quoter.“ I received
two quotes on January 1st from this Being.

“The body and the soul are the Cornucopia of life.”

“Back tracking DNA is the reverse engineering of life.”

Why I received these quotes the first of the year remains a mystery to me but interestingly enough another came my way on the night Loekey spoke to me. I knew right off the bat, that this was not Loekey speaking to me but someone else.

As soon as I put my pen to the notebook, I could hear Loekey speaking to me in his usual, slow, methodical voice. Here’s the latest info regarding the portals.

Loekey gave me a unique perspective on the portals. So look at this added tidbit as more info on the portals that gives us a greater understanding of their structure. The portals contain a unique component that gives off the slightest appearance of glass with multiple rainbows running through it. The frequencies that resonate within the portal itself, bounce off each other and give off a harmonious hum that usually only animals can hear. My understanding is Shamans and Healers can also hear this hum which is a sign of communion with the Earth.

Loekey said that with the space and time continuum, nothing exists together that does not alter the other ones course. Once two things exist together, they alter the other ones reality and the time lines of existence. Subsequently, the two connecting together creates another conversion or variant similar to the ebb and flow of life which is a constant variable for the natural portals. For the reason that the space within the natural portals is different from the space that exists outside in our Universe, calculating and timing a jump, can become a double edged sword. I didn’t understand until now that it really isn’t easy doing the jumps, it’s almost like an orchestrated to the minute approach.

Portal Solutions
The rips, the artificial portals created, have been on the forefront of my mind and I was starting to think they hadn’t come up with a solution. I was so relieved to hear that they had finally found a solution that wouldn’t need anyone to jump into the artificial portals.

Through the space and time continuum theory, they were able to figure out a way to get the artificial portals to implode in on themselves. Since they don’t have anything to do with our time and space continuum, there is really no other direction for the implosion to go but inward. I would love to know the science behind all of this but Loekey keeps it about as uncomplicated as possible. I can only assume that Loekey’s “outside help” came up with the solution.

One thing I did not mention before now( probably because I was just waiting for another time to write it down) was when Loekey came to talk to me one day when I was in front of my computer writing. He brought an Alien with him and I found this Alien to be extremely rude. I was being overly dramatic and whiny, telling Loekey that I didn’t know what direction I should go with my life. He suggested to me, that Michael and I should put up a website and do research. I was just about to thank him for his suggestion, when the rude Alien asked him if all humans were as stupid as me.

I used choice words when asking Loekey who the bleeping bleep was and he said he was visiting here to help him solve some problems. Obviously thinking back, he was talking about help with the artificial portals. Anyways, that was the first and last time Loekey brought his “friend” with him.

As I stated earlier, I received another quote about 20 minutes after I felt Loekey had left. Here is the quote:

“The cost of something cannot exceed the results.”

Michael wasn’t sure about this quote at first but unlike the other two quotes, this one came with an explanation. I was told that the earth has a natural “condition” that is based on the ebb and flow of life in it’s ancient and original form. The word “condition”, I am assuming, is a word this Being used to affirm our planets original place of existence.

Humans have become a burden to Earth because we take more from her then we give back. The cost of living on this planet, exceeds the condition in which much of humanity lives. We pay so much to live with so little in return that the problem has turned into a matrix way of life. If we don’t pay attention to the “condition” of our lives then we will eventually set ourselves up by paying the highest bidder for our own demise. We will unknowingly be the ones to push the button for our own devastation without anyone else needing to lift a finger.

By late morning, I was very curious about who was sending the quotes to me so as I was driving my car doing errands, I blurted out in my head, “It would be nice to have a name from whoever you are.” The name, Debryon came to me within an instant of me asking this question. It actually startled me a little bit. I was also given the correct spelling of the name. I have no clue if this is a male or female name, I guess it doesn’t really matter.

By Monday evening, I was exhausted but in a good way. Let’s see what happens next…

Who are the Others –Is it all True Series # 368

others 2

Michael and I were talking a couple of days ago about something that all experiencers, abductees, researchers and family members go through and that is trying to figure out who the “others” are. I was talking to him about who I thought they were but more importantly I mentioned that if you look carefully enough, you can get glimpses of who the “others” are by looking between the lines of documented and recorded testimony of the very people affected by them.

The “others” are vague and blurry but only because they don’t have the courage to show themselves directly in front of those they target. The “others” can have large hands especially to a child leading to the conclusion that those large hands belong to a full grown adult. The hands can also be very different from a humans; delicate, long and cold making the experiencer feel they are part of something unworldly, fictional yet real. The “others” have a smell to them, a kind of calling card that alarms the senses first, rousing the mind to full alert. There’s electricity in the air just before they arrive, you can smell either wires burning or a pungent odor of dampness combined with an electrical charge that fills the lungs making every breath unnatural and forced.

