Human or Alien – who can you trust?

As I have said before I have been a UFO/ Paranormal researcher for 50 years. In those 50 years I had encountered some pretty scary stuff, including my experience with a few alien and Cryptid beings. But here we are in a world where the human condition is getting worse very much by the minute.

Wow, presidential politics is at an all-time low, number of wars around the world around the world at an all-time –high, strange new emerging diseases, man driven climate change, and out of control human population growth. The wealth gaps between groups and between countries, is the greatest in the last 100 years. Now very recently something I warned about 10 years ago is coming true, our reliance on the Internet could drive us to a Mad Max scenario. Human hackers could shut the world down and it could be any minute. Not to mention madmen with their fingers on the nukes. It’s a sad state of affairs for our species.

Now what about the Aliens and the Cryptids, both groups if they truly wanted to could end our existence in a quick minute. I believe the Cryptids – such as Sasquatch and Dogman just want to be left alone. The aliens say the Pleadians and the Greys have an agenda for sure, but with us humans especially our leaders and wannabee leaders, generally being extremely distrustful and sick for power, and with no consideration for human life, looking at Alien group is a viable option. I believe it is time to seriously engage these alien groups we have been fearful of. For man is driving itself down a very dark path, a path of no return.

The question is, what would we have to give up to save our species? They have been abducting people for a very long time and the question is, is their agenda going down a brighter path for the human race? We have to continue our quest to make real serious contact with these beings and look at all options if we want to survive the next 100 years because the cards truly stacked against us.

Sleep tight – mediate , mediate and carefully open up, step forward to meet the Ones who have the ability and power to save our species and maybe we are worthy of their trust, at least the ones among us that care.

Mike Wiz

Creature – X — Beware as you walk in the woods – Is it all True Series #433


I have been a paranormal researcher for 46 years, and when it comes to concerns about my safety in the woods while searching for Bigfoot, I never had any concerns. Bigfoot to me has always been a benign being and at the very least would keep its distance from us humans. Although there had been stories of Bigfoot helping lost hikers and even protecting humans from bear attacks.

But now in this book from David Paulides I may have to rethink my feeling about a few of the Bigfoot. It seems like David has found a pattern that brings Bigfoot into suspicion of possible murder of innocent humans. His research shows clusters of missing people in the Western US and the eastern bordering the Appalachians Mts. He didn’t study the states of Florida and Texas. For these two states would require two more books to cover the missing in those states. David provides a map of the missing and shows major clustering and its curious to note that the states in the dead center of the USA, North and South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas had zero missing.
So what are the unique factors in these missing people’s cases? 1. Majority of the missing are in clusters in or near National Forest Lands, parks etc. such as Yosemite, Great Smoky MT, Glacier National park and Crater National Park.  2.  All disappearances were in a rural setting, not in an urban area. 3. Dogs with owners were involved in many of the disappearances.3. Bloodhounds and other tracking dogs lost the scent and some refused to track in the area. 4.  Soon after the disappearances happened major storms developed over the areas, note Bigfoot are noted for their ability to weather control Micro-areas. 5. Afternoon between 2:00pm and 5:00pm the event normally happened. 6. The disappearances happened many times near swampy or dense underbrush areas. 7. Clothing was missing on many of the victims and sometimes completely naked, like Travis Walton (Fire in the Sky). 8. Berry Picking – (favorite Bigfoot food), humans walking through the area or actually picking the berries. 9. Missing persons found in a previously searched area.

dark forest 1

So is it a rogue group of Bigfoot? Are they upset with humans for their direct destruction of the planet?  I think the theory that David puts forward may sadly be true. My dear friend and Bigfoot researcher agrees the fingerprints point to Mr./Mrs. Bigfoot. But please remember there are many Bigfoot encounters each day and nothing bad happens. There are bad apples in every group.

