Auroras on Jupiter–From

Aug 21, 2011; 3:37 PM ET
Earth’s aurorae, or Northern and Southern Lights, provide a dazzling light show to people living in the polar regions. Shimmering curtains of green and red undulate across the sky like a living thing. New research shows that aurorae on distant “hot Jupiters” could be 100-1000 times brighter than Earthly aurorae. They also would ripple from equator to poles (due to the planet’s proximity to any stellar eruptions), treating the entire planet to an otherworldly spectacle.
“I’d love to get a reservation on a tour to see these aurorae!” said lead author Ofer Cohen, a SHINE-NSF postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA).
The alien gas giant would be subjected to extreme forces. In our solar system, a CME spreads out as it travels through space, so it’s more diffuse once it reaches us. A “hot Jupiter” would feel a stronger and more focused blast, like the difference between being 100 miles from an erupting volcano or one mile away.
“The impact to the exoplanet would be completely different than what we see in our solar system, and much more violent,” said co-author Vinay Kashyap of CfA.
In the model, a CME (coronal mass ejection) hits the “hot Jupiter” and weakens its magnetic shield. Then CME particles reach the gas giant’s atmosphere. Its aurora lights up in a ring around the equator, 100-1000 times more energetic than Earthly aurorae. Over the course of about 6 hours, the aurora then ripples up and down toward the planet’s north and south poles before gradually fading away.

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The Type of Food that Will Slow Nearly EVERY Inflammatory Disease… Posted By Dr. Mercola | August 21 2011 |

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By Dr. Mercola

You’ve probably heard of enzymes, and you probably already know they are important for your digestion. But you may not be aware of just how necessary enzymes are to every cell in your body—not just for digestion but for ALL your physiological processes.

Enzymes are composed of amino acids and are secreted by your body to help catalyze functions that would normally not occur at physiological temperatures. They literally make magic happen and are absolutely vital to your life.

More than 3,000 different enzymes have been identified, and some experts believe there may be another 50,000 we have yet to discover. Each enzyme has a different function—like 3,000 specialized keys cut to fit 3,000 different locks. In this analogy, the locks are biochemical reactions.

Enzymes drive biological processes necessary for your body to build raw materials, circulate nutrients, eliminate unwanted chemicals, and the myriad of other biochemical processes that go on without your even thinking about it.

For starters, here are just some of the activities in your body requiring enzymes:

Energy production
Absorption of oxygen
Fighting infections and healing wounds
Reducing inflammation
Getting nutrients into your cells
Carrying away toxic wastes
Breaking down fats in your blood, regulating cholesterol and triglyceride levels
Dissolving blood clots
Proper hormone regulation
Slowing the aging process
And small amounts of enzymes can affect profound changes! Enzymes are the catalysts that cause many essential biochemical reactions to happen—but they are not “used up” IN the reaction. They merely assist—meaning, they accelerate reactions—sometimes to a mind-boggling several million reactions per second!

Enzymes lower the amount of energy needed for a reaction to occur. Without them, some reactions simply would not function in your body.

But enzymes don’t work alone.

Enzymes rely on other elements to accomplish their tasks, such as certain vitamins and minerals. These elements are called “coenzymes.”

You are probably already familiar with one of these—coenzyme Q10. CoQ10 is found in the mitochondria (power centers) of your cells where it is involved in making ATP, every cell’s principal energy source. Another example is magnesium, which participates in over 300 enzyme reactions.

The Concept of “Enzyme Potential”

Dr. Edward Howell spent his entire professional life studying enzymes and can be credited with catalyzing enzyme research.

Whether or not this is true, Howell believed you were born with a limited enzyme-producing capacity, and that your life expectancy depends on how well you preserve your “enzyme potential.” His theory was that if you don’t get enough enzymes from the food you eat, great strain is placed on your digestive system to “pick up the slack,” i.e., produce enough enzymes to accomplish the task.

A deficiency in digestive enzymes then reduces availability of your metabolic enzymes. Howell believed this metabolic enzyme deficit was at the root of most chronic health problems.

Enzyme Basics

There are three basic categories of enzymes:

Food based
Digestive enzymes, as their name implies, help you break down food into smaller parts that can be absorbed, transported and utilized by every cell in your body. Digestive enzymes are extra-cellular—meaning, they are found outside your cells.

Metabolic enzymes are intra-cellular—meaning, inside your cells, where they help the cell carry out a variety of functions related to its reproduction and replenishment.

Your pancreas produces most of these digestive and metabolic enzymes.

Fortunately, you get (or should be getting) many enzymes from the foods you consume—particularly, raw foods. These directly help with your digestive process.

The more raw foods you eat, the lower the burden on your body to produce the enzymes it needs, not only for digestion, but for practically everything. Whatever enzymes are not used up in digestion are then available to help with other important physiological processes.

Your Meal’s Journey through Your Digestive System

Once consumed, your meal begins a complicated, multi-phased journey of breakdown and conversion into nutrients your body can use. This process is, of course, called digestion, and enzymes play a key role.

There are eight primary digestive enzymes, each designed to help break down different types of food:

Protease: Digesting protein
Amylase: Digesting carbohydrates
Lipase: Digesting fats
Cellulase: Breaking down fiber
Maltase: Converting complex sugars from grains into glucose
Lactase: Digesting milk sugar (lactose) in dairy products
Phytase: Helps with overall digestion, especially in producing the B vitamins
Sucrase: Digesting most sugars
Digestion begins in your mouth, starting with saliva. Did you know that you produce about 1.7 liters of saliva each day? Your mouth is where enzymes (primarily amylase) begin to exert their action. Amylase in your saliva begins to break down carbohydrates.

As food passes into your stomach, proteins are worked on by protease. From there, the bolus of food passes into your small intestine, where lipase begins to break down fats, and amylase finishes off the carbohydrates.

Did you know that 90 percent of your digestion and absorption takes place in your small intestine?

From here, the micronutrients are absorbed into your bloodstream through millions of tiny villi in the wall of your gut. But what happens when this process goes awry?

Disease—or “dis-ease.”

Aftermath of the Western Diet: Enzyme Deficiency

Insufficient enzyme production is at the root of much “tummy trouble” in our country. Digestive problems cost Americans $50 billion each year in both direct costs and absence from work.

