Niara Facing the Shadow, Embracing the Light– Is it all True Series # 310

GetAttachmentAt our January meeting of the NM UFO Paranormal Forum, we hosted the Lady from Durango, CO. She opened her heart to us all as she spoke about her amazing journey on the edge of human reality. Niara Terela Isley wrote a book where the core of the book was centered on a 3-month period of missing time. But she came to find out she had encounters most of her life and may very well have been part of a cosmic group called the Lyrans.

During Niara’s early years, she endured several brutal abduction scenarios at the hands of alien and military group working together to explore the amazing powers of the human mind and other human-sourced energies.

As you read the book, you deeply feel the intensity of Niara’s physical and emotional being as she explores the whys of this very strange journey. There are three chapters of her abduction hypnosis and one chapter with the famous (late) Budd Hopkins.

The book includes the negative world of the human abduction, but Niara has showed us a path to heal and embrace the new reality, the new earth, a new path.

The journey in this book covers a vast area of knowledge such as alien lover, strange pregnancy, mind control, military experiences, dangers to human freedoms, Star Wars, an alien invasion, politics, cosmic spiritual, mainstream religion and many more topics that prove what I have said for years, it’s all connected. Our reality is truly not what it seems and it’s a totally layered existence, make up of sad, happy and really amazing. Her book is three books in one, 498 pages of small print, great reading and a must read in my world.

Sleep tight, for there are people out there who are figuring it out.

Albert Rosales and his very Strange World, # 130

AlbertLocation. Albuquerque, New Mexico
Date: October 27 2010 Time: night

The witness had been sleeping on a futon on the flo
or of the bedroom in his apartment
when he suddenly woke up and opened his eyes. Lying
on his right side, he could view the wall
which was about two feet across from him just beyond the open bedroom door. Another foot
down the wall was the only window in the room. Behind him, a wall mirror was propped against
the wall just to the left of the futon. Blinking lights from a source outside were reflected
perfectly from outside the window at just the right
angle to reflect onto the mirror propped
against the wall behind him, and then reflected across the futon to the wall in front of the
witness as he lay on his right side. He glanced up
at the window and saw an aircraft hovering
motionless in the sky perfectly positioned for him
to see it clearly from his position on the floor.
It had many blinking lights of red, blue, white and
possibly yellow, similar to those of a police or
emergency vehicle during a stop. From his position
on the bed on the floor looking upward, the
craft appeared to be in the shape of a boomerang. T
here were round balls of colored lights
equidistant across both wings which appeared to blink randomly. There was no sound that he
could hear. The window was closed.
He had never seen a craft like that before, but thought it might be an alien craft. Just then,
he felt the presence of three or four beings in his
bedroom. He continued to lie on the futon
with his head on the pillow. He could feel their energy but not see them. Clearly he could
distinguish the sense of three beings and possibly
a fourth one. Then as if in my mind’s eye, he
saw the image of a gray extraterrestrial and telepathically heard, “We don’t want to scare you”.
Before he could process this statement to respond,
the gray lifted his spindly arm and with an
arc of his arm and like the flick of a switch, he w
as out cold, asleep. He had not looked at the
clock (which was on the night stand behind him) when he first awoke and saw the lights. Nor
did he look at the clock when he again opened his e
yes to find himself still lying in bed. He felt
as if he needed to urinate. So he got up, and as he
stood up in the dark room, he could not see
them with his eyes but could feel the energy of at
least three beings and possibly a fourth. Their
energy felt a bit more diffused than when he was lying down. He could feel them watching him,
observing. He walked across the hall to the bathroom, urinated and returned to his bed. He
sensed that they had him arise to use the bathroom
just to observe to see if he could go about
this common routine. He felt as if they were scientists watching, whispering comments about
his ability to carry out this routine task. He mumb
led to himself as he returned to bed annoyed
that he didn’t know what was going on. He felt very
sleepy, unable to keep his eyes open.
Finally he succumbed to the extreme drowsiness, all
owing his eyes to close and he went back to
sleep. He doesn’t know how much time lapsed, for a
brief moment he reopened his eyes and
gazed at the window where he saw small gray extraterrestrial peering in the closed window at
him. He was standing on the balcony just outside of
the bedroom window. He estimated the
gray to have been about three feet tall. His large
head was typical of the grays seen in pictures.
His large expressionless solid black eyes stared at
him. His nose looked like a couple of small
holes with an almost non-existent mouth. He cocked
his head to the left side in an inquisitive
sort of way. His movements and the expression on his face appeared rather mechanical, as if
devoid of emotion or any sort of deep thought. His
affect and head movement was more
robotic than organic. He wanted to keep looking and
see what would happen next, but an
overwhelming sense of sleepiness overcame him and he closed his eyes.
However his curiosity compelled him to force his eyes open one more time. The gray was
gone from the balcony and he felt no energetic presence of any other beings in his apartment.
He immediately saw a white orb of light dart from t
he apartment building up towards the
boomerang-shaped craft that remained hovering in the sky. The light joined the end of the wing
closest to the witness, appearing consistent as the
other lights along the wings. Instantly the
ship darted upwards to the left, disappearing from
his view through the window. Still feeling
extremely fatigued the witness immediately went back to sleep.
HC addendum

