The Sasquatch that I saw was different, an ancient group that was more original to the look of what the Sasquatch embodied, many thousands of years ago. They had nothing in common with humans when they came here; the novelty for them was the chance to trade and interact with us. They learned quickly how dangerous humans were and because of this, they have very little contact except for a chosen few they feel they can trust.
The Demigods liked trading and working with the Sasquatch because they were not only experts in earth’s geological structure but great gemologists and metallurgists. If anyone group can find gold, the Sasquatch is at the top of the list. I often wonder if this is where myth and legend come into play regarding dwarfs. I know the physiology between them is at opposite ends but as time passes by, the enduring stories of old tend to stay alive, especially by livening up the details a bit.
Gold is the main component of Gaia’s blood. Is it any wonder this is the aphrodisiac of the Demigods? Does Vampirism come to mind?
I know with this bit of information, I will probably get people thinking I’m a Looney tune, but this is what I was told and I stand by it.
The Demigods took humankind’s inner compass and felt it best to block it and alter what inner knowledge we were born with. As thousands of years have passed by, we, unfortunately, have no idea what has been lost. What was written in books was either hidden away or destroyed. A society ignorant of their birthright is much easier to manage. Within us, cobwebs and dust have accumulated becoming like the sands of time. Even if we dig up our past, the chances of understanding what we find are mute, especially if we don’t even know or remember, our connection to Gaia.
After the Demigods did this, they then embarked on an exhaustive campaign of epic proportions … religion. Spirituality went out the window and images, sculptures and structures were erected in their likeness. Mythology is an interesting and wondrous topic taught in schools but at certain points in history, these immortal beings were alive, especially for their many followers and worshipers. The Demigods were out in the open for over a thousand years but they eventually saw that hiding in plain sight, was easier. Various religions played a key role in manipulating the masses, making sure everyone toed the line. Thinking outside the box of specified doctrines even to this day isn’t allowed and frowned upon, especially by religious purists and fundamentalists.

Sasquatch saw this manipulation and started to cut ties with the Demigods. The “live and let live,” gentle giants wanted no part in this manipulation. They came to love this planet and many made it their home planet. Others travel back and forth through natural portals that manifest and disappear within a time frame that is queued from sacred geometry. These portals change locations every three weeks. The Sasquatch are born with an innate ability that helps them sense where they manifest at any given time. I think this might be one of the reasons why the Military might be interested in the Sasquatch.
Egypt is the best way to see how the Demigods played out the different aspects of their agenda. The Pharaohs acting as living Gods was one way of familiarizing the masses with their rulers. Interbreeding with humans ensured that this sacred bloodline, specific to the Demigods would live on.
Not many people know this, but the Sasquatch were in Egypt many, thousands of years ago. The pyramids Menkaure, Khafre and Khufu to name a few are natural portals that are still used today. The Sasquatch don’t use these portals anymore since they easily can travel back and forth, closer to home. The natural portals are usually found in national forests around the world.
I had my own experience of missing time in Egypt with one of Menkaure’s smaller pyramids. Around 2 or 3 am, I climbed to the top of one of the pyramids and after I stopped to catch my breath, I heard a humming sound, blacked out and a few minutes later, I reemerged on the same spot except 2 to 3 hours had passed and I could hear the morning prayer on the loudspeakers. Maybe the smaller ones are portals too.
So today we have a history that is hidden, and yet it is crucial to understand that until we start to take a stand, not just for off-handed answers that are circulated time and time again … no, it’s time we make it clear we want to know the truth of our past and WHO has manipulated it so that we are only half the humans we used to be. We deserve to know how connected we are to Gaia and what that connection means. I believe, Sasquatch is here to help us make a stand because it is obvious that the Demigods will do whatever is in their power to keep hidden the secrets of our freedom.