My Amazing Adventure Through a Vortex: Part 2— Is it all True Series #242

Please read Part 1 from last weekend’s posting. First, I would like to thank my host and best friend Kewaunee Lapseritis for his hard work and skills in putting together this great trip. Buy one of his books, get a vortex map dowsed, or maybe even plan an amazing adventure of your own- call him at 425-844-8409.
During our trip through the vortex area there was a large Sasquatch footprint in the mud in the middle of our path. Although the mud/water had filled in some of the print there was no mistaking it.
So the first three nights we enjoyed a series of hootings. The first time I heard the hoots my hair all over my body stood straight up. It was quite a shock that Sasquatch and Ancient Ones were so very close to the camp.
Next as we continued to walk through the Vortex, suddenly a shrub bush off to the left of our path started to violently move back and forth for several minutes. Note there was no wind and it seemed like an invisible force was moving the shrub. Kewaunee said it was an Ancient One showing his or her presence. A similar incident happened as we drove down the mountain, there were a series of plastic guideposts on the side of the road and once again one of posts suddenly went crazy- a Sasquatch telling us “hello.”
Then there was an incident that was even stranger. I was lying in my sleeping bag and something touches my left shoulder. It was a soft but firm touch, like two large fingers. Note that my back was facing the tent wall and I was facing Kewaunee who was sleeping across the tent. I didn’t immediately tell him of the incident but the next morning he mentioned to me first, that he had asked “them” to touch my shoulder to let me know their presence. Only after he mentioned his request to them, I told him it had happened that night before.
Sleep tight, more strangeness in Part 3 to come next week.

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