There is something out there I believe is more powerful and more dangerous then even the meanest Sasquatch on the Planet. I call him/her Creature X — a being even Sasquatch will avoid at all costs. I heard this from a Sasquatch contactee. Creature X is savage killer with no mercy , but they are not totally fearless , so staying in groups when hiking is important I don’t believe they want to be detected and bring on a full military assault. So they pray on the weak or two people alone in the woods. They are very dangerous so avoid areas of the national forest where people have disappeared. These Creature are territorial , so they roam and hunt in a defined area. Just google an area you are planning to go and if there has been disappearances or strange deaths — avoid at all costs, like Sasquatch does in these cases.

Sleep Tight, There is a very minimum  chance in your lifetime you will come across a Bad Bigfoot and even Creature X, if you are careful. But meeting a good Sasquatch is very possible if you have an open mind.


There are no Grocery Stores in the Forest – Is it all True # 432


This past week, Michael and I were listening to a couple of interviews on YouTube of Sasquatch researchers who were from the south. Between the two of them, they had multiple years of experience in the field. As the interviews progressed, a few things came to my mind. I realized that there are people in this field who really don’t see Sasquatch as an interdimensional being. I was really surprised but what bothered me the most was that they both alluded to the fact that anyone who does think Sasquatch is interdimensional, is deluding themselves. My mind came to a screeching halt and I said, “What?!”

I respect the years they both have in the field but I realized that sometimes when you are so close to a subject, eventually it’s hard to see the forest for the trees.

I know deep in the forest that the darkness keeps the secrets of her minions to herself. It’s part of the dark and light tussle of Mother Nature. To think that any Cryptid is going to be our friend, is rather naïve and foolish. I know the Dogman that Michael and I saw in New Mexico, wanted to be left alone and if we didn’t abide by his wishes, I know he would have charged at us. You have to listen, follow your gut and you can’t go into the forest thinking you are at the top of the food chain.

There are no grocery stores in the forest.

Yet, I can’t stop wondering why people in the Sasquatch field of research would assume something that is flesh and blood would be similar to us. One of the interviewers stated as fact that older males mate with all the females in the group and that because of this, the younger males would be pushed out of the group. Where on earth did he get this information? How would he know?

This is part of the problem in this field, researchers making comments like this one based on no facts only speculation. I mean, he would have to literally be within arms length of where they live, see how they live and watch their mating customs. Let’s be frank, if anyone could get this close, especially with this mind set, I doubt seriously they would live to tell the tale.

Another thing that bothered me is the names they have in the south for Sasquatch. One in particular was a definite slur. A Bugger is something that comes out of my nose. How in the hell did a Sasquatch become a Bugger? How can anybody research something they don’t respect? It’s obviously a peculiar mindset besides being a southern slang term but come on; Sasquatch isn’t below us in intelligence. Imagine how they see us from their perspective. They have to be shown respect.

Here’s a tip for those of you camping out this summer:

Don’t camp or park your vehicle in a Cryptids dining room.  If you don’t want to be on the menu, I highly recommend you don’t call them … Buggers.





David P – Sasquatch – and Creature – X is it all true Series ? # 420

I have been a paranormal researcher for 46 years, and when it comes to concerns about my safety in the woods while searching for Bigfoot, I never had any concerns. Bigfoot to me has always been a benign being and at the very least would keep its distance from us humans. Although there had been stories of Bigfoot helping lost hikers and even protecting humans from bear attacks.

But now in this book from David Paulides I may have to rethink my feeling about a few of the Bigfoot. It seems like David has found a pattern that brings Bigfoot into suspicion of possible murder of innocent humans. His research shows clusters of missing people in the Western US and the eastern bordering the Appalachians Mts. He didn’t study the states of Florida and Texas. For these two states would require two more books to cover the missing in those states. David provides a map of the missing and shows major clustering and its curious to note that the states in the dead center of the USA, North and South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas had zero missing.
So what are the unique factors in these missing people’s cases? 1. Majority of the missing are in clusters in or near National Forest Lands, parks etc. such as Yosemite, Great Smoky MT, Glacier National park and Crater National Park.  2.  All disappearances were in a rural setting, not in an urban area. 3. Dogs with owners were involved in many of the disappearances.3. Bloodhounds and other tracking dogs lost the scent and some refused to track in the area. 4.  Soon after the disappearances happened major storms developed over the areas, note Bigfoot are noted for their ability to weather control Micro-areas. 5. Afternoon between 2:00pm and 5:00pm the event normally happened. 6. The disappearances happened many times near swampy or dense underbrush areas. 7. Clothing was missing on many of the victims and sometimes completely naked, like Travis Walton (Fire in the Sky). 8. Berry Picking – (favorite Bigfoot food), humans walking through the area or actually picking the berries. 9. Missing persons found in a previously searched area.

