Bill Cooper – Revisited–Is it all True Series # 332

Cooper 911
On November 5th 2001 Cooper was dead a couple of months after another great mystery occurred, 911, the event that Cooper indirectly predicted, in a world that was slowly going amok. Cooper’s main two themes have been that aliens have been among us for a very long time and that world governments have been trying to control the situation. The world governments are suppressing and not letting the public know the real truth, that we are being occupied and used by several groups of non-humans for their agendas.

To say the very least, Cooper was a very controversial figure, and even his death was a mystery, but I am leaning toward the idea that he was murdered. The question in my mind about his death was, why then? Bill had been speaking in public for years and his stories were very consistent. Did Bill have something new he was going to spring on the public, and maybe did it have something to do with 911? Bill had known of all the main players in 911, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the billions the government had lost in the Black Ops projects, which Rumsfeld announced the day before 911. We all know the group (department) that was investigating the Pentagon’s mystery $ lost was destroyed by a bomb alias (plane striking) the Pentagon. I truly believe Cooper was going to open up a can of truth that our government can’t control nor wanted to try to control.

After my many years in the world of UFOs and Aliens, I do believe Cooper had many things correct and others facts I believe he straight out made up to make his story flow a little better. The thing about Cooper was, I had concerns about his sources of information, and it seemed to me he was always finding it on a copy machine or on someone’s desk. If you consider the seriousness of the subject matter, these documents he claimed to find would have been guarded and considered the highest levels of security clearance.

I do consider Cooper a hero for his courage to push out the truth and make people think and do their research. I have zero doubt that 80% of what Cooper said was solid truth, and this is from my 45 years of personal research.

Sleep Tight and if you get a chance watch Cooper’s big speech on You Tube – the one in his all-white suit.


Area 51’s Not-so-Big Announcement —Is it all True Series # 295

Area 51Last week, our government made an announcement declaring the existence of the infamous Area 51. This announcement about this enigmatic military base, turned out to be less spectacular than most UFO theorists would have liked.
The conspiracy world has made many claims on what exactly is happening at Area 51. The following would be a summary of some, but not all, of the claims.

1. Downed UFOs are stored and re- engineered there.
2. A place to meet with extraterrestrials.
3. The facility that develops exotic energy weapons.
4. Time travel.
5. Weather modification.
6. Host MJ-12 meetings.
7. U-2 /Spy-plane development.

Well, I would feel comfortable saying number 7 is the only item I would be 100% sure happened at Area 51. Around 1954, the military and the CIA were looking for a location to develop and test a high altitude spy plane, and it came to be known as the U-2. To the employees there, the area/facility was called “the Ranch,” to make it seem like a more inhabitable place. In reality, it is one of the most barren areas of the US, located about 80 miles north and west of Las Vegas. It gets less than 4 inches of rain a year and some years gets less than one inch, an area of zero vegetation, except for a few cacti.

So why now tell the world about this secret facility? Maybe because it has little meaning now, since most everyone who can walk and talk at the same time knew of the facility long ago. Since our government provided no earth-shattering details of what has happened or what is happening out there, we can only hope that this is a positive step to open up this most secretive country in the world and I mean more secretive than North Korea and China combined.

Sleep Tight – Area 51 is exposed – I know I will sleep better.


Government Secrets

This clip promotes the idea that
secret human technology is derived
from back-engineered extraterrestrial

Although this clip starts off with a
debunked clip of a UFO filmed from
a helicopter maneuvering around the
World Trade Center in July of 2000,
the rest of this British documentary
has good information about known
German antigravity programs, citing
Werhner von Braun’s mentor, NASA
Space Scientist, Dr. Herman Oberth,
who claimed in 1972 that:

“We cannot take credit for our record
advancement in certain scientific fields,
alone. We have been HELPED. And we
have been helped by the people of

Video (about 9:36 mins):

UFOs: World Government Secrets

Jesus Jr. comes to the April Meeting of the NM UFO/ Paranormal Forum– Is it all True Series #278

MV5BMTM5NzExODUwNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTA0NDc0OA@@._V1._SY314_CR16,0,214,314_Jesus Payan, Jr., an American adventurer of Mayan/French/Italian heritage, has been in the amazing world of Non-Myth, Legend and the Paranormal since his birth in Spain in 1976. From birth on, he has had the connection to the other realm. At the age of four, his family took him to Scotland to study and find Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster. His 20 years of study of Bigfoot, Skinwalkers, Aliens, ghosts, demons, and much more have made him into a very well rounded student of our real reality.

