Cabals and their Overlords–Is it all True Series # 353

cabal 2

Nearly every major country in our world has an underground body, a shadow government, a dark organization or a Cabal, that points us into the right directions, to satisfy the agendas of our Overlords. If a country does not have a shadow government or dark group, it is controlled by another country’s Cabal. No country on earth is free of a Cabal’s control.

Cabals by definition are individuals, groups, companies or governments that conspire to control and hold power over a group of people, for the strict benefit of the Cabal and its Overlords. This control can be done quite openly or very covertly. Most of their operations are of the covert nature. If it was an open operation, the victims would be revolting.

A few examples of Cabals are the world banking cabal, centered in Zurich and London; here they have total control of world currencies and precious metals. Their manipulation of these assets cost its victims billions annually. The Agriculture Cabal, controls food production worldwide, this Cabal is made up of powerful companies that control seed production and fertilizer production– such as Monsanto and Potash. Next is energy control – the Oil Cabal, BP, Exxon- Mobil, and Shell. The Religious Cabal, the Catholic Church and the Muslim faith, both conspiring to steal souls and present them to the Overlords. These are just a few examples there are many more.

All of these sinister Cabals, were created by the beings controlling our over-all mission, our human mission on earth, to produce the human emotional energy for them (the beings) Archons or whatever you want to call them, this human energy they need us to produce so they can survive.

The first step towards stopping them, is to help humankind realize, what is really going on, for the reason that reality is not what it seems. This will be a tough road to hoe, for their mind- control methods are far advanced. Just look at how the News Cabal covered up the 911 event, so that 95% of all Americans believe the official line of the ones that truly did the highest crime against all mankind and got away with it.

Sleep Tight, for those 5 % will not give up and from them the truth will grow.

The Gift of Meeting Clark McClelland-Is it all True Series # 348

clark mcclelland

Rainbow’s thoughts…

To read and hear about the word “whistleblower,” brings to mind the unimaginable and daunting task it must be to be in the constant line of fire. To be called, dishonest, a disinformation agent, crazy or a conspiracy nut, are only a few of the names carried on the shoulders of such brave men and women. The stigma never goes away and the weight of its meaning can debilitate the heart and soul of any individual who should voluntarily, carry its burden. One such whistleblower, Clark McClelland has walked the walk of a truthseeker, enduring hardships and ill health and yet, fearlessly carrying on with his message, a message that has not changed through the course of time.

Looking into Clark’s eyes, it was easy to see his convictions glimmering through his eyes, they never faltered not even with his bouts with intense physical pain that he endured throughout our visit. Images, stories and friendships all merged together becoming clear and comprehensible, as Clark explained each account of his life and those close to him. I sat across from Clark wishing things were different for him and thinking that if a man like him can be taken down to poverty, are there no limits to what “these” people can do.

It’s different when you see, intelligence and passion slowly ebbing away from a weakened body. It’s different when you see a whistleblower face to face and you know there isn’t much you can do to help them. I realized I could only give Clark my support and admiration but in the scheme of things, this feels like so little. Maybe friendship becomes more important to a whistleblower because the road they walk can become very lonely.

Interestingly enough, Clark gave me a gift without me even realizing it at first. One day thinking back about our wonderful dinner, I finally understood what makes history happen. Its men and women like Clark McClelland, who are willing to take on the modern Goliaths of our time, just like the unassuming David did. Perhaps if we are lucky, whistleblowers like Clark will be victorious in not just seeking the truth but in getting it out to the masses. Its truth that changes history but the real question is, can society handle the truth.

Now this is Mike speaking, I have read that he is a liar, a hoax and a con man. Rainbow and I sat with him, he is none of the above. We saw him and we saw his evidence maybe not all but more than enough to call him the real thing. The game of the government is to discredit him as the patriot he is.

As Rainbow has stated, Clark lives in a state of poverty, so I am asking you to go to his site and buy something,anything. Get a piece of history and support this man. Just buy a chapter of his book for a couple of bucks, anything helps to keep this man alive and maybe recover to a more normal life.

His site is or google “stargate chronicles”

Thank You

Rainbow and Mike

The Alien God Species – The Watchers are HERE! by US author Robert Torres


There is a species of extraterrestrials that are often referred to as being mythological but in fact are very real. I call them “The Watchers” or “The God Species.” I know this because I believe I encountered one and it altered my entire reality. At first and for the longest time, I believed my encounter was a UFO. It wasn’t until years later that I deduced it was an entity and that it was here for me. “Why me?” It’s as if someone lifted a curtain, wanting to reveal to me a certain amount
of esoteric knowledge. I’ve read that this is rare but that throughout history this is the way it has always been done.

