BARACK OBAMA Numerology Chart-His Mother’s too! Part I -done by

Trends Analysis and Numerology September 19, 2012

By Gail Minogue

Barack and his Mom

discovered that his birth certificate designates him as “II” or the second, not a Junior. It does make some difference so it is time to take another look at Barack. Since we know very little about his mother, other than the unusual story of Hawaii and his African father, I thought I would take a look at her chart to see the connections. What a surprise when I did!

Barack Hussein Obama II was born on August 4, 1961. In numerology we do not need the time or place. We must have the accurate birth name and date. What a story it tells. Everyone should understand their candidates’ blueprints before considering giving them their vote. First of all being the “II” or the “III” is strictly Earth placement. It just tells you how the person was placed in a grouping. For instance you might be Bob Smith, IV. It just tells me your are the fourth Bob Smith. This earth placement is dismissed in Numerology. The word Junior is very different and must be included. (This is quite deflationary to those who value being the 3rd or 4th in line of a heritage.)

We look at the vowels of his name and we look at the consonants of his name. We look at the date of birth. We look at the numbers behind the letters–the letter “a” being the number one and “b” being the number two. We look at how many of each number is in the name and we look at what numbers are missing. Missing numbers relate to karma and past life issues. When they appear, we have a tendency to over emphasize or under emphasize the quality of that number.

Let’s look at Obama’s date of birth. It is not surprising that he has a Master Number. This means that his date of birth totals a double digit–11, 22, 33, 44, 55 etc. In his lifetime, he chose the number 11. When you total his entire date of birth 8 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 1, it will total 29. When we reduce 29 (adding the 2 + 9), it reduces to the number 11. This is a powerful number and the same number as many famous individuals–Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, John McCain, Madonna, Joe Biden, Michelle Obama and John Adams. Very powerful people come in with Master Numbers. They are on assignment or have a particular task to perform at a particular time. Other powerful Master Numbers were Eisenhower (Master Number 22) and Grant (44).

Incidentally, it is important to recognize when America needs a leader to help it through massive change–such as a “make or break” moment, it will bring in an individual with a number 5 Life Path. These are Agents of Change–who can guide us through tough times. Four famous Presidents with the No. 5 Life Paths were Thomas Jefferson, Abe Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

When America is ready to make the massive change, which is now being set up, it will bring in a Presidential candidate whose Life Path adds up to the Number 5. Watch the next 2 elections. Either 2016 or 2020. Americans are not yet in a position to handle the required changes that are coming. From now until 2024, we will be going through some necessary revisions. We will need a different type of leader to get us to change course. Just imagine the times that America was experiencing when it brought in Jefferson, Lincoln and both Roosevelt’s. It is big but it is not yet here.

Barack Obama’s Life Path of the Number 11 is one of “light” not heat. All 11?s have what I call the “it’. They are

Two Peas in Pod

able to inspire, channel and arbitrate. The word “light” is an 11 word. (total the letters). His Mother Ann had the same Life Path as well. These two people were on the same wave length. Although you might believe he was separated a good amount of time from her, she really imbued a sense of expansion and inclusion in her teachings to him. She was the perfect person for the instruction and training he would need to walk out into the world. The two of them are not religious individuals. Spiritual, very much so but not interested in man-made religions. Although Barack attended a specific church for several years while living in Chicago, he is not interested in the system of religion for himself. He will attend for the show but he makes up his own mind about God and the unseen world. The number II is essentially a “light worker” a “peacekeeper”. It is not surprising that he would be interested in community, the group, the world, equality. These people are the idealists. They envision a perfect world where we can all get along etc. They have an inner-directed life and this is where they get their strength. They must develop a practical side to life in order to make their idealism be able to function in the world. President Obama has had to learn this during his first term. I am sure he was very surprised by the refusal of his outreach to Congress. He made some idealist assumptions when he first came to office and they have come back to bite him.

Obama’s personality number is the Number One. This is taken from the consonants in his full birth name. Number one is the pioneer, the trailblazer and the person who initiates things. They like to be “number one”. Being a Number One personality would present him as independent, capable and a unique individual. These people depend upon the force of their personality to get things done. It is very important to him to present the correct image. They can’t stand to be overweight. It contradicts the image they are trying to convey. Being a Number One could appear to be a domineering and/or aggressive personality. These are dynamic people and they value courage and risk taking. They will not be pushed around and can be very intimidating people. Here is the fascinating part, his Mother had the same personality number. These people were actually peas in a pod. I am sure he is very tied to her both in life and death. …… to continued in Part II.

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Mounting Evidence Suggests Coffee May Actually Have Therapeutic Health Benefits

September 16 2012

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Dr. Mercola (
For years, physicians have been warning about the negative health effects of drinking coffee. You may have been told that coffee will raise your blood pressure, lead to heart disease, give you an ulcer or make you diabetic. But studies continue to roll in that caste doubt on this “common wisdom.”

Certainly, like anything, coffee should not be used in excess. However, study after study has failed to prove that moderate coffee consumption increases your risk for cardiovascular disease or any other serious illness.

In fact, it’s beginning to look like coffee—at least in moderation—may have a number of unrecognized health-promoting properties. As a result of the rather impressive list of therapeutic benefits, I’ve changed my recommendations about coffee.

One of the latest studies, published in April 2012 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition1, confirms earlier studies that coffee may actually reduce your risk for developing type 2 diabetes.

