11-11 Message from Generessa Rose- Energetic Opportunity from the Universe

Newsletter from Generessa Rose, November 11, 2010

Dear Friends,

11/11/10 arrives on Thursday. Lots of ones! What message can we gain
from all those ones?

In numerology, the number 1 carries the energy of Individuality, the
Self. The number 11 carries the energy of Lighted Vision for the
Greater Good, the All.

The Self and the All, a seeming conflict. But as I look at the number
11, I see two individual Ones joining with a unity of purpose to
create a higher number, a higher energy.

So how do you get two individual Ones to act together and birth
something higher? . . . Love.

11 is two Ones who say YES to the opportunity to come together in
Love. Love creates the bridge so that individuals can meet, empower
each other and support a common vision. In the United States,
11/11/10 is Veterans Day; in the metaphysical community 11:11 is
considered a powerful vibration for contact with Higher Power,
particularly on November 11th.

Whatever you are doing on that day, a huge helping of Love and Light
is being extended by the universe: to use for healing the past and to
inspire a new vision, a higher vision, a higher consciousness.

With elections in the USA creating an inordinate amount of nastiness,
fear and fabrication, and with other world situations undergoing
hardship and pain, it would do us all well to take a deep breath,
invite peace, radiate love and be a source of inspired action. As an
antidote, 11:11 energies support you to reach out and reach higher, to
join others in a vision that generates something positive and

Is it time for a new vision for some part of your life? Perhaps it is
time to join with kindred hearts and minds to advance a new beginning
that supports a higher cycle that is more life-enhancing. Be
inspired. And be a source of inspiration for others.

The universe is open to your inspiration and vision. Make it a good
one! And infuse it with Love!

Create something worthy!

Generessa Rose

Copyright 2010 Generessa Rose. All rights reserved. You have
permission to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that
the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author and
that it is distributed without charge. Thank you.

Announcement from Lesley Gunter – New Mexico- land of much enchantment

Lesley ,

Among other things- blogger extragalactic and she is on the executive committee of the highly regarded group– New Mexico UFO/Paranormal Forum

Anyhow, it is now posted:


Visit me @

Newsletter by Generessa Rose, www.DiscoverTheDivine.com September

Has the Message Center of your Soul been sending alerts?

Dear Friends,

The Timer in my internal Message Center went DING and I took the
summer off from sending out a newsletter. Just following my own
advice for good self care! As I have said all year, good self care is
essential during these times of extreme energies incoming to and being
generated by the planet and its inhabitants. A lot of CRUD and
imbalance continues to be stirred up. Beware of being tempted by or
caught in the whirlpool.

It is essential to be aware of the timely messages you are receiving
from your Soul. More than ever, it is vital to PAY ATTENTION and
FOLLOW THROUGH immediately in order to ride the personal FLOW of your
Soul more smoothly. The energies of transformation are accelerating,
gaining even greater strength and pressing at the weak spots in our
lives, the areas in which it is time for change. We need to keep up
with the pace of acceleration.

The most frequent categories for change I have seen pressing at people
regard their location, work, relationships and health. If it is time
to make a personal shift, internally and/or externally, there are very
diverse ways that your soul can communicate with you, and it is
important to stay as clear, grounded and peaceful as possible in order
to hear the messages.

Is the alerting DING from the Message Center of your Soul going to be
soft and gentle or require something more aggressive in order to get
your attention?

Perhaps it will be a sudden Knowing that whispers to you as you walk
across the room or you will be alerted by recurring dreams. Pay
attention and follow through! If you find yourself stuck in emotional
debris such as depression, anxiety, fear, anger, etc., your soul is
knocking on the door of your consciousness to open up, pay attention
and follow through with clearing out the negative energies. Perhaps
external events will stop what you have been doing, such as being let
go from your job or falling off a ladder. What is the message? What
needs to be changed? What will take you to a higher level and deliver
better self care?

Perhaps a physical condition will present itself. The body is an
almost unlimited way for our subconscious to give us a message. Pay
attention and follow through . . . like one of my clients who received
an actual shot in the arm. Her simple injection by the doctor
suddenly activated a past life trauma which triggered soul loss and
left her feeling ungrounded and hollow. The whole event was a signal
from her soul and was used to activate some issues it deemed time to
clear out. Kudos to her for paying attention to the message (instead
of trying to brush it off and muddle on) and then following through
immediately to do the needed internal clearing and return to balance!

EVERYTHING is a message in these days of deep change and
transformation. As the incoming frequencies are raised, the lower
vibrations become more discordant and more obvious. Change is afoot!
It may not feel good when the Timer dings, but you can be thankful for
the message. As you clear away the debris, you become more receptive
to attracting and accepting the conditions, events and circumstances
that create the more abundant, happy life you prefer. And that begets
greater balance and oneness in the world. Win-win for everyone.

