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The Sasquatch and the Big Scream – from Dimensional Walking – a paranormal journey
Cryptids and Empathic Researchers
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Monsters Inc. and More – Mike & Rainbow on Psychic Babes
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Sasquatch – Rainbow thoughts — on Dimensional Walking
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New Episode 5 – Dimensional Walking – Sasquatch and Dogman
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Betty’s Sasquatch Story
Micheal and I met a wonderful couple, Betty and Walter this past week. Not only did we realize that we were kindred souls but we also could see that we had many stories to share with each other. This Sasquatch story is one of two that Betty has given us permission to share with you all. Enjoy and stay tuned to next weeks story a coworker shared with Betty. Betty, thank you for sharing your story and the gift of your friendship! Betty’s Story I had been in Northern Utah for about two months when I had an interesting experience whilst hiking the North Ogden Pass. I had gotten into the habit of hiking with my dog each morning, early, so that I could clear my head before work and starting my day. My dog, Sooner and I had been doing this daily and I often would bring my camera to take pictures of wildlife, the beautiful flora and fauna we would see on our hikes, etc. On a very cold December morning, we pulled into the parking area, full of fresh snow, and for a change, I decided that we’d hike along the dry wash toward the back part of the mountain. An area we had not previously hiked.
Sooner was his usual self, briskly walking a figure eight pattern about 20′ forward and behind me as he liked to do on our hikes. I assumed it was to ensure my protection. I was paying attention to the energy of the mountain, listening to the forest sounds and for whatever else might be on the mountain. This has always been my practice in nature. As we got deeper into the backside of the mountain I became aware that Sooner was making a smaller and smaller figure eight patterns, keeping ever closer to me and at that same time, I also began to notice that the forest was growing quiet. Suddenly the wee animals rustling under bushes and ‘crunching’ snow were no longer heard, birds were becoming more few, and there was a palpable shift in the energy on the mountain. I began to pay closer attention as my senses were pinging me to pay attention. Soon my dog was no longer taking his pattern up but remaining right in front of me. The forest was now in total silence, and that caused me to stop. We were on a part of the trail that was still pretty heavy with snow as the sunlight didn’t really touch the ground for all the heavy treeline. At that moment, while pushing out my senses to see what I might be able to pick up, I noticed to my left that Sooner was sniffing very intently at something at the edge of the trail where it began to drop down into heavier brush and give way to a slope leading down toward to valley floor. I became curious as to what had captivated my dog’s attention and walked over to discover 3 or 4 very distinct tracks, large tracks.
My first thought was, oh, someone has been up here snowshoeing. But as I looked more closely I decided, no, that’s not it. Snowshoes don’t have toes! Sooner had pretty much destroyed the first print, but the rest were very clearly visible, so I shooed him away so that I could examine them more closely. These were distinct step-over-step prints that appeared pretty much human…other than the size. I saw a very clear definition of five toes, a ball, and arch with all the lines that go along with the bottom of a foot, and a very large defined heel that had to measure at least 6 to 8 inches across. I was wearing size 7 hiking boots and when I put my foot up against the print it was as if holding a newborn’s foot up against a grown man’s foot…and I mean a man with feet about a size 16 or better! These were LARGE prints.
I quickly grabbed my pack from my back so that I could get my camera, only to discover that I had left it at home. Dang, I always hiked with my camera, but not this time. Sooner and I stood there for a few more minutes while I was still processing what exactly I had before me, again, still listening to the deafeningly silent forest. My first thought was to run. I don’t run. I might get “spooked” on occasion, but my life experiences have taught me to HOLD MY GROUND at all costs. Never let ’em see ya sweat as the old saying goes, and that is a code I live by. So, after another moment or two, I decided to press on along the trail and resume our hike. We, maybe, got another ‘block’ in the distance when I decided that the mountain was still too quiet and did I REALLY want to “meet” whatever had made those tracks? It was obviously a Big Foot and I knew it was far bigger than I.
