The Ones Among Us – Part 1- Is it all True Series #357

aliens hiding amongst us

My research has shown me that the world isn’t what it seems, but the world is a complex series of strange events created by strange beings and I am not excluding humans, because they truly are a strange lot.
As we walk through our lives, many miss the very odd, because we cannot perceive or see things that don’t conform to our present existence. There are humanoids that are not humans among us and if you pay attention you can, and will, see them. But realize these sightings may be brief and you will probably question your sanity. Sometimes you may only see this strangeness out of the corner of your eye.

So let me tell you a few of my experiences and a few from other people I know involving these being among us. I have had several of my own. The first one, I was having Thanksgiving dinner at a Golden Corral in Tucson. I was with a few people and after filling my plate up and sitting down to enjoy my feast, out of the corner of my eye was sitting an it/he maybe 10 feet from me and staring at me. He was completely focused on me and I was very uncomfortable. As I looked at him I noticed he had a long thin head and a short neck. As I further checked him out, he had solid black, slightly almond shaped eyes. He never took his eyes off of me and never ate one spoon full of his food. As I finished my dinner and got up, his strange eyes followed me out the door. I waited outside in my car, but he never came out and I never went back in.

Next a friend of mine in Albuquerque had a very interesting bus driver experience. His son would take a public bus to school occasionally, on one occasion he noticed the bus driver had very pale skin, long exaggerated face, and strange eyes, and it/he felt very not human. After seeing the same weird driver a few more times he told his Dad, my friend. My friend was curious and into the UFO scene. So the next week he got on the same bus with his daughter to see if he might catch the same driver. And guess what, he did. My friend sat across and behind the driver. As soon as my friend got in the bus the driver noticed him and while the bus was moving forward it/he/she turned and stared at him for about 1 and ½ miles down the street, safely guiding the bus through stop lights, and dropping off and picking up passengers. To top it off, no one else seemed to notice this event on the bus. What the bus driver did was an amazing feat, even for an alien.

Sleep tight, part two will have more experiences to share, and pay attention for you might see the unthinkable or the improbable.

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