Regardless of traditionally ominous warnings that coffee should be avoided, it’s being consumed in massive quantities worldwide. Although it’s inarguable now that coffee does have therapeutic benefits, if you are dousing your cup of Joe in creamer, sugar, and other sweeteners and flavorings, you are missing out on the therapeutic benefits and potentially harming your health.

Please understand that I am not changing my position to justify a “bad” habit. I personally have never enjoyed the taste of coffee and have had less than five cups my entire life and those were used therapeutically to compensate for jet lag.

Could Coffee Really be GOOD for You?
My understanding of coffee’s virtues was greatly enhanced by my interview with Ori Hofmekler, author of The Warrior Diet and Unlocking the Muscle Gene, who has researched coffee extensively. Ori explained how coffee, when consumed in the right way, can be used effectively as part of your overall health and fitness plan.

Although organic coffee as a whole food may be therapeutic, caffeine in isolation can be quite toxic. The natural blend of polyphenol antioxidants (including chlorogenic acids), bioflavonoids, vitamins and minerals in coffee beans all work together to help neutralize the harsher effects of the caffeine2. There are literally thousands of different natural chemical compounds in your brew, and science now suggests the synergy between them can pack a nice nutritional punch.

With all of these compounds, you might wonder if there are any that have undesirable health effects. Yes, there are. But as I mentioned earlier, these are more concerning if ingested in isolation, as opposed to being consumed as part of the whole food.

What about the Caffeine?
Caffeine is the most widely used drug in the world and can be helpful or harmful, depending on how it’s used. Caffeine provides a “lift” by blocking the normal action of adenosine. Adenosine normally slows down your brain’s activity and induces sleepiness. Some people are caffeine sensitive and don’t tolerate it well, or have problems sleeping if they have caffeine too late in the day.

Caffeine levels vary depending on type of bean, roast, grind, and brewing method. Contrary to popular belief, darker roasts typically contain less caffeine than lighter roasts due to the prolonged heat breaking down more of the caffeine molecules. Bean species also differ widely in their naturally occurring concentrations of caffeine. Additionally, drip coffee actually has more caffeine than espresso because the brew time is much longer. And in general, the finer the grind, the higher the caffeine in the coffee. So, you might want to vary some of these factors if you experience a reaction, like switching from drip coffee to espresso, or changing brands.

If you have an issue with decreased adrenal function, use coffee with care, as it can be hard on your adrenal glands. Coffee also has a diuretic effect, so if you have problems with electrolyte imbalance, you might want to avoid it.

If you have any negative reactions to coffee, caffeine isn’t always the culprit. You could be sensitive to some of the burnt sugars or oils produced during the roasting of the beans, rather than the caffeine. People experience symptoms such as stomach cramping, heart palpitations and other autonomic symptoms, and these symptoms are usually interpreted as caffeine sensitivity when they are actually more of a food intolerance. There is also the possibility of mold or other contaminants triggering an allergy (as coffee is a dried food), so you want to make sure your coffee is of the highest quality and meticulously produced.

But as a whole, if you’re healthy, coffee is pretty well tolerated and the positive effects seem to outweigh the negative ones for most people. Please note that I still recommend women completely avoid using caffeine while pregnant.

The List is Growing of Health Benefits from Coffee

This is a Flash-based video and may not be viewable on mobile devices.

The following is a summary of some of the more recent research that supports coffee’s health benefits.

Type 2 Diabetes A Japanese study in 20103 revealed that coffee consumption exerted a protective effect against type 2 diabetes; further confirmed by 2012 German study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Researchers have also found that coffee doubles glucose intake, which will greatly reduce blood glucose levels.
Parkinson’s Disease Coffee may significantly cut your risk of Parkinson’s disease4. In fact, coffee is so preventative against Parkinson’s that drug companies are designing experimental drugs that mimic coffee’s benefits to your brain5
Alzheimer’s Disease A 2011 study6 revealed that a yet unidentified mystery ingredient in coffee interacts with the caffeine to help protect you from Alzheimer’s disease
Prostate Cancer A large 2011 study7 of nearly 50,000 men found men who drank six cups of coffee per day had 60 percent lower risk of lethal prostate cancer, and those who drank three cups per day had a 30 percent lower risk
Liver Cancer A Japanese study8 found those who drank coffee daily, or close to it, had about half the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), a type of liver cancer, than people who never drank coffee; coffee is also associated with less severe liver fibrosis, lower levels of fat in your liver, and lower rates of hepatitis-C disease progression9
Kidney Cancer Coffee consumption may be associated with decreased risk of kidney cancer10
Colorectal Cancer A 2007 study11 suggested coffee consumption may lower colon cancer risk among women
Heart Rhythm Problems A study showed moderate coffee drinking reduces your chances of being hospitalized for heart rhythm problems12
Pulmonary Function A 2010 study13 revealed a beneficial effect of coffee on the pulmonary function of nonsmokers
Stroke A 2011 study14 found that women who drank more than one cup of coffee per day had about a 25 percent lower risk of stroke than women who drank less; a 2009 study15 found women who drank four or more cups of coffee per day reduced their stroke risk by 20 percent
Gastrointestinal Flora A study16 in 2009 showed coffee produced an increase in the metabolic activity and/or numbers of Bifidobacterium, which are beneficial bacteria in your gut

There are many more studies with positive findings—in fact, too many to list. Not every single study shows coffee to be beneficial, but the majority are quite positive, suggesting that coffee has been unfairly maligned. There is strong evidence coffee can help stabilize your blood glucose level and may even help curb sugar cravings. Caffeine binds to your opioid receptors, which essentially prohibits you from craving something else, such as sugar.