Humans masquerading in uniforms and boots, speaking in codes along with the clinking of metal are a human designed and operated form of the “others”. Compassion with this group, can be nonexistent or a brutal retaliation.

The “others” are known as bright lights in the sky, windows or bedrooms with telepathic messages that dull the senses enough so that a levitated body flows with ease. The memories become hidden messages forgotten by a manipulated mind. The “others” are nightmares and dreaded sunsets that seem to overwhelm agitated nerves.

The “others” smile with a cold reassurance that all will be okay, yet deep down within the soul the truth speaks differently. The “others” can be pure energy like a plasma photon vehicle or spheres that are shaped like orbs or shooting stars. They can go through thoughts and fears without so much a glance.

The “others” can be dark windowless eyes that are like an endless hallway into a dark void, empty and hostile. These eyes seem to capture the mind and cage it in frightening images of consequences.

And yes, the “others” can be smiling faces with genuine intentions that help us become better humans. It really just comes down to which of the “others” we encounter throughout our lives.

So tell us, what are the “others” to you?


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Rainbow's Diary, When Reality is Questioned Continued– Is it all True ? # 367

demon w hood

I had walked into a room to discuss with a large group of people, my experience the night before with the Grey Alien and my ability to expel energy from the top of my head. They wanted me to recount my experience, word for word. The group was mostly humans but I could feel something else lurking in the midst, but I couldn’t pin point where it was.

There was a long conference table that seated around 30 to 40 people in the middle of the room. Some people were standing, others were sitting. As I began to talk, the conference table began to elevate and spin. People scattered, obviously freaked out by the elevating table. I tried to stand on it, saying prayers to get it to stop but it started to spin faster, so I had to jump off. I was so focused on trying to get it to stop spinning, that I didn’t notice that everybody in the room was one by one slowly falling asleep. I knew in an instant that the room was a set up and that we were all trapped in it. A sense of dread came over me indicating something else was also in the room, hiding. I decided to talk anyways, moving away from the table. As I started to talk to the rest of the people who were still awake, some loud and high pitched noise started to drown out my voice. I had to tell a few people talking close by, to be quiet so I could continue with my story. It seemed whenever I continued or tried to talk, something happened to keep me from getting it out. A bluish Alien to my left, really didn’t want me to continue talking and he would make noise or yell at me to get me to stop. I finally had to tell him to, shut up!

I wanted to leave but I knew I couldn’t get out because the doors to the hallway seemed to disappear. After what seemed like an eternity of trying to talk, I dosed off for a bit, resting on a high counter. I woke up abruptly because I could feel something dark watching me. A hooded demon below me, was staring up at me with horrific eyes and a putrid smell, which seemed to serve as his trade mark to those around him. He grabbed my right hand and started to dig his long talon like nails into the top of my hand. I yelled for help but everybody was having a hard time waking up. I could literally feel his nails go into my hand, tearing the skin as if they were daggers. The ones who did wake up, couldn’t get to me because he made them move in slow motion. The pain was excruciating and I saw blood all over my hand. It felt like he had gone right through my hand, making multiple holes with his nails. It was obvious that he came there to keep me from talking. I knew I was up against something that seemed supernatural and powerful, yet it created in me a strong desire to kick its butt and fight it to the death. I looked back at him with disdain which made him dig into my hand harder.

No matter how much I tried, I couldn’t get him off my hand, his strength was beyond anything I had ever encountered, including the Grey Alien. I knew the only way to get away from him was to immediately wake myself up.

As I did this, I sat up in bed, knowing my right hand was going to be very bloody and I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital. I grabbed my little flashlight by the side of my bed because the pain was still very intense and to my surprise as I looked down, I saw nothing but little marks on the top of my hand. Thank God … no blood was anywhere! I laid back down wondering if I fell back asleep, would I see the same horrid creature again. It took over an hour for me to fall back asleep and when I woke up the next morning, I saw nail marks on the top part of my hand that took the rest of the day to disappear.

Shortly after these two experiences, I had an accident with a long studio mirror that was 10 feet by 5 feet. Out of the blue one night, some strange force pushed it forward and it landed on my bed. If I had been sleeping in my bed at that very moment, I would have been severely hurt or worse. So I have to ask, what two sides was the medium talking about?