It is a sad fact that 90 percent of the food Americans buy is processed food. Diets heavy in cooked, processed, and sugary foods, combined with overuse of pharmaceutical drugs such as antibiotics, deplete your body’s ability to make enzymes.

Enzymes may be relatively large, but their protein structures are fragile. The amino acids in the molecular chain link together to form certain patterns and shapes, which give enzymes their unique characteristics and functions. When something disrupts the chain’s structure, the enzyme becomes “denatured”—it changes shape and loses its ability to perform.

Heating your food above 116 degrees F renders most enzymes inactive.

This is one of the reasons it’s so important to eat your foods raw. Raw foods are enzyme-rich, and consuming them decreases your body’s burden to produce its own enzymes. The more food that you can eat raw, the better. Ideally, you should get 75 percent of your digestive enzymes from your food.

In addition to heat, enzymes are also very sensitive to shifts in pH, which is why different enzymes work in different parts of your digestive tract, based on the pH each enzyme needs in order to function.

Enzyme deficiency results in poor digestion and poor nutrient absorption. This creates a variety of gastrointestinal symptoms, including:

Flatulence and belching
Heartburn and acid reflux
Chronic malabsorption can lead to a variety of illnesses. Think about it—if your body doesn’t have the basic nutritional building blocks it needs, your health and ability to recover from illness will be compromised.

Besides breaking down food, enzymes (particularly the proteases) can help with gut healing, controlling pathogens, and immune support. Your immune system begins in your gut—and if you have enzyme and digestive issues, chances are your immune system isn’t functioning as well as it should be.

Complicating matters, your capacity for enzyme production also declines with age.

How Aging Affects Your Enzyme Production

Research has shown that your natural enzyme production starts to decline by the time you’re about 20.

Studies show that, every ten years, your body’s production of enzymes decreases by 13 percent. So by age 40, your enzyme production could be 25 percent lower than it was when you were a child. And by the time you’re 70, you could be producing only ONE-THIRD of the enzymes you need.

Making matters worse, your stomach produces less hydrochloric acid as you age, and hydrochloric acid is crucial in activating your stomach’s digestive enzymes.

When digestion of foods requires such a heavy demand, enzyme supplies run short and your enzyme-producing capacity can become exhausted. Why does this matter? The high demand for digestive enzymes depletes your body’s production of metabolic enzymes, which every cell in your body needs in order to function.

The Many Roles of Metabolic Enzymes

Now that you know how important digestive enzymes are for getting nourishment, let’s take a look at another type of enzymatic activity—your metabolic enzymes. Metabolic enzymes are intimately involved with running your circulatory, lymphatic, cardiac, neurologic, endocrine, renal, hepatic, and reproductive systems, and maintaining your skin, bones, joints, muscles and other tissues.

Every one of your 10 trillion cells depends on these enzymes and their ability to catalyze energy production. As I said before, each of these enzymes is highly specialized as a function of its particular molecular structure.

Consider these two examples:

RNA polymerase is an enzyme your body uses to transcribe DNA into RNA, which is used to make proteins.
Lysosomal enzyme, produced in the lysosome of each cell (also called the “suicide bag”), breaks down macromolecules and other foreign particles the cell has ingested (such as bacteria) so they can be disposed of. The lysosome is a microscopic garbage disposal!
One of the most important functions of metabolic enzymes happens in your blood. If you think about it, it makes sense. We know that bacteria, fungi, and parasites are comprised of protein, as is the shell encompassing viruses. Enzymes in your blood—primarily proteases (proteolytic enzymes)—serve to break down protein-based foreign bodies, effectively cleansing your blood.

As blood cleansers, these enzymes combat chronic inflammation, which left unchecked can lead to everything from autoimmune diseases, to cardiovascular disease and even cancer. Enzymes reduce inflammation in your body by:

Breaking down foreign proteins in the blood that cause inflammation and facilitating their removal via your blood stream and lymphatic system
Removing “fibrin,” a clotting material that can prolong inflammation
Reducing edema in the inflamed regions
It follows, then, that any disease caused by inflammation—which is practically every chronic disease we face today—can be benefited by increased levels of functional enzymes in your blood.

I will discuss oral enzyme supplementation shortly. Although taking an enzyme supplement may be helpful, NO manufactured product can duplicate the positive effects of a nutrient-rich diet.

Boosting Your Enzyme Levels Naturally

There are four ways to naturally increase your enzyme levels:

Increase your intake of raw, living foods
Eat fewer calories
Chew your food thoroughly
Avoid chewing gum
The very best way to get enzymes into your body is by consuming at least 75 percent of your foods raw. For many of you, you’ll have to work toward this goal gradually.

While all raw foods contain enzymes, the most powerful enzyme-rich foods are those that are sprouted (seeds and legumes). Sprouting increases the enzyme content in these foods tremendously. Besides sprouts, other enzyme-rich foods include:

Papaya, pineapple, mango, kiwi, and grapes
Raw honey (the enzymes actually come from the bee’s saliva)
Bee pollen
Extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil
Raw meat and dairy
The best way to bump up your metabolic enzymes is to provide your body with the raw materials and energy it needs to make them. By eating these types of foods, you supply your body with the amino acids and the enzyme co-factors needed to boost your own natural enzyme production.

Another way to lower your body’s demand for enzymes is to reduce your caloric intake. Did you know the average person spends 80 percent of his available energy simply digesting food?

By reducing overall consumption, as well as introducing more living foods, you reduce your need for digestive enzymes, which allows your body to put more of its energy into producing metabolic enzymes.

Which brings us to chewing. Quite apart from the esthetic pleasure of an unhurried meal, there are important physiological reasons to chew your food well.

Chewing stimulates saliva production, and the more time you spend chewing, the longer your saliva enzymes have to work in your mouth, lessening the workload of your stomach and small intestine. Chewing also stimulates a reflex that sends a message to your pancreas and other digestive organs, “Gear up—we’ve got incoming!”

And don’t chew gum.

Chewing gum fools your body into believing it is digesting something, so it pumps out digestive enzymes unnecessarily. Why waste those precious resources?

Digestive Enzyme Supplementation

If you suffer from occasional bloating, minor abdominal discomfort, and occasional constipation and suspect your enzyme production is low, you might want to consider a digestive enzyme supplement in addition to eating more of your foods raw.