His main focus at our meeting was ghosts, but since the paranormal is a connected phenomenon of many subjects, he did venture out to show some of the connections. As a kid, he had many ghost-type experiences. Once in a house he was staying in, he noticed in a back room tiny twisted prints that looked burned into the floor. He later was told that his grandfather who had Polio (twisted legs and feet) had lived and died in the house. Later in his life, he had a tattoo parlor in an old hospital, so there were many sightings that creeped out many of his customers as they tried to get their tats. When the customers walked back to the restrooms near the old bone-filled crematorium, many would only get about a third of the way and they would come running back to ask Jesus to walk them back and wait, to have a safe anxiety-free return to the front of the shop.

Jesus Jr. was from a military family so he traveled quite a bit from base to base with his parents. And on many occasions he (with a family member or a friend) would see a misty cloud mass with form and features. Sometimes this misty cloud mass would morph into little shadow people who would interact with Jesus is many benign ways.
Jesus Jr. possesses an amazing grasp of this other worldly stuff, not to mention his amazing acting and producing career, which he hopes to use to produce documentaries to teach the public the ways of our real reality.
Sleep tight,

It is good to know there are people out there with the courage to find and express the truth.


Albert Rosales and his very Strange World, # 106

AlbertLocation. “La Horqueta”, Chascomus, Argentina
Date: July 19 2010 Time: 22:30
The wife of Luis Antonio Pavoni notices that the do
gs were barking in an obvious distressed
or nervous state, he tells Luis and he goes outside
to investigate, armed with a flashlight.
Outside he notices that the dogs appear to be in a
very excited state and while looking around
with his flashlight notices that the bravest and me
anest of the animals had not accompanied
him, remaining behind apparently terrified. Only one
of his dogs, the friendliest of them all,
accompanies him. Walking towards the downed oak tree
about 100 meters away he shines the
light towards it and notices a pair of red eyes
surrounded by an external orange halo and about
80cm from the ground and very near the downed tree.
Thinking it was a hare he walks back to
the house and grabs a shotgun. Returning to the same
spot he now sees two additional pairs of
similar eyes, apparently standing behind the first
one. He is unable to see anything beyond the
eyes and does not hear any noises. The dog that had
accompanied him would not stop barking.
After three minutes the “eyes” vanish and Pavoni re
turns to his house.
On June 19 2009 a powerful wind of unknown origin
had tore the huge oak tree by its roots.
According to witnesses, at the same time a very
strong sound was heard as the gigantic tree fell
to the ground. At the same time a nearby eucalyptus
was also knocked down. The area has
been known for other strange incidents such as
cattle mutilations and UFO encounters. Strange
ground markings were also found by the team of
HC addendum
Source: Luis Burgos FAO

Truth – Cosmic Mission – Is it all True Series # 265

I have debated, mostly with myself, what the most important universal concept is. Universal, meaning important to every different type of being that inhabits this world and all other worlds in our vast universe. And I am also throwing in the dimensional layers that exist, which could be maybe 10 or 12 dimensions. So the math on this is amazing, at the very least millions of different beings. I have narrowed it down to two important concepts, Love and Truth. I know many of you reading this would pick Love as the most important concept in the universe, and I agree it’s an amazing choice. But I say without Truth, Love has no legs. And Truth does not need Love to exist. I believe there are places in the universe where Love does not exist, sad places, but places where beings do function and are lost to the concept of Love.