Research also shows that coffee triggers a mechanism in your brain that releases a growth factor called Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). BDNF activates brain stem cells to convert into new neurons, and also expresses itself in your muscles. It does this by supporting the neuromotor, which is the most critical element in your muscle. Without the neuromotor, your muscle is like an engine without the ignition. Neuromotor degradation is part of the process underlying age-related muscle atrophy. Essentially, caffeine from natural whole coffee may help keep your brain and muscle tissue young.

When to Drink Coffee for Maximum Benefit
According to Ori Hofmekler’s extensive research, coffee increases your metabolism by up to 20 percent. I’ve previously discussed the benefits of exercising on an empty stomach. But coffee can actually be quite beneficial if consumed before exercise. Ori states:

“Coffee before training allows you fast energy to initiate your workout. For people who train in the morning, having coffee before training is a great advantage.”

However, coffee is a potent substance and should be used only in moderation—without sugar. Ori recommends having just one cup of organic coffee or one shot of espresso in the morning or before training, and that’s it for the day. If you exercise in the morning, have your coffee prior to your workout, NOT after. Consuming coffee after your workout interferes with your body’s muscle-building mechanism. Again, your body can handle whole, fresh organic coffee because it doesn’t hit your system the way synthetic caffeine does. But you don’t want to go overboard.

Dark Roast Coffee may be Superior to Light Roast
When it comes to the health benefits of organic whole-bean black coffee, the darker the roast, the better.17 It’s often the case that foods with the darkest pigments also offer the most robust benefits to health, and dark roast coffee, such as French or Italian Roast, or roasts used to make espresso or Turkish coffee, are no exception.

Roasted coffees are higher in neuroprotective agents than green (unroasted) coffees. A new study in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research18 found that dark roast coffee restored blood levels of the antioxidants vitamin E and glutathione more effectively than light roast coffee. The dark roast also led to a significant body weight reduction in pre-obese volunteers, whereas the lighter roast did not. Other studies have shown that dark roast coffee produces more of a chemical called N-methylpyridinium, which helps prevent your stomach from producing excess acid, so darker roast coffee may be easier on your stomach than lighter roast coffee.19

Coffee Quality is Key: Four Tips to Remember
When it comes to achieving any therapeutic benefits from coffee, only quality coffee will do. You can find a great deal of information at Coffee & Conservation20. Here are five primary considerations:

•Choose Organic: Coffee beans are one of the most heavily sprayed crops with pesticides. So, you should select only coffee beans that are certified organic. Remember, you will obliterate ANY positive effects if you consume coffee that’s been doused in pesticides or other chemicals. Whenever possible, purchase sustainable “shade-grown” coffee to help prevent the continued destruction of our tropical rain forests and the birds that inhabit them. There are many who say shade grown coffee tastes better as well.
•Whole Bean: You’ll want to purchase whole bean coffee that smells and tastes fresh, not stale; if your coffee does not have a pleasant aroma, it is likely rancid. Grind it yourself to prevent rancidity as pre-ground coffee may be rancid by the time you get it home.
•Drink it Black: If you’re interested in the health benefits, drink your coffee black, without sugar or cream or flavorings. Add sugar and you’ll certainly ruin any of the benefits discussed above by spiking your insulin levels, which contributes to insulin resistance. Make sure the water you’re using is pure.
•Coffee Filters: If you use a “drip” coffee maker, be sure to use non-bleached filters. The bright white ones are chlorine-bleached, and some of this chlorine will leach from the filter during the brewing process. Bleached filters are also notoriously full of dangerous disinfection byproducts, such as dioxin.
•Coffee Mugs: Please be careful about the container you use. Avoid plastic cups as the BPA will leach into your drink, and also avoid Styrofoam cups that can leach polystyrene molecules. Your best bets include glass and ceramic travel mugs.
Take a Crack at Roasting Your Own
If you want ultimate control over the quality of your coffee, as well as great cost savings, you may want to check into roasting your own beans. Many places are now offering dried organic green coffee beans for sale at less than half the cost of roasted. This can amount to a huge savings over grocery store prices—and is certainly more cost effective than daily visits to your local coffee house, even after the cost of a small home roasting machine is factored in. Your coffee will be fresher and the nutritional benefits more dependable. And it’s fun!

Roastmasters21 is a popular online resource for information about home coffee roasting and supplies. If you follow the guidelines above, I see no reason why coffee cannot be a sensible and even therapeutic part of your diet.

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September 2012 Knowledge Newsletter By Sharon Cheney

Dear Friends,

In last month’s newsletter I explained the concept of Unity Consciousness. There is another aspect to Unity Consciousness and that is that we all have a spark of the divine within us. We can say we are God or God dwells within us.

Owning Our Divinity

Many people have been brought up with a religious belief that God is some numinous figure that oversees our lives. This God has the power to hand out punishments or rewards depending on how we live our lives. When we subscribe to this belief, it puts all the power into God’s hands and little power in ours. The only chance we have for a good life is to abide by the rules laid down for us by our family, our society and our culture.

