Whitley Streiber 2012 – War for the Souls–Part 1.

Whitley speaks in another fascinating series – about our strange world and his new book.

Every 26,000 years we come to the center of the universe — next time it will happen will be 2012 on December 21 at 11:11 ( are you seeing it), if so you are part of this all amazing event. See my posting on 11:11 – Whats it all about Elfie ? -Is it all True Series #18- Jan.26th 2008 . Huge changes in people are taking place presently. Changes in the audiences , people are more aware. Whitley is saying the intensity of the crowds are increasing. Whitley talks about Art Bell and the present Coast to Coast radio program, and how they are growing the interest of the people. People’s consciousness are floating.

Enjoy — life is very short, make time work for you.


“The Grays” and other – Whitley Strieber Part 16 – last in this Series

The Grays are very real to Whitley. Are the Grays coming back in their time machine vehicles and grabbing DNA from some of us humans , to build new bodies for our and their future. Maybe or maybe not. So Whitley asks who will they chose ( which of us humans?) — One possibility would be the abductees , why you ask … most are very bright , gentle- nonviolent , open-minded, outsiders, and quiet enough to live in peace with the Grays. So the big question is are you one of these future humans ?
Enjoy —-Sleep tight – Alien Abduction is an embracing adventure, but not always for the faint hearted.


From the Desk of Dr Earp "Mac Donald Syndrome"- For your Health Series #1

Speeding To An Early Demise

Western societies place such a high premium on speed, multitasking, goal oriented living and accomplishments that we, as Americans, are incurring/suffering from an epidemic of anxiety, panic disorder and depression. Coupled with the national tendency to also suffer from denial we, as a culture, are experiencing increasing rates of occupational and professional burn-out. Ultimately, this will not only make us a more sickly populace but an ever dependent one. It will also harm and make inaccessible the works of great artists, musicians and geniuses who are born each generation but develop incapacitating mental illnesses or addictions causing same; they die before their artistic skills effloresce (or come in to their own). We are our own worst enemy.

Mark Twain, writing in The Keokuk Daily Post, November 29, 1856 astutely observed while riding on a train that the scenery, and hence by reference life, was moving way too fast (the actual speed was in the 40 mph range!). “I jest took a peep out of the winder, and drat my buttons, if I wasn’t astonished at the way that rail road was a gittin over the ground. I tell you, Mr. Editors, it made a rail fence look like a fine tooth comb, and the air actually turned blue in the vicinity. Thinks I if that devil at the other end of the train’s going home tonight, it won’t take him long to get there.” (Snodgrass; http://www.twainquotes.com) He couldn’t appreciate any of the visual rewards of travel; he could not see the terrain, the flora. It, to him, was a blur. He implied this did not bode well for our culture.

Practicing medicine, I witness Hurry Up or Mac Donald’s Syndrome borne out daily. While it is unfortunately an imbued characteristic of the majority of working and nonworking persons, I am most familiar with its manifestations in a medical setting.

Patients (and their families) incorrectly and incredulously think the delivery of medical care is analogous to procuring a hamburger. You simply arrive at the hospital, very ambiguously state your intent or wants, and the entire ER staff will jump right on that. I am not talking about true life-threatening emergencies which comprise a small proportion of the patients seen in an ER on any given day.

To worsen matters to a tremendous degree is the very common patient lack of any detailed knowledge concerning their medical/surgical history, the names and dosages of current medications and any recent medical treatments or hospitalizations. The majority of folks who have a primary care physician generally can’t tell you his/her name or practice name! Yet this information, along with allergies, can literally not only make a major impact on treatment decisions but may, by the patient’s own hand, cause themselves harm. It is the patient’s responsibility to provide an accurate and current medical history. Rare is the knowledgeable patient or one who at least maintains a database (such as writing on paper!) on their person with details of their medical history. Nearly all folks of middle age and beyond presenting for evaluation are on prescription medications and have one or more chronic illnesses. But when asked about this information they again become impatient demanding “a pill or shot so I can get out of here.” [sic]

Oftentimes, the patient and/or their family has an ulterior motive in their need for speed in the ER. Granny-dumping is an example. Bring Grandma to the ER under the premise she is acutely ill when in fact she is not; the family is either incapable or more often unwilling to devote the time and resources to care for their parent. It is a despicable scenario. The associated scenario is that of the elderly patient who was recently hospitalize; the physician strongly suggested skilled nursing care facility placement but the family refused, out of some ill-conceived and misinformed emotional notions of “never letting Momma go to a nursing home.” Well, sometimes things simply are as they are. The care required may be totally beyond what the family can provide and guess who suffers? Momma. So, she is brought to the ER, usually during the night or early morning hours, again under the guise of an acute illness but it ultimately comes out, “We just are at our ropes end. We can’t take it anymore. We want her admitted for three days and then moved to a nursing home.” This is such a common scenario. Even more heartbreaking are the times family members, having brought Momma to the ER, leave and never respond to phone calls and never return. Apparently they are too busy and in too much of a hurry to care for their parent.