In most esoteric belief systems it usually takes years of disciplined meditation, study, ritual or by other means advancing through a graduated system to attain this secret knowledge. For the chosen few, the circumstances are frequently described similarly: a light coming down from the sky, an entity materializes often with a vision or a message. In my case there was no immediate message but increasing peculiarities began to occur around me.
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In religion, esotericism and ufology the stories are similar. Beings of light or energy make contact. I’m comfortable accepting that this has happened to me. I also feel confident as to the reasons why. Why did I have these encounters, why directly, why more than one? I believe my mission is that of a channel, interpreter and writer. Some contactees have reported receiving information often about the future telepathically or through dreams. This is also the case with me as I often receive information that I couldn’t possibly have known. Deciphering often chaotic information by making seemingly random connections or by using intuitive extra sensory means is the trick. Deciding what should be revealed and how is another.

It was several years later after my second encounter that I put it together after repeated psychic and other apparently supernatural incidents. The mounting number of inexplicable anomalies is what made me suspicious. It’s what drove me to my lengthy and in depth research ultimately into alien species. What I found was nothing less than astonishing and reinforced my suspicions about my encounter being an entity and the source of most of all the weirdness.

First of all, the entity I saw in retrospect impressed me as God-like. It was an enormous multi-colored luminous cloud like object about a mile in width. It was a globular, slightly oval luminous plasma with about a dozen distinct but separate colors. Each color was also globular, changing shape and size while adjacent colors would either contract or expand in response. The colors were bright, saturated and fluorescent in appearance like neon. The overall size never varied, it was completely silent, almost directly above me and I seemed perfectly centered from left to right, beneath it.

Above: This is an actual public domain UFO photo I found online and altered with Photoshop to resemble what I saw. It’s almost exact but filled the sky a mile wide above me.

After about 30 seconds, the thing just shot straight back and disappeared into a clear sky full of stars. Then after about ten seconds, it just as suddenly came back to the same exact position and size with all the colors in their exact same places. The speed was beyond belief, taking about a second to travel the distance. WOW! From a mile across to hundreds or even thousands of miles away in one second. It took no more than a second to return too. I remember thinking: “This is weird and I don’t think it’s from here” but here it was.

This time it hovered for ten seconds both beautiful and silent. Then once again it shot away for another couple seconds before returning for the third time. Finally it went back and forth three more times within a five second span as if showing off its speed and then it was gone. I stood there frozen another thirty seconds before suddenly being jolted by the realization of what I had just witnessed. I just started running faster than I’d ever run before. When I got home heart pounding, out of breath, I frantically told my older brother Frank, “I just saw a UFO!”

So, how many alien species are interacting with our planet? Many scientists throw out different numbers, but there are many different types visiting. We humans are a humanoid class zero civilization on the Kardashev scale. Named after Nikolai Kardashev in 1964 with type one, two and three so we don’t yet rate. Then there are greys, nords, hybrids and sub-classes A, B, C and so on.

When someone sees an extraterrestrial, they usually know what they saw could be nothing else. It’s easy for someone to say “I saw a grey humanoid or insect like being.” Many intelligent well educated people have reported seeing UFOs and others have encountered ETs. My first encounter was a humanoid and appeared as a child with dark blond hair. Yet my second one was a very large plasma and if it hadn’t been for my subsequent altered realities I may have never looked deeper.

However, I did and what I found is that the “God species” is integrated throughout all the major human belief systems. Mythology, philosophy, science, religion, esotericism and ufology all make mention of them. They have been here since before man and are often associated with creation theories. The Demiurge, Energy beings, Thought beings, Aeons, Angels, Deities, Archons and one of my favorites, the Watchers. Within the context of my definitions, they are not to be confused with the Nephilim. The Nephilim are usually defined as half human and even demonic. I don’t buy into that whole theory of UFOs being demonic illusions and trickery.

Within the hierarchy of extraterrestrials, the God species are at the top. However the Watchers are not recognized as ETs by most, but rather as angels. On March 5th 2009 speaking on the subject of ETs Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno an astronomer at the Vatican Observatory said: “The bible has many references to or descriptions of non-human intelligent beings, after all, that’s what angels are.”