Instead of trying to avoid the Timer and muddle through using Will
Power and distractions, pay attention and follow through. Allow
yourself to receive all the support you need for your transformation
and expanded consciousness, balance, harmony, love and peace . . . the
soil that supports a well-lived life.

Pay attention, follow through and be well!

Generessa Rose

PS If you would like help with your transformation, I conduct
personal sessions by telephone or via Skype worldwide. Just go to my
website and fill in the Contact box.

*Helpful Quote by Anonymous*
Push and it is too early; hold back and it is too late;
at the right time there will be no stopping.

COPYRIGHT 2010 Generessa Rose. All Rights reserved. You have
permission to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that
the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author and
that it is distributed without charge. Thank you.

Norio Hayakawa speaks in Rio Rancho NM- Is it all True Series #154

On September 14th I attended a talk presented by my friend Norio. Norio is a very courageous explorer/activist whose work includes research at Area 51 and the Dulce underground base area. His talk was done at a senior center where an over-flow crowd of nearly 100 people enjoyed his discussion on why we believe in UFOs. Although I did not agree on all parts of his premise, I firmly believe this is an inter-dimensional phenomenon (UFOs) and a solid spaceship (of our dimensional type) could not make it traveling thousands of light-years to get here.

We also share the same wisdom on the UFO subject through common study of the famous Jacque Vallee; he is one of only a few who really get this phenomenon. Norio spoke of the whole disclosure probability, and that it won’t happen anytime soon. If the government were to come clean on what they presently know, but couldn’t understand/explain it, they would likely lose control of the people.

I would say I also agree that the study of UFOs and the related strangeness can be used to escape the strange “Normal World” we live in, sort of like a happy fairytale movie at the theater, but that doesn’t make it a non-phenomenon; it’s real in a non-real way.

UFOs cannot be judged from a third dimensional viewpoint. I still strongly believe at one time our race of humans could interact freely in multiple dimensions. We lost this ability. I guess we were the bad children of the universe and couldn’t be trusted. We were trapped into our own dimensional prison.

And briefly I would like to say – Norio unleashed a potential blockbuster at the talk. A book is coming about a three-hour interview from a retired military colonel who claims to have worked at the Dulce underground complex. And the book also details some of the activity that took place when the colonel worked there. So if this can be proven true, the lid will open a little more and truth will ooze out.

Note more retired military folks are stepping to the plate and speaking out. Will one hit the home run, or will we get there with bunts and infield singles? All this makes the escape a non-fairytale.

Sleep tight, October 13th is coming, so rest up.


Dr who? Why, it's Martin Plowman, PhD UFO

From: Andra Jackson

Leading Oil & Gas Company on the Norwegian Continental Shelf
Eye in the sky: Martin Plowman will become the first Australian to get a PhD in ufology, the study of unidentified flying objects.

Eye in the sky: Martin Plowman will become the first Australian to get a PhD in ufology, the study of unidentified flying objects. Photo: Jason South

TALK of UFOs is often dismissed as fanciful but at one Australian university, at least, it has entered the realms of academia.

At the University of Melbourne on Saturday, culture and communication student Martin Plowman will become the first Australian to get a doctorate of philosophy in ufology, the study of unidentified flying objects.

First-hand experience of UFOs has eluded him, and consequently he maintains a healthy scepticism on the possibility of their existence.
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“When I meet someone who says they’ve seen something strange, that’s fair enough, because maybe they have. I don’t know what it is, though,” he said.

They might include Melburnians who claimed to have been kidnapped by Martians. “They seem like something has happened to them.

“The first time you meet an abductee, as they are called, it can be quite confronting because they are trying to come to terms with it. They don’t know what it is either, and it is something that can stay with people a long time.”

In Melbourne 15 years ago, Kelly Cahill claimed to have flashbacks of being taken away in a UFO by strange creatures at Narre Warren.

Mr Plowman’s research into UFOs took him to Roswell, New Mexico, where it was claimed a flying saucer crashed in 1947, and Wiltshire, England, where crop circles have been attributed to space ships.

The trail led him to Mexico and Latin America, the latest source of reported sightings.

“In the Andes in Chile, they showed me a rock, where they claimed an alien had stepped and left a footprint in the rock.”

His interest in UFOs stemmed from boredom as a child while in hospital. His parents gave him a book on UFOs to distract him. “It captured my imagination.”

His interest waned and he went on to study physics. But while looking for a topic for his PhD, his interest was reignited when visiting another student’s house, where he noticed a bookcase full of books on UFOs.

“Having a look at it, I realised this was a whole world unto itself,” he said. “It had rules, and ideas and history and it hadn’t been looked at much so my enthusiasm came back and I thought this is a story that I want to look at.”