As much as I was curious, and really wanting to have that experience, I decided that with my dog and everything considered we had better turn around and go back to the car. My intention was to come back later in the day, with my camera, and document the tracks. However, I was delayed in town and by the time I could’ve gotten back there a hard rain had set in. I decided the next morning that the tracks were probably lost in the rainstorm, and so Sooner and I resumed our normal hiking trail to the peak. We never did go on that back trail again in all the time we continued our hiking of the pass. But, it was a few days later that I was having lunch with one of my coworkers and I felt impressed to share my hiking story with him when he asked if I was still hiking each morning. Much to my surprise, he not only totally believed my recounting of events but went on to share an even more interesting Big Foot story with me. To be continued
Rainbow …
The Researcher and the Paranormal Experience
Rainbow and I have been paranormal researchers each for over 30 years. It is our passion, something we love doing together and we have done some unforgettable projects, which many of you have read over the years, on our two websites. Rainbow, also writes on a regular basis for Paranormal Underground and other like magazines. It is important our information freely is distributed, for I have always believed in the saying “there is no secret worth keeping”. Spreading truth and wisdom beget more truth and wisdom. It is what we are all about.
Our latest project involves a wonderful small country store and restaurant near the entrance to Silver Falls State Park, 15 minutes east of Silverton Oregon. Over the last year, Rainbow and I have befriended the owners of that particular store. We were originally drawn to the store because on their store sign, there is a wonderful picture of a Sasquatch. We stopped in and met everyone in the store. Come to find out, the whole surrounding area is loaded with Paranormal activity and to top that, they have a great Big Sasquatch Hamburger that is out of this world.
For several years, the owner had been tracking some of their customers’ stories and experiences, by having them write them down in a book, to be shared with other customers. We were told, it had many amazing stories, but unfortunately, someone stole the book to the great sorrow of the store owners. Rainbow and I have provided a Paranormal Survey and the materials for the store owners to start another binder full of amazing Cryptid and paranormal stories that can be shared with one and all, but this time there will be a backup copy just in case someone gets sticky fingers again.
So come and visit Silver Falls Country store on Hwy 214 east of Silverton Oregon. Bring your own stories, read other’s stories, and enjoy great company and great food. Maybe just maybe, you will see us there.
Eyes open, no fear, be safe
Sasquatch and the Egyptian Connection

Sometimes I’ll get glimpses of places that come in the dead of night and seemingly wiz by me like puzzle pieces that make no sense. These pieces until the moment they reveal themselves to me are a nonexistent picture of a past. Whose past, I can’t really say.
Because of this, I get left with more questions than answers and my world is literally turned upside down. I feel that I am looking down instead of up and my peripheral vision is a visor like a kaleidoscope full of never before seen colors and images. They flicker away when I turn to look at them. It’s exhausting to see the otherworldly images, especially from my disadvantaged upside-down view.
One such evening not so long ago, I was shown a place so unusual that I can barely find the words to describe it. My sleep up to that point was a normal, non-eventful respite and then out of nowhere within an instant, an elusive and mystifying world unfolded before me. The next morning, I was exhausted, overwhelmed and perplexed.
Was I really there? Did I really see what I think I saw? Why now?
One thing for sure, the next morning I knew that gold was the key. I was shown that ancient Deities came here hundreds of thousands of years ago for this highly desired mineral. It’s a naturally occurring inorganic solid that entices the senses with its alluring and shimmering radiance. It is talked about in glorified tales of valorous and daring escapades. Such tales of excursions of untold perils are in many history books, at least those that have not become lost to the scribes of old.
Demigods are a factor here. Gold is an aphrodisiac for them besides wearable art and a variety of edible delights and brews. They desire it to an obsessive level. This desire is just as strong today as it has been for a millennium. I was shown that the Sasquatch clans were brought in to help the Demigods mine the gold. This was, to say the least, a surprise to me because I have never heard this from any other source.
My confusion started with a constant back and forth pulling and pushing sensation out of my body and then back in. I saw a distinctly different world from Earth and at the same time I could feel my bed beneath me. I came in and out of this experience for over three hours. I woke up multiple times wondering how I was going there and coming back so quickly. It was definitely an Empathic conundrum and I remember being overly concerned that I might get stuck there. This means either, I teleported there or was able to go through a portal. Either way, I think I had help.
The topography on the other planet was very different than ours. There were vines everywhere on the ground but they weren’t overgrown. I saw no grass to speak of but large trees that had a prehistoric look to them. They were very bushy and short, perhaps only 10 to 15 feet tall at the most. The vines felt alive but in a different way than the ones here which made me feel like they were sensing me being there.