Digestive enzymes should be taken WITH a meal. There are hundreds on the market, so how do you choose a good one? You should look for an enzyme formula with the following characteristics:

It should contain a mixture of different types of enzymes, to help digest all of the different components of your diet (including lipase, protease, and amylase)
The ingredients should be high quality, all-natural, and free of allergens and additives
The supplement should be labeled as to the enzymatic strength of each ingredient, not just its weight
It should be made by a reputable company with rigorous quality control and testing for potency
Besides digestive enzyme supplementation, there is another way to use oral enzymes—for systemic use. This requires taking enzymes between meals so they can be absorbed through your gut and into your bloodstream, where your cells can use them metabolically.

Systemic Enzymes—Playing Catch-Up with European Medicine

Getting enzymes from your digestive tract into your bloodstream isn’t as easy as it would seem. As I’ve already discussed, enzymes are very susceptible to denaturing and must be helped to survive the highly acidic environment in your stomach. They are often given an “enteric coating” to help them survive the journey through your digestive tract.

And then, there is the matter of absorption.

For nearly 100 years, medical dogma insisted that enzymes taken orally were too large to pass through the digestive tract wall.

However, there is now a good deal of research that they can indeed pass through your intestine intact and into your bloodstream and lymphatic system, where they can deliver their services to the rest of your body… one of the mysteries of medical science.

Now that we know this is possible, systemic oral enzymes have been used to treat problems ranging from sports injuries to arthritis to heart disease and cancer, particularly in European countries. But most of the research has been published in non-English language journals.

This systemic use of enzymes is just now taking off in the United States.

It is crucial that, in order for enzymes to be used systemically, they must be ingested on an empty stomach. Otherwise, your body will use them for digesting your food, instead of being absorbed into the blood and doing their work there.

Let’s take a look at how systemic enzymes can benefit your health by examining their applications for two major health problems we face today: heart disease and cancer.

How Systemic Enzymes Battle Heart Disease

It is now fairly well recognized that heart attacks and strokes are related to inflammation, which is why C-reactive protein (an inflammatory marker) can be predictive of cardiac events.

However, according to an excellent article about systemic enzymes by Michael Sellar, French researchers have proposed that bacteria might be a causative factor in coronary artery disease. Very high levels of bacteria were found in their patients’ arterial plaques, possibly explaining elevations in C-reactive protein.

C-reactive protein functions to stop the spread of bacteria in your body.

Since enzymes inhibit platelet aggregation, help your immune system combat pathogens, and break down fibrin (which makes up clots), they may offer significant benefits for vascular diseases like thrombosis, phlebitis, and varicose veins.

Sellar quotes enzyme researcher Rudolph Kunze:

“Although enzymes reduce inflammation and we used to think that was all they did, we now believe that the central target of systemic enzymes is the immune system. It is my belief that heart disease is an immune disease very much, although obviously not totally, related to bacterial pathogens and other invaders.”

Systemic Enzymes in the Treatment of Cancer

The use of enzymes to treat cancer has its roots all the way back to 1911 with John Beard’s The Enzyme Treatment of Cancer and Its Scientific Basis. Beard believed cancer was a result of diminished pancreatic enzymes, impairing your immune response.

A study in 1999 suggests he may have been right on target.

Ten patients with inoperable pancreatic cancer were treated with large doses of oral pancreatic enzymes (along with detoxification and an organic diet), and their survival rates were 3 to 4 times higher than patients receiving conventional treatment. Proteolytic enzymes can be helpful in treating cancer because they help restore balance to your immune system.

Dr. Nick Gonzalez in New York City, NY has also done a lot of work on enzymes in cancer treatment and has written a book on the subject.

Some of the ways proteolytic enzymes can be helpful in the fight against cancer are:

Boosting cytokines, particularly interferon and tumor necrosis factor, which are very important warriors in destroying cancer cells.
Decreasing inflammation.
Dissolving fibrin: Cancer cells hide under a cloak of fibrin to escape detection. Once the cancer cells are “uncloaked,” they can be spotted and attacked by your immune system. It is also thought that fibrin makes cancer cells “stick together,” which increases the chance for metastases.
German studies have shown that systemic enzymes increase the potency of macrophages and killer cells 12-fold.
For more about the difference between digestive enzymes and systemic enzymes, click here for a video interview with enzyme expert Nena Dockery.

Hopefully you can now appreciate just how important enzymes are to your overall health, right down to the cellular level. Once you understand this, you may begin to see just how important it is to eat a diet rich in fresh, organic, raw foods. You may even want to try juicing some of your vegetables as a way of getting more nutrients—and enzymes—into your body.

It has been said, “You are what you eat.” But really, “You are what you digest” is closer to the truth.

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Lead Codices From Jordan?Is it all True Series ? #195

I was reading an interesting post from my friend, Colin Andrews, about an amazing discovery in Jordan, 70 lead/copper-ringed books. Some were normal book size while others were the size of credit cards; some were sealed and others could be easily opened. The writing was in a form of archaic Hebrew script with ancient messianic symbols. Some seemed to be written in a code. An Israeli farmer said his great-grandfather originally found these books about a century ago and hid them in the cave.
The farmer recovered them and smuggled the items into Israel. Some are saying these items are 2000 years old; a piece of leather found with the items was carbon dated to the first century AD.

Like all new discoveries, many are crying fake, which is always possible, because in the black market of the antiquities world, major money can be made. However, the director of Jordan’s Department of Antiquities said these items may be a major discovery into the years of Jesus after his crucifixion. It is quite interesting that these types of sealed books are mentioned in the Book of Revelation. It talks of a sealed book that only the messiah could open. Also there are other texts that talk of sealed books of wisdom, and Jesus used to pass formation [DID YOU MEAN A DIFFERENT WORD like “information”?] to his closest disciples using these sealed books.

But again many of the images are unfamiliar to many of the experts, and so here is where my interests come in. As I was browsing the images I noticed some of them looked like images I had collected from my interviews with UFO contactees and abductees over the past 40 years.