In previous times, people who encountered beings or events they could not explain attributed super human powers to these beings and called them Gods. Then they carried on rituals to gain the favor of these Gods to ensure a bountiful harvest and favorable living conditions. Even the characteristics assigned to astrological signs stem from the powers attributed to these beings from the stars. So it may be that our concept of God has been man made.

The practice of honoring God as a powerful being that exists outside our selves has continued to this day in many religions. The concept that only God has the power to redeem, bless or punish us was often perpetrated by priests at the head of these religious organizations. They did this out of their desire maintain control over the people in order to ensure their own power and wealth. If the people did not follow their religious practices as they saw fit, they could be punished, kicked out from the group or shunned. This was theirs dictates not God’s.

God is not some fatherly figure. God is an enormous mass of intelligent loving energy. Since this energy is everywhere both around and within us, we are God within. In Unity Consciousness we are all one because we are interconnected by this same energy that is God. If we are all interconnected by this energy field then we are one with God. We cannot be all connected and still see God as separate or above us. Some religious texts say that God created man in his image. Why would God do that if not to convey the message that we are not separate but one with Him.

I often like to ask the question how our beliefs serve us as I believe there is an underlying reason for everything we do. An example of how our beliefs serve us is when we believe God has the power to bless or create havoc in our lives. This belief removes us from taking responsibility for our actions. Some people prefer to blame God or see themselves as victims rather than take a closer look at their own behavior.

If we believe that God is all powerful, what does that make us? It makes us less powerful in our own eyes and in the eyes of others. What if that wasn’t true? What if we were as powerful as God? What if we were God running around in human bodies? What would we do then? How would our lives be different?

When we refuse to see ourselves as a part of God or having God within, we will never have a chance to realize who we truly are or what we are capable of. Some folks may find this concept too scary to even consider because they are afraid to discover who they truly are. They might believe that if they owned their full power, there would be expectations placed upon them by others or themselves that they could not meet. They might be afraid that if they were really God they might abuse their power or lose the acceptance of those around them. There may be many reasons for not wanting to own our divinity.

Have you ever known God to be afraid of anything? I have never heard that God was afraid to act or stand in His or Her full power in any religious books, have you? God acts and does not worry what will people think about Him no matter what He does. When we are in our full power and understand that we are God within because have that god-like energy within us; then we can act with the same conviction and stop worrying what others will think and whether they will still like us.

We attribute the most amazing powers to God. After all he can create universes, heal the sick, raise the dead, and cause dreaded disasters as well as times of bounty. Just think of what you could do if you owned your full power.

Another fact of which some people are unaware is that our souls are eternal even if our physical bodies are not. Every experience we have on earth remains with us even after we die. Our physical bodies are made of energy that has a greater density. At death our physical bodies die but the energy that contains all our memories and experiences are released from the physical body and continue to exist in an energy body called the soul. Since energy cannot be destroyed, our learning experiences remain on our soul record forever. In the spirit world, we are seen for who we really are with all our failures and successes. There is no way to put up pretenses like there is on earth.

As energy, we are one with everything that exists including God. So each time we fail to own our divinity or refuse to be all that we are capable of out of fear, that learning and knowledge is lost to everyone because our reality is made up of the collective experiences of everyone. The experiences on our souls, the soul record of this planet, our solar system, galaxy and universe are composed of all our collective experiences. So any time we fail to be loving, forgiving, or compassionate towards others, we create a reality filled with strife, war and unhappiness. Everyone person contributes to creating our reality so what would you like your contribution to be?

For example, if someone discovers or develops something new like social media and then tells everyone they know about it, everyone will benefit from this new development. This is true no matter what you learn or experience even if you do not touch thousands or millions of lives. It still goes into the collective consciousness not only of humanity but of solar system, galaxy and beyond. That is how powerful you are.

Every situation be it personal or global, acts like a mirror reflecting back to us what we either fail to accept or deny in ourselves. The poverty in third world countries is a reflection of the poverty within us. This remains true even if we are wealthy. It demonstrates our lack of concern for others and a denial of the reality that we are all interconnected.

Elusive dark energy is real, study says

But substance itself that may be accelerating universe’s expansion still a mystery

The galaxy cluster Abell 1689 is famous for the way it bends light in a phenomenon called gravitational lensing. A new study of the cluster is revealing secrets about how dark energy shapes the universe.
updated 9/13/2012 7:59:38 PM ET 2012-09-13T23:59:38
Print Font: +-Dark energy, the mysterious substance thought to be accelerating the expansion of the universe, almost certainly exists despite some astronomers’ doubts, a new study says.

After a two-year study, an international team of researchers concludes that the probability of dark energy being real stands at 99.996 percent. But the scientists still don’t know what the stuff is.

“Dark energy is one of the great scientific mysteries of our time, so it isn’t surprising that so many researchers question its existence,” co-author Bob Nichol, of the University of Portsmouth in Engalnd, said in a statement. “But with our new work we’re more confident than ever that this exotic component of the universe is real — even if we still have no idea what it consists of.”

..The roots of dark energy
Scientists have known since the 1920s that the universe is expanding. Most assumed that gravity would slow this expansion gradually, or even cause the universe to begin contracting one day. [8 Baffling Astronomy Mysteries]

But in 1998, two separate teams of researchers discovered that the universe’s expansion is actually speeding up. In the wake of this shocking find — which earned three of the discoverers the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2011 — researchers proposed the existence of dark energy, an enigmatic force pushing the cosmos apart.