The similarities are what connect them, and ufologists or ancient alien theorists recognize these associations. Key amongst the similarities are appearance and abilities. They are usually described as non-material entities existing outside of our material space time dimension. However they are able to materialize in our dimension as energy, light or other apparitions. They can also be completely invisible. They are highly evolved and don’t need a craft to travel.

I call them the God species because of these things and their supernatural powers. Alien theorists believe that the angels from the bible and the Watchers from the book of Enoch were actually aliens. Philosophy, Gnosticism, Kabbalah, Esotericism, Ufology all describe these exact same entities using different names. For instance among different Gnostic sects or across belief systems they are allegorically similar. Archons and Archangels often play the same roles with the same powers. Pneumatic creators which some believe created the material world and man.

It is believed that throughout history these entities have been and still are steering world events. They don’t act upon the lives of every human who encounters one just as every plasma sighting isn’t a Watcher. I believe mine was because of the numerous anomalous events that have since transpired. In my latest book there are many examples of what I was experiencing. It was as if my thoughts and written words were being monitored. My writing seemed to be being manipulated and emulated in the material world.

For instance while I was writing about my encounter a storm hit. On that exact beach over thirty houses were destroyed with some being washed away but no other houses on any other beach in town. Those houses were there over a hundred years and no storm had ever occurred like that before in the history of CT. It seems strange that it happens during my lifetime while I’m writing about that exact beach?

As I’m writing chapter after chapter similar macro synchronicities were occurring and I wrote about them as they happened. The types that were happening have to begin within what Physicist David Bohm called pre-space or the pre-existence process of material reality coming into being. Only a creator type entity can generate the pre-existence leading up to created scenarios of the multiple synchronicities I’ve been experiencing. I can imagine that only an entity having god-like powers would have these capabilities.

The entities know what’s going to happen before it happens because some human’s timelines are being controlled. From what I understand many people have reported lingering or permanent altered realities after ET encounters. Increases in paranormal activity, increases in synchronicity, psi events and so on.

I will continue to research, learn and write about this species in much more detail and will share this knowledge as I do.

This article was written using excerpts from the non-fiction book “Sin Thesis” and concepts from the future “The Alien God Species” by the author Robert Torres.


An afternoon with Clifford Stone —Is it all True Series # 346

Area 51

I had the opportunity to spend the afternoon with Clifford Stone during a warm winter afternoon last weekend in a place called Roswell, New Mexico. My girlfriend contacted Clifford and set-up the meeting, so she and I, and another friend of mine, took this three-hour adventure to Roswell and meet Cliff at the Roswell UFO museum. During lunch we talked, well more like Cliff talked, and we tried to keep up. He loves to talk UFOs and anything related to them.

Clifford comes from a 22 year amazing career with the Army. Not the regular Army but an elite force whose mission was to recover crashed UFOs. In these crashed UFOs there were bodies, artifacts, a few live beings, and a bunch of technology. Most of the Tech was beyond our ability to understand and still is. But, as we know, humans don’t give up easily and they have tried for 60 plus years to crack the genie of Alien knowledge.

Unfortunately, the human elite corporations and the military have kept the secrets to a very small group only to occasionally release the fun technology that made them all quite rich. Clifford knows the military’s deepest secrets. Because of this fact he is a bit paranoid and fears for his life and safety of his family.

As Clifford will tell you, this government operation is highly illegal. It is unconstitutional to keep these secrets from the public, in the name of security. These beings have been among us for our entire existence on earth. I am sure they have done some harm, but they have, in my estimation, done more good. And let’s face it; they are our creators, our God, our Gods. We are their children, at least to some of these groups of beings. The others are visitors to our planet doing their agendas, of good and bad, man has little or no control over their movements.

Thanks Clifford for having the courage to come forward and speak the Truth.

Sleep tight – If you want to hear more from Cliff, he will be speaking at my group in Albuquerque end of February, go to


Richard Smith – Teacher of another Realm -Is it all True Series # 345

rsFor our first meeting of the New Mexico UFO/Paranormal forum version 2015, we had this wonderful guy named Richard Smith. Richard is an artist, teacher, writer, musician, alien Contactee, and public speaker. He skillfully blends mainstream history with past, present, and maybe future Alien history. Richard has a unique view of Alien presence on this planet and how they have shaped and controlled all of our reality. Richard speaks the truth and justice of our real reality and history. Some embrace him and other maybe frightened by him. He speaks on why our world politicians are, seemingly, the puppets on tightly held string.

