The Root Cause of Cancer Almost Universally Ignored by Doctors… Posted By Dr. Mercola

| March 30 2011 | 90,797 views

In 1971 President Nixon and Congress declared war on cancer. So what’s happened in the 40 years since? After weeding out the hype and filling in the actual statistics, it turns out, not much.

“These summary statistics show that the war on cancer has not gone well,” says the article’s author, Reynold Spector. “This is in marked contrast to death rates from stroke and cardiovascular disease (adjusted for the age and size of the population), which have fallen by 74 percent and 64 percent, respectively, from 1950 through 2006; and by 60 percent and 52 percent, respectively, from 1975 through 2006 (Kolata 2009a).

Cancer therapy is clearly decades behind.”

The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry January/February 2010

Dr. Mercola’s Comments:

One would think that applying all that modern science has to offer over the last 40 years would have brought us far closer to eradicating cancer. Just compare it to other technology areas. Our cell phones now are more powerful computers than the largest supercomputers of the time.

But instead, cancer rates have increased during that span of time, and now surpass heart disease as the number one killer of Americans between the ages of 45 to 74. The odds are now very high that you or someone you know has cancer, is dying or has already died from it.

Why has “the War on Cancer” Failed so Miserably?

Writing for the Skeptical Inquirer, Reynold Spector lists the following six reasons for the failure:

We don’t understand the cause/pathogenesis in most cases of cancer Most treatments (except surgery are nonspecific cell killers and not “smart” Clinical trials and the grant system don’t foster innovation
Screening for useful drugs against cancer cells has not worked Animal models of cancer are often inadequate Unproductive “fads” in research come and go

However, while these may factor into the equation of failure, I believe this list is yet another example of exactly what’s wrong with the entire system, which is: ignoring the fact that cancer is likely a man-made disease caused primarily by toxic overload.

Just a few months ago, I wrote about a fascinating study into ancient mummies that determined cancer is not a “natural” disease at all, and genetics are not a primary factor. Tumors were extremely rare until recent times, when pollution and poor diet became issues. So why are the medical and science communities, by and large, ignoring these basics?

Getting to the Root of the Problem

I strongly believe the cancer rates are escalating because they are in no way shape or form addressing the underlying cause of most cancers. Instead, most of the research is directed towards expensive drugs that target late stages of the disease and greatly enrich the drug companies but simply do not prevent cancer.

If ever there was an area in which an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure it is cancer. I strongly believe that if you are able to work your way up to the advanced health plan, that you will virtually eliminate the risk of most cancers.

Environmental- and lifestyle factors are increasingly being pinpointed as the primary culprits fueling our cancer epidemic. This includes:

Pesticide- and other chemical exposures Processed and artificial foods
(plus the chemicals in the packaging) Wireless technologies, dirty electricity, and medical diagnostic radiation exposure
Pharmaceutical drugs Obesity, stress, and poor sleeping habits Lack of sunshine exposure and use of sunscreens

This is clearly not an exhaustive list as such a list would be exceedingly long. For more specifics on consumer products implicated as contributors to cancer, please review the Cancer Prevention Coalition’s “Dirty Dozen” list.

The pharmaceutical researchers would like you to believe they’re doing everything they can to come up with a solution. Yet all we see is research into newer drug therapies. Clearly they’re not digging close enough to the root of the problem, because if they did, they’d touch on some of these lifestyle issues just mentioned.

From my perspective, you ignore lifestyle factors at your own peril when it comes to cancer… Because, clearly, drug-based “advances” are not making a dent in this progressively prevalent disease.

On the contrary, cancer drugs are notoriously toxic and come with devastating, including lethal, side effects. Conventional medicine is so desperate to give the illusion of fighting the good fight that many of these drugs are used despite the fact that they’re not really doing much to prolong or improve the quality of life of those diagnosed with cancer.

The best-selling (and extremely expensive) cancer drug Avastin, for example, was recently phased out as a treatment for metastatic breast cancer after studies concluded its benefits were outweighed by its dangerous side effects. Treating a disease in large part caused by toxins with toxins seems ignorant at best.

We can do better than that.