Dark energy is thought to make up 73 percent of the universe, though no one can say exactly what it is. (Twenty-three percent of the universe is similarly strange dark matter, scientists say, while the remaining 4 percent is “normal” matter that we can see and feel.)

Still, not all astronomers are convinced that dark energy is real, and many have been trying to confirm its existence for the past decade or so.

Solar Angels Bring Heart Energy — From Sandy Penny

On September 4, 2012, I got up from my computer to get a drink of water. When I returned, I found this image displayed full size on my desktop. I had not seen the image before. It was from, but I had not been to that site for a while.

When I checked into it, I found a whole host of angelic looking aurora photos taken between Sept. 2-4 as a result of the massive CME Coronal Mass Ejection from the sun on Aug. 31. I created a slide show of them.

I asked my guides, and they gave me some explanation. That night, I could see these auroras in my field of vision when I closed my eyes. I awoke with the name of a blog in my mind, HeartWarp. I looked it up, and it was not being used, so I created a blog about this experience. Here’s the link to the full story and below is the video of the many aurora photos I found along with channeled information about what is happening in the 5th dimensional transition.

It is meant to inspire and reveal how these multidimensional realities work. By meditating on this photo, you will receive a 5th dimensional download, and 5th dimensional training is available at night in dreamtime if you attune to it before going to sleep. Enjoy.

HeartWarp Blog: Solar Angels Bring Heart Energy to Earth

Albert Rosales and his very Strange World, # 88

Location. Miami, Florida
Date: November 20 2009
Time: between 2000 & 2100
The witness, Brenda (involved in other encounters) was watching television when a gray figure appeared in the window by her chair. She does not know if there any missing time. It is seven feet from the top of the being’s head to the ground by the window. Since this sighting Brenda has been counting steps to her mailbox (?).

HC addendum
Type: E

Location. Laugharne, Wales
Date: November 22 2009
Time: midnight
While on holiday at Laugharne Park, close to the estuary, a lady observed a pale skinned, red headed woman moving across the park, although the way the entity’s green and blue clothing flowed, appeared to be moving through water. The woman smiled before vanishing.

HC addendum
Type: E
Comments: Apparitional entity or water nymph?

CDC Preparing for New Swine Flu – Should You From

By Dr. Mercola

According to the featured report by US News Health1, a new influenza A variant strain of swine flu, H3N2v, has been identified in children and adults recently in direct contact with pigs at country fairs. The CDC case count of detected human infections in the US with the H3N2-variant currently stands at 154.2

Fortunately, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states the virus is still principally limited to swine, and poses a very limited threat as it appears to spread to humans only with great difficulty, and appears to cause only mild disease when it does.

Influenza A viruses infect humans, swine and wild birds. Transmission of avian-origin influenza A viruses (H5N1 and H7N7) and swine origin influenza A viruses (H1N1, H1N2 and H3N2) between humans and animals does occur.

In August 2011, two cases of swine-origin influenza A (H3N2) virus infection were identified in two children under five years old in different states, and both had been given seasonal influenza vaccine in 2010 (which contained the pandemic H1N1 swine flu virus strain) and had had recent contact with pigs before they got sick.

According to the CDC3, the swine-origin H3N2 influenza virus the two young children became infected with last year was a new “reassortment” virus variant that contained “genes of the swine-origin influenza A (H3N2) virus circulating in North American pigs since 1998 and the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) virus that might have been transmitted to pigs from humans during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic.”

Six months later, the FDA selected the H3N2 influenza A virus strain to be one of the three strains included in this year’s seasonal influenza vaccine, along with the pandemic H1N1 influenza A virus strain and an influenza B strain (B/Wisconsin1/2010-like virus). According to the US News Health media report:

“The reason the CDC is concerned about this particular virus is that it contains an element seen in the pandemic 2009 swine flu strain, H1N1, which may make it more likely for the virus to spread from person-to-person,” US News Health reports.4

“All 29 cases were infected with strains of H3N2 ‘that contained the matrix (m) gene from the influenza A H1N1 pandemic virus,’ Bresee explained. ‘This ‘m’ gene may confer increased transmissibility to and among humans, compared with other variant influenzas viruses.’

In addition, the virus appears to have become more active recently, the CDC said. ‘The virus was first detected in humans in July 2011, and since then there have been 29 total cases of H3N2 variant virus detected, including the 16 cases occurring in the last three weeks,’ Bresee said.

…Each of the recent 16 cases were among people who had direct contact with pigs. In 15 cases, contact happened at a county fair… Fortunately, sustained person-to-person transmission of the virus hasn’t happened yet, he added.” [Emphasis mine]

According to this media report (which does not explain the discrepancy between a detection of “29 cases” with the detected “154 cases” the CDC is reporting), symptoms of the H3N2 flu are similar to seasonal flu. However it’s well worth noting that not one of the recent 16 cases required hospitalization. And no deaths have resulted from it so far. Last year, three people with underlying disease did require hospitalization.

Since this strain is a pig virus, the CDC sensibly advises limiting your contact with swine, and avoiding all contact with sick swine. If you do have contact with swine, make sure you wash your hands, and do not eat or drink in the vicinity of the animals.

