There are no Grocery Stores in the Forest – Is it all True # 432


This past week, Michael and I were listening to a couple of interviews on YouTube of Sasquatch researchers who were from the south. Between the two of them, they had multiple years of experience in the field. As the interviews progressed, a few things came to my mind. I realized that there are people in this field who really don’t see Sasquatch as an interdimensional being. I was really surprised but what bothered me the most was that they both alluded to the fact that anyone who does think Sasquatch is interdimensional, is deluding themselves. My mind came to a screeching halt and I said, “What?!”

I respect the years they both have in the field but I realized that sometimes when you are so close to a subject, eventually it’s hard to see the forest for the trees.

I know deep in the forest that the darkness keeps the secrets of her minions to herself. It’s part of the dark and light tussle of Mother Nature. To think that any Cryptid is going to be our friend, is rather naïve and foolish. I know the Dogman that Michael and I saw in New Mexico, wanted to be left alone and if we didn’t abide by his wishes, I know he would have charged at us. You have to listen, follow your gut and you can’t go into the forest thinking you are at the top of the food chain.

There are no grocery stores in the forest.

Yet, I can’t stop wondering why people in the Sasquatch field of research would assume something that is flesh and blood would be similar to us. One of the interviewers stated as fact that older males mate with all the females in the group and that because of this, the younger males would be pushed out of the group. Where on earth did he get this information? How would he know?

This is part of the problem in this field, researchers making comments like this one based on no facts only speculation. I mean, he would have to literally be within arms length of where they live, see how they live and watch their mating customs. Let’s be frank, if anyone could get this close, especially with this mind set, I doubt seriously they would live to tell the tale.

Another thing that bothered me is the names they have in the south for Sasquatch. One in particular was a definite slur. A Bugger is something that comes out of my nose. How in the hell did a Sasquatch become a Bugger? How can anybody research something they don’t respect? It’s obviously a peculiar mindset besides being a southern slang term but come on; Sasquatch isn’t below us in intelligence. Imagine how they see us from their perspective. They have to be shown respect.

Here’s a tip for those of you camping out this summer:

Don’t camp or park your vehicle in a Cryptids dining room.  If you don’t want to be on the menu, I highly recommend you don’t call them … Buggers.





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