Are these books from a very non-human, non-Jesus source? Or is Jesus and his followers just another group of interdimensional beings who have visited our realm, to interact with us strange-but-interesting humans. If so, the Jesus group is somewhat rare because most of these ET-type groups have no desire to get too close to us, but rather choose to instead observe us from a distance, like looking at the animals in a zoo. I truly believe these artifacts are something very profound, not just to Christians, but to all mankind. They are speaking to us, and we better listen.

Sleep tight – discovery and wisdom never stop amazing our world.

Water flowing on Mars—Mark Paquette The astronomy blog, by Mark Paquette, discusses stargazing and astronomy issues and how the weather will interact with current astronomy events.

Aug 15, 2011; 1:10 PM ET
Observations from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have revealed possible flowing water during the warmest months on Mars.
“NASA’s Mars Exploration Program keeps bringing us closer to determining whether the Red Planet could harbor life in some form,” NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said, “and it reaffirms Mars as an important future destination for human exploration.”
Dark, finger-like features appear and extend down some Martian slopes during late spring through summer, fade in winter, and return during the next spring. Repeated observations have tracked the seasonal changes in these recurring features on several steep slopes in the middle latitudes of Mars’ southern hemisphere.

“The best explanation for these observations so far is the flow of briny water,” said Alfred McEwen of the University of Arizona, Tucson. McEwen is the principal investigator for the orbiter’s High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) and lead author of a report about the recurring flows published in Thursday’s edition of the journal Science.
Some aspects of the observations still puzzle researchers, but flows of liquid brine fit the features’ characteristics better than alternate hypotheses. Saltiness lowers the freezing temperature of water. Sites with active flows get warm enough, even in the shallow subsurface, to sustain liquid water that is about as salty as Earth’s oceans, while pure water would freeze at the observed temperatures.
“These dark lineations are different from other types of features on Martian slopes,” said Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Project Scientist Richard Zurek of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. “Repeated observations show they extend ever farther downhill with time during the warm season.”
The features imaged are only about 0.5 to 5 yards or meters wide, with lengths up to hundreds of yards. The width is much narrower than previously reported gullies on Martian slopes. However, some of those locations display more than 1,000 individual flows. Also, while gullies are abundant on cold, pole-facing slopes, these dark flows are on warmer, equator-facing slopes.
The images show flows lengthen and darken on rocky equator-facing slopes from late spring to early fall. The seasonality, latitude distribution and brightness changes suggest a volatile material is involved, but there is no direct detection of one. The settings are too warm for carbon-dioxide frost and, at some sites, too cold for pure water. This suggests the action of brines, which have lower freezing points. Salt deposits over much of Mars indicate brines were abundant in Mars’ past. These recent observations suggest brines still may form near the surface today in limited times and places.
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How a Physician Cured Her Son's Autism… via Dr. Mercola

I’m thrilled to share this interview with you as Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride presents a truly fascinating and elegant description of the foundational conditions that contribute to autism, along with a pragmatic approach to help circumvent and stem the autism epidemic, which has been a perplexing puzzle for most of us.

Dr. Campbell is a medical doctor with a postgraduate degree in neurology. She worked as a neurologist and a neurosurgeon for several years before starting a family. When her first-born son was diagnosed autistic at the age of three, she was surprised to realize that her own profession had no answers…

Back in 1984, when she graduated from medical school, autism was an exceptionally rare disorder, with a prevalence of about 1 in 10,000.

“By the time I graduated from medical school I had never seen an autistic individual,” she says. “… To be honest, the first autistic child that I encountered was my own… Five years ago we were diagnosing one child in 150, which is almost a 40-fold increase in incidence. Now in Britain and some countries, we are diagnosing one child in 66.”

The rates are similar in the United States, Australia, and New Zealand as well. She quickly delved into research, looking for an answer for her son, and ended up getting a second postgraduate degree in human nutrition. As a result of her work, her son fully recovered and is no longer autistic.

Although originally from Russia, where she received her medical training, she moved to the UK about 20 years ago, and now has a clinic in Cambridge, England, where she treats children and adults with autism, learning disabilities, neurological disorders, psychiatric disorders, immune disorders, and digestive problems.

Early Treatment is Key

The treatment she developed is simply called the GAPS Nutritional Program, and as Dr. Campbell explains, the younger the child is when you start the treatment, the better the results.

“When we start the GAPS treatment at the age of 2, 3, 4, up to 5, you give your child a real chance to completely recover from autism, from ADHD, ADD, dyslexia and dyspraxia—and that larger group of children who do not fit into any diagnostic box… These are the children with whom doctors usually procrastinate. They ask the parents to bring the child in six months and again in six months to observe the child in order to just give the child a diagnosis and a very precious, very valuable time gets wasted that way while the child could have been helped,” she says.

It All Starts in the Gut…

Dr. Campbell is convinced that autistic children are in fact born with perfectly normal brains and perfectly normal sensory organs.

See Dr. Natasha Campbell-
McBride and Me Speak
in November

We are both scheduled to speak at the Weston Price Foundation Conference Nov 11-13th.

Please click here for more details.

Hurry! Early bird discount expires August 1st.
“What happens in these children [is that] they do not develop normal gut flora from birth…” she says. “Gut flora is a hugely important part of our human physiology. Recently research in Scandinavia has demonstrated that 90 percent of all cells and all genetic material in a human body is our own gut flora. We are just a shell… a habitat for this mass of microbes inside us. We ignore them at our own peril.

…As a result, their digestive system—instead of being a source of nourishment for these children—becomes a major source of toxicity. These pathogenic microbes inside their digestive tract damage the integrity of the gut wall. So all sort of toxins and microbes flood into the bloodstream of the child, and get into the brain of the child. That usually happens in the second year of life in children who were breast fed because breastfeeding provides a protection against this abnormal gut flora. In children who were not breastfed, I see the symptoms of autism developing in the first year of life.

So breastfeeding is crucial to protect these children.”

Brain Toxicity Leads to Symptoms of Autism

Children use all of their sensory organs to collect information from their environment, which is then passed to the brain for processing. This is a fundamental part of learning.

However, in children with Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS), the toxicity flowing from their gut throughout their bodies and into their brains, clogs the brain with toxicity, preventing it from performing its normal function and process sensory information…

“Sensory information turns into this mush; into a noise in the child’s brain, and from this noise the child cannot learn. They cannot decipher anything useful,” she explains.

