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My 2021 Predictions and 2020 Results

So lets start with my results from 2020 which were quite sucky
- Trump’s new running mate for 2020 is Nikki Haley – O pts.
- Trump wins again under mysterious circumstances- he thinks he has won – but still 0 pts.
- Both Senate and House go Dem, 1/2 pt. – Georgia Senate runoff win telt the rest
- Trump is impeached again at 0 pts (( I am sure the Dems. would like to)).
- Trump is removed from the presidency – Nope – 0 pts.
- Trump is a victim of an assassination attempt, but it fails he is fine -Nope again, No pts (( only attempt Covid ))
- Climate change continues to accelerate in a big way. Yes, one pt. — we had our own Hellfires
- A famous talk show host has a near-death experience. 0 pts, as I know
- The drones in the sky spread around the country creating great fear, no one has answers. – 1 pts – yes most happening were in January 2020
- Green Bay Packer win the Super- Bowl – well am going to take a 1/2 since the game is in Feb 2021 for the 2020 season and they are definitely in the running.
So — 3 out of 10 –30 % the worst since I started my predictions many years ago — I guess I am just getting older and not so much wiser. (( I also guess it’s because it was the worst year in most people’s lifetime – totally unpredictable.
Predictions for a much better Year— 2021
- Packers are in the Super Bowl Feb 2021
- Trump leaves office finally and during 2021 is indicted on several crimes and some will shock you.
- More of Trumps associates and even a family member or two go to jail
- Hunter Biden is in trouble with IRS – pays fines and back taxes, but no crimes
- Tensions high between US and Russian over hacking — heavier sanctions
- More fingers pointing at China for releasing Covid from their lab.
- Covid somewhat better as the year goes on, but many cases until the end of 2021 — because of Virus mutations and vaccine production issues.
- Famous / TV-radio host dies
- Climate change challenges get worse
- Good note Thanksgiving and Christmas Covid restrictions lessened. Still, masks and social distancing until 90 % herd immunity gained.
TIME always – TELLS
Prophecy 2011 – my Predictions, good, bad and some quite ugly-Is it all True Series #165
I always start my prophecy posting by saying I don’t take prophecies too seriously. They leave much to be desired in the area of accuracy, even though I personally have hit some in the past. In the year 2010 I hit a couple major predictions in the earthquake area. In 2009 an amoeba could have done better. And for the year 2008, I just don’t remember.
So here we go for 2011:
1. Weather will continue its strange course with extremes around the globe. Even areas of normally mild temperatures will experience record cold, but overall the earth will register above normal temperatures as it as a whole continues to heat up. Glaciers continue their melting process and the seas will rise. Drought will cause increased starvation and commodity prices will soar.
2. The Stock Markets will soar the first quarter of the year and decline the last three quarters.
3. Global population will peak and start a slow decline in the next 5 to7 years.
4. A new virus will appear and puzzle scientists around the world; virus will affect only certain age groups, but in that particular group hundreds of thousands will die.
5. Our sun will send unknown pulses to earth and its effect will drive some people mad.
6. The Internet will suffer a major crash, which will temporary shutdown the world economy.
7. UFO sightings will continue to increase; similar formations will be seen around the world, and more countries will open up their UFO files to the public. But since 98% of the world population is not ready for the shift, few will notice the increased UFO visibility in 2011 both in the sky and in the Press.
8. Other websites like WikiLeaks will continue to bust out the truth.
9. And finally some good news – Albuquerque, New Mexico is hosting an amazing conference asking mankind to “Wake Up”; it will be in the April/May timeframe, so watch for further details.
Sleep tight, and remember only you can affect your true reality; through Quantum particles, we create everything.