Now Truth on the other hand, is essential, for it is the binding force that holds advanced civilizations/realms together. Once Truth is gone the civilization is also gone. I have for most of my life researched in the area of abductees and contactees and have concluded from those interviews several interesting things such as, finding the Truth is a cosmic mission. There are beings whose only mission is to travel the universe to find the basic truths, both small and large.

A pure Truth is a very difficult thing to find. It is like looking for a golden ring dropped in the vast muddy Mississippi. But once the golden ring of Truth is found, it carries the greatest pure knowledge, that knowing it can move mountains. For our civilization to survive the coming crisis we must search for the pure Truths and not be swayed by lies and part truths, nothing less than the absolute will do here.

Sleep tight, I consider myself a Truthseeker; my journey is hard and long, but the golden ring is always out there to find.


Why Do We Forget Those Other-Worldly Experiences? Is it all True Series # 258

From my many years of experience and research, I have estimated that a minimum of 1 out 4 people you pass on the street have had other-worldly experiences. First let’s define “other-worldly” – I will define it as a meeting with another animated being from another dimension. Examples include, contact with aliens beings (Greys, Reptilians), fairies, elves, wee people, angels and demons, etc.
And note 95% of the 1 in 4 will never remember the encounter, and maybe another 10% of the total will occasionally have quick flashbacks of the event. What is interesting about that is that most these people have multiple encounters over their lifetime and remember none of them.

So why do we forget these “other-worldly” experiences? There are three primary reasons–One, we are in shock/trauma mode, and the human mind shuts down and hides these super-charged emotions. This mode protects our mind from a total collapse, which could lead to a fried brain and even death.

The second reason is we cannot perceive the experience – it is so out of the box that the mind ignores it. These types of experiences are outside of their reasoning capability. The left brain is telling the right side this not possible in my world. That is one of the reasons I have always said most of us can only make true alien contact through our right brain, for this side of the mind is the creative side and is capable of imagining the possibility.

The last reason is the IDBs (interdimensional beings) do not want the attention from the general public and our governments. So they (the beings) do two things to their abductees–they may screen the event to resemble something friendly and very normal, or they completely disturb the minds ability to remember anything of the event, a nearly permanent wipe clean.

Sleep-tight, I mean what I say – reality is not what it seems.


Climate Change: Is the World Ready for the New Normal?–Is it all True Series # 256

As Sandy’s winds finally subside and thousands of people assess their losses, I remember my first experience with climate change. It was 1972 and back then the word climate change didn’t exist. I was taking meteorology and climatology courses at the University of Wisconsin. My mentoring professor was one of the premiere experts on Arctic climate. So he would travel yearly to both poles and collect data for his studies.

In late spring 1972 he came back from an expedition and was quite upset about what he found; it appeared that there was quite a spike in CO2 in the ice cores he had sampled. The cores covered about 150 years prior to 1972. He was quite alarmed but didn’t know what to make of it. We didn’t much talk about it after that initial conversation and I had not thought about it for over 35 years.

There was an increase in interest in global warming and climate change after Al Gore’s movie. Two months ago I read two articles on climate change. The shocking conclusion was its coming and it’s coming very fast. Before I had read the articles I was of the opinion that we had 30 to 50 years until the problem really became apparent. But now the climatologists are saying that we only have 5 to 10 years before heavy impact, such as severe drought, climate temperature extremes, super storms and rising oceans. This will cause famines and possible reduction of 50% of the earth’s population.

Folks, the horses and all the other farm animals are out of the barn and they are not coming back preparation is our only choice. So – it is kind of simple, move to high ground-500 ft above sea level a minimum.

And move to US Pacific Northwest –Oregon and Washington. That will work for awhile and next step if you can, get into Canada, also some of the higher elevations in the Rockies will also work but again for only awhile.

And forget trying to find someone to blame – presently that’s just a waste of time, unless we can find a real way to reverse the problem. It’s coming and it’s coming hard.

MWiz, Life is short, so always enjoy the present.