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Rainbow's Diary, When Reality is Questioned = Is it all True Series # 366


At days end, sometimes I have found my experiences include parts of my day to day life. I don’t always like this because in a way, it’s a creepy way of something or someone letting me know they are watching me. Usually, my dreams are in detail but when I experience these compelling connections to my daily life, they are fast packed with a lot of activity and symbolism. I can’t always figure these experiences out but I can usually remember them in detail. Here is a prime example of a conversation; I was having with a good friend that became a strange part of two dream experiences that happened one after the other.

The day of the 29th, I was having lunch with a good friend which ended up being over 2 hours. I picked her up at her house and went to our favorite restaurant, Hannah and Nate’s. As I was driving her back to her house, we were discussing a topic that I felt wasn’t mentioned enough about abductees. I asked her, “Do you think, any of us have special abilities as an end result of contact with Aliens, Mi-lab or MIBS?” She felt there was a possibility abductees could, and we began another lengthy conversation in her drive way.

I had mentioned that I went to see a woman in Taos a few months prior, who is considered a very good and highly sought after medium and Tarot reader. I usually don’t seek out tarot readers because I read tarot myself but her spot on readings got my attention besides word of mouth that she was highly intuitive. The day I saw her, one part of my reading actually surprised me. She explained, that there was a possibility that one or two sides were waiting to see if I could do something. Whatever it was, she stated that either I was born able to do something or I that was taught how to do something at a very young age.

I recounted to her that at age of 6, I was able to levitate and one unfortunate day, I did so at my elementary school, when I was in the 1st grade. I scared a bunch of kids off and after that I became an oddball with no friends. I asked a little girl if she could do it too and she said no and that I wouldn’t have any friends if I kept doing it. Well, I didn’t have any friends anyways but I decided never do it again because I didn’t like not having any friends. There were more experiences but I have forgotten them or should I say, blocked them.
She added, “They” are waiting to see if you can remember doing something that you have forgotten that is significant. Time will tell if you can remember.”

My friend asked me what I thought it was and I told her I didn’t know. With that being said, we hugged good-bye and I left for home. Strangely enough, as I was leaving my friends drive way I knew somehow that our conversation was being listened to. I couldn’t shake it off all day and that night as I fell asleep, I had a feeling something might happen.

I was in a living room in a strange house and the people there, wanted me to dance for them. I didn’t want to because for some reason, I felt a little uncomfortable, like something wasn’t quite right. A strange looking woman who was about 3 feet tall was trying to get me to talk to her. She blurted out emphatically that she wanted me to tell her everything about my conversation I had with my friend during that day. I thought it odd that she knew about my conversation because I knew we were alone, with no one around us.

She then started to try and get me to tell her what I thought my special power was. I thought it odd she said (power) instead of ability but then again I knew I was in a strange place and she was even stranger still. I wouldn’t talk to her about it which made her extremely agitated at me. She then insisted I tell her what my power was. I was trying to walk away from her but she quickly got in front of me, to stop me.

She lunged at me and I felt something inside me move around from my solar plexus through my chest. It felt strange at first but then I realized that whatever was inside me moving was familiar, warm and incredibly luminous. She grabbed me as I was running towards the front door and we fell forward. She was trying to get whatever was inside me … out of me. She became angry and at this point she knocked me back to the ground as I tried to get up. I was shocked at how strong she was and I became worried that I might not be able to fend her off me.

Somehow, I was able to push the energy she wanted, out of me through the top of my head and as she was trying to grab at it, I was directing it away from her like a ping pong ball. She grabbed a blanket and wrapped herself up in it. She then tried to wrap me up in it with her, and this is when I realized that she was a Grey Alien because she didn’t even bother at this point to keep her human form.

She knocked me down and tried to see where the energy came from inside me. I could feel her searching inside me even though we were rolling around on the floor. I didn’t like the feeling of her being able to look inside me, so I wrestled with her more forcefully, trying to get her off me. I made sure the energy that came out of me, was always out of her reach. She finally left me and went running for it but she could never move fast enough to snatch it. I felt strange and at the same time calm as this energy seemed to come out of me. I remember I was in a strange state of mind so much so, that I felt I was going to move out of my body and merge with the energy I was directing away from the Grey Alien.

At this point, I had, had enough of the Grey Alien, and somehow, I made a big tree in the middle of the living room, appear out of thin air. I saw a big branch and with my mind, I threw her up on the branch away from me. The last thing I remember saying to her before I woke up was, “I changed a long time ago.”

Once I opened my eyes, I felt exhausted, almost like I had gotten no sleep during the night. I realized that my premonition that someone had been listening in to our conversation the day before, was spot on. It was all I could do to get through the day. I took a nap, hoping that I would be left alone, so I could get some sleep. As night came, I thought I was home free because usually these experiences don’t happen, twice. Well, this time I was wrong.