REAL Cancer Advancements that Need to Become Mainstream Knowledge

In the last 30 years the global cancer burden has doubled, and it will likely double again between 2000 and 2020, and nearly triple by 2030—unless people begin to take cancer prevention seriously. We CAN turn this trend around, but to do so the medical community must stop overlooking the methods that can actually have a significant impact.

Three cancer advancements in particular merit special mention. These advancements have not yet been accepted by conventional medicine, and they must be.

Number 1: Vitamin D—There’s overwhelming evidence pointing to the fact that vitamin D deficiency plays a crucial role in cancer development. Researchers within this field have estimated that about 30 percent of cancer deaths — which amounts to 2 million worldwide and 200,000 in the United States — could be prevented each year simply by optimizing the vitamin D levels in the general population.

On a personal level, you can decrease your risk of cancer by MORE THAN HALF simply by optimizing your vitamin D levels with sun exposure. And if you are being treated for cancer it is likely that higher blood levels—probably around 80-90 ng/ml—would be beneficial.

If the notion that sun exposure actually prevents cancer is still new to you, I highly recommend you watch my one-hour vitamin D lecture to clear up any confusion. It’s important to understand that the risk of skin cancer from the sun comes only from excessive exposure.

Meanwhile, countless people around the world have an increased risk of cancer because their vitamin D levels are too low due to utter lack of sun exposure.

The health benefits of optimizing your levels, either by safe sun exposure (ideally), a safe tanning bed, or oral supplementation as a last resort, simply cannot be overstated. In terms of protecting against cancer, vitamin D has been found to offer protection in a number of ways, including:

Regulating genetic expression
Increasing the self-destruction of mutated cells (which, if allowed to replicate, could lead to cancer)
Reducing the spread and reproduction of cancer cells
Causing cells to become differentiated (cancer cells often lack differentiation)
Reducing the growth of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones, which is a step in the transition of dormant tumors turning cancerous
To learn the details on how to use vitamin D therapeutically, please review my previous article, Test Values and Treatment for Vitamin D Deficiency.

Number 2: Optimizing Your Insulin Levels—Normalizing your insulin levels is one of the most powerful physical actions you can take to lower your risk of cancer. Otto Warburg actually received a Nobel Prize for his research on cancer cell physiology in 1934, which clearly demonstrated cancer cells require more sugar to thrive. Unfortunately, very few oncologists appreciate or apply this knowledge today.

The Cancer Centers of America is one of the few exceptions, where strict dietary measures are included in their cancer treatment program.

High levels of insulin can cause major damage to your body. The most recognized of these is diabetes, but that is far from the only one. As Ron Rosedale, M.D. said in one of my most popular articles, Insulin and Its Metabolic Effects:

“It doesn’t matter what disease you are talking about, whether you are talking about a common cold or cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis or cancer, the root is always going to be at the molecular and cellular level, and I will tell you that insulin is going to have its hand in it, if not totally control it.”

The good news is that controlling your insulin levels is relatively straightforward. First, limit your intake of processed foods, grains and sugars/fructose as much as possible to prevent your insulin levels from becoming elevated in the first place.

Number 3: Exercise—If you are like most people, when you think of reducing your risk of cancer, exercise doesn’t immediately come to mind. However, there is some fairly compelling evidence that exercise can slash your risk of cancer.

One of the primary ways exercise lowers your risk for cancer is by reducing elevated insulin levels, which creates a low sugar environment that discourages the growth and spread of cancer cells. Controlling your insulin levels and optimizing your vitamin D level are two of the most powerful steps you can take to reduce your cancer risk. For example, physically active adults experience about half the incidence of colon cancer as their sedentary counterparts, and women who exercise regularly can reduce their breast cancer risk by 20 to 30 percent compared to those who are inactive.

Additionally, exercise improves the circulation of immune cells in your blood. Your immune system is your first line of defense against everything from minor illnesses like a cold right up to devastating, life-threatening diseases like cancer.

The trick about exercise, though, is understanding how to use it as a precise tool. This ensures you are getting enough to achieve the benefit, not too much to cause injury, and the right variety to balance your entire physical structure and maintain strength and flexibility, and aerobic and anaerobic fitness levels. This is why it is helpful to view exercise like a drug that needs to be carefully prescribed to achieve its maximum benefit.