Albert Rosales and his very Strange World, # 122

AlbertLocation. Nashville, Tennessee
Date: September 20 2012 Time: 19:00
Witnesses reported seeing a cigar-shaped object whi
te and red in color. It had no wings and
when it was flying it was tilted over going up. It
also had a large clear window with little human-
like figures looking out. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC Type: A

Location. Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina
Date: September 20 2010 Time: 2015
A woman was again visited by a strange being in her
home that had apparently visited her a
few months before. The intruder left a series of burns on her arms after having made contact
with one of her extremities. The shocking incident
was made known to the ‘Centro de Estudios
Ovnis” as it was in the past, and only a few hours
after, a member of the group arrived at the
scene to commence his field study, ascertaining that aside from the marks on the experiencers’
face, it was possible to find marks in the backyard
that resembled very large feet. The woman
was aided by her relatives, who contacted CEUFO.
The outstanding characteristics of the strange being described by the witnesses are the
following: A height estimated at 2 meters, very thin body with long extremities. Gave the
impression of being very
but was extraordinarily strong on occasions in which physical
contact was made. Had no ears. The eye cavity appeared hollow, but the reddish light within
them, “as though from a little light” stood out.The nose was imperceptible or else flattened 62
“like an ape’s” and the mouth was almost an imperceptible slit. The witness was shocked by
what appeared to be the entity’s suit or skin, which she defined as “wrinkled” or “like fish
scales”. Its hands were large, but the most significant aspect was its large, rounded fingers.
Regarding its feet, which she was able to notice in
the latest experience, they were large and as
if in “three parts”, although she could not define
it as footwear. The color of the skin or suit was
dark, either gray or greenish. The being appeared within the home short after 20:15 hours. How
it entered is unknown, as the doors were shut. She
claims that she felt the sensation that (the
entity) was not alone, as it looked and made sounds
as though there were something behind it,
but she was unable to see if this was the case. The
witness reacted by saying, “nooo, not again,nooo” and the being took hold of her face in a firm, decisive manner. This resulted in some dark
marks on her cheekbones that were visible in photographs. It was thus that she felt the great
strength of its extremities.
The protagonist’s son was one of the first to come
to her assistance. He says that he heard a
strange buzzing sound, similar to a very sharp “beep”. The experience lasted only a few
minutes, after which the woman calmed down and recovered.
quoting Quique Mario (CEUFO) and Guillermo
Gimenez, Planeta UFO Type: E

Jesus Jr. comes to the April Meeting of the NM UFO/ Paranormal Forum– Is it all True Series #278

MV5BMTM5NzExODUwNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTA0NDc0OA@@._V1._SY314_CR16,0,214,314_Jesus Payan, Jr., an American adventurer of Mayan/French/Italian heritage, has been in the amazing world of Non-Myth, Legend and the Paranormal since his birth in Spain in 1976. From birth on, he has had the connection to the other realm. At the age of four, his family took him to Scotland to study and find Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster. His 20 years of study of Bigfoot, Skinwalkers, Aliens, ghosts, demons, and much more have made him into a very well rounded student of our real reality.

