Sasquatch and the Egyptian Connection

Sometimes I’ll get glimpses of places that come in the dead of night and seemingly wiz by me like puzzle pieces that make no sense. These pieces until the moment they reveal themselves to me are a nonexistent picture of a past. Whose past, I can’t really say.

Because of this, I get left with more questions than answers and my world is literally turned upside down. I feel that I am looking down instead of up and my peripheral vision is a visor like a kaleidoscope full of never before seen colors and images. They flicker away when I turn to look at them. It’s exhausting to see the otherworldly images, especially from my disadvantaged upside-down view.

One such evening not so long ago, I was shown a place so unusual that I can barely find the words to describe it. My sleep up to that point was a normal, non-eventful respite and then out of nowhere within an instant, an elusive and mystifying world unfolded before me. The next morning, I was exhausted, overwhelmed and perplexed.

Was I really there? Did I really see what I think I saw? Why now?

One thing for sure, the next morning I knew that gold was the key. I was shown that ancient Deities came here hundreds of thousands of years ago for this highly desired mineral. It’s a naturally occurring inorganic solid that entices the senses with its alluring and shimmering radiance. It is talked about in glorified tales of valorous and daring escapades. Such tales of excursions of untold perils are in many history books, at least those that have not become lost to the scribes of old.

Demigods are a factor here. Gold is an aphrodisiac for them besides wearable art and a variety of edible delights and brews. They desire it to an obsessive level. This desire is just as strong today as it has been for a millennium. I was shown that the Sasquatch clans were brought in to help the Demigods mine the gold. This was, to say the least, a surprise to me because I have never heard this from any other source.

My confusion started with a constant back and forth pulling and pushing sensation out of my body and then back in. I saw a distinctly different world from Earth and at the same time I could feel my bed beneath me. I came in and out of this experience for over three hours. I woke up multiple times wondering how I was going there and coming back so quickly. It was definitely an Empathic conundrum and I remember being overly concerned that I might get stuck there. This means either, I teleported there or was able to go through a portal. Either way, I think I had help.

The topography on the other planet was very different than ours. There were vines everywhere on the ground but they weren’t overgrown. I saw no grass to speak of but large trees that had a prehistoric look to them. They were very bushy and short, perhaps only 10 to 15 feet tall at the most. The vines felt alive but in a different way than the ones here which made me feel like they were sensing me being there.

I feel I saw the home planet of where the Sasquatch travels from, even those who travel back and forth to this day. The oddity here was being outside in their world and then within an instant, looking at a very Egyptian looking room that seemed present day with an Egyptian predynastic feel to it. The two realities really had nothing in common but as the early morning hours went on, I started to understand the connection between the two. Someone took great pains to show me in detail how the two are connected. I’m not sure who. This connection was the most surprising bit of information I have received since Loekey talked about how the Earth’s natural portals worked.

Next post, I will talk about in more detail how the Demigods exist today and the ongoing relationship between them and the Sasquatch.


Sasquatch and the Egyptian Connection – Part 2   

The Sasquatch that I saw was different, an ancient group that was more original to the look of what the Sasquatch embodied, many thousands of years ago. They had nothing in common with humans when they came here; the novelty for them was the chance to trade and interact with us. They learned quickly how dangerous humans were and because of this, they have very little contact except for a chosen few they feel they can trust.

The Demigods liked trading and working with the Sasquatch because they were not only experts in earth’s geological structure but great gemologists and metallurgists. If anyone group can find gold, the Sasquatch is at the top of the list. I often wonder if this is where myth and legend come into play regarding dwarfs. I know the physiology between them is at opposite ends but as time passes by, the enduring stories of old tend to stay alive, especially by livening up the details a bit.

Gold is the main component of Gaia’s blood.  Is it any wonder this is the aphrodisiac of the Demigods? Does Vampirism come to mind?

I know with this bit of information, I will probably get people thinking I’m a Looney tune, but this is what I was told and I stand by it.

The Demigods took humankind’s inner compass and felt it best to block it and alter what inner knowledge we were born with. As thousands of years have passed by, we, unfortunately, have no idea what has been lost. What was written in books was either hidden away or destroyed. A society ignorant of their birthright is much easier to manage. Within us, cobwebs and dust have accumulated becoming like the sands of time. Even if we dig up our past, the chances of understanding what we find are mute, especially if we don’t even know or remember, our connection to Gaia.

After the Demigods did this, they then embarked on an exhaustive campaign of epic proportions … religion. Spirituality went out the window and images, sculptures and structures were erected in their likeness. Mythology is an interesting and wondrous topic taught in schools but at certain points in history, these immortal beings were alive, especially for their many followers and worshipers. The Demigods were out in the open for over a thousand years but they eventually saw that hiding in plain sight, was easier. Various religions played a key role in manipulating the masses, making sure everyone toed the line. Thinking outside the box of specified doctrines even to this day isn’t allowed and frowned upon, especially by religious purists and fundamentalists.

Sasquatch saw this manipulation and started to cut ties with the Demigods. The “live and let live,” gentle giants wanted no part in this manipulation. They came to love this planet and many made it their home planet. Others travel back and forth through natural portals that manifest and disappear within a time frame that is queued from sacred geometry. These portals change locations every three weeks. The Sasquatch are born with an innate ability that helps them sense where they manifest at any given time. I think this might be one of the reasons why the Military might be interested in the Sasquatch. 

Egypt is the best way to see how the Demigods played out the different aspects of their agenda. The Pharaohs acting as living Gods was one way of familiarizing the masses with their rulers. Interbreeding with humans ensured that this sacred bloodline, specific to the Demigods would live on.