So is it a rogue group of Bigfoot? Are they upset with humans for their direct destruction of the planet?  I think the theory that David puts forward may sadly be true. My dear friend and Bigfoot researcher agrees the fingerprints point to Mr./Mrs. Bigfoot. But please remember there are many Bigfoot encounters each day and nothing bad happens. There are bad apples in every group.

There is something out there I believe is more powerful and more dangerous then even the meanest Sasquatch on the Planet. I call him/her Creature X — a being even Sasquatch will avoid at all costs. I heard this from a Sasquatch contactee. Creature X is savage killer with no mercy , but they are not totally fearless , so staying in groups when hiking is important I don’t believe they want to be detected and bring on a full military assault. So they pray on the weak or two people alone in the woods. They are very dangerous so avoid areas of the national forest where people have disappeared. These Creature are territorial , so they roam and hunt in a defined area. Just google an area you are planning to go and if there has been disappearances or strange deaths — avoid at all costs, like Sasquatch does in these cases.

Sleep Tight, There is a very minimum  chance in your lifetime you will come across a Bad Bigfoot and even Creature X, if you are careful. But meeting a good Sasquatch is very possible if you have an open mind.


There are no Grocery Stores in the Forest – Is it all True Series #419

This past week, Michael and I were listening to a couple of interviews on YouTube of Sasquatch researchers who were from the south. Between the two of them, they had multiple years of experience in the field. As the interviews progressed, a few things came to my mind. I realized that there are people in this field who really don’t see Sasquatch as an interdimensional being. I was really surprised but what bothered me the most was that they both alluded to the fact that anyone who does think Sasquatch is interdimensional, is deluding themselves. My mind came to a screeching halt and I said, “What?!”

I respect the years they both have in the field but I realized that sometimes when you are so close to a subject, eventually it’s hard to see the forest for the trees.

I know deep in the forest that the darkness keeps the secrets of her minions to herself. It’s part of the dark and light tussle of Mother Nature. To think that any Cryptid is going to be our friend, is rather naïve and foolish. I know the Dogman that Michael and I saw in New Mexico, wanted to be left alone and if we didn’t abide by his wishes, I know he would have charged at us. You have to listen, follow your gut and you can’t go into the forest thinking you are at the top of the food chain.

There are no grocery stores in the forest.

Yet, I can’t stop wondering why people in the Sasquatch field of research would assume something that is flesh and blood would be similar to us. One of the interviewers stated as fact that older males mate with all the females in the group and that because of this, the younger males would be pushed out of the group. Where on earth did he get this information? How would he know?

This is part of the problem in this field, researchers making comments like this one based on no facts only speculation. I mean, he would have to literally be within arms length of where they live, see how they live and watch their mating customs. Let’s be frank, if anyone could get this close, especially with this mind set, I doubt seriously they would live to tell the tale.

Another thing that bothered me is the names they have in the south for Sasquatch. One in particular was a definite slur. A Bugger is something that comes out of my nose. How in the hell did a Sasquatch become a Bugger? How can anybody research something they don’t respect? It’s obviously a peculiar mindset besides being a southern slang term but come on; Sasquatch isn’t below us in intelligence. Imagine how they see us from their perspective. They have to be shown respect.

Here’s a tip for those of you camping out this summer:

Don’t camp or park your vehicle in a Cryptids dining room.  If you don’t want to be on the menu, I highly recommend you don’t call them … Buggers.