His main focus at our meeting was ghosts, but since the paranormal is a connected phenomenon of many subjects, he did venture out to show some of the connections. As a kid, he had many ghost-type experiences. Once in a house he was staying in, he noticed in a back room tiny twisted prints that looked burned into the floor. He later was told that his grandfather who had Polio (twisted legs and feet) had lived and died in the house. Later in his life, he had a tattoo parlor in an old hospital, so there were many sightings that creeped out many of his customers as they tried to get their tats. When the customers walked back to the restrooms near the old bone-filled crematorium, many would only get about a third of the way and they would come running back to ask Jesus to walk them back and wait, to have a safe anxiety-free return to the front of the shop.

Jesus Jr. was from a military family so he traveled quite a bit from base to base with his parents. And on many occasions he (with a family member or a friend) would see a misty cloud mass with form and features. Sometimes this misty cloud mass would morph into little shadow people who would interact with Jesus is many benign ways.
Jesus Jr. possesses an amazing grasp of this other worldly stuff, not to mention his amazing acting and producing career, which he hopes to use to produce documentaries to teach the public the ways of our real reality.
Sleep tight,

It is good to know there are people out there with the courage to find and express the truth.


Albert Rosales and his very Strange World, # 112 Two for one…

AlbertDate: August 5 2010 Time: 04:30 a.m.
A group of friends were spending the night together
when the power in the
neighborhood went out at 4:30 a.m., sending them outside with curiosity. But
when they stepped outside, the group noticed “very
strange lighting, purplish
lighting with no thunder or rain to go with it.”
Then the heavy air traffic, they claim that under normal circumstances, this is
unusual. Seven aircraft were flying over the area “
in patterns making a rough
perimeter around the substation.” (electrical substation?). Then looking up in
the sky, they noticed what they thought was a star
that was “shining brighter
than the others.” The lighting flashed again, “The
star became a reddish
color,” another lightning flash and the object was
gone. About 5 minutes later,
then noticed “a bright egg-shaped object zipping across the sky.” The object had
no flashing FAA lighting, was silent, and was in view for about one minute before
vanishing. Five minutes after this, a helicopter ca
me into view. Then 20 minutes
later, another egg-shaped object came into view, bu
t “this one much closer,
running a zigzag pattern before going behind some trees and fading out. These
craft moved exceptionally fast, and performed moves
planes cannot.”
Everything seemed to return to normal and the group
went inside—discovering
that it was now 6 a.m. “Looking back we found the memories were really fuzzy
and it had felt as if we had lost time—that time
had went too fast.”
HC addendum
David MacDonald Kentucky MUFON State director Type

Location. Brisbane, Australia
Date: August 8 2010 Time: midnight
The witness had gone to bed around 11pm and sometime later was woken up by three
creatures in a brightly lit egg-shaped room; the light was coming out of the walls, ceiling and
floor which emitted a soft luminous glow. They were
‘speaking’ to him as they woke him before
he opened his eyes, so that he might not be afraid,
they said, “do not be afraid of scared, we
love you and care for you” in gentle penetrating words that echoed in his head and strangely
enough not in his ears. The creatures introduced themselves as, “one, two and three” one was
on his left, two was behind the top of his head behind him and three was standing to his right.
When he opened his eyes, he was shocked, yet there
was a strange familiarity with them, as if
they had ‘known him all his life’.
He was naked (he wears pajamas to bed) felt dazed,
even drunk (yet he doesn’t drink) and
went to sit up and ‘two’ placed its huge hand under
neath his neck and back to help support me,
they were chatting incessantly using telepathy yet
he could hear them talking in clicks & pops