From Rainbow Radaelli — truthseekerhighway.com

A Possible Resolution to the Artificial Portals Is it all True Series #365


To my chagrin, Loekey awoke me from a deep sleep Tuesday the llth of this month, (Nov.) in the wee hours of the morning and decided to impart vital information to me. The information started to flood into my mind as I tossed and turned in bed. I opened my exhausted eyes and told Loekey that I was too tired and I wasn’t going to go to my computer to type down any information. Unfortunately, information continued to flood my brain for what felt like three hours. I then was able to fall asleep but I lost those vital hours of sleep and I looked tired and haggard the next morning.

This is all the information I can retain at this time. Until Loekey comes back and helps me remember more…this is it.

Loekey told me that the earth has upper and lower transparent frequencies that are connected to the upside down pyramids. These frequencies rotate opposite of each other and because of this; Loekey thinks there might be a chance to use these frequencies to close off the artificial portals. Understanding the science behind the two frequencies is paramount at this point.

Interestingly enough Loekey said there is another frequency they think they can use and this comes from a seismic influx from the sun, we call a solar flare. It is thought that when a solar flare comes towards earth, this can be used along with the earth’s two frequencies, to close up the artificial portals. If all goes well, the first to be closed will be the artificial portals that are opened in the areas where the solar flares converge with the transparent frequencies. It was important for me to understand that because the two transparent frequencies rotate opposite of each other, they are a big part of the equation but Loekey didn’t say why.

The mathematical equation-resolution is coming from an outside source so Loekey said they are waiting for the go ahead, the explanation regarding how it will all work and what their assistance will be.

This is all Greek to me, so obviously Loekey has a better understanding of what is going on then me. I also remembered that he told me something about a gravitational wave but the details have left me. Anybody reading this…please understand that I am the messenger, not a scientist.



Tuesday the 25th, again in the wee hours of the morning, I woke up out of a dead sleep and said out loud, “Sacred Geometry can solve the artificial portal problems.” I said this matter of factly out loud and I told myself to remember what I said and then I immediately fell back asleep.

I woke up the next morning, immediately remembering what I said and wondered what the heck that was all about. Either it was Loekey who woke me up and made me remember the words, Sacred Geometry or for some bizarre reason it was me. (I seriously doubt it was me.)

I then realized that in my dance class the night prior, I was teaching my students about movement within choreography. The design within any movement is just as important as deciding which group of moves fit together. I told the girls that when they are creating choreography from a specific design, they need to follow the pattern and see where it leads them. This is because while they are continuing with the design, no matter what they add in, traveling steps or turns, they will still be connected to the original inspired pattern. The pattern is always an extension of itself and even though in dance at any given time, it can change into another design, it all fits together like a kaleidoscope. None of the beautiful patterns ever take away from each other; they tend to create multiple images of extended patterns that emerge from each other.

After remembering my dance class and talking to Michael about it, he commented that maybe Loekey was somehow aware of my dance class and from my description and explanation to my students, perhaps he got the, “Sacred Geometry,” idea. This might be farfetched but to be honest with you, neither one of us has a rational explanation as to why out of the blue, I woke up and blurted out the words, Sacred Geometry.

I checked out Wikipedia’s description regarding, Sacred Geometry also known as the Flower of Life and this is what it said:

The Flower of Life is the name that gives to a geometrical figure composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles. This figure forms a flower-like pattern with the symmetrical structure of a hexagon.
A “Flower of Life” figure consists of seven or more overlapping circles,[1] in which the center of each circle is on the circumference of up to six surrounding circles of the same diameter. However, the surrounding circles need not be clearly or completely drawn; in fact, some ancient symbols that are claimed as examples of the Flower of Life contain only a single circle or hexagon.
Drunvalo Melchizedek has called these figures symbols of sacred geometry, asserting that they represent ancient spiritual beliefs, and that they depict fundamental aspects of space and time.[2][3] Melchizedek claims that Metatron’s Cube may be derived from the Flower of Life pattern, and that the Platonic solids within it were “thought to act as a template from which all life springs.”[4][5] Melchizedek has been teaching the Flower of Life at workshops since 1985.

Once I read the description of the Flower of Life, I realized why there could be a possibility of this ancient pattern effectively closing the artificial portals. The pattern and its spheres are identical to the distances between the tones and the half tones in music. The frequency of the tones and half tones in music affect people along with any living being or creature within audible range. Since the artificial portals aren’t apart of the natural pattern created by earths design, they would be vulnerable to her frequency tones which could be considered like seismic waves. If so, with the pattern repeating itself, there is a chance the artificial portals won’t be able to stay open without the blue print of the original hexagonal pattern opening and closing. And let me say, that I am guessing here because at this point any of the above could be a solution or a figment of my imagination.