“That’s why they don’t learn how to communicate. They don’t learn how to understand language, how to use language, how to develop all the natural instinctive behaviors and coping behaviors that normal children develop. The second year of life is crucial in the maturation of the brain of the baby. That’s when communication skills develop and how instinctive behaviors develop and play skills develop in children and coping behaviors develop.

If the child’s brain is clogged with toxicity, the child misses that window of opportunity of learning and starts developing autism depending on the mixture of toxins, depending on how severe the whole condition is, and how severely abnormal the gut flora is in the child.”

GAPS may manifest as a conglomerate of symptoms that can fit the diagnosis of either autism, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), attention deficit disorder (ADD) without hyperactivity, dyslexia, dyspraxia, or obsessive-compulsive disorder, just to name a few possibilities…

How has Children’s Gut Flora Become so Drastically Altered?

If the epidemic of autism and other learning disorders originate in the gut, what has changed in the past 25 years to alter children’s gut flora into such an abnormal state?

Dr. Campbell explains:

“As far as science knows, the baby inside the mother’s womb during nine months of gestation is sterile. The baby’s gut is sterile. The baby acquires its gut flora at the time of birth, when the baby goes through the birth canal of the mother. So whatever lives in mom’s birth canal, in mom’s vagina, becomes the baby’s gut flora.

So what lives in mom’s vagina? It’s a very richly populated area of a woman’s body. The vaginal flora comes from the bowel. So if the mother has abnormal gut flora, she will have abnormal flora in her birth canal. Fathers are not exempt because fathers also have gut flora, and that gut flora populates their groin and they share their groin flora with the mother on a regular basis.

… I always collect health history from the mother, the father, and preferably even grandparents of the child. I find that we have a growing and a deepening epidemic of abnormalities in the gut flora, which began since Second World War when antibiotics were discovered. Every course of broad spectrum antibiotics wipes out the beneficial species of microbes in the gut, which leaves the pathogens in there uncontrolled.”

The Massive Importance of Fermented Foods and Probiotics

This is why it’s so important to ‘reseed’ your gut with fermented foods and probiotics when you’re taking an antibiotic. If you aren’t eating fermented foods, you most likely need to supplement with a probiotic on a regular basis, especially if you’re eating a lot of processed foods.

“In parallel with beneficial microbes in the healthy gut, scientists have found thousands of different species of downright pathogenic disease-causing microbes; bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microbes. But as long as the good ones predominate in your gut, they control all the pathogens… They keep them in small colonies and they don’t allow them to proliferate.

Every course of antibiotics tends to wipe out the beneficial bacteria and that gives a window of opportunity for the pathogens to proliferate, to grow uncontrolled, and to occupy new niches in your gut. The beneficial flora recovers, but different species of it take between two weeks to two months to recover in the gut and that’s a window of opportunity for various pathogens to overgrow.

What I see in the families of autistic children is that 100 percent of mom’s of autistic children have abnormal gut flora and health problems related to that. But then I look at grandmothers on the mother’s side, and I find that the grandmothers also have abnormal gut flora, but much milder.”

In essence, what we have is a generational build-up of abnormal gut flora, with each generation becoming ever more prone to being further harmed from the use of antibiotics—and vaccines as well, which I’ll discuss in a moment.

Bottle-Feeding and Antibiotics Exact a Heavy Toll

Adding injury to insult is the significant decrease in breastfeeding. We now know that breastfed babies develop entirely different gut flora compared to bottle-fed babies. Infant formula never was, and never will be a healthy replacement to breast milk, for a number of reasons; altered gut flora being one of them.

Dr. Campbell discovered that a large percentage of the mothers of autistic children were bottle-fed. Then, as they received many courses of antibiotics throughout their childhood, the abnormalities in their gut flora further deepened.

“Ever since antibiotics were prescribed, particularly from the 50s and 60s, they were prescribed for every cough and sneeze. They really over-prescribed antibiotics. And with every course of antibiotics, the abnormalities in the gut flora would get deeper and deeper in these girls.

And then, at the age of 15, 16, these ladies were put on a contraceptive pill… [which] have a devastating effect on the gut flora. Nowadays ladies are taking it for quite a few years before they’re ready to start their family.”

So, to recap, bottle-feeding along with over-use of antibiotics and use of the contraceptive pill set the stage for increasingly abnormal gut flora with each passing generation. Then, add to that a diet of processed junk food and excessive consumption of high fructose corn syrup and you have a prescription for disaster in terms of intestinal health.

It’s important to realize that processed foods and sugar almost exclusively feed pathogens in your digestive system, allowing them to proliferate.

“Many of these modern factors created a whole plethora of young ladies in our modern world who have quite deeply abnormal gut flora by the time they are ready to have their first child. This is the abnormal gut flora that they are passing through their children,” she explains.

“So these babies acquire abnormal gut flora from the start and while the baby is breastfed the baby is receiving protection because whatever is in the mother’s blood will be in her milk. Women who have abnormal gut flora would have immune factors in their blood, which they have developed against their own gut flora to protect them. These immune factors will be in their milk.

While the baby is breastfed, despite the fact that the baby has acquired abnormal gut flora from the mom, there will be some protection. But as soon as the breastfeeding stops that protection stops as well. That is the time when the abnormalities in the gut flora really flourish and the child starts sliding down into autism or ADHD or ADD or any other learning disability or physical problems such as diabetes type 1, for example, and celiac disease or other autoimmune conditions, or… asthma, eczema and other physical problems. That’s where this epidemic comes from.”

Changes are Urgently Needed

Unfortunately, all the factors that create abnormal gut flora are getting increasingly more prevalent, across the globe. This means that the next generation of young women having children will have even worse gut flora than their mothers, so the proportion of GAPS children being born predisposed to develop autism will be even higher!

“Our authorities need to understand that, and they need to be ready for that,” Dr. Campbell warns.

The Role of Vaccines

As Dr. Campbell explains, babies are born not only with a sterile gut, but also with immature immune systems. And establishment of normal gut flora in the first 20 days or so of life plays a crucial role in appropriate maturation of your baby’s immune system. Hence, babies who develop abnormal gut flora are left with compromised immune systems.

“Vaccinations have been developed, originally, for children with perfectly healthy immune systems,” she says. “GAPS children are NOT fit to be vaccinated with the standard vaccination protocol.”