Loekey, Portal Jumping and Artificial Portals– is it all true series #391

octagonLoekey said that the portals are upside down pyramids. The point of the pyramid gains its energy from Middle Earth. Each natural portal has a drop off point that has a timing to it. He said that any topography around the portals would give off a distinctive vibration that would affect the senses for anyone within its perimeter. It would feel as if there was a morphed or skewed altering of time. Visually he said it looks like colors come from all directions and the depth perception of anything within the portal is distorted, almost stretched.

Within each portal is an octagon mirage that gives off multiple pyramid shapes. Once they jump in the portals, he says that the multiple pyramids turn in all directions. It’s like an illusion of several endless mirrors, rotating at once. Loekey said, it can be very disorienting for humans because most humans haven’t developed their pineal gland. (I slightly disagree here because I think we do an astral jump of sorts when we use our astral body. I think we do use our pineal gland a little, it just happens to be at night when we dream.)

Loekey said that the natural portals affect areas around them within a mile of each direction, that includes up above (the sky) and down below going towards Earths center. At certain times of the day or night the natural portals rotate and the octagon pattern shifts. This is because Mother Earth adjusts for anything that is going in or coming out of the portals. He said, the important aspect of the portals is that when the pyramids are pulling towards Middle Earth, this very action helps the Earth rotate.

If an artificial portal is made, this changes the timing of the “natural” portals rotating. For instance, if Aliens rip through or open up a portal either dimensionally or galactically, this is not good for the planet. The fabric of time and space has to come from the composition of the original source meaning that the energy and frequency has a pulse that is like a blue print. All beings who are natural portal jumpers have within their DNA, Earth’s blue print. This means that if anything happens to the rotation of the portals, it can affect the portal jumpers biologically in a bad way especially if they are in the portals at the same time another artificial portal is ripping through Earth’s atmosphere. I can only assume the octagon and the multiple pyramids can’t function properly with the artificial rip or pull coming from an outside source other then Earth.

Loekey was saying that the species called Dog Man is being affected not only by these artificial portals but by the changes within the Earth’s environment. Dog Man’s ability to sense where the natural portals are, offers other beings a type of road marker, an essential chart in and out of the portals. At this point he said it is just a matter of time before Dog Man chooses another dimensional planet to live on. If this happens then he suspects that it will be hard for portal jumpers to know where the natural portals are versus the artificial ones. Loekey said that each Earth Keeper has different duties and Dog Man’s is essential for the portals rotation of the octagon pattern. He said that when the Dog Man species go in and out of the portals, they fine tune the Earth’s rotation so that it stays at a specific velocity.

It’s important to note that the artificial portals allow other dimensional beings in that otherwise could not come through the natural portals. Unfortunately, because most of the artificial portals have not been closed off, we now have problems with biological beings called “bioinerts,” who otherwise can not come to Earth without the help of the artificial portals. They are like parasites and Loekey said they are very dangerous and destructive. He said that some of the bioinerts are a problem for them as well so humans aren’t the only ones who have to defend themselves. Unfortunately the artificial portals and the “bioinerts” combined affect the natural process and encoding that Mother Earth goes through for the natural portals. The question at this point is how to close off the artificial portals once they open up. Since the artificial portals are dangerous to jump into…there is no way to know how to close them off from their point of origin. Given that the artificial portals are foreign to Earth; their technology is also of unknown origin so it’s anybody’s guess how to close them off here. If Loekey or any of the numerous portal jumpers decide to take on such a dangerous mission and jump into the artificial portals, there is no way of knowing if any of them would survive the jump or come back to Earth. Loekey said they are now contemplating whether they will take on the task of closing off the artificial portals.

Loekey emphatically stated, “That if any life forms come here to visit and they can’t come through the portals naturally, then they don’t need to be here…period!”

Loekey’s World – Is it all True Series # 390

pinetrees-3The next morning, I woke up wide eyed and bushy tailed. Considering I’m not a morning person, (just ask Michael) I was in unusually good spirits. I went in and took a shower smiling because I knew Loekey wouldn’t try to communicate with me in the shower anymore. I have no idea why I knew this, but I did.