As a result of my obvious confusion over frequencies, I decided to look into what kind of frequencies come from the earth and found out that there were man made artificial frequencies as well. Here’s a few that I found with a little bit of information to go along with them.

The earth has a resonant frequency which is a natural wave created from lightning storms. It is also called “earth brainwaves,” because it is identical to the frequency spectrum of human brainwaves.

Infrasound which as also known as low-frequency sound, is used by whales, elephants, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, giraffes, and alligators to communicate over long distances. I think most of us know that migrating birds use naturally generated infrasound, from sources such as turbulent airflow over mountain ranges, as a navigational aid.

HAARP(High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) waves produce elf waves which manipulate the ionosphere. When certain areas are targeted, it can create devastating weather changes and also affect people in ways such as mood swings, irritability etc. Unfortunately, this might be a growing problem that interferes with earth’s natural frequency blueprint.

I came across this artificial frequency which I didn’t know much about. GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network) transmitters affect the earth’s natural brain rhythm by replacing natural geomagnetic waves coming from the ground with artificially created low frequency (LF) ground waves. I wondered how this is affecting people, animals and the Earth herself.

At this point, I must say that I am beginning to wonder if Sacred Geometry could even work considering the various types of man made artificial interference through out the planet. I can only assume Loekey already knows all of this and this is why they need an outside source to help them close off the artificial portals. Taking it a step further, maybe the interference coming from Haarp and GWEN have played a role in helping the artificial rips stay open and in place. It’s a huge assumption but one that has to be put out there.

To be honest with you, I’m starting to think, Loekey works in mysterious ways and that he wanted me to do some of this research on my own and write about it. I can see the full spectrum of this massive task that has been placed on his and many others shoulders. All I can say is that my respect for him has grown immensely from knowing this.

Loekey hasn’t communicated with me in his “non-typical” way since I emphatically told him I wasn’t getting out of bed to type the information he was imparting to me. I understand Loekey works on a vastly different timetable then me. His idea of sharing information is paramount and in the moment, not necessarily when it’s convenient for me to receive it. All I can say is, the next time he contacts me, I’ll get my tired butt up out of bed and I’ll do what I promised him I would do, which is to be a mediary, receiving and imparting his message to who ever wants to read it. This is all for now or until further communication with Loekey resumes.

From Rainbow Radaelli – truthseekerhighway.com

Abductee/Contactee and their Empathic Abilities – Is it all True Series #364

empath image 2

By Michael
After 50 years in this amazing field we call UFOs and Paranormal, I have learned exceedingly cool stuff about humans and beings from other realities. It takes years to understand a very slight concept about dimensional beings but humans are easier to understand and all the elements that make them tick.
After hundreds of interviews with abductees there are some very interesting commonalities between many of them. One is the ability for them to be empathetic and feel people’s emotions. The question I have always asked is, are abductees born empathic with their abilities or are they given their abilities from their encounters with the dimensional beings?

I feel we all have the empathic ability, but only a few realize it. After interviewing hundreds of abductees, many realized their abilities after they knew they had had an encounter with another reality. I believe their encounters are triggering events, opening up many access points to the infinite universe.
Being an empath can be a dangerous business, if they are not careful they can absorb the emotions of hundreds of people just by walking through a Mall. This emotional over-load can throw an empath into a mental crisis and exhaust their bodies, driving the empath into a sleep response for several days. Empaths eventually learn to protect themselves from the flood of human energy by building empirical shields around their bodies.

Some empaths have the amazing ability to make contact with spirits. My partner is one of those people, she can walk into a cemetery and spirits will start communicating with her. When the emotional load becomes too much she must remove herself from the location to recover. She recently had a civil war cemetery experience in the Nashville area. This time she actually felt the physical pain of the soldier who had in theory died 150 years ago. But he was in a limbo reality, and she was able to observe the event. It was very powerful and profound.

Inter-dimensional beings seem not to carry or have many of their own emotions, they love empaths because not only can they feed off the empaths own emotions, but they get the bonus of the other emotions that are flowing through the empaths body from external sources. So triggering a human into becoming empathic is probably a high priority for the inter-dimensional beings.

Sleep- tight , Being empathic – is like looking at glass humans – you get to see everything that makes them tick – but only by controlling the experience with care can you gain wisdom and not madness.

From Rainbow Radaelli truthseekerhighway.com

Proof of God?—- You Have It Inside You!- By William Pillow

Maybe God does not want you to know the secrets of the “spirit world.” Have you considered that? Then you would know more than souls do! So what is a “soul”? They are what prove that God is real! Of course, you may have heard them mentioned in hymns or scripture readings. But neither you nor anyone else knows anything more about souls today.

