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Abductees Alien and Voices they hear Part 2
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Alien Invasion – Part 2 good outcome
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Monsters Inc. and More – Mike & Rainbow on Psychic Babes
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Alien Abductees and hearing Voices – Dimensional Walking -a paranormal Journey- Episode 15
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Alien Abductions and the aftermath- from Dimensional Walking- a Paranormal Journey
Below are some photos – of markings from Alien Abductions Rainbow has had in the past.

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Reality vs Frightful Shadows Part 2- Phobias
Throughout childhood really weird phobias crept out of nowhere and I found myself in some cases manipulated by odd fears. To this day, I hate cars or vehicles of any sort coming up behind me. It unhinges me to no end. If I hear cars coming I either run or hide in bushes. There’s a really interesting comfort in knowing I can’t be seen. As a child, I would outrun cars walking home or find hiding places along the way home. I actually had hiding places down in my head that I could run to at a moment’s notice along the way to and from school. To this day as an adult, I have to keep myself from jumping into bushes. I’m sure Michael wouldn’t appreciate trying to coax me out of our neighbor’s bushes so I do my best to control this strange habit.
I can’t sleep with a top sheet. I don’t like the feel of it and I don’t like my feet being confined by the weight of the top sheet and the bedspread. I have memories of being on a table and having a thick, sticky, mucus like substance draped over me. It would get really tight and I wouldn’t be able to move. My arms and legs would be held so tight that I remember screaming with no sound coming out of me.
I could turn my head side to side and look around but I couldn’t get free and the more I struggled, the tighter it would become. It would feel like hours would pass with no one coming around. In some ways that was just as bad as what the Greys were doing to me. That was probably the worst torture of all and I believe to this day that the Greys and anyone else who does this, knows it. It’s part of the mind-screw that they implement starting at young ages. To this day if I find sheets on me, I panic.
Add to the above, the uncomfortable and stressful feelings I get being in an elevator or in a car on a highway that is slowed by traffic. When I was in Paris, France years ago, I was staying at a hotel that had a small and round elevator. It was big enough just for two people. I went up it the first time and by the time we hit the floor our room was on, I was a total mess. I couldn’t breathe, I had sweat coming off my forehead and the palms of my hands were sweaty and hot. When I got to my room, I looked in the mirror and was flushed from head to toe. I looked like I had been in the sun and was a cooked lobster. It took a few hours for me to get back to normal. I walked up and down the stairs after that.
Just recently Michael and I went to go get family from the airport and the roads were full of black ice. Traffic came to a standstill, three or four times and I found myself panicking, not being able to breathe. My palms were sweaty and I was stressed beyond my limits so much so that I almost jumped out of the car. This particular phobia, I don’t understand unless I was taken away against my will multiple times in vehicles and I associate traffic and being confined in a car to this fear.
Like most abductees, I can’t sleep with the lights off. The darkness is too vast and so much can happen in the blackness of the room. Corners in a room become hiding places for uninvited creatures and closets become doorways into the unknown. I can feel spirits looking down at me, sucking my breath away or standing by my bed staring down at me. I have been touched and shaken even with the lights on but for me, the advantage is that I can see my surroundings. The days of sleeping in a dark room were over years ago.
I grew up in an average household with two older sisters. We were middle class America with hopes and dreams just like everybody else. Maybe that was a part of this phenomenon, the more American pie people are, the better they are for target practice and to experiment on.
How does the paranormal fit into all of this? Well, for some reason abductees attract the paranormal to them and I am assuming because we carry with us a very distinct energy or frequency that becomes altered through the abductions, it stays with us throughout our lives.
Sometimes the shadows will divulge what type of intelligence is lurking in the corner. It doesn’t matter if it’s Alien, human or spirit, I don’t like uninvited guests especially when I’m at my most vulnerable. For Empaths like myself, we don’t like surprises so turning on the light seems to be whole heck of a lot easier than waiting for the darkness to emerge.
As Michael says, sleep tight but for those of you like me, keep the lights on.
Rainbow’s Experience and Encounter Log June 26th, 2014
June 26th (Between 4:30 and 6:00 am in the morning)
I noticed that most of the detailed experiences I’ve been having are in the early morning hours from 4:00 to 7:00 am so these hours seem to be significant to when I am taken or experiencing intense dreams etc.
This particular morning I was experiencing a few things in my encounter, severe situations and conversations pertaining to my leaving New Mexico. One part of my dream that stood out was being in a car that was driving me to a veteran’s hospital. I tried to drive to the hospital in my own car but I was confused, turned around and couldn’t seem to find the right street. All of a sudden, I was being driven to the hospital within the blink of an eye, which felt odd and seemed to make no sense. I was in the back seat and realized I was in a patient’s gown and I was embarrassed wondering where my clothes were.
There were two men in the front seats of the car and I remember saying, “Oh, okay, I know where I am now. I didn’t go far enough around seeing the road circled the hospital.”
As I said this, we drove past some men who were in fatigues and running down the road. They were doing interesting turns and running sideways, singing as we passed them. The fatigues were light brown in color and they had on tee-shirts and caps. One of the men running saw me and started running fast, fast enough to catch up to the car. The car must have had a side railing on it because he jumped on the railing to talk to me as if he knew me well. He asked me how I was doing. It was then that I saw my hospital gown reflected back to me from the window and I realized that I must be sick or something was wrong with me. It was weird to have it on already because I don’t remember putting it on.
He asked me when I was moving from New Mexico and I said when the house sells. He asked me where I was going and I told him Oregon or Washington State. He asked me a weird question. He asked me if I was sure I should leave.
I started to remember that I knew him well and that we were good friends which made me sad that I wouldn’t be seeing him when I moved away. He said good-bye and he put his hand up against the window and I put my hand up against the window in a gesture of good-bye.
Second phase of experience.
I was in a room and I was tied with my wrists together from a long hook on a door or side of a wall. It was hard to see because I was waking up from being unconscious. I felt blood dripping and coming from between my legs, a lot of blood because I could see it on the floor. I realized that whatever happened to me, a male nurse in the room was not taking care of me. As a matter of fact he was looking at me with disgust and he seemed very disinterested in my compromised position. I somehow got my hand free and realized that I had to call 911 because I was hurt badly. I found a cell phone (thought it was mine for some reason) and found it really hard to get my fingers to work and hit the correct numbers. The male nurse said I didn’t need to call and tried to calm me down just as I was able to hit the last number. I said, I needed and ambulance and that I was bleeding. He made me nervous because I knew somehow he was the one who did this to me or helped others hurt me.
It didn’t take long for the ambulance to get to the building. As a matter of fact what was weird was it seemed like seconds and it was there. I looked out the window and felt relief because I knew I was in danger with whatever was happening to me in the room I was in. I remember the room was all white and I did see the hook I was hung from to bleed out, I can only assume. When the ambulance came in, they had a hard time getting the gurney in the room because there were lots of beds in the way which as I was thinking about it, why was I on a hook and not a bed? They finally got me on the gurney and I started to feel like I would hopefully live through the experience.
Third phase of experience.
Once I was in the hospital, I was placed in a room with two nurses. I saw an ex-ray of my brain and one of the nurses said it wasn’t working properly because I wasn’t raising my eyebrows correctly. I guess I wasn’t engaged enough or taking directions from them the way they thought I should be. I do remember that I was very confused and out of it the entire experience. I did find her statement odd and when I looked more closely at the ex-ray, I saw a black dot over by my right eye socket and I then saw more black dots, one further towards the middle of my brain. They looked like implants.
A blonde nurse was wearing the normal hospital attire which was a top and pants, white in color. I was sitting in a wheelchair facing the two nurses watching them talk to each other about my ex-ray. The blonde nurse turned to look at me and she asked if I had been sick, motioning to her stomach. I said I wasn’t sick in that way but that I was not feeling well obviously because I was bleeding. I told her that I felt foggy and couldn’t focus. There was no mentioning of my bleeding and I was confused because this made no sense. I could feel the blood and wondered if they were going to let me bleed to death.
I also got a hold of another cell phone, I think I saw it somewhere and when I tried to push the buttons, nothing happened, I couldn’t get the screen to work. There was an emblem on the top part of the phone that looked like a Celtic design. The name by the design was something like Selerian, Serenden or close to Selenium.
There were other parts to this experience but these stood out the most because they were very much like a Milab experience more than anything else. It was definitely a military hospital I was taken too and I think the room I woke up it was used to doing torturous things to patients and people like me. It was a very scary experience especially the blood running down my legs. I had a period
People need to speak Truth on UFOs and the Paranormal
People need to speak about their UFO/ Paranormal experiences. They need to speak the truth about their interest and yearnings on the subject. UFOs and the paranormal discussions should be as common as apple pie with a Sunday dinner.
I have flown around this country thousands of miles over the last 5 years, and I got some of my best UFO/Paranormal conversation on the plane or getting to the airport, discussions with random strangers. Like several amazing discussions with a scientist from an Aero-space company who knew the inner workings of the Star Wars project – and note the project wasn’t to keep watch/ defend ourselves against the Russians or any other human country on earth. In the other candid conversations, hundreds of people poured out their souls. Many could not believe what they said – but it felt so good to them, to express their inner feelings about their paranormal experiences.
After 50 years of having this amazing passion for the unknown, I again will state everyone everywhere has had paranormal/ UFO experiences with Angels, ghosts, alien beings, demons, Cryptids, wee people and things I cannot describe in human terms. The fear of reliving the experience and the fear of being ridiculed by their peers has suppressed millions of people from speaking the truth.
This must all stop and people need to gather in groups and share their experiences, so the cosmic burden can be lifted from our planet. If we in mass would open up and tell our experiences to other around us, the paranormal beings would no longer be able to be invisible to us. They would have to show themselves, our new awaking as humans would lift the veil, millions of human quantum minds would force those “the paranormal beings” into our dimensional reality. And we would deal with each other as equal citizens of a new and better world.
Sleep tight, knowing a group of like-minded humans can move a mountain and together even see an alien being.
Sharing experience — Is it all True Series #428
From time to time – we share some of the more interesting experiences sent in by our readers. Here is one such story .
THE DREAM OF 689 c. 1986
I’ve always been a logical guy – never believing anything I hear, and only half of what I see. But there came a time when things started to change. In 1973 my father had a strange encounter. He awoke in the middle of the night to odd noises, and upon inspection, saw that a circular craft had appeared in the back yard. He went outside and was greeted by what he said were “people” (he made no reference to aliens or beings beyond what we know as human). He claimed he was taken inside the craft and the “people” told him he would not live a long life on Earth. He told the “people” that he didn’t want to leave his family, but the visitors said he had no choice in the matter. My father never said much more about the incident and in 1983 he died of lung cancer at the age of 55. To his day, my mother believes he dreamt the encounter with the “people” and was just sleepwalking. But my dad was never known to sleepwalk, and to add credence to his story was the circular imprint left in the backyard which I remember remained for days. His being told “not a long life on Earth” has since intrigued me, and several years later I began to have strange dreams about visitations from my dad and visions involving alien craft which led to a feeling that he had been recruited for something. The dreams are very vivid, profound, and most always in color (I rarely dream in color). The most vivid came to me in 1986. The following is what I dreamt.
I was attending a party. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, but the room was without windows or wall hangings, rather small and very crowed. No one looked familiar to me. I became claustrophobic and felt out of place. I had the urge to poop so I made my way through the crowd to the only door I could see and entered a bathroom. The room was large. Larger than the party room. The commode was bright chrome and so large that I had to set myself precariously on it to keep my balance. As I finished my business, a huge entryway opened to the side revealing an even larger room, completely white, filled with machine-like gadgets sitting on cubical stand tables. The machines were unrecognizable to me but looked oddly antique in design. The room was very bright and had a giant window to the far end revealing a brilliant blue sky. Outside, strange looking birds of considerable size with multi-colored bills and feathers were swooping toward the glass and then upward into the air. They made no sound. Leaning slightly over and tinkering with one of the machines, dressed in pure white, was my father who had died a few years previous. He straightened, looked at me and smiled. I told him how happy I was to see him. He chuckled and said he had something to show me. He led me to one of the
machines which had a glass dome covering it with a small portal at its base. From this, an orange ticket about the size of a business card was produced with the number 689 printed on it. My father handed me the card saying nothing. I took the card and immediately turned it upside down to notice that it still read 689. I looked at my father and asked him if all this was merely a dream, or some vision of an alternate reality. He answered my question and then I awoke retaining a vivid memory of everything with the exception of his answer.
Bruce – ( any questions email the author directly)