Her book Gut and Psychology Syndrome contains an entire chapter outlining what health care professionals need to do to improve the vaccination strategy, because the standard vaccination protocol is bound to damage GAPS babies.

“It’s a matter of the last straw breaking the camel’s back,” she explains. “So if the child is damaged enough, the vaccine can provide that last straw. But if it doesn’t provide that last straw in a particular child, then it will get the child closer to the breaking point.”

She also points out another risk factor of vaccines:

“What we also have to understand is that the pharmaceutical industry cannot patent natural viruses, natural bacteria or any microbe that nature has created. They have to genetically modify them before they can patent them,” she says.

“So these vaccines contain genetically modified viruses, genetically modified microbes. We still haven’t got enough data to know what exactly they’re doing to the human body, and what exactly these genes are doing to our gut flora in these children.”

How to Identify GAPS

Fortunately, it is possible to identify GAPS within the first weeks of your baby’s life, which can help you make better informed decisions about vaccinations, and about how to proceed to set your child on the path to a healthy life.

One of the KEY issues is to screen all children BEFORE they are immunized, and if they have the metabolic characteristics of GAPS, they should NOT be immunized until that is reversed. This simple measure could prevent unnecessary and tragic trauma in hundreds of thousands of families. In all likelihood there are far more children being harmed by vaccines than being helped at this point. By simply modifying the process one could radically reduce the risk of a child developing an illness on the autism spectrum.

Dr. Campbell describes the entire process in her book.

In her practice, she starts out by collecting a complete health history of the parents, and their gut health is assessed. Then, within the first few days of life, the stool of the child can be analyzed to determine the state of her gut flora, followed by a urine test to check for metabolites, which can give you a picture of the state of your child’s immune system.

“Now we have excellent tests that find chemicals produced by various species of microbes in the gut,” she says. “… So by analyzing urine, indirectly we can say what kind of species of microbes are sitting in the gut of the child, or what kind of chemicals they are producing.”

“… If the child has abnormal gut flora we can assume that the child has a compromised immunity, and these children must not be vaccinated with the standard vaccination protocol because they simply get damaged by it. They should not be vaccinated.”

The non-invasive tests described in her book are now available in most laboratories around the world, and typically run around $80-100 each in the US. This is peanuts compared to the incredible expense of treating an autistic child once the damage is done.

“Our children are being used as a market for selling vaccines,” Dr. Campbell says. “The children are vaccinated in our Western world, I’m afraid, not for the sake of saving the child but for the sake of making money… It’s an extremely sad and worrying situation.”

Siblings are Also at High-Risk for Vaccine Damage

Another group of children that may also over-react to vaccinations are siblings of children with autism, severe hyperactivity, obsessive compulsive disorder, mental conditions, or type 1diabetes.

“Younger siblings of autistic children, and younger siblings of children with all these disabilities should not be vaccinated with the standard vaccination protocol,” she warns.

“The immune tests that I was talking about can be repeated every six months or every year for these children. Whenever the child is considered to be perfectly healthy and the immune system shows itself to be perfectly well functioning, only then can a vaccination be considered for these children because we simply cannot take the risk.”

Strategies to Restore Health to Children with GAPS and Autism

Dr. Campbell has developed a very effective treatment for GAP children, called GAPS Nutritional Protocol. It is described in great detail in her book, Gut and Psychology Syndrome, which is designed to be a self-help book.

“[P]robably tens of thousands of people now, around the world, are saving their children with this program,” she says. “… The majority of these people just bought the book, read it, followed the program, and got fantastic results.”

In summary, the protocol consists of three elements:

Diet—the GAPS diet consists of easily-digestible foods that are dense in nutrition, including fermented foods.

According to Dr. Campbell: “On average, people adhere to the diet a couple of years. It takes two years to drive out the pathogenic flora, to reestablish normal flora in the gut, to heal and seal the damaged gut lining in these people and turn the gut back to being a major source of nourishment for the person instead of being a source of toxicity.”
Food supplements, including: probiotics and vitamins D and A in the form of cod liver oil, although sun exposure is also an important part for GAPS patients, for proper vitamin D production.
Detoxification—The GAPS nutritional protocol will naturally clear out most toxins. Dr. Campbell does not use any kind of drugs or chemicals to remove toxins as it can be too drastic for some, and can produce damaging side effects. Instead she recommends juicing as a gentle but effective way of removing toxic build-up, as well as baths with Epsom salt, sea salt, seaweed powder, apple cider vinegar, and baking soda.
Dr. Campbell discusses many additional and priceless details relating to this protocol, so please, set aside some time to listen to the interview in its entirety, or read through the transcript.

More Information

See Dr. Natasha Campbell-
McBride and Me Speak
in November

We are both scheduled to speak at the Weston Price Foundation Conference Nov 11-13th.

Please click here for more details.

Hurry! Early bird discount expires August 1st.
I have always found that the best health strategy is prevention, and I’m sure many would agree. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Now that we’ve identified a way to help prevent autism and related neurological and physical damage from manifesting, I can’t urge you enough to take this information to heart, and to pay close attention to your gut health well before planning your pregnancy, and to take the simple and relatively inexpensive precautions described by Dr. Campbell that can significantly reduce the chances of your child being harmed.

The avalanche of autism must be curbed—and quickly! And for now the burden rests on you, the parent, to take control of your and your child’s health, and to arm yourself with information that can have life-altering ramifications.

If you’re pregnant, planning a pregnancy, or know someone who is, I can’t recommend Dr. Campbell’s book enough. Buy it for yourself, or as a gift.

You can also find more information on Dr. Campbell’s website:, and on her blog at

“We have an absolute epidemic of GAPS – Gut and Psychology Syndrome and Gut and Physiology Syndrome, and the number of sufferers are growing,” she says. “I’m completely overwhelmed by demands for consultations, and people all over the world need GAPS practitioners…

So I am preparing a training course for medical practitioners and health practitioners. The first wave of training will be done in September-October in Seattle, Chicago, New York and Dallas.

We will cover the U.S. with a good number of GAPS trained practitioners. This will be people who will be able to take you through the diet, through the whole protocol, and they will run local GAPS groups where all the patients and other GAPS people will be able to come weekly or fortnightly to exchange recipes, exchange news, help each other, give each other moral support and learn more about GAPS.”