Two thousand years ago, Greek philosophers like Plato and Socrates discussed and wrote about souls. Early church fathers taught about them. But the emerging Roman Catholic Church threatened teachers to stop them from “such heresy.” Maybe that is why you never read or hear about souls except in hymns and scriptures.
Today, however, you have read and heard about strange happenings called near-death experiences. Some people who survive sudden cardiac arrest claim they watched doctors resuscitate them from the ceiling above. Some even tell about “visiting Heaven.” Moreover, a few of you have had a feeling of dread that your loved one or close friend had a bad accident or even died. Once you learned the facts, you found that the accident or death occurred at the exact day and time you had that weird feeling. Also, specially trained psychologists now detect and treat emotionally traumatic memories in recently born infants. These are from negative experiences the fetus had in the womb. But how could such memories be formed with immature brains?
These three happenings—and many others—are called “behavioral phenomena.” “Phenomena” are defined as “facts or situations that are observed to exist or happen, especially ones whose cause or explanation is in question.” Sound familiar? You probably have read or heard about many such “phenomena” or, as they are now called, “behavioral phenomena.”
Maybe you also remember that scientists still can’t explain our “waking” consciousness”. It obviously exists but apparently not from our brains! Actually, the psychologists who work with infants’ traumatic memories from before birth now know that such memories are neither “conscious” nor from their brains. The best report of this is found in psychoanalyst David Chamberlain’s influential book Windows to the Womb: Revealing the Conscious Baby From Conception to Birth. Researchers in this field have applied different terms to the womb source of these memories, including “fetal consciousness” and “transcendent source of consciousness” (TSC). The psychologist using TSC has a revealing disclaimer as a footnote in her book: “The term ‘soul’ is not used because it is not sufficiently academic.” Chamberlain explained why the term “soul” or “soul consciousness” seems a better choice.
Another discipline supports this. Critical care and resuscitation specialist Sam Parnia’s 2013 book Erasing Death: The Science That is Rewriting the Boundaries Between Life and Death is a ground-breaking progress report on improving the outcome of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for cardiac arrest and strengthening the chances of patient recovery.

Parnia’s book claims, “If the mind—consciousness (or soul)—can continue to exist and function when the brain does not function after death, then it raises the possibility that it may be a separate undiscovered scientific entity that is not produced through the brain’s usual electrical and chemical processes. Since 2000, some researchers, including me, have started to focus more on the cognitive experiences that people have during a cardiac arrest and hence death. This is no longer ambiguous and vague. Today it is becoming much more difficult to define or understand death without considering a person’s consciousness or soul.”
So Parnia asks, “Does consciousness, the self, or the soul become lost, in the true sense of the word, immediately after death? The answer,” he says, “ that is coming out more and more seems to suggest that it doesn’t. Consciousness or the soul, while down and thus invisible to the outside world, is not lost forever as an entity.”
God-given souls join each of us in the womb, unite with our “waking consciousness,” and survive our mortal death to return to Heaven. They subsequently may reincarnate with a new human body, as was a common belief in Jesus’ time—before the Roman Catholic Church suppressed its teaching.

My most recent book is “The Real You Is Immortal: Whether You Like It or Not!” WFP/Indiana

William Pillow

Rainbow's Diary– Is it all True Series #363

mother and child human aliens

New Additions 11-23-14
These two additions from my diary have always stayed with me through out the years. I decided to share them because I think people need to know that there have been visitors coming here for many years. I feel if people need proof at this point in history then they really are living with their heads in the sand. We all instinctively know what is the truth. In today’s day and age, people are accustom to bury the truth deep within them. The more technology, the more foreign our higher-selves become to us.

The Men in Black memory, is one of many. The Alien-Men in Black taught me when I was a little girl so I tend to have a love-hate relationship with them. The government, Men in Black are just agents who take on the appearance of the initial Men in Black. The only similarity they have is the way they dress, beyond that there is no comparison.

Spacecraft and Children

Written down 9-8-2010
I was invited as a special guest to visit a spacecraft that was positioned close to earth. The human looking visitors were familiar with earth and they often came to visit us from what I was told.

I was standing in an unusually shaped spacecraft that served like a classroom of sorts for various types of curriculum’s being taught to these visitors kids. We were all in very tight corridors so I knew it was a small spacecraft that operated more like a transportation vehicle. I was walking around many children who looked just like children on earth. I had the feeling that the mothership they came from was massive and not far away, though I can’t recall seeing it, I had more a feeling it was not far away.