Albert Rosales and his very Strange World, # 108

Location. St Petersburg, Florida
Date: July 26 (or 27) 2010 Time: around midnight
The witness had gone to bed around midnight, his wife and young cousin were sleeping in
separate rooms on this particular night. He arose (
not sure of time) and went outside to smoke
a cigarette. When he went outside he at once notice
d a bright triangular shaped object of
pyramid shape with 3 lights running down the side hovering right above him. He said that the
object was bigger than the house. He then noticed a
bright flash. The next thing he recalls was
being in a bright room with a light shining in his
eyes. He could see four shadowy figures, but
couldn’t make out any features. He noticed a tube in his navel and in his penis. He was covered
in some sort of “goo” and he had a type of gas mask
on. He kept hearing a voice saying “he is
coming to.” The next thing that he recalls is waking up in his bed at 3:03 a.m. He said that he
knew that he got up because the door was unlocked and partially open. He locked the door
before he went to bed. Therefore he was emphatic that he did not have a lucid dream. He had a
real experience. He said that upon awakening at 3:03 a.m. he went to the bathroom to check
for marks on his body, he noticed none. However, the next day he experienced severe diarrhea
and urinary track abnormalities. The story gets better as the next day he was talking to a friend.
The friend was out driving at around 4 am (a little
later than his encounter) and noticed a bright
object that looked like “a burrito” in the direction where the witness lived. His friend snapped a
photo of the object with his cell phone. Another person riding a motorcycle also saw the object.
HC addendum
Source: reports/2010

There isn’t Always Gold at the End of the Rainbow: One Woman’s Abduction Experiences—Is it all True Series #273


The Rainbow I am speaking of is a person here in Albuquerque. She spoke in front of the New Mexico UFO/ Paranormal Forum during their February meeting about her lifetime experiences and abductions in the strange world of alien contact. I would say for most encounters with aliens, you typically do not intend to have one when you wake up on that particular day. It’s more like an “Oh Shit” reaction when you feel them coming.

Rainbow’s abduction experience began at the early age of 5 or 6 years old and continues today. Her memories of these encounters flashed back to her later in life around the age of 40. The flashback of an encounter she had in the west mesa area of Albuquerque opened her memory floodgates. Before 40 she was always very uncomfortable traveling on the west side of Albuquerque. And finally at 40 she knew why. Those encounters started as an innocent ride in a catholic school bus to the west mesa area. But as soon as she and her classmates got off the bus, there were three large alien ships. The children were told to line up in a straight line and wait for further instruction. Large grey aliens were walking among the children to keep order; one approached Rainbow and told her the chosen ones would not be coming back. This for obvious reasons this comment sent fear racing throughout her body. But on that day she was not chosen.

She has had many other experiences over her lifetime, all she perceives to have happened in New Mexico. One particular encounter in Santa Rosa, involved her husband; they were riding horses when they both encountered a tall blonde Nordic being who was standing by a her small alien craft, claiming to be trying to repair it. The being was pleasant, even showing Rainbow the inside of the craft.
One of the interesting themes that move through Alien/UFO community is the alien interest in human children, although I suspect some of these children are actually human/alien hybrids. Note, New Mexico has the highest level of missing children in the United States. I read recently Homeland Security and local law enforcement officers are teaming up and developing a task force to see why this is true.

Sleep-tight – having contact experience is a cutting edge experience, having fear of it is not what you want, a fearless human is a powerful human.

Shepherds from the Wild Wolf Sanctuary Visit the NMUFO/Paranormal Forum– Is it all True Series #269

For our January meeting, we had a delightful visit from Leyton and Rory, who run an amazing wolf sanctuary in western New Mexico.

They gave us a history about the sanctuary and several stories about the many wild wolves and dog wolves and a small group of domestic dogs that live and are protected on the sanctuary property. It sounds like a great place to tour and enjoy the beauty of that part of New Mexico.

Both of these men have lived lives loaded with encounters with creatures/beings maybe even more a mystery than the wolves themselves. I must note that I have always thought of wolves as much more than canines, they are like sacred beings with amazing powers.