Why is This New Pig Virus in the 2012 Seasonal Flu Vaccine?
According to an August 13 press release by the US Food and Drug Administration5, the 2012-2013 influenza vaccine formulation for all six manufacturers licensed to produce and distribute the vaccines in the United States will contain the following formulation:

•A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)-like virus
•A/Victoria/361/2011 (H3N2)-like virus
•B/Wisconsin/1/2010-like virus.
The big question is whether the mass use of H1N1 influenza vaccine in the U.S. in the 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 flu season somehow contributed to the reassortment of the swine-origin H1N1 and H3N2 influenza A viruses to create the new variant H3N2 influenza viral infections detected in the past year. I don’t have a solid answer to this question, but it’s worth at least considering…

There are inactivated, injectable vaccines, and live virus, inhaled vaccine. Live viruses in vaccines are shed for a period of time in body fluids6, so live influenza vaccine strain viruses could theoretically recombine with other influenza viruses to create new variant versions.

Multiple Faux Pandemics “In the Works”?
This new swine variant virus isn’t the only contender for the next pandemic. Just last month I wrote about renewed fears about the bird flu virus, H5N1 – yet another animal virus that doesn’t easily spread among humans, but is feared to have the capability to mutate and give rise to a human pandemic.

While it’s prudent to be aware that influenza viruses can be transmitted between animals and humans and a pandemic could occur, what we’ve repeatedly seen is that this slim possibility is massively over-sold, allowing drug companies to rake in billions of dollars for inadequately tested vaccines and other dangerous and/or ineffective anti-viral drugs.

In recent years we’ve seen a number of media hyped flu pandemics that never materialized. Sadly, each time a greater number of people ended up being harmed by the drugs and vaccines than died from the “pandemic” virus:

•The non-existent 1976 swine flu pandemic: In 1976 the U.S. acted out the first swine flu pandemic scare, devising a vaccine program in which 45 million people were vaccinated for a swine flu epidemic that never came. The hastily created mass vaccination program resulted in hundreds of Guillain-Barre Syndrome paralysis victims and 25 deaths for a flu pandemic that failed to materialize. Within a few months, claims totaling $1.3 billion had been filed by victims, who were permanently disabled from the vaccine, and more people died from the vaccine than from the virus itself.
•The 2005 bird flu hoax: Headlines warned the U.S. was facing a cataclysmic extermination event, with a calculated two million Americans succumbing to the bird flu. The best case scenario called for the death of 200,000 Americans. Then, as now, constant references to the tragedy of 1918 heightened the fear factor to a fever pitch, despite the fact that the scientific data did not support the aggressively hyped claims that instilled fear and panic in a lot of Americans.
The formula public health officials used to project the numbers of people who would die from the proposed 2005 bird flu pandemic as that they translated the minuscule number of deaths of bird handlers that had occurred worldwide into an impending extermination-level event from a virus that did not – and still does not – readily spread from birds to humans, nor between humans.

Most of the people who acquire bird-origin influenza virus infection were, and still are, bird handlers in continuous contact with sick birds. However, when it comes to keeping the public in constant fear of infectious diseases, often common sense is thrown out the window…

•Bird flu hoax repeats: In 2006, 2007, and again in 2008, media hyped warnings over the bird flu were repeatedly exposed as little more than orchestrated efforts to instill fear and line the pocketbooks of the pharmaceutical industry and various special interest groups connected with the pharmaceutical industry.
•The 2009 swine flu hoax: After four consecutive years of bird flu warnings that just refused to come to fruition, the H1N1 swine flu became front-page news again. This turned out to be yet another faux threat that cost tax payers billions of dollars, and in which fast tracked pandemic H1N1 vaccines were pushed on millions of people. The 2009 H1N1 vaccine was one of the most reactive flu vaccines ever created and, just like its 1976 predecessor, harmed far more people than the virus itself.
Remember? H1N1 Vaccine was Not Only Ineffective, But Unusually Dangerous…
As you may recall, the fast-tracked pandemic 2009-2010 H1N1 swine flu vaccine turned out to be particularly reactive – far more reactive than previous seasonal flu vaccines. Will this season’s trivalent flu vaccine – containing two swine origin influenza A viruses – pandemic H1N1 and H3N2 – usher in a repeat performance?

One of the most disturbing side effects of some of the marketed pandemic H1N1 vaccines was narcolepsy; a very rare and disabling neurological disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness. About 70 percent of narcolepsy cases also involve cataplexy – the sudden loss of voluntary muscle control – along with vivid hallucinations and total paralysis at the beginning or end of the narcoleptic attack.

The 2009 season was a perfect example of how dangerous it can be to blindly trust public health authorities and vaccine makers, and how badly things can go wrong. As you know, health authorities around the globe fiercely maintain that vaccines are safe, regardless of what’s happening in the real world. Time and again, serious side effects from vaccines are overlooked and swept under the rug as being “coincidental.”

In the case of the H1N1 pandemic vaccine, the adverse events were so serious, and so widespread that the tragic reality could not be ignored. There’s no discussion about whether or not narcolepsy was caused by the vaccine; it’s been proven to be a vaccine injury by experts in multiple countries.

For example, according to Swedish findings, children and adolescents vaccinated with Pandemrix during the 2009-10 season had a close to 660 percent increase in risk for narcolepsy! Finland also noticed a dramatic increase in the condition following vaccination with Pandemrix. There, an interim report issued in January of last year found that the H1N1 vaccine increased the risk of narcolepsy by a staggering 900 percent in children and adolescents below the age of 19.7 France, Germany and Norway also reported cases of the rare sleeping disorder, causing the EU to launch an investigation as well.