The light inside was very bright and I was taken aback because the children seemed really excited to see me. For some reason I was compelled to tell the kids that I was from earth and immediately the hostess who was showing me around, anxiously told me not to tell the kids where I was from because I would scare them. This was so odd to me but it was made clear to me to keep quiet. I wondered why they felt this way about earth…

The children seemed to move at a faster speed then me and my mind had a difficult time slowing them down. They were highly intelligent and they obviously exuded a higher frequency then me. A little girl came over to me and started to excitedly talk to me but she was giving me a really bad headache. I immediately felt dizzy as she focused all her attention on me. Her speech sounded like it was on fast forward and I couldn’t keep up with what she was saying.

She was around 9 or 10 and her brain function was so much higher then mine and I could tell she didn’t understand why I couldn’t understand her. She assumed because I looked like her that I was just like her.

I came back from this experience very humbled because the children were just so much more intelligent then not only our kids but most adults here. I remember the hostess telling me that they learn at a very fast rate. In a silly way I almost wished that some of their intelligence would have rubbed off on me. I knew I was human and without a doubt that just wasn’t going to happen.

real man in black 2
Men in Black/a Pointed Needle/a Voice behind Me

The year of this experience wasn’t written down but I believe I was in my late 30’s. The first thing I remember was that I was tied down by my wrists and ankles to a large chair that made me look like I was a small child. It reminded me of the electric chairs in years past that they used in prisons. This one must have been for very large people.

There were two Men in Black standing in front of me by a doorway. They weren’t the white skinned Alien type but government agents. None the less, they were dressed completely in black, including sunglasses. I really didn’t like them and my animosity was growing because they seemed to be making fun of me. I lunged forward trying to get at them and realized I was tied down by my wrists and ankles.

A voice from behind me told me to look at my right palm. My wrist was untied and for a minute I thought maybe I could untie myself. The voice told me to take my right palm and place it over a long, pointed needle that was about a foot long and pyramid shaped. I immediately felt uncomfortable and I told the voice emphatically, “No,” and then said they couldn’t make me. The two Men in Black started to laugh and I again instinctively lunged at them which made them laugh even harder.

The voice told me again to place my palm over the needle and I again said “No!” All of a sudden my right arm moved on it’s own which was the weirdest feeling I have ever felt and I immediately knew I couldn’t stop it. I watched as my right palm moved over the sharp point of the long needle and no matter how much I focused, I couldn’t stop my right palm from being pricked by the needle. I blacked out as soon as I felt the tip of the needle prick my palm.

I believe the purpose of the chair was to intimidate me and make me feel like a small child. What I can say is because of the experience, I realized that I acquired a different kind of perception, almost like my frequency was altered, more sensitive.

I saw no cut or prick on my right palm after I remembered the experience happened. There were no marks on my wrists or ankles. My palm in no way felt sore or showed any signs of being messed with. I was agitated beyond belief though, and I honestly think I could have taken those Men in Black on and beat the crap out of them.

By Rainbow Radaelli – Truthseekerhighway.com

My 2015 prediction results and My new prophecies for 2016– Is it all True Series- #363 –

greenmeteorResults 2015

1. There will be a huge scandal in the world of American Lottery — The criminals won’t probably surprise you.
Wrong , but I am keeping it for 2016 — its over-due
2. Hacking on the internet will stop millions from buying products on-line and banking on-line will sharply decline. – Hacking is on the rise and a big issue — not as strong as I expected — but worth 1/2 a point
3. Warm- wet winter for US ,, following by a very cool spring and hot summer.
A little more on the Ave. cold side — rest was correct so another 1/2 point
4.Three bigger than life movie stars will die within weeks of each other. Correct — lots of big stars died with-in a few weeks too numerous to mention I get point here.
5.Because of the decline in Oil prices – Russia’s economy will start to fall apart , and a world-wide recession will start the end of 2015– Russia is struggling with Oil in the $30 to $40 dollar– I taking a point here — its a developing story.
6. War drums will start sounding — players will be Russia, China, Iran , Israel and of course the US. Correct – tensions super -high with ISIL/ ISIS in the mix. Another point.
7. More large meteors will continue to hit the earth. One will hit close to major world city and kill two thousand people. Wrong
Lucky — wrong
8. World knowledge about the damage Fukushima has done to mankind will continue to grow. Correct – data still coming out and the leak is still leaking into the Pacific Ocean 1/2 point here
9. Chicago Cubs will win the World Series– No correct but had a great team and went to the playoffs and lost to the Mets– who played in the World Series. — and for that reason I am going to take of a 1/2 of a point.
10. Ebola will start spreading again around the world moving into India and Southeast Asia. Maybe a new and more dangerous strain. Wrong — and I am happy for the wrong

Final count from last week’s predictions– Out of 10 possible I got 5 — 50 % sucks — I have been worse.