I was talking to my dentist who is Muslim and talked about wolves in her culture as creatures that would control/kill evil Jinn. Jinn are creatures that are from the unseen, from another dimension, which can visit the earth dimension and cause harm to humans. Once the Jinn spot a wolf in pursuit the Jinn will die quickly at the hands of the wolf. So the wolf in that culture is a good being to have around.

One of the sanctuary shepherds had UFO/Alien encounters as a small boy, almost like he was in training to take care of the wolves, this special group of beings. But not all his encounters with beings were good. He was shown the brutalization of humans, which caused total distress as he saw a woman be cut open by a lady in black on a UFO ship. He also fought with reptilians as they tried to hurt him and possibly his family.

The other shepherds had many interesting encounters with Bigfoot in Washington, California, and New Mexico. But in these encounters all went well. This good outcome is driving him to have more encounters with the gentle giant hairy ones.

I predict that their encounters will continue for they possess the special energy and courage to face, the hidden and the unknown. The wolf in them will protect them from the Jinn.

Sleep Tight, to fear is to be small, to be fearless is to be huge.

Albert Rosales and his very Strange World, # 102

Location. England, exact location not given
Date: July 2010 Time: evening
The witness was sitting in his room typing on his computer when he noticed a black object
outside. He didn’t think anything of it because he thought it was a bird, then he looked past his
screen and there it was again. Since he had be talking about UFOs earlier that day he thought
to get his camera and he waited for the object and it passed by the window again but because
it was going at a good speed he couldn’t get his camera focused on the object. It came around
one more time and by this time he had opened his window to see if he could get a better look
and then it flew off. He noted that there was no sound coming from the object.
Later that night he kept wondering what the object was and as he was laying in bed he
suddenly got a ‘transmission-like’ vision of these four unknown beings standing over him, he
couldn’t see any facial expressions but he looked over to his arm and they had a long silver-like
needle scratching into the skin. He couldn’t move or feel anything. He looked back and above
him was a huge round light. He has never been able to forget it and had never told anyone.
The witness added that after the black object had circled the house several times, it then
shot off. He did take a photograph but it was not very good. It was that same night, as he lay in
bed unable to sleep, that he first got the image of a light and then saw the beings. He couldn’t
see their faces but they were tall. He compared them to doctors and it was as if they were
taking a blood test; they had a long very thin thing like a needle that touched his vein. Then the
beings just disappeared. Throughout the experience he found he couldn’t move; it was as if he
were paralyzed. In the morning he noticed a narrow red line where they had scratched the skin.
He has a feeling that they will come again, which scares him.
HC addendum
Source: Yorkshire UFO Society,
visitors.html Type: D?
Location. Minocqua, Wisconsin
Date: July 2010 Time: late night
The witness and her husband purchased a small lake home located about 50 feet from a
gorgeous lake. The day of the move, she led first with one of the rental trucks loaded, her
husband and children would be following the next day with the last of their items.
She pulled into their new home around 22:00 that night; she was too tired to start
unloading anything. She went in and dropped her purse on the floor and curled up in one chair
that was in the entire home. She distinctly remembers leaving on a kitchen light above the sink
and turning off all the other lights in the house. The house had been vacant for almost two
years and was completely empty except for her and her chair. She fell asleep quickly and the
next thing she recalls was waking abruptly and she was in complete blackness. She sat for a
second getting her bearings. She wondered why the lights were off, when night falls here you
cannot see a foot in front of your face. There are no street lights or neighbors to shed light of
any source. That’s when she saw a soft white glow—it was about five feet in front of her and
about three feet off the floor. She remembers feeling no fear, but confusion, wondering what it
was. It started to move vertically across the room, it turned slightly and that’s when she saw
what she described as a left shoulder and arm. It looked like an X-ray image. The arm was bent
at the elbow and it was moving with the white glow. That’s when things started to click in her
head; she realized that it must have been some kind of apparition.

Climate Change and ET Abduction— the Relationship ?

Dr. Young-hae Chu is a professor on the
Faculty of Oriental Studies at Oxford University,
in England. He is developing a theory on
the relationship between Climate Change
and ET Abduction, which he recently presented
at this conference organized by the Anomalous
Mind Management Abductee Contactee Helpline