Once she’s done the trainings in the US, she will continue on to Europe and other parts of the world. If you’re a doctor, nutritionist, dietician, osteopath, homeopath or other health practitioner and you’re interested in becoming a certified GAPS practitioner, please see this link for more information.

Atomic Cover-Up: The Hidden Story Behind the U.S. Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki– from

As radiation readings in Japan reach their highest levels since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant meltdowns, we look at the beginning of the atomic age. Today is the 66th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Nagasaki, which killed some 75,000 people and left another 75,000 seriously wounded. It came just three days after the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, killing around 80,000 people and injuring some 70,000. By official Japanese estimates, nearly 300,000 people died from the bombings, including those who lost their lives in the ensuing months and years from related injuries and illnesses. Other researchers estimate a much higher death toll. We play an account of the 1945 atomic bombing of Nagasaki by the pilots who flew the B-29 bomber that dropped that bomb, and feature an interview with the son of Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist George Weller, who was the first reporter to enter Nagasaki. He later summarized his experience with military censors who ordered his story killed, saying, “They won.” Our guest is Greg Mitchell, co-author of “Hiroshima in America: A Half Century of Denial,” with Robert Jay Lifton. His latest book is “Atomic Cover-Up: Two U.S. Soldiers, Hiroshima & Nagasaki and The Greatest Movie Never Made.” [includes rush transcript]

August 2011 Knowledge Newsletter by Sharon Cheney

Dear Friends,
Many people feel discouraged when what they want does not manifest in their lives whether it is a new partner, a new job, more abundance, better health and so on. Below are some tips to help you manifest your desires.

Manifesting Your Desires

The universe has laws which apply to everyone no matter who you are. In order to manifest your wishes, you need to be aware of these laws. For example, the Law of Gravity is in effect no matter where you live. We all know that if you throw something in the air it will fall down.

The Law of Attraction is another universal law. Your thoughts are waves of energy that emanate from you. Your thoughts go into the surrounding field of energy in which we all live. Since the Law of Attraction is always at work, your desires go into the energy field to find the best possible matches. If your desires are unclear, there will be difficulty to find the perfect match as there will be too many possibilities that might fit. This will result in getting something close to what you want but not the whole enchilada as they say.

Ordering from the universe is the same as ordering in a restaurant. If you want to eat you must tell the waitress what you want. She will not bring you any food until you place your order. If you order a sandwich and you do not tell her to hold the mayo or toast the bread, you will get it whatever way the chef makes it rather than the way you would prefer. We seem to understand how to order in a restaurant but when it comes to ordering from the universe, we often do not put in our order, our requests are unclear, we do not know how to take advantage of universal laws, and we are not aware of what is preventing us from manifesting our desires.

Some people seem to believe that what they want will arrive at their door step through fate with little effort on their behalf. They believe God decides what will happen to them so they can just sit back and do nothing. If you are one of these people, you may be waiting a long time for your wishes to manifest. In the mean time, you may feel like you never get what you want or you may become angry with God for not fulfilling your desires. There is nothing to be gained in blaming God or seeing yourself as a victim of life. It would be much better if you made some effort to achieve your goals yourself.

Fate is the actualization of a plan we made before we incarnated. When we meet someone at the perfect time, we feel it is the hand of God at work. As souls, we all choose who we will meet throughout our lifetime in order to maximize our learning. When we meet the person, we say it is fate because we forgot the plan we made while still in spirit. Fate should not be mistaken for manifesting.

Another universal law that states Energy Follows Thought. Wherever we put our energy is where things happen. So if you do not put in any energy or effort, you will not get much back. When you say I want a new car and you do not do anything to achieve that goal, that request is less likely to manifest because you have not invested much energy into its realization. The more energy you spend focusing on a desire, the greater the chance it will manifest.

All thoughts are waves of energy so do not think that if you did not verbalize your thoughts, they do not count. Every thought tries to manifest which is why we should be conscious of what we are thinking all the time. Any negative thoughts you hold about yourself or others will manifest and result in your creating karma or preventing yourself from receiving what you want. If you have a negative belief about yourself, just think how many times you repeated that belief to yourself and how much energy you invested in its manifestation and its resulting spin offs.

Another factor preventing manifesting is a lack of self love. When we do not love ourselves and are not heart centered, we are not open to receiving, and therefore will not manifest what we want. Receiving and loving ourselves are directly proportional to one another. The more we love ourselves, the more we feel we deserve to have what we want and the more open we are to allowing into our lives. The more we love ourselves the less dependent we are on others to give us what we want. This leads to our feeling happier and more fulfilled.

To make sure you are open to receiving, remain positive at all times. If you are a negative person, you will attract someone who is negative or treats you in a way that is compatible with the way you see yourself. So if you have any tendency toward being negative or seeing yourself as less than perfect just the way you are, be sure to work on yourself to improve these beliefs so that you can attract the person you really want and not one that reflects your negative beliefs. It is not the job of others to fix what it wrong in your life. That is your job.

If you desire a new partner in your life, do not tell yourself he or she will not want you because I am too fat, not sexy enough, not educated, have no money or anything else you think is wrong with you. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder not the beholden. Why not let the other person decide how they choose to see you?

Ask and You Shall Receive is another universal law. When you ask for what you want you have a much better chance of getting it. While it is not a guarantee that if you ask for help you will get it, but your chances of getting what you want are markedly increased. If you fail to ask, it is like expecting the person to be a mind reader and know what you want. So be sure to ask for what you want as you have nothing to loose.

Here are some simple rules to manifest what you want. Find some quiet time to sit down with yourself and decide what it is you really want. Think it through carefully and be as detailed as you can. If you are vague or unsure, you can manifest a mess instead of what you desire. You can change your mind at any time but when you are asking for what you want, try to be as clear as possible.

For example, if you want a new job, ask for one that is near your home, with the hours you prefer, with the financial compensation you deserve and to work with people you would enjoy. Create a job where you would be acknowledged and appreciated for your work, where there are opportunities for advancement and so on. Ask for everything you want. Then let go of your wish and wait for it to manifest. It is a law of nature that you cannot destroy energy so your thoughts will be out there looking for the perfect match.