I came back into the bedroom after my shower, sat down and started putting my make-up on. I kind of zoned out a bit and without any forethought or conscious effort on my part, I abruptly blurted out to Michael that I saw Loekey in our bedroom during the night. It was kind of weird because I felt like a volcano, expelling my visitation out into the world. Let’s go beyond that, I literally blasted the information upward and out before I had a chance to know what I was really saying. Michael just looked at me for a minute with an amused look on his face, and then sat down on the bed. I kind of laughed because I felt like a 6 year old that couldn’t keep a secret. Needless to say, Michael wanted to hear all the details and as I was sitting in front of him, putting on my make-up, I began to tell him what Loekey had told me…

Loekey’s World
Loekey said his tribe had lived in the Oregon State for hundreds of years. It happened to be a place they liked but more then that he said that many of the Sasquatch people lived through out mountainous regions, claiming them as their home. He said various tribes live through the Rocky Mountains besides the rock dwellers in states like New Mexico, Arizona and parts of Texas.

To keep the story straight, yes they consider themselves like humans but not in the sense as we see ourselves. They have similar mannerisms and customs as we do but the similarities stop there. They are a different sub species from ancient ancestors that are time travelers. He said that they communicate with various tribes through telepathy and by means of a jump room ability within groups of various trees…their favorite being pine trees. He said the trees afforded them a way to transport themselves from location to location with ease. I’m not sure about forests overseas but I can only assume they can portal jump just about anywhere.

Loekey’s group is part of a scouting clan that understands the way of the forests. They know when there are significant problems that come up such as forest fires, deforestation and they try to help any and all animals within those areas that are hurt or have nowhere to go. They are Earth Keepers, meaning that they have a deep connection to the earth and her frequency. They can hear her heart beat, they understand her rhythmic pulse and they know the areas that are the most painful for her. Any place where there has been a tragic, man-made accident affecting the earth and her waters; they go there to access the damage. They are the watchers of Earth’s history, pretty much being her time clock and witness. They try to keep an essential balance between their duties and obligations to Mother Earth while eluding man and his curiosity to hunt them. Sometimes chance encounters happen, creating unintentional and dangerous encounters with humans. As far as Loekey knows, there have been no deaths on either end from such chance encounters.

In regards to Loekey’s tribe, he said they are only 8 to 9 feet in height, sometimes a little taller but for the most part they are robust with the ability to travel by foot, hundreds of miles in a day. His skull is long on top, almost making it look like he has a cone head with a lot of fur like hair. They are skilled hunters, enjoying fishing and he said they like a lot of the same food we eat. He especially said he liked oranges. (I thought this was interesting.)

Loekey stated that the really tall and large Sasquatch were very dangerous, even for them. This particular group are anywhere from 12 feet in height to 17 feet or more. He said that when various tribes travel through out areas where these large Sasquatch dwell, they have to do so in careful and methodical ways. Males have to travel in small groups surrounding their families in order to divert any attention away from these giants. Loekey said the large Sasquatch can be cannibalistic in nature; it just depends on the circumstances. Fortunately for us, these large giants prefer to stay away from humans. In a very bizarre paradox, the giants are revered by many of the Sasquatch tribes because they are considered sentient elders by ancient clandestine laws known only to the Sasquatch. This basically means that the giants carry a lot of Earth’s archaic history in their DNA.

Loekey told me that he sensed my presence when my family and I drove through a rainforest during last year’s Christmas vacation in Oregon. He waited for an introduction that wouldn’t scare me so when I happened to see the Bigfoot image on YouTube; I unknowingly made the first gesture of friendship.

Believe it or not there’s more…


Loekey Continued… Is it all True series # 389

Bigfoot-dark-image[1]Every once in a blue moon I would think about Loekey and then zone out, filling my days with the constant mundane certainty of being housemaid, animal keeper, Girl Friday and time clock Mom. Life can become a rerun that doesn’t require any forethought but to tell you the truth, for someone like me, it’s actually a comforting lifestyle.