It’s important to include a large variety of techniques in your exercise routine, such as strength training, aerobics, core-building activities, and stretching. Most important of all, however, is to make sure you include high-intensity, burst-type exercise, such as Peak 8. Peak 8 are exercises performed once or twice a week, in which you raise your heart rate up to your anaerobic threshold for 20 to 30 seconds, and then you recover for 90 seconds.

These exercises activate your super-fast twitch muscle fibers, which can increase your body’s natural production of human growth hormone. For detailed instructions, please see this previous article.

Winning the War Against Cancer Begins with Your Personal Choices

You can do a lot, right now, to significantly decrease your cancer risk. Even the conservative American Cancer Society states that one-third of cancer deaths are linked to poor diet, physical inactivity, and carrying excess weight. So making the following healthy lifestyle changes can go a very long way toward ending the failure-streak and becoming one less statistic in this war against cancer:

Normalize your vitamin D levels with safe amounts of sun exposure. This works primarily by optimizing your vitamin D level. Ideally, monitor your vitamin D levels throughout the year.
Control your insulin levels by limiting your intake of processed foods and sugars/fructose as much as possible.
Get appropriate amounts of animal-based omega-3 fats.
Get appropriate exercise. One of the primary reasons exercise works is that it drives your insulin levels down. Controlling insulin levels is one of the most powerful ways to reduce your cancer risks.
Eat according to your nutritional type. The potent anti-cancer effects of this principle are very much underappreciated. When we treat cancer patients in our clinic this is one of the most powerful anti-cancer strategies we have.
Have a tool to permanently erase the neurological short-circuiting that can activate cancer genes. Even the CDC states that 85 percent of disease is caused by emotions. It is likely that this factor may be more important than all the other physical ones listed here, so make sure this is addressed. My particular favorite tool for this purpose, as you may know, is the Emotional Freedom Technique.
Only 25 percent of people eat enough vegetables, so by all means eat as many vegetables as you are comfortable with. Ideally, they should be fresh and organic. Cruciferous vegetables in particular have been identified as having potent anti-cancer properties. Remember that carb nutritional types may need up to 300 percent more vegetables than protein nutritional types.
Maintain an ideal body weight.
Get enough high-quality sleep.
Reduce your exposure to environmental toxins like pesticides, household chemical cleaners, synthetic air fresheners and air pollution.
Reduce your use of cell phones and other wireless technologies, and implement as many safety strategies as possible if/when you cannot avoid their use.
Boil, poach or steam your foods, rather than frying or charbroiling them.


White Dwarfs May Have Habitable Planets Near Them–Mark Paquette

Mar 2011;
In an internet paper published on Tuesday in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Eric Agol, a University of Washington associate professor of astronomy, states that it could be much easier to find habitable (in terms of life as we know it) planets near white dwarfs as compared to other places in the universe.
Agol stated, “If a planet is close enough to the (white dwarf) star, it could have a stable temperature long enough to have liquid water at the surface — if it has water at all — and that’s a big factor for habitability.”
We are obviously interested in life on other planets in the universe. I was overwhelmed by the amount of responses received on the AccuWeather Astronomy facebook fanpage when I asked about the possibility of alien life and personal experiences with UFO’s and/or aliens. I mentioned above in parentheses the phrase “life as we know it.” I write this because we generally assume that other life forms in the universe, if they are out there, have the same requirements as we do (ie. water, oxygen, “normal” temperatures) and are carbon-based life forms, like we are. Who is to say this is true, though?
Studies like these look for planets with similar conditions to Earth because we assume that non-earthly life forms need them. Who is to say that is correct? Who knows the “right” type of planet we should be looking for? I guess we start with planets like our own, and we go from there. We would have no clue where to look for life if we do not look for planets with similar conditions to Earth.
I guess my point is, fine, look for planets like ours out there in the universe. However, do not limit it just to those few planets! How do we know what is out there and what type of planet may be right for them? Who is to say that life on other planets is just like life on Earth? I, for one, think that life on other planets may be much different than life on our planet.