2016 Predictions

1. Big Power-ball or Mega-ball scandal – huge amount of money stolen over the years

2. Russia continues its power play to booster Putin’s ego.

3. UFO sighting Waves over Dallas, Denver and or Chicago

4. Crazy weather will continue — more crazy floods and early season Tornadoes

5. Very dangerous May – hurricane hits Florida

6. Packers Win the Super-bowl

7. More bad school shootings– Russia , England and or USA

8. Large strange Green Ball streaks across the Midwest and explodes over West Virginia , one Air Force jet clashes trying to get a closer look.

9. One of the GOP candidates dies before the convention

10. Hillary wins the election but the VP is a big surprise

And one last prediction 100% chance — the sun will rise tomorrow.

Loekey, Portal Jumping and Artificial Portals– Is it all True Series #362


Loekey said that the portals are upside down pyramids. The point of the pyramid gains its energy from Middle Earth. Each natural portal has a drop off point that has a timing to it. He said that any topography around the portals would give off a distinctive vibration that would affect the senses for anyone within its perimeter. It would feel as if there was a morphed or skewed altering of time. Visually he said it looks like colors come from all directions and the depth perception of anything within the portal is distorted, almost stretched.

Within each portal is an octagon mirage that gives off multiple pyramid shapes. Once they jump in the portals, he says that the multiple pyramids turn in all directions. It’s like an illusion of several endless mirrors, rotating at once. Loekey said, it can be very disorienting for humans because most humans haven’t developed their pineal gland. (I slightly disagree here because I think we do an astral jump of sorts when we use our astral body. I think we do use our pineal gland a little, it just happens to be at night when we dream.)

Loekey said that the natural portals affect areas around them within a mile of each direction, that includes up above (the sky) and down below going towards Earths center. At certain times of the day or night the natural portals rotate and the octagon pattern shifts. This is because Mother Earth adjusts for anything that is going in or coming out of the portals. He said, the important aspect of the portals is that when the pyramids are pulling towards Middle Earth, this very action helps the Earth rotate.


If an artificial portal is made, this changes the timing of the “natural” portals rotating. For instance, if Aliens rip through or open up a portal either dimensionally or galactically, this is not good for the planet. The fabric of time and space has to come from the composition of the original source meaning that the energy and frequency has a pulse that is like a blue print. All beings who are natural portal jumpers have within their DNA, Earth’s blue print. This means that if anything happens to the rotation of the portals, it can affect the portal jumpers biologically in a bad way especially if they are in the portals at the same time another artificial portal is ripping through Earth’s atmosphere. I can only assume the octagon and the multiple pyramids can’t function properly with the artificial rip or pull coming from an outside source other then Earth.

Loekey was saying that the species called Dog Man is being affected not only by these artificial portals but by the changes within the Earth’s environment. Dog Man’s ability to sense where the natural portals are, offers other beings a type of road marker, an essential chart in and out of the portals. At this point he said it is just a matter of time before Dog Man chooses another dimensional planet to live on. If this happens then he suspects that it will be hard for portal jumpers to know where the natural portals are versus the artificial ones. Loekey said that each Earth Keeper has different duties and Dog Man’s is essential for the portals rotation of the octagon pattern. He said that when the Dog Man species go in and out of the portals, they fine tune the Earth’s rotation so that it stays at a specific velocity.

It’s important to note that the artificial portals allow other dimensional beings in that otherwise could not come through the natural portals. Unfortunately, because most of the artificial portals have not been closed off, we now have problems with biological beings called “bioinerts,” who otherwise can not come to Earth without the help of the artificial portals. They are like parasites and Loekey said they are very dangerous and destructive. He said that some of the bioinerts are a problem for them as well so humans aren’t the only ones who have to defend themselves. Unfortunately the artificial portals and the “bioinerts” combined affect the natural process and encoding that Mother Earth goes through for the natural portals. The question at this point is how to close off the artificial portals once they open up. Since the artificial portals are dangerous to jump into…there is no way to know how to close them off from their point of origin. Given that the artificial portals are foreign to Earth; their technology is also of unknown origin so it’s anybody’s guess how to close them off here. If Loekey or any of the numerous portal jumpers decide to take on such a dangerous mission and jump into the artificial portals, there is no way of knowing if any of them would survive the jump or come back to Earth. Loekey said they are now contemplating whether they will take on the task of closing off the artificial portals.

Loekey emphatically stated, “That if any life forms come here to visit and they can’t come through the portals naturally, then they don’t need to be here…period!”

By Rainbow Radaelli truthseekerhighway.com