Normalcy is an understatement in our home because as an impath, sometimes wayward spirits like to continue discussions by attaching themselves to me as I head home. Sometimes it’s hard to remember to leave uninvited guests at my doorstep. Loekey was different though. To me, he was more then an inquisitive or needy spirit, he was a highly evolved being that represented the Sentient Forests and their mysteries. In some ways, Loekey’s energy reminded me of an old, antiquated Child’s story. You know, the ones we all grew up with, the Enchanted Forests of old, with Fairies, dragons and unicorns.

I knew it was just a matter of time before Loekey would contact me again. I wasn’t worried about our next chance meeting but I have to say, I really didn’t want another conversation in the shower. I guess the human (woman) in me just felt like I was at a disadvantage being naked. As I found out later, Loekey on the other hand thought I would be more comfortable this way. Boy, does he have a lot to learn about humans, especially women!

Months came and went and still no Loekey. August was an especially busy month not only because my daughter went back to school but because she turned 20. Needless to say, by the end of the month I was ready for a vacation.

Michael and I decided to take a short trip to Oregon, on Labor Day weekend. It was a great change of pace for both of us and I was really looking forward to seeing the countryside. We stayed in Portland with Michael’s daughter and her fiancé and ventured out in our rental car during the day. On our first day, we were blessed to have Michael’s oldest daughter with us so we drove all around wine country and back roads. We saw Christmas tree farms along with groups of huge pine trees. The forests were thick with undergrowth and the smell was the best part, it has never left me.

The second night of our vacation, we settled down to go to bed and for some reason I could not fall asleep. I tossed and I turned and I found that I was really dry and thirsty so I got up to drink some water. I put a few water bottles on a side table that was in front of the closet. We moved it there to give us more room by the bed. I drank a whole water bottle and still felt dry. I usually drink a lot of water at night but what made this really weird, I drank more water then usual that night because I felt like a dried up ole pine tree.

I knew I really needed to get some sleep since it was after midnight so I turned off the light and got back into bed. I laid down and turned to my left side facing the outside of the bed. As I lay trying to get comfortable, I got the sensation that there was a huge figure standing by the door-frame inside the room. I thought I was just imagining it but I could clearly see the outline of a large figure standing, facing me. I said quietly to myself that if there really was someone there, to make a sound. Just as I said that, two of the water bottles that I drank from, popped in sequence very loudly. As a matter of fact, so loud that I knew they probably woke up Michael but to my astonishment, he was still asleep.

That’s when Loekey said hello and told me not be scared. I must admit my heart was pounding a mile a minute and I was very intimidated by his large frame. His head was right up against the ceiling and I could see a leather strap across his chest. He talked to me for what seemed like minutes but I had the impression that it was more like hours. All I know is that by the time I did fall asleep, I was no longer intimidated by Loekey and I felt very comfortable in his presence. It was evident that Loekey had given me quite a bit of information but I was too tired to do anything but sleep.


Sasquatch speaks — From Mysterous Universe .Org

758Sasquatch Speaks and Strangeness Strikes
20 Comments April 30, 2013 Nick Redfern It’s fair to say that I’m not just a regular recipient of strange tales of a supernatural nature. Just occasionally, I’m the recipient of tales that easily exceed what could be termed strange. I’m talking about those distinctly rogue cases that veer into territories where a researcher is forced to take one of two views: (a) what the witness reported simply did not happen; or (b) some of the mysterious things that people such as me chase down are not just weird. They’re beyond weird. The following case is a perfect example of the latter.

It came to me a few years ago from a couple named Donnie and Lynne, a thirty-something pair originally from Tulsa, who were living on the fringes of Oklahoma City when I interviewed them. March 8, 2007, Donnie told me, marked the couple’s second wedding anniversary. And, as keen outdoors-people with a love of nature, they decided to avoid the typical vacation resorts that would normally spring to mind, and instead decided to spend nine days deep in the heart of the grand Ouachita National Forest. The decision was one they would later come to bitterly regret.