Not many people know this, but the Sasquatch were in Egypt many, thousands of years ago. The pyramids Menkaure, Khafre and Khufu to name a few are natural portals that are still used today. The Sasquatch don’t use these portals anymore since they easily can travel back and forth, closer to home.  The natural portals are usually found in national forests around the world.

I had my own experience of missing time in Egypt with one of Menkaure’s smaller pyramids. Around 2 or 3 am, I climbed to the top of one of the pyramids and after I stopped to catch my breath,  I heard a humming sound, blacked out and a few minutes later, I reemerged on the same spot except 2 to 3 hours had passed and I could hear the morning prayer on the loudspeakers. Maybe the smaller ones are portals too.

So today we have a history that is hidden, and yet it is crucial to understand that until we start to take a stand, not just for off-handed answers that are circulated time and time again … no, it’s time we make it clear we want to know the truth of our past and WHO has manipulated it so that we are only half the humans we used to be. We deserve to know how connected we are to Gaia and what that connection means. I believe, Sasquatch is here to help us make a stand because it is obvious that the Demigods will do whatever is in their power to keep hidden the secrets of our freedom.


Rural Oregon – A World Full of Paranormal

We have lived here in Oregon for about 7 months and a quite amazing trend is developing. The area east and southeast of Portland called the Mt. Hood Territory is loaded with paranormal happenings. When you are new to an area, you first need to explore. That is what we have done and we have driven hundreds of miles of back-roads within 50 miles of our home.

The purpose of these drives was to feel and see the surroundings. With Rainbow being an empath, she can sense areas favorable for paranormal activity, focusing on these areas to make contact and build a relationship with the local people. For the locals, are the storytellers, the experiences and the ones who have the rich encounters that can grow the wisdom and knowledge of their native paranormal. The paranormal for most of them is just the norm.

So we have focused our research in two areas, one around Estacada and Silver Falls State Park Oregon. In the Estacada area, Rainbow made direct contact with a Sasquatch for about one month. She was told this Sasquatch family would be moving to a summer camp in the Mt Hood area. Back about two months ago, we started exploring Mt. Hood and our initial contact were with a Park Ranger who talked to us about his personal encounter with an entity on a park trail. He also told us a story about a person who had a one on one encounter with a child Sasquatch, this person lived and worked in Sandy, just outside of the Mt Hood National Forest.

Next, we have started making contact with wonderful people around Silver Falls State Park area who have shared several stories about their Sasquatch encounters, UFOs, Ghosts and other interesting beings.

The Mt Hood territory is rich in beauty and rich in the paranormal. As far as I can tell,  their paranormal experiences are quite normal and most of them seem to enjoy living among the high strangeness as long as it’s not too scary.

Sleep tight — Remember only fear can make the strangeness scary … you have the control.

A Sasquatch named Warsiah

Drawing of Warsiah

For many months, almost a year I didn’t have any contact with a Cryptid, Spirit or Entity like years previous. It just didn’t happen.

I formerly wrote that it was obvious that I was dealing with a Reptilian who had ulterior motives, bad ones to be exact, back in Utah. I believe this Reptilian blocked contact and held me captive to a certain degree. It has taken me 6 months to shake off this intense interference with my Empathic mind.

Oregon is a unique place for healing because here, Nature’s frequency is so primordial and her tranquility transcends the senses into a blissful reprieve. She reigns supreme here and because of this, my spirit, body, mind, and emotions have started to balance themselves out.

Michael and I took our first hike in one of the state parks close to where we live a few weeks ago. It was on this day that a female Sasquatch named, Warsiah, contacted me.

I was feeling kind of blue so in this particular instance I feel for this reason she decided to reach out to me.

I brought two apples with me and after our first contact, decided to leave one apple in an area that was between two large trunks of a tree that felt like a magical fairy dwelling, hidden from humans.

We went back a week later to see if the apple was gone and it was. The whole apple was gone but I didn’t see any evidence that it was or wasn’t because of Warsiah. To be honest, I’m not sure she took it.

I did tell her no strings attached; just take it as an offering of my friendship and gratitude for her contact. It felt good to feel her energy.

From her contact, she told me a few things that I felt I should share.

She told me that she is with a clan that is earthbound called, The Breathers. They don’t walk through portals and she said that they have been on this planet since Earths early years before man entered the picture. Her ancestry remembers all the earth’s changes; I guess you could call them, another group along with Loekey’s clan, who are Record Keepers for the earth.

She told me that they intermingle and know the portal jumpers such as Loekey-the portal jumper who contacted me two years ago. The clan can see the portals but they don’t go into them because as Loekey stated, for any human, species or being that is not trained and born into the jumping, it can be dangerous.

Warsiah did say that if necessary they would consider jumping in the portals but only in a catastrophic event.

This doesn’t mean that Warsiah and her clan don’t bring in a variety of unique attributes with them. Their vibration is much higher than ours and it’s easier for them to move from one location to another, faster, almost becoming invisible.  They look as if they are walking in fast forward motion but in truth, they are able to affect the way we see them in our normal time reference. This means she would look like she disappeared, appearing in another location but in reality, she just moves differently in our linear view of time.

She could be standing by a tree and because she is so in tune with Nature, actually they are a part of Nature, she would look like a part of the tree and only if she chose to show herself, would I be able to see her.

She said they watch humans in hopes to meet those who they might make contact with. They keep vigilant tabs on hunters traversing close to their communities, or anyone with weapons or negative intentions. They could be ten feet from someone without them knowing it. They are silent watchers and they prefer to have a more silent footstep. That doesn’t mean they can’t be loud, it just means they are nonconfrontational by nature. But at the same time, they don’t back down from aggressive behavior, especially if it puts them or their