911, a Massive Mind Control Operation-Is it all True Series #374

911 of 1

Nearly 14 years ago I was sitting with the FBI in Salt Lake City doing a criminal investigation of a possible bomb under expressway during the 2002 Olympic Games. I am a bit of a psychic of sorts and I happened to mention to them (now my FBI buddies) that I felt that something was about to happen, something to do with airplanes. Of course they just looked at me with a blank stare and I decided to shut-up, because they were probably the wrong group to play psychic with.

The next day, I had off to spend time with my kids, who were visiting my home in Park City Utah. The date was September 11th, and from that day on, the world would never be the same. I woke up to one of my daughters screaming about a plane crashing into Twin Towers in New York. As soon as I got to the TV, I knew my premonition was correct and I would probably be questioned by the FBI and of course I was. Luckily, I was a known person to the gentlemen and I have an honest face.

The reason I titled this article, “Massive Mind Control,” is because it was the media who started the ball rolling, announcing it was Bin Laden and gang as the second plane crashed into the tower. No way could anyone at that early of a time, truly have known who did it, if they hadn’t known the coming event. The next three weeks the government/ media flashed continuous pictures of the bad guys and the planes hitting the building with pictures of people jumping to their death out of the towers. A total mind f**k.

The % of the American population that truly believes that this was an inside job with the Bin Laden as a distraction, is still running about 15%, but it is growing very slowly toward a tipping point which will shake the world to its core.

My plea to the skeptics, is to please go to the websites of the professionals who can provide you with a substantial amount of solid evidence of the real sobering truth on what really happened on 911. These websites can also demonstrate, why we cannot allow this crime against all the world to go unpunished or it will be repeated over and again each time getting bigger and bigger.

Here are the websites that will change your mind. These websites represent thousands of professionals that have some firsthand knowledge of the real truth that must be told. These professionals hold pieces of the 911 puzzle. Here are some of the websites but not all:

• firefightersfor911 the truth.org;
• (medical professionals) mps911truth.org;
• 911scholars.org;
• (military officials) mo911truth.org;
• pilotsforthetruth.org;
• (Politicians) pl911truth.com;
• lawyersfor911truth.blogspot.com;
• mujca.com;
• New Zealand) nz911truth.org;
• Scientistsfor911truth.org;
• actorsandartistsfor911truth.org;
• 911truth.org;
• police for 911truth.org;

The big one with over two thousand engineers and architects who build similar, Twin tower type buildings – say Absolutely NO to the official government version- ae911truth.org.

Sleep tight – this truth will not be suppressed for much longer – the Truth-seekers will have their say and all mankind will win.

Moon Dust + Blue Fly = C Stone

Cliff StoneC Stone equals Clifford Stone who presented at the NM UFO/Paranormal Forum for our April meeting. Cliff is a special UFO investigator because for most his life he has been in the thick of the phenomenon. Beside his our personal ET experiences, he spent 22 years with an elite military group to recover UFO, ET bodies and anything else of strategic importance. After he left the military, he started his hard research, using a fearless approach to the subject matter.

Clifford was motivated to bring the truth forth by the passing of Paul Benerwitz, who (Paul) basically gave his life to get the truth out about ET visitation and government involvement.

Clifford’s research confirms that our government recovery program helped Corporate America and the Military Industrial Complex make advances both good and bad for the world. Clifford believes that the information about ET and other inter-dimensional beings should not be kept secret; he did feel that 95% of the truth could be release without de-stabilizing the world, but 5% should be kept secret for now.

Cliff presented page after page of government documentation backing up his truths. He spoke of the time the ETs were quite interested in direct contact with the White House as 68 UFOs hovered around it on July 26/27 1952. He noted all the secrecy around the UFO conspiracy has a higher clearance than the making of the H-bomb known as the Manhattan Project, actually the UFO truth is the highest clearance of any subject matter, in the history of the USA.

Clifford talked about how some of the bodies looked from the crash sites, pale skin, no noses, no lips, big black, small eyes. There were several different species involved in the crashes.

Cliff didn’t seem to want to talk much about his contact with the living beings that were basically captured after the crashes. These experiences seem to be too strange and maybe too painful to express and convey in human terms. The human mind seems to want to shutdown to avoid reliving the experience.

Sleep Tight, thanks Clifford for sharing truth about your life’s journey. Note Moon Dust = the recovery team for a non-human alien craft, Blue Fly = the act of recovery of a non-human alien craft.


From Truthseekerhighway.com – Ben Bradlee – must read

Ben Bradlee

Ben Bradlee, the lifetime Editor in Chief of the Washington Post, was a man of amazing charisma, courage and guts. He was the backbone to the Watergate scandal and the Pentagon Papers that broke wide-open two high-profile historic events. He gently rode Bernstein and Woodward to greatness. Bradlee did what few would ever achieve, he un-covered two of the most profound conspiracies in modern times. And with Bradlee’s, Woodward’s and Bernstein’s hard work the result created the only resignation of a President in the history of our country.