Smith talked about our planet as a place run by corporations whose only major goal is to make money and lots of it, not to be a partner with Mother Earth. This mindset can create short-term wealth for some, but long term disaster for all in the end. And that is what Climate Change will do to this planet and its coming in full force very soon. The tipping point is here, no turning back. “In my opinion, the tipping point is here, no turning back”

Richard talked about these various groups who have been in control since the beginning of time. They include, but are not limited to, the Elite Reptilian Queens, the Greys, the Sisterhood, Dogman, and Sasquatch. Only Sasquatch got high marks as protector of the planet. Smith talks of the Gene of Passion, which is something the bad guys want to suppress in Mankind. This Gene gives humans the power and creativity to resist the ways of the Darkness. The Darkness that has dominated the earth for thousands of years and causes death and destruction on a huge scale. The lack of this Gene increases the powerful and brutal influence of the reptilian part of man’s brain.

Thanks UFO teacher for sharing your education of our cosmology and how our words have so much more meaning and symbolism. For more on Richard Smith, the UFO Teacher, search for his on-line book-“Legions of light – Armies of Darkness.

Sleep tight – for man has always found his way to keep Darkness at bay, but we now need to illuminate what Reality could be, if we were fearless.


Archons Part 3: How to Defeat Them-Is it all True Series # 342

archonsPlease read Part 1 and Part 2 of this Archon saga (use the search bar on the website). The Archons, as I have stated before, are a cunning and ruthless group with little or no emotional investment in anything they do, especially to mankind. They have been here for probably thousands of years. Their overall influence has varied as their power over the earth has changed and other non-human groups have come and gone during Archon’s occupation of our home.

First wave to defeat them is to have millions realize they exist and the fact they are sucking our emotional energy. This drain on humanity is so powerful that in time we could very well be a Zombie-type civilization. Just to know they exist gives us a bit of power, a quantum power that can start turning the tide against the energy vamps.

Next we must be fearless and not fearful, for fear is the nectar they crave. Being fearless will diminish their food source, and slowly starve them out.

And finally peace and love produce stability, calm and tranquility. Stop world conflicts and the cycle will be broken. The Archons will retreat and we will gain our sanity back. Humans will return from the invisible bondage we have been under for thousands of years. Most of the human race has not been aware of the tremendous weight that has been on our shoulders. A weight that has kept most of us in a stupor about our true nature and our lost ability to become the Universal being that our creator intended us to be. We are creators, we are manifestors and we are God-like as our creator.Made in his own image and more. And the Archons took all this away.

Sleep Tight, now we know, and we can start taking back our reality.


New Mexico UFO/Paranormal Forum – October Meeting: “The Panel”-–Is it all True Series # 338

7 owlsOur UFO/Paranormal forum for the first time in 5 years had a panel of five abductees as guest speakers. They took on a series of questions about their alien abductions and military abductions(Milabs). The panel members’ages varied from about 19 to 70 years old. They all had experienced similar and different types of encounters. The panel spoke for about 2+ hours, followed by a question and answer session from the audience.

One individual had some very tough encounters, and he used some adult language to express his great dislike for his abductors. Reptilians represented his main encounter group, and his encounters reached back to his early childhood. His later encounters had a sexual nature that produced three hybrid children. Even though he hated the reptilians, he possessed a bit of awefor them for theircontrol, power and intelligence.

There was a hypnotherapist abductee who has treated hundred of abductees in her career. She spoke of her personal experiences as a mix of good encounters and brutal encounters, the brutal ones mostly at the hands of the military types or Milabs.

Then there was the mother and daughter among the panel members who brought a family look at this complex phenomenon. The mother had had a mix of good and bad experiences, but showed little or no fear about her encounters. Her father also played an interesting role in these events, although the exact nature of his role is still to be told, and probably only he will be able to tell it. The daughter seemed to have maybe the most positive attitude about her past and ongoingexperiences; she seemed to imply that her purpose in life was to take this journey and find a way to make it positive.

And last my life partner, again a mix of good, bad and neutral experiences all shaping her present self into a very complex soul. Her experiences, like those ofthe other panel members, continue to the present day, and they will probably continue until their last breaths.What a journey they have all had– on the edge of human reality.
Sleep Tight,for all of us have had encounters with the paranormal sometime in our lives.


If-you-are-an-abductee-what-can-you-do- ? -Is it all True Series # 325

alienI have been a UFO/Paranormal Researcher for all my life. So in the course of that journey I have interviewed and worked with hundreds of abductees. The first rule is don’t panic; we are all in this together, and I mean all.