I feel I saw the home planet of where the Sasquatch travels from, even those who travel back and forth to this day. The oddity here was being outside in their world and then within an instant, looking at a very Egyptian looking room that seemed present day with an Egyptian predynastic feel to it. The two realities really had nothing in common but as the early morning hours went on, I started to understand the connection between the two. Someone took great pains to show me in detail how the two are connected. I’m not sure who. This connection was the most surprising bit of information I have received since Loekey talked about how the Earth’s natural portals worked.
Next post, I will talk about in more detail how the Demigods exist today and the ongoing relationship between them and the Sasquatch.
A Sasquatch named Warsiah
Drawing of Warsiah
For many months, almost a year I didn’t have any contact with a Cryptid, Spirit or Entity like years previous. It just didn’t happen.
I formerly wrote that it was obvious that I was dealing with a Reptilian who had ulterior motives, bad ones to be exact, back in Utah. I believe this Reptilian blocked contact and held me captive to a certain degree. It has taken me 6 months to shake off this intense interference with my Empathic mind.
Oregon is a unique place for healing because here, Nature’s frequency is so primordial and her tranquility transcends the senses into a blissful reprieve. She reigns supreme here and because of this, my spirit, body, mind, and emotions have started to balance themselves out.
Michael and I took our first hike in one of the state parks close to where we live a few weeks ago. It was on this day that a female Sasquatch named, Warsiah, contacted me.
I was feeling kind of blue so in this particular instance I feel for this reason she decided to reach out to me.
I brought two apples with me and after our first contact, decided to leave one apple in an area that was between two large trunks of a tree that felt like a magical fairy dwelling, hidden from humans.
We went back a week later to see if the apple was gone and it was. The whole apple was gone but I didn’t see any evidence that it was or wasn’t because of Warsiah. To be honest, I’m not sure she took it.
I did tell her no strings attached; just take it as an offering of my friendship and gratitude for her contact. It felt good to feel her energy.
From her contact, she told me a few things that I felt I should share.
She told me that she is with a clan that is earthbound called, The Breathers. They don’t walk through portals and she said that they have been on this planet since Earths early years before man entered the picture. Her ancestry remembers all the earth’s changes; I guess you could call them, another group along with Loekey’s clan, who are Record Keepers for the earth.
She told me that they intermingle and know the portal jumpers such as Loekey-the portal jumper who contacted me two years ago. The clan can see the portals but they don’t go into them because as Loekey stated, for any human, species or being that is not trained and born into the jumping, it can be dangerous.
Warsiah did say that if necessary they would consider jumping in the portals but only in a catastrophic event.
This doesn’t mean that Warsiah and her clan don’t bring in a variety of unique attributes with them. Their vibration is much higher than ours and it’s easier for them to move from one location to another, faster, almost becoming invisible. They look as if they are walking in fast forward motion but in truth, they are able to affect the way we see them in our normal time reference. This means she would look like she disappeared, appearing in another location but in reality, she just moves differently in our linear view of time.
She could be standing by a tree and because she is so in tune with Nature, actually they are a part of Nature, she would look like a part of the tree and only if she chose to show herself, would I be able to see her.
She said they watch humans in hopes to meet those who they might make contact with. They keep vigilant tabs on hunters traversing close to their communities, or anyone with weapons or negative intentions. They could be ten feet from someone without them knowing it. They are silent watchers and they prefer to have a more silent footstep. That doesn’t mean they can’t be loud, it just means they are nonconfrontational by nature. But at the same time, they don’t back down from aggressive behavior, especially if it puts them or their loved ones in danger.
Warsiah did say, they did interact with Native Americans who they call Numah, hundreds of years ago but it was not always amicable. I think there was a kind of enmity on both sides but she didn’t go into detail on it. This attitude stands today but I think as with all people they are open to anyone with a good heart.
I got the sense she was a mother, not a young Sasquatch but more so as a woman in her 30’s which for them would easily be 150 years. Obviously, they live much longer than humans because they have very unique DNA. Age just doesn’t happen the same way for them as it does for us and this could possibly be a reason why the military is interested in them.
We intend to go back this week to see if Warsiah took her apple. She’ll get an apple a visit from us so I hope that she enjoys the offering of our friendship and hopefully down the line, she’ll wave at me and I will see her, live in the now.