Covering the western section of Arkansas and parts of eastern Oklahoma, the Ouachita National Forest is the oldest National Forest in the southern United States. It encompasses almost two million acres, including most of the scenic Ouachita Mountains – Ouachita being the French spelling of the Indian word Washita, which means “good hunting grounds.”

Around 5.00 p.m. one day before their vacation ended, the pair was walking along the aforementioned Ouachita National Recreation Trail, when Donnie developed a distinct and foreboding feeling that we all experience now and again: namely, that of being watched. He was not wrong.

As the pair strolled along the trail hand-in-hand, to the left of them and at a distance of no more than twenty feet a huge, hairy creature came crashing through the trees. Although up until this point, they had no more exposure to the world of cryptozoology than most people, they instantly knew what they were looking at: a Bigfoot.

Donnie told me that the creature was truly immense: at least eight and a half feet tall, “obviously male,” and with very bulky arms and legs. It had a cone-shaped head, a “massive chest,” and was covered in “dark brown hair that had a lot of white in it [and] which made us think he was really old.” Too shocked to move – “I fell to my knees,” Lynne told me – the couple merely stared, as the huge creature did likewise in their direction.

But then something truly strange occurred: in somewhat hesitant tones, Donnie said they continued to look on in both awe and fear, when suddenly their minds were filled with a soothing female voice that uttered the words: “Do not be afraid. You will not be harmed. Do not come closer.”

It was as if “we were thinking the words, but listening to them, too, if that makes any sense,” Donnie said, as he grappled to explain the sensation of hearing the disembodied, telepathic-like voice. And, of course, the fact that a soft female voice emanated from a beast that looked like it could tear apart a small car, only made the whole situation even stranger. But even weirder things were to come.

Trying to compose himself, at least as best he could, as his wife still sat shaking on her knees and clinging to his right leg for support, Donnie’s first thought was to take a photograph of the beast. As he made a move to open his back-pack and pull out his digital-camera, two ever so slightly stern words reverberated around his head: “Do not.” For a moment, he tried to ignore the words and continued to frantically dig for his camera. “No, do not. No, do not,” the voice repeated, as the face of the creature changed from one of a blank stare to a distinctly malevolent frown.

“Do not,” the voice continued, still in eerily calm-and-collected female tones. Perhaps wisely, Donnie finally did as he was told, and sank to his knees and held Lynne tightly. At that moment, the mighty Bigfoot edged closer and to a point where he was about ten feet from the by now terrified couple. “The smell was terrible: like a dead animal,” Lynne recalled.

As it loomed over them, they heard one final message: “You will not be hurt and you need not fear. Go. One more time I shall see you.” Needless to say, Donnie and Lynne needed no encouragement and, struggling to stand on their trembling legs, headed off at high speed down the trail, constantly looking over their shoulders until the creature was lost from sight as the pathway took a turn to the left. The event was over.

Many cryptozoologists might simply ignore and wipe their hands of such an outrageously controversial tale. But, I don’t consider myself to be a cryptozoologist in the way in which the term is intended. Rather, I would describe myself as a Fortean who happens to have a very deep interest in cryptozoology. The difference might sound slight to some, but I assure you it most certainly is not.

Rogue stories like that of Donnie and Lynne are as problematic as they are fascinating. And I don’t mean that disrespectfully to the pair. If the event happened as Donnie and Lynne reported it – and, I have to say, there was nothing odd or prankster-like about them – then Bigfoot is a creature even stranger than I generally consider it, which is as something with distinct and decidedly paranormal overtones.

But, there’s weird and then there’s beyond weird. This case clearly falls into the second category. Unfortunately, when faced with with these “beyond weird” cases it only makes it more and more difficult to fathom what’s really afoot.

That doesn’t make me want to give up the chase, however. In fact, the exact opposite: it encourages me to push further for the answers – but which might not be the answers we’re expecting. So, with that in mind, I say to fellow researchers of the unexplained (in all its many and varied forms) don’t ignore those cases that are difficult (or near-impossible) to fathom. Instead, embrace them. They may be seriously strange, but they may also be the ones that crack the puzzle.