If you have a relative that has hinted to strange non-human nighttime visits, there is a good chance that you have had them also. This experience is very much a family affair. Many times the children awaken first to the reality and start talking to the parents, and hopefully the parents are open to the conversation for the best of the family. But of course many parents suppress this type of conversation, because it can be perceived as a scary scenario. This is an unfortunate outcome, because hiding and avoiding it doesn’t make it go away. Once it starts it will continue for years; I have had clients who were in their 80s and still having encounters.

Why we have encounters is unknown. Many speculate the “beings” are using the humans for something. And I believe there are several groups responsible for the encounters and their reasons are probably different. No matter the reason, how you deal with it is the question here. And I will repeat here that once you feel like you are visited or taken, don’t panic; this is a livable situation. Many have survived and lived wonderful productive lives, even knowing that as “experiencers” they play between two realties. As I was told many years ago by a group of beings, “reality isn’t what it seems.” No truer statement has ever been said.

Know that there are many people around you in the same situation and attempt to contact them. Nearly every area of the country has support groups; if not, start one and they will come (the contactees/ abductees). I run one of the largest in the country here in New Mexico, in the heart of high strangeness. Our group, the New Mexico UFO/ Paranormal Forum, has provided help for many of our members. We have other abductees/contactees, hypnotherapists and other compassionate people. You can contact us through this website at

And the most important thing is there are millions of people like you all around the country, so they will not be hard to find.

Sleep tight, help is all around you…


DC Goforth presents @ April meeting NM UFO/Paranormal Forum –Is it all True Series # 323

Denise-Chavez-Beyond-Ordinary-News-RadioDenise Goforth is a relative newcomer to the field of High Strangeness, at least as far as presenting her story and her research. Denise is the author of the book “The Awakening into the New Dimension.” Denise studied law, international studies, and history at universities in Arizona and Washington DC. She worked as a lobbyist and did work for Senator John McCain.

The more unusual part of her life story is that she is a lifelong ET and MILAB experiencer. She is also a radio show host and a Nibiru/Anunnaki/ET researcher.
Denise has experienced many non-human encounters over her lifetime. She met tall Nordics, red and blonde haired. She studied the relationship between RH negative blood and alien encounters. To explore her own abductions she worked with Gloria Hawker, the world renowned abduction hypnotist. Through her sessions with Gloria she learned that not only was she abducted, but also that she had MILAB experiences probably as a government asset.
Denise had a tough early life as she never knew her father and it always seemed that her mother was on the run, moving constantly from place to place.

As a possible secret government asset it seems that she was sent to places where world government figures and a few celebs were meeting on a mission to observe and report back to the agency that sent her. She remembers no specifics about her spy detail. But one recent adventure took her to Hawaii where she attended a high level meeting, an experience that she and Gloria were able to verify in great detail. In another mission she was connected with a man from the Vatican who talked to her about Alien beings and Nibiru.

Several years ago she realized she had an alien implant on her right shoulder blade, and after much consideration she had her husband remove it, only to find a new one had replaced the old one in nearly the exact same place. This implant is still with her today.

Sleep tight, for there are a few courageous ones among us who will tell their stories in the name of the truth.


Alien/Bigfoot abduction ?

alien-BFA friend’s son and a couple friends of his went camping within that 25-miles range of the CO/NM border I’d spoken of. I told him beforehand that the area is full of Bigfoot, but not to be afraid. So, while camping, one of the guys was led off by himself, even though they’d all agreed previously to not venture out alone. He didn’t listen. When they couldn’t find him, they found they were also out of cell range, so hiked up a nearby peak. They then called 911 and to make a long story short, the State Police found a young man wandering and confused some 25 miles away. The guy I talked to before he left also said there was a strange fog present the morning he disappeared.

My thoughts, knowing the area’s terrain, is that there is absolutely no way a human can hike those mountains and get 25 miles away overnight. It’s not called the rocky mountains for nothing. A buddy and I spent 3-4 hours combing a small area looking for my RC quadcopter that had been lost. Found it crashed a 1/4 mile away after more than 3 hours searching. The terrain up there is insane.

I think he may have been abducted by ET/Bigfoot. It’s not the first time this has happened and locals have seen both out there. One Native American woman I mentioned in my book said there is a Star Base not far from her home… and lots of Sasquatch in the area.