Common presentations of the Mac Donald’s Syndrome involve a patient or entire family demanding rapid service because:

1. “I haven’t eaten all day and want food with a drink” (Whose fault is that?)

2. “I was sick yesterday and need a work excuse.” (From the ER?)

3. “I ran out of my medicines a couple of weeks ago.” (Hello!)

4. “I have an appointment with my doctor in 2 hours – I came here because I thought it would be faster.” (You obviously haven’t been here lately or read newspapers!)

5. “I need help with drugs.” (And how many years have you had this addiction? What is today’s emergency?)

6. “I need help with alcohol.” (How long have you been addicted and how many times have you enrolled in detox programs?)

7. “I want a pregnancy test.” (So the patient presents, without insurance or funds, with the complaint of a missed period and early morning nausea and vomiting. The patient can purchase an OTC pregnancy test just as accurate as the urine test used in the ED. However, they would be expected to PAY at the time of purchase in the store for the test. Now, without a thought for hospital, societal and resource cost they will incur charges exceeding $500.00 for something costing less than $10.00; their own fault)

8. “I ran out of my Lortab.” (Did you call your doctor? “No.”)

9. “I was in a car accident and now my neck, back etc. hurt and that guy is gonna pay.” (The patient then expects the hospital and physicians to wait for this presumed financial settlement believing [falsely] that they can put the charges on hold because something wasn’t their fault. They are asking for the service therefore they are responsible for the charges.)

10. “I’ve had [chest pain, a headache, abdominal pain, etc.] for a month or two.” (And what made today so special after waiting all this time?)

11. “I’ve got better things to do with my time than stand around in here and wait for you to treat my wife (or husband).” (Isn’t the health of your loved one paramount in importance; it must be, you brought them to the ER)

If the physician makes the mistake of trying to accommodate or feed into their demands of hurried evaluation and inappropriateness, some of these same people will, at some time in the future, file a malpractice suit against the physician and completely deny they demanded speedy service with its attendant risks. They and their lawyer will make a litany of false allegations and the hope for winning The Malpractice Lottery will go on for the 1-3 years it will take to process the claim. The plaintiffs lawyer may argue that the physician should have imposed his/her control of the patient evaluation. The Hospital Administration will not support the physician, although their unwritten policy, reiterated over and over, is to “move the meat” and “do whatever you can to make our Patient Satisfaction scores high – Just give the patient what they want.”) Although from a strictly business model patients are customers, the nature of diagnosing and treating diseases on individual human beings negates much of this analogy and does not make patient satisfaction scores comprehensively relevant.

Mac Donald’s Syndrome is a serious manifestation of the psychological and behavioral ills which have befallen the denizens of industrialized society. As a matter of fact, those societies, industrialized or not, who adopt our perspectives soon fall victim to this same phenomenon. As individuals and as a society it is imperative we look closely at our behaviors and what modifications are needed to maximize our mental health. Hurry Up Syndrome is merely a sign of the underlying severe anxiety and associated disorders which now afflict so many people. The human brain has not had time, in an evolutionary sense, to adapt and develop appropriate coping mechanisms for the immense profundity of attention required of it. The sheer number of persons requiring psychotherapy and/or anxiolytic medications is immense and growing. We set goals we cannot reasonably accomplish. We set time tables we cannot meet. We demand “multitasking” as a means of accomplishing more in shorter periods of time.

Yet we don’t take time out for ourselves nor our loved ones. By the time we retire our minds and bodies are literally exhausted. We may physically live longer but we do so sustaining more and more maladies, spending our retirements sitting in physician’s offices or lying in hospital beds!

Posted By Dr. Dennis to DocEarp’s Cyberspace href=’https://truthseekerforum.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/the-man.jpg’ title=’the-man.jpg’>the-man.jpg

Don’t be afraid he is part human.

“The Grays” and other – Whitley Strieber Part 14

Death head as a symbol — powerful stuff , the terror of the impending death. The big event no where to hide. Learn how to process negative energy – have it kiss you instead of being burned.
To the world of higher consciousness – a world of compassion – real compassion – knowing the needs of societies. And last about a good friend who died , who taught Whitley, then a hyper- dimensional event.

Have Life— have Joy

“The Grays” and other – Whitley Strieber Part 10

Whitley’s Strange world , A big wagon pulled by dirty horses, the wagon was filled with barrels of pickles , we are in the dream-world or now into another parallel world or maybe back in time., he was suddenly overcome with total loneliness –plus more of the Whitley’s journey …

Enjoy life is short .


Thanks to YOU TUBE —And check out Whitley site on our blogroll.

Another Inconvenient TRUTH – " The End Of America -Letter of Warning to a young Patriot "

The Mission statement of this Weblog purposely excluded politics, but I am a true believer in the phrase- all things are connected- everything is connected to a universal matrix. I have great concerns about our democracy staying whole and real. In these times I believe our leaders have acted as if they were being controlled by some other forces. And I will let you judge on what these forces are.

Naomi Wolf , an author and researcher shows in her profound book what is probably happening to our once great country. Enjoy her lecture at University of Washington OCT.11,2007

Please listen and at least talk about with your friends. Talk about what ? – The Blue Print – The 10 steps that close a democracy.

This is our Country and our Constitution— Love them and Protect them.

MWiz , as I always say —sleep tight our Government is watching over us.

“The Grays” and other – Whitley Strieber Part 9

More great Whitley, — Experiences — not put into words ,, a poem of movement in space and time,from his journey through Europe. Lost in the Vatican catacombs. He misses the Grays.
References — His book Secret Schools (I enjoyed it related to my own.) The dancing is important in circles and spinning – and STOP– in another world ??? PLUS more….

Thanks to YOU TUBE —And check out Whitley site on our blogroll.

Food for Thought — 2008— Erich J. Knight

HAPPY NEW 2008 — Maybe a Year of New direction for the USA and the World. This maybe the last chance– lets take it.

Erich J. Knight | shengar@aol.com | IP:

Here’s the current news and links on Terra Preta (TP)soils and closed-loop pyrolysis of Biomass, this integrated virtuous cycle could sequester 100s of Billions of tons of carbon to the soils. If done in the field this solves many of the transport issues.

Terra Preta Soils Technology To Master the Carbon Cycle

This technology represents the most comprehensive, low cost, and productive approach to long term stewardship and sustainability.Terra Preta Soils a process for Carbon Negative Bio fuels, massive Carbon sequestration, 1/3 Lower CH4 & N2O soil emissions, and 3X Fertility Too.
UN Climate Change Conference: Biochar present at the Bali Conference


SCIAM Article May 15 07;


After many years of reviewing solutions to anthropogenic global warming (AGW) I believe this technology can manage Carbon for the greatest collective benefit at the lowest economic price, on vast scales. It just needs to be seen by ethical globally minded companies.

Could you please consider looking for a champion for this orphaned Terra Preta Carbon Soil Technology.

The main hurtle now is to change the current perspective held by the IPCC that the soil carbon cycle is a wash, to one in which soil can be used as a massive and ubiquitous Carbon sink via Charcoal. Below are the first concrete steps in that direction;

S.1884 – The Salazar Harvesting Energy Act of 2007

A Summary of Biochar Provisions in S.1884:

Carbon-Negative Biomass Energy and Soil Quality Initiative

for the 2007 Farm Bill


Tackling Climate Change in the U.S.

Potential Carbon Emissions Reductions from Biomass by 2030by Ralph P. Overend, Ph.D. and Anelia Milbrandt
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Media Partner Logos

The organization 25×25 (see 25x’25 – Home) released it’s (first-ever, 55-page )”Action Plan” ; see; http://www.25×25.org/storage/25×25/documents/IP%20Documents/ActionPlanFinalWEB_04-19-07.pdf
On page 29 , as one of four foci for recommended RD&D, the plan lists: “The development of biochar, animal agriculture residues and other non-fossil fuel based fertilizers, toward the end of integrating energy production with enhanced soil quality and carbon sequestration.”
and on p 32, recommended as part of an expanded database aspect of infrastructure: “Information on the application of carbon as fertilizer and existing carbon credit trading systems.”

I feel 25×25 is now the premier US advocacy organization for all forms of renewable energy, but way out in front on biomass topics.

There are 24 billion tons of carbon controlled by man in his agriculture and waste stream, all that farm & cellulose waste which is now dumped to rot or digested or combusted and ultimately returned to the atmosphere as GHG should be returned to the Soil.

Even with all the big corporations coming to the GHG negotiation table, like Exxon, Alcoa, .etc, we still need to keep watch as they try to influence how carbon management is legislated in the USA. Carbon must have a fair price, that fair price and the changes in the view of how the soil carbon cycle now can be used as a massive sink verses it now being viewed as a wash, will be of particular value to farmers and a global cool breath of fresh air for us all.

If you have any other questions please feel free to call me or visit the TP web site I’ve been drafted to co-administer. http://terrapreta.bioenergylists.org/?q=node

It has been immensely gratifying to see all the major players join the mail list , Cornell folks, T. Beer of Kings Ford Charcoal (Clorox), Novozyne the M-Roots guys(fungus), chemical engineers, Dr. Danny Day of EPRIDA , Dr. Antal of U. of H., Virginia Tech folks and probably many others who’s back round I don’t know have joined.

Also Here is the Latest BIG Terra Preta Soil news;

The Honolulu Advertiser: “The nation’s leading manufacturer of charcoal has licensed a University of Hawai’i process for turning green waste into barbecue briquets.”

See: http://www.honoluluadvertiser.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2007707280348

ConocoPhillips Establishes $22.5 Million Pyrolysis Program at Iowa State 04/10/07

Glomalin, the recently discovered soil protien, may be the secret to to TP soils productivity;