So if Bradlee was alive and a younger man and he had the amazing evidence of the thousands of professionals, in the fields of engineering, architecture, pilots, law enforcement, firefighters, demolition experts, we are talking of 5,000+ of the best brains in the world, when it came this one profound event would he believe, would he act?
The event I am speaking of is 911, the most powerful brain screw ever. Why has only 3 % of our population here in the US fully awaken to the greatest tyranny of our times? People in trusted areas of our government conspired and killing 3000+ people here in the US and hundreds of thousands of innocent people in the Mideast based on total known lies.
This event is 100 times more impacting than Watergate and the Pentagon Paper combined. This group of dark creatures stole part of our souls, as a result of their corruption, and lies. This one event will slowly kill our country, but we cannot bury the truth. Only the truth will make us whole as humans and Americans.

Ben Bradlee is the type of man we need to push the facts to show the truth and get our country back from the tyrants who stole it. Bradlee’s credibility could have been the catalyst to a new world truth. If this lie goes untold, the next horrific event will be 1000 times more impacting and will end humankind as we know it.

Sleep-tight, Like Ben Bradlee (who died last week) a larger than life truth seeker will ride into town – the facts are every-where, we await the catalyst to ignite the truth in the hearts and minds of all Americans and save our country.


AKA-Rick-pays-a-visit-to-the NM UFO Paranormal forum-Is it all true series-350


Richard Claudell is ex-military, ex-Sandia Labs, ex- Mufon director and more. Since the young age of two, Rick has experienced the journey through a path shared with not so human beings. Growing up in Lower Michigan it seemed like a UFO encounter was not an unusual occurrence, Rick had them throughout his earlier years.

Early on these encounters with beings were a family affair, not that his family, sister, father and mother were freely sharing the information. In those days, the sigma was a powerful reason to keep quiet. Rick, now in his 70’s, is opening up and sharing with his family and our audience. Now his children and some of his grandchildren share in his history of encounters. Mary and Hannah, Rick’s daughter and grand-daughter, have had a rich life dealing and, in some cases, embracing their paranormal experiences.

When Rick was 5 years old he was taken on board a relatively small ship (20 feet across), but once inside it was huge, brilliant white walls and many other humans. On his journey, he was submerged in a liquid gel, which was scary because he was told he had to breathe it to survive the trip. He was taken to a beautiful domed city probably off planet.

Rick had/has friends in the know in the UFO community. Rick made a couple of interesting points. One was about a crash, possibly shot down UFO craft, which the military modified an aircraft to carry the remains of the UFO on the top of a B-17. Also, while in the military, he spoke of watching a film showing a variety of UFOs sighting of all shapes and forms.

Rick talked about frequency, and the important frequency of 31.6 MH, a frequency the UFOs used to hone in on the planet. It was a way for humans to track their comings and goings.

So AKA Rick –thanks for sharing and I know you know much more, but I understand if you keep it close for now. But truth needs to be shared.

Sleep tight, but keep your eyes wide-open and don’t miss the wonders around you.


More Danger Falling from the Skies -Is it all True Series # 349

filament diseaseThe assault on humanity continues as new things are added to the arsenal of madness. I have written several posts on the generic chemtrails that how been used to modify the weather , maybe even stem the tide of global warming, which in reality has made it worse., as they had miscalculated the greenhouse effect the heavy metal also creates. This process pretty much negates any positive reflection of solar heat back to space. And this leaves us with barium, cadmium, aluminum and other bad stuff for living things to deal with.

But now there is more, a deeper walk down the path of darkness, an aerial vaccination delivery system, maybe more correctly called a nano gene delivery system. Fibers –filaments are falling from the skies, some too small to see with-out a microscope, and others forming large web-like filaments that covers trees and cars around the country. These are not natural, they can be cultured in a lab, they are or very similar to a strange skin disease called Morgellons, lesions that grow fibers out of them and don’t seem to harm the person or animal but look like hell.

The more frightening element is that some of the filaments that have been recovered contain human red blood cells. If these cells are modified and laced with a deadly microbe or even a straight out toxin, goodbye us, a way mankind could thin their own herd. The first samples of these filament particles in the mountain close to my home in New Mexico – Land of” strange” Enchantment .

There is another source theory of these filaments, one strangely could be a new way an alien being race could modify our DNA, hopefully for the better. If we inhaled these tiny filaments they would embed in our lungs and drop off their cargo, (DNA replacement strands or add-on particles) carried in a human blood envelope. Once the delivery is made into our bloodstream, the remaining empty filaments turn into a lung irritation and the empty carriers are coughed out of the body. It would be possible that not all the filaments would release their cargo and some of the coughed out particles (like a virus) could be spread to other humans.

Sleep tight, Hey remember – these cargo filaments could make us better, smarter and happier – the New Earth Human.


What’s up with UFO Recovery Operations? —Is it all True Series # 347

crash recoverycredit- carlosnumbertwo

During my 50 years of research I would occasionally come across information about crashed UFOs and the beings that piloted the craft. And recently I talked to a very reliable source on the subject matter.

So here is what I know, first there are approximately 10 military elite teams around the world that exclusively devote their time to being ready for the next crash. Each team is made up of 100 to 150 of the smartest military and civilian scientists and medical personnel in the world. There are primarily 6 countries involved in these recovery missions although some of the team’s members come from several others countries. The primary countries involved are USA, Britain, Russia, France, Australia and Germany.

These teams are stationed around the world and are able to get to a crash site within a maximum of 8 hours. The teams tend to be located near larger urban areas in case a crash would be near a population center, since there would be little time to cover-up a crash. Also a few hours after the military team is on site, a civilian clean-up team arrives to cover the public relations aspect of the crash, the real cover- up.

There have been over 60 crashes since the 1930’s. North America has the most known, with about 11, but Russian has had its share. New Mexico has had 6 with most of them crashing the first two weeks of July 1947, Roswell/ Corona etc. They were probably bought down by new military radar of the time. Other crashes around the world can be contributed to lightning, craft malfunction, and maybe one or two shot down by human military.

It seems that most of the time the occupants of the craft are killed, maybe a ½ dozen alien beings or so have survived. Most live only a short time. One, I was told, lived for a one year and ½ only to be killed by the US military.

Well that is pretty much all I know about Alien crashes.

Sleep tight, if you see an alien ship crash, do not get too close, take a few pictures and get out, the Recovery team is on their way and they won’t be happy.


The Aliens working from the shadows – but very much among us-Is it all True Series # 344

ToddMichaelAs I get a little older and hopefully a little wiser, I come up with these somewhat profound, or at the very least interesting, conclusions about these beings that have lived among for us (humans) our entire existence on this earth. To the best of what I am seeing, feeling, and hearing, there are primarily four groups in control of this planet during the last 100 years. One group is the Greys. They are a group of 4 to 5 feet tall, a paler white than grey, beings. They also created AI bots (in their own image) that are slightly shorter. The bots obey every command of their masters. They have been responsible for most of the millions of abductions humans endured over the last 60+ years.

Next the taller Grey, Reptoid, also called the Archons, are more emotional than the shorter Greys. They are very much directly involved in human policy and political control, living through the minds of our wonderful politicians worldwide.
Next the mean guys, the Reptilians. Some Reptilians are close to 8ft tall and damn ugly and at times, they are extremely brutal in their ways; all other groups give them space. They will take what they want when they want. They can shape shift into anything or anybody. They want you to know they are in your face and you need to deal with it. Not a happy group. The good news is there is some unknown force that keeps them from totally consuming mankind. I can only speculate this force is maybe human love and fearlessness.

Last, the human hybrids, a small group of beings part alien DNA and human created by the Archons and the Greys. Their purpose, I believe, is to create a new smarter, more durable and less emotional race. The next race to occupy the earth, our present humans have lost their way, destroying the earth. This new R ace will occupy Earth with less than 50 million total beings always in prefect balance.
Finally, the four groups will never appear in public, for it is easier to rule from the shadows. Being a direct occupier causes total chaos, something which would slow or stop their profound agenda and time is running out for us all.

Sleep tight – change is coming, it is what the earth wants and deserves

Archons Part 3: How to Defeat Them-Is it all True Series # 342

archonsPlease read Part 1 and Part 2 of this Archon saga (use the search bar on the website). The Archons, as I have stated before, are a cunning and ruthless group with little or no emotional investment in anything they do, especially to mankind. They have been here for probably thousands of years. Their overall influence has varied as their power over the earth has changed and other non-human groups have come and gone during Archon’s occupation of our home.

First wave to defeat them is to have millions realize they exist and the fact they are sucking our emotional energy. This drain on humanity is so powerful that in time we could very well be a Zombie-type civilization. Just to know they exist gives us a bit of power, a quantum power that can start turning the tide against the energy vamps.

Next we must be fearless and not fearful, for fear is the nectar they crave. Being fearless will diminish their food source, and slowly starve them out.

And finally peace and love produce stability, calm and tranquility. Stop world conflicts and the cycle will be broken. The Archons will retreat and we will gain our sanity back. Humans will return from the invisible bondage we have been under for thousands of years. Most of the human race has not been aware of the tremendous weight that has been on our shoulders. A weight that has kept most of us in a stupor about our true nature and our lost ability to become the Universal being that our creator intended us to be. We are creators, we are manifestors and we are God-like as our creator.Made in his own image and more. And the Archons took all this away.

Sleep Tight, now we know, and we can start taking back our reality.