Manifesting is occurring much faster these days because of the higher frequency energy on the planet. So put in your request and see how long it takes for it to manifest. If it does not manifest in a reasonable amount of time, look within to see if you are thinking or doing anything that would be contrary to receiving what you want. If you have any fear about loss if you get what you want.

Things to avoid are telling yourself you will not get what you want because you do not deserve it, you always have bad luck, things did not work out for you in the past, or because your desires are unrealistic. Even if you cannot see how your desires can possibly come true, that should not prevent you from asking for what you want. Sometimes things happen when we least expect them and in the most unusual ways.

When we believe we cannot have what we want, that thought manifests instead of what we desire. So be sure to monitor your thoughts. Remember ordering from the universe is the same as ordering in a restaurant. When you order in the restaurant, you do not sit and worry if they will not bring you your order. You wait knowing that you will get what you ordered.

Manifesting involves trusting that your all requests will manifest at the perfect time for your souls highest good. The perfect time may be now or later on. Sometimes if we manifested what we want immediately, we would not be prepared. For example, if you want a new love, you need to be sure your heart is open and willing to love this person completely. If you only want a new partner because you are lonely, unable to cope, desire attention or sexual fulfillment but are still in love with an old partner, then you are not ready for a new love in your life. Someone may show up but the relationship will not work well because you are not ready.

If you have trouble to understanding what may be standing in your way of getting what you want, I could help you recognize any obstacles standing in your way. Sometimes an outside person sees you in a different light than you see yourself. If you need some help, please feel free to contact me. I am available for personal, telephone and webcam readings, empowerment coaching, regressions, and healing either by responding to this newsletter or calling me at 505 474 6363 or 514 312 2451.

I am now offering webcam readings and coaching so call for your appointment today. To see an example of this, click on the following link:

I teach personal and webcam classes if you gather a group of 6 or more people. Choose the class of your choice from the list under Class Descriptions on my website. I am adding a new class to my list of online classes. It is called 2012 the Shift to Higher Consciousness. This class will tell you about what the future is going to look like. The class includes a self questionnaire and a meditation to look into 2013 and beyond.

My online classes, guided meditation CDs and my books Discover Your Psychic Abilities and Your Soul: The Roadmap to Your Life is always available at

Gift Certificates are available for birthdays, holidays or other special occasions. Often a reading, coaching session, regression or healing can change a persons life so if you know of anyone who could use some guidance, this is both a practical and unique gift idea.

For new subscribers, previous Knowledge Newsletters are now available on my website under Newsletter Archives. If you know anyone who would like to receive this newsletter, please email me their name, email address and where they live and I will be happy to add them to my mailing list.

Unsubscribing If you wish to unsubscribe from the Knowledge Newsletter, scroll down past the end of the newsletter and click on unsubscribe. You will receive an email asking if you want to unsubscribe. Confirm this and your name will be deleted from the list.

May your life be filled with love, peace and abundance,
Blessings to all,

Sharon Cheney

Chupacabra Sighting: Mysterious Minnesota Roadkill Prompts Alarm

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) officials are scratching their heads over an unidentified dead mammal that was first spotted July 31 on a Douglas County road.

The creepy-looking all white creature with five claws on its front paws, long toenails and dark tufts of hair on its back has prompted speculation that Minnesota is home to the legendary chupacabra, KSAX-TV reports.

Lacey Ilse was driving close to her home on County Road 86, near Alexandria, when she first saw the dead carcass.

“We saw something in the middle of the road, and we knew it wasn’t a dog or a cat, because it didn’t have hair,” Ilse told KSAX-TV.

“It had a clump of hair and all the rest was just white skin. Its ear was all mis-shaped. To me, it looked half-human,” Ilse said.

DNR area wildlife supervisor Kevin Kotts said the animal closely resembles a badger, although the creature’s tail is longer than a typical badger.

“It’s got five long front claws on each of its front feet, which would be characteristic of a badger,” Kotts told the TV station. “I ran the pictures past a few other DNR folks that have a lot of trapping and/or furbearer experience, and they all said it’s hard to be 100 percent sure what it is … but if it’s a Minnesota animal, it’s probably a badger.”

Chupacabras, or “goat suckers,” are creatures said to live in Mexico, Puerto Rico and in different parts of the United States. The animals, described as something between a dog and a wolf, reportedly kill and suck the blood out of livestock.

Last month, a Texas teenager claimed to shoot and kill a chupacabra. Results have not yet been announced from hair and skin samples taken of the animal.

Most wildlife experts believe the weird-looking animals are coyotes afflicted with mange, caused by an infection of tiny parasites that results in their hair falling out and leaving them with shriveled skin.

The body of the Minnesota chupacabra suspect has been frozen at the Glenwood DNR office and officials may soon do a DNA test to hopefully identify the mysterious roadkill.

Why We Must Never Forget Fukushima- Is it all True Series ? #194

I have noticed that we are hearing almost nothing about this still worldwide crisis. Is it so bad that our political bodies are too afraid to tell us the truth? The full extent of this disaster may never be known. What other truths will we find out years from now? Will thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people not only in Japan but around the world, have died directly or indirectly from this event that happened on 03/11/11 (1111)?

I would like to again thank the information crusader Arnie Gundersen and his company Fairewinds for educating us and keeping us informed about this disaster and what it means for our planet. In one of Arnie’s latest videos on the disaster, he speaks about the site of the disaster and a recent super hotspot find. Apparently at the base of a release stack, where present gas, moisture and radiation is vented into the atmosphere, a reading of 1000 rem + was found (the measurement device stops at 1000) so it was probably greater than 1000. This means that if you were directly exposed to this for ½ hour with no protection, you would die in a couple of days.

Arnie feels that this was an accumulation of radiation over time from the gas, radiation and water vapor condensing at the bottom of the stack. This may mean the much more radiation has gotten into the environment during the last 140 days of venting. So the water vapor/smoke and other gases would have picked up much more radiation as it moved pass the hotspot and into our atmosphere.

This story cannot go away; we must not let it, for history will repeat itself if we ignore the truth. It will take up to 20 years to totally clean up this mess and over those 20 years it will continue to pollute and kill living things on our earth

So where are our ET friends when we need them? Maybe they are not our friends is a conclusion some will make.

Sleep Tight.