Why are Vaccines Capable of Causing Serious Reactions?
It is very clear that vaccines do not cause problems for everyone who receives them, but when they do, it can be an unmitigated disaster. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride has identified a brilliant strategy to help assess children who may be at higher risk for developing side effects from vaccines of all kinds. In her extensive experience it is often related to poor gut flora, which is typically transferred from the mother who was compromised due to an unbalanced diet, antibiotics and/or birth control pills. She maintains that children with compromised gut flora are at the highest risk for developing these infections and can often suffer neurological damage.

Dr. Campbell-McBride suggests there are simple tests that can be done to evaluate whether a child has compromised gut flora or other risk factors BEFORE they are vaccinated. If they are at risk, then a comprehensive protocol may help reverse the problem before any vaccines are administered. This is all carefully described in her wonderful book Gut and Psychology Syndrome.

However, there is no guarantee that if you follow these guidelines or others attempting to minimize vaccine risks, that a vaccine reaction, injury or death will not occur. It is always important to remember that vaccines are pharmaceutical products, which carry risks that can be greater for some than others for many reasons, including genetic and biological high risk factors that have not been identified yet.

Total Video Length: 1:13:21

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Evidence Shows Flu Shots Simply Don’t Work
Flu vaccinations keep coming up short in study after study – way short – when it comes to having any measurable impact on what matters most, which is reducing illness and mortality from the flu. Here are several other examples providing evidence that flu vaccines may not prevent influenza or influenza-related complications leading to death, like pneumonia, in ANY age group:

•A study published in the October 2008 issue of the Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine8 found that vaccinating young children against the flu had no impact on flu-related hospitalizations or doctor visits during two recent flu seasons. The researchers concluded that “significant influenza vaccine effectiveness could not be demonstrated for any season, age, or setting” examined.
•A 2008 study published in the Lancet9 found that influenza vaccination was NOT associated with a reduced risk of pneumonia in older people. This also supports an earlier study, published in The New England Journal of Medicine10.
•Research published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine11 also confirms that there has been no decrease in deaths from influenza and pneumonia in the elderly, despite the fact that vaccination coverage among the elderly has increased from 15 percent in 1980 to 65 percent now.
•In 2007, researchers with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and the National Institutes of Health published this conclusion in the Lancet Infectious Diseases:12
“We conclude that frailty selection bias and use of non-specific endpoints such as all-cause mortality, have led cohort studies to greatly exaggerate vaccine benefits.”

•A large-scale, systematic review of 51 studies, published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews13 in 2006, found no evidence that the flu vaccine is any more effective than a placebo in children under 2. The studies involved 260,000 children, age 6 to 23 months.
Be Aware: Vaccine Makers are Immune Against Lawsuits from Vaccine Damage
As many of you already know, in 1986 Congress gave vaccine manufacturers partial liability protection from vaccine injury lawsuits. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 created a no-fault federal vaccine injury compensation program as an alternative to a lawsuit against vaccine manufacturers and pediatricians when vaccines injure or cause the death of a person.

At the time of the law’s creation in 1986, Congress said they were committed to setting up a fair, expedited, non-adversarial, less traumatic, less expensive no-fault compensation mechanism alternative to civil litigation. At the insistence of parents of DPT vaccine injured children, who founded the non-profit National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) in 1982, Congress also acknowledged that any legislation providing liability protection for drug companies and pediatricians must also be equally committed to preventing vaccine harm.

The 1986 law contains strong safety provisions, including first-time mandates for doctors and all vaccine providers to record in the medical record and report serious health problems, hospitalizations, injuries and deaths after vaccination to the government and give parents written benefit and risk information before a child or adult is vaccinated.

But few of the safety provisions have been enforced and obtaining compensation has become a highly adversarial, time-consuming, traumatic and expensive process for families of vaccine injured children. Far too many vaccine victims have been denied compensation. Meanwhile, vaccine makers and doctors have enjoyed liability protection.

To add insult to injury, last year the U.S. Supreme Court called vaccines “unavoidably unsafe” and gave drug companies total liability protection for injuries and deaths caused by government mandated vaccines. The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) called the decision a “betrayal” of the American consumer.

In a 6-2 decision, the Court majority voted to reject substantial evidence that the 1986 law was fully intended to protect an American’s right to sue a pharmaceutical corporation for injuries that could have been prevented if the company had elected to make a safer vaccine. Now, the Supreme Court has left anyone who gets injured by a flu vaccine or any other vaccine with no way to hold drug companies accountable in front of a jury in a U.S. court of law, and facing a long shot at receiving federal compensation for any vaccine injuries suffered.

Furthermore, the Supreme Court decision removes all financial incentive for multi-national drug corporations making big profits in the huge U.S. market to make vaccines as safe as they can be!

However, there is still a federal requirement in the 1986 law that doctors and all vaccine providers must warn EVERYONE choosing to get vaccinated of the dangers of the vaccine before they receive it. This is informed consent. You have a right to know the potential risks you or your minor child are taking with a medical intervention or use of a pharmaceutical product and the right to make an informed and voluntary choice about whether or not to take the risk.

What You Need to Know about Informed Consent
Informed consent is especially important when it comes to vaccination because no one can predict whether you or your child will be one of the children who has a devastating vaccine reaction, such as brain inflammation, paralysis, immune dysregulation, permanent brain damage, or even death. Furthermore, doctors have been notoriously lax when it comes to providing patients with full disclosure of potential side effects.