A planet would have to move very close to the white dwarf to be habitable simply because, assuming that the alien life forms need similar temperatures to the Earth, of the weak output of energy from a white dwarf. Planets would have to be perhaps 500,000 to 2 million miles from the white dwarf star. That is less than 1 percent of the distance from Earth to the sun (93 million miles) and quite a bit closer than Mercury is to the sun.
Mr. Agol added, “From the planet, the star would appear slightly larger than our Sun, because it is so close, and slightly more orange, but it would look very, very similar to our Sun.”
A survey of the 20,000 white dwarfs closest to Earth is being proposed by Mr. Agol. Even though it would have a huge expense in terms of effort and people-hours, it may be worthwhile.
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Mark Paquette –

Remembering the bomb that rocked Farmington By Kurt Madar The Daily Times

Bennie Armenta clearly remembers the nuclear explosion that shook Farmington to its roots — from the bottom up. He should. He helped move into place the rig that drilled the 4,222-foot hole where the bomb was detonated.
“I didn’t think twice about the radiation then,” said Armenta, who returned to remove the drilling equipment after the explosion. “These days with all that’s going on, I would probably be a bit more worried.”
Armenta was 18 when the federal government performed the underground atomic test approximately 55 miles east of Farmington in Carson National Forest on Dec. 10, 1967. The detonation was part of President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Atoms for Peace campaign.
Code-named “Gasbuggy,” and part of Operation Ploughshare, the goal of the 29-kiloton nuclear test was to see if a small nuclear blast could stimulate the release of difficult-to-extract natural gas trapped in shale deposits deep below the national forest.
Atoms for Peace and Operation Ploughshare promoted the idea that nuclear explosions could be used for peaceful projects such as mining, canal building and dams.
Twenty-seven nuclear blasts were carried out under the program — all in the Southwest — before it was discontinued because of radiation concerns.
Radiation poisoning is once again in the public eye after the earthquake and tsunami catastrophes in Japan seriously damaged a nuclear power plant there. As the world nervously watches, worrying about how far
radioactive contamination might spread, it brings back an old question. What happened to the radiation near Farmington from 44 years ago?
The answer isn’t simple. However, experts responsible for monitoring the site say that Farmington never saw an increase in radiation levels from Gasbuggy, and that any contamination that occurred is localized to the site. An assertion that may or may not be true, the problem is that once radiation becomes airborne it’s hard to track where it may have gone.
The blast had residents of San Juan County at the time so concerned that Armenta recalls his parents worrying about an underground chain reaction, or Navajo Dam bursting.
“People worried about the bomb breaking the dam loose, or cracking the earth or something,” said Armenta, who is now 61. “I remember people talking about feeling the ground shake in Bloomfield.”
There were also concerns about radiation contaminating everything from groundwater to the natural gas extracted from nearby wells, five of which were less than a mile from the detonation.
A plaque that marks where the 18-inch-diameter shaft was sunk in Carson National Forest warns that excavating in the area is not only forbidden, it could be hazardous.
The worries about radiation contamination were not just public fears, according to declassified records from the Department of Energy. A major concern for government scientists was that any natural gas extracted by atomic means would be too contaminated by radioactive material to be sold commercially.
It was a worry that turned out to be true: DOE records show that the gas was contaminated.
In response, the approximately 300 million cubic feet of gas produced by the well ended up being flared, or burned off.
Flaring, however, is not considered an effective cleanup method. Officials at the DOE Office of Legacy Management, which has monitored the Gasbuggy site since 2007, say that while flaring burns off the gas, it does not eliminate the radioactive particles.
The result could have been “heavy water” — radioactive — in the upper atmosphere, which then could have fallen as rain downwind from the Gasbuggy site, which makes it difficult to know how much contamination was released by the detonation.
The site has never shown signs of dangerous radiation, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.
Yet no one argues that the flaring of the gas must have sent radiation somewhere. The problem is, no one knows where it might have gone, and experts say that by now many of the radioactive isotopes involved would have broken down and become part of New Mexico’s general radiation levels.
Documents from the EPA, which monitored the site from 1972 to 2007, show that along with annual testing of ground water at and nearby the site, soil samples were taken in 1978, 1986, 2000 and 2002. Officials say that the site always has remained well below danger levels.
One of the reasons, according to documents, is that an extensive remediation process that included shipping contaminated soil to disposal sites and back-filling the initial shaft with contaminated material managed to reduce any surface contamination at the site.
The final surface remediation, which resulted in the removal of 5,562 cubic yards of contaminated soil, was completed in 2004.
“I’ve been out there since when they were doing some testing,” Armenta said. “They had that hole opened up and a bunch of guys in white suits were messing around.”
Legacy Management Site Manager Jalena Dayvault said that the level of testing at the site both before and after the blast was extensive.
“We have taken a very conservative approach,” Dayvault said. “We wanted to monitor everything and so far we have found nothing. Because of that we have reduced the level of testing to every five years.”
Legacy Management has begun testing the natural gas from the nearby wells that are still functioning, Dayvault said.
“There is still gas production near there,” she said. “But so far there has been no contamination found at the nearest of the wells.”

Remembering the bomb that rocked Farmington
By Kurt Madar The Daily Times

For Seekers Only – Frank Wolak presents at New Mexico UFO/Paranormal Forum’s March Event – Is it all true Series ? #178

For Seekers Only – Frank Wolak presents at New Mexico UFO/Paranormal Forum’s March Event

Frank Wolak is a man of diversity; the highlights of his career path are as follows: second Lt. US Army Engineer, West Point Graduate, Master of Science, Nuclear Engineer MIT, oversaw construction of a nuclear reactor in Alaska, and over the last 30 years he has studied and researched the positive side of life and all its possibilities.

Frank discussed the concepts that affect our personal life and all its challenges and the intense positive energy of the Universe and its role in granting the answers to what we desire. He walked us through the 24,500-year cycle and the present movement between the third and the fourth dimensions. If you are a seeker and you take advantage of the opportunity that the Universe will offer, you can move on to the next dimension.

Frank spoke with great knowledge about how we all have free will, how we obtain it and how we need to keep it. The theme I enjoyed the most was that we are all God. You are a creator, and you are a God. Love of everything makes us as I say “Big”, and Fear is humanity’s biggest issue – as I say it makes us very small. We as humans have been in a brainwash mode since we were babies. We have been fed fear to keep us in a sub-potential role here on earth.

Frank spent a good portion of his discussion on the role of the right and left-brains. Frank is saying as we shift in the next year or so, we or some of us will start shifting more into a right brain world, a God consciousness world. The shift to 4th dimension will be an era of no time/space, only energy.

And to the infinite only ask what you agreed to, and you will be satisfied forever. And one last thing: Frank made us do an exercise – make a list from your heart of the things that you desire and give it to the infinite. Put the list in a safe place and forget about it. Wonderful things will happen to you and when you get the list out of that safe place, you will see the infinite spirit has lived up to the agreement it made with you, when you came to hang, here on earth.

Sleep Tight – in the future you will not need to sleep, for energy doesn’t sleep. Oh and one more Frankism – Don’t reject anything that is put in front of you.



The Psychic Sasquatch –By Kewaunee Lapseritis

This book is about a scientist/researcher looking to empirically prove that Bigfoot/Sasquatch exists as a living primate. The Kewaunee’s paradigm of the world abruptly changed when in September 1979 a Sasquatch and ET telepathically spoke to him revealing their psychic reality. Later, he found other Experiencers who were also approached by Sasquatch communicating to them their concerns about how modern man is destroying the planet. At times, there were Star-people and/or Space ships involved. The Book is a well documented fascinating account that already has become a classic since its publication in 1998. Note Kewaunee will be at the Wake Up Now Conference in Albuquerque come by and say HI.

To buy an autographed Copy- send $25 ( includes shipping) to Kewaunee Lapseritis ( Check or Money Order)
PO Box 1062 Duvall WA. 98019 Kewaunee number is 425-844-8409 — Also put you name , address, email address including zip and your phone in with your payment.

This Big Event is getting Closer – jump on Board

Event dates: April 29, 30, & May 1, 2011
Location: Albuquerque, NM, Santa Ana Star Casino, Bosque Convention Ctr.
Contact Info: Nancy Wallace, 505-966-5017,

Albuquerque Wakes Up in a Big Way
The Wake Up Now! Conference engages cosmic truths, UFOs, conspiracy theories, the paranormal, and re-evolution, while supporting new educational options for children. It is now obvious that our children are changing dramatically and that our educational system is struggling to meet their needs and achieving minimal success. This is a Wake Up Call.
So, what do cosmic truths, UFOs, conspiracies and the paranormal have to do with our children? Our minds are expanding. Our world is changing. Our level of input from TV, computers and other sources keeps growing exponentially. Our kids need to be prepared to handle the onslaught of information and the challenges of the future while maintaining a sense of order, balance and joy.
The primary purpose of the Wake Up Now! Conference being held at the Santa Ana Casino’s Bosque Conference Center, April 29 through May 1, is to bring new and emerging information to the public through highly regarded speakers who represent decades of experience and research on the linked subjects of Cosmic Truths, UFOs, Conspiracy Theories, the Paranormal, & Re-evolution. Re-evolution is defined as the changes in the human population being seen firsthand through earth’s youth. Changes in consciousness and mental function are being reported in children and adults. Humanity is clearly perched on the precipice of something big.
The funds raised through this conference benefit the building fund for The School of Now, a project of A Child’s Miracle Mind, Inc, a 501C3 not for profit corporation. The School of Now is a radically new support and education system designed for the children now arriving into our human family.
A Child’s Miracle Mind, Inc. was founded by Nancy Wallace who says, “We draw upon new and advanced approaches, to consistently explore knowledge, remedies, and relief to aid and assist parents and children who have been labeled ADHD, ADD and/or problem children.” It is the organization’s goal to heighten school performance and personal growth. The organization uses alternative methods, tests and techniques, along with nutritional changes, emotional counseling and intuitive counseling to address the challenges.

Are we in a Rough Patch of Human History, and what is moving clockwise in the Ring of Fire?– Is it all True Series #177

Please note I am writing this on the night of March 18th 2011, and hopefully we are all reading this on the Truth Seeker Forum website when I post this on the 26th. And somewhat suddenly a lot of folks are doing the gloom and doom dance. The Super Moon and super quakes theory is sweeping the Web. There is a weak correlation between quakes and the moon cycles. But I believe there is something more powerful afoot on the earth.

A little background: the Ring of Fire is a 25,000-mile loop basically surrounding the Pacific Ocean. This area is known for its volcanoes, deep ocean trenches, and strong seismic activity; in this ring there are 75% of the world’s active and dormant volcanoes and 80% of the strongest earthquakes on earth occur in this Ring. The Ring of Fire is a direct result of plate tectonics and the movement and collisions of crustal plates.

So here is what is quite interesting and scary at the same time: in 02/10 a large powerful quake hit Chile, and recently in 02/11 another strong EQ hit New Zealand, and now a super quake hits Japan; this is a clockwise movement around the Ring of Fire. This has happened about 4 times in the last 120 years – a series of 4 strong quakes moving in this clockwise direction with 6.0 plus quakes. If this holds true, the last of the four will hit within the next 6 months or sooner in our state of Alaska or on the west coast of the US and it will do major damage. I would highly recommend anyone in the target area to have at least 2 weeks of bottled water, canned food, and don’t forget that manual can opener.

This I believe is not prophecy, but science of a rapidly changing world. So we can only be prepared, and remember it’s truly a mental game; food and water are great, but keeping your mind balanced and fearless is what will keep you alive. It’s coming and it’s just part of the journey.

Sleep tight, it always gets better and brighter, as long as you are patient.


Jim Turner -The Ahau Chronicles Volume 22

The Ahau Chronicles Volume 22Happy Ahau Day! Click on the above the blue

While I felt the need to commemorate the anniversary of the death of Palenque’s king Chan Bahlum in our last newsletter, I have returned to the topic of the Ninth Oxford International Symposium on Archaeoastronomy which I attended in January in Lima, Peru. There was an entire afternoon dedicated to the discussion of the Maya Calendar and 2012 with many famous scholars weighing in with their latest research. As always, I listened with a skeptical ear and was pleased when they presented a wealth of data that upheld many of my hypotheses about the island monument I have been studying for so long. Though their talks dealt with the subject in an objective and abstract fashion, much of what they spoke of had concrete associations with the very real monument that appears to be the key to unraveling the mysteries of 2012.

