To help reduce information overload, I always attempt to make my
articles short, even though I have much to say. Keep in mind that the
following message applies today and as you walk into each day of the
future. The opportunity for transformation is ever-present.
Winter Solstice occurs tonight (Dec 20 into 21), with a rare
partnering of a Total Lunar Eclipse of the full moon. With this
Solstice/Lunar Eclipse, there is a great infusion of energy in the
direction of TRANSFORMATION.
Solstice is the culmination of an extreme, just before tipping toward
something new. In the northern hemisphere it is the longest night,
the longest period of darkness before the dawn. Message: Identify and
be willing to let go of ego and darkness to whatever degree they are
lurking, and open your heart and mind to a coming greater infusion of
Perhaps you have been feeling the need for a fresh start in some
direction or situation of your life. Perhaps an old way of life or
habit has outworn its usefulness. Do you have outmoded perceptions
and limiting beliefs weighing you down? Are there connections with
people or patterns that need to be transformed in order to create a
more workable life?
Lunar eclipses promote endings. RE-EXAMINE your life; it is a good
time to let go of what is not working. Wrap it up and move on, in a
grace-filled way. You are being prepared to lift higher in frequency
and consciousness . . . now.
The energies are helping you take off the cloak of what is outworn so
that you can leave it on the compost heap of the past. Take with you
the knowledge and wisdom gained, bless it all, and move forward into a
greater expression and experience of Light, Love, and Well Being . . .
for yourself, society and the planet.
Allow yourself to become, and express, more of your authentic,
light-filled self . . . NOW. Maintain your balance point of love and
wisdom throughout the transformation.
So, what do you ENVISION for the coming dawn of your life? What
heart-felt thoughts do you want to bring into form? What are your
priorities? The energetic component of the universe, and all your
Spiritual Allies, are there to help you rise and create something
Keep it LIGHT! Shine, promote love, and have a blessed season.
Generessa Rose
PS As always, I am available for personal sessions and readings
worldwide at:
Copyright 2010 Generessa Rose. All rights reserved. You have
permission to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that
the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author and
that it is distributed without charge. Thank you.
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