All Americans should know that if your doctor does not provide the CDC Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) sheet, or directly discuss the potential symptoms of side effects of the vaccination you or your child is about to receive BEFORE vaccination takes place, it is a violation of federal law.

Remember, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 requires doctors and other vaccine providers to:

•Give written vaccine benefit and risk information to the person or guardian of the person before vaccination takes place (and, ethically, a doctor should be willing to discuss and answer all questions the patient or parent has about vaccination)
•Keep a permanent record of all vaccines given and the manufacturer’s name and lot number
•Enter serious health problems, hospitalizations, injuries and deaths that occur after vaccination in the patient’s permanent medical record
•File an official report of all serious health problems, hospitalizations, injuries and deaths following vaccination to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS)
If a vaccine provider fails to inform, record or report, it is a violation of federal law, and I would encourage anyone who is injured from a vaccine, who did not receive the proper warnings, to use the legal system to hold the physician responsible.

Understand the Risks You Take Before You Take Them…
If you want a clear illustration of what could happen to you or someone you love as a result of a flu vaccine, take a look at this video profile of a former professor of nursing, who was left completely disabled after a seasonal flu shot. This is a risk every single person should be aware of prior to making the decision to get a flu shot.

How to Protect Yourself Against Influenza
So the question is, why do we continue doing something that has been proven ineffective and risky? As Eisnstein said, “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

This certainly could be said to apply to the practice of getting a flu shot every year and expecting to be protected against the flu without taking a health risk.

While the media is sure to continue hyping potential pandemic influenzas, remember that a healthy immune system is your best and primary defense against any viral threat. The following simple guidelines will help you keep your immune system in optimal working order so that you’re far less likely to acquire influenza or other respiratory infections to begin with or, if you do, your immune system will deal with it without complications:

•Optimize your vitamin D levels. As I’ve previously reported, optimizing your vitamin D levels is one of the absolute best strategies for avoiding infections of ALL kinds. This is probably the single most important and least expensive action you can take. I would STRONGLY urge you to have your vitamin D level monitored to confirm your levels are therapeutic at 50-70 ng/ml year-round.
An inexpensive option to get your vitamin D levels checked on a regular basis is to join the GrassrootsHealth D*action Project.

•Avoid Sugar, Fructose and Processed Foods. Sugar decreases the function of your immune system almost immediately. Be aware that sugar is present in foods you may not suspect, like ketchup and fruit juice.
•Get Enough Rest. Just like it becomes harder for you to get your daily tasks done if you’re tired, if your body is overly fatigued it will be harder for it to fight the flu. Be sure to check out my article Guide to a Good Night’s Sleep for some great tips to help you get quality rest.
•Have Effective Tools to Address Stress. We all face some stress every day, but if stress becomes overwhelming then your body will be less able to fight off the flu and other illness. If you feel that stress is taking a toll on your health, consider using an energy psychology tool such as the Emotional Freedom Technique, which is remarkably effective in relieving stress associated with all kinds of events, from work to family to trauma.
•Exercise. When you exercise, you increase your circulation and your blood flow throughout your body. The components of your immune system are also better circulated, which means your immune system has a better chance of finding an illness before it spreads.
•Take a Good Source of High Quality Animal-Based Omega-3 Fats. Increase your intake of healthy and essential fats like the omega-3 found in krill oil, which is crucial for maintaining health. It is also vitally important to avoid damaged omega-6 oils that are trans fats and in processed foods as it will seriously damage your immune response.
•Wash Your Hands. Washing your hands will decrease your likelihood of spreading a virus to your nose, mouth or other people. Remember that antibacterial soaps are completely unnecessary and cause more harm than good. Instead, identify a simple chemical-free soap that you can switch your family to.
•Use Natural Antibiotics. Examples include oil of oregano and garlic. These work like broad-spectrum antibiotics against bacteria, viruses, and protozoa in your body. And unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, they do not appear to lead to resistance.
•Avoid Hospitals. I’d recommend avoiding hospitals unless you’re having an emergency, as hospitals are prime breeding grounds for infections of all kinds and could be one of the likeliest places you could be exposed to any new bug. Also keep in mind that virtually all vaccinations will reduce the effective functioning of your immune system, NOT make it stronger!

Something we should never forget- but we are , and the lies and the lies.

More good news on 9/11– PBS documentary from Colorado (1st link)…

Watch 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out on PBS. See more from KBDI.

Why revisit 9/11?
Our world changed that day…
2,744 lives lost in New York… and counting…
1 million lives lost in Afganistan & Iraq… and counting…
6,000 troops lost in the ‘War on Terror’… and counting…
$4.5 Trillion – War on Terror cost to U.S. taxpayers…
precious civil liberties removed by the
Patriot Act
Military Commissions Act
Department of Homeland Security
Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA 2012).
Today, Americans can be…
subject to search and seizure without a warrant…
detained or imprisoned indefinitely…
without charge…
without evidence…
without a lawyer…
without a trial…
or even tortured…
or assassinated
merely for being accused
of being associated with terrorism.
Ignoring the World Trade Center evidence
is no longer an option.
It’s a public safety issue.
It’s time for the public to
enforce the law because our
public servants have failed to do so.
No proper investigation or formal
announcements of disclosure have
taken place in 11 years.
Instead, we have been given 11 yrs
of tightening, entrapping legislation.
Acts of treason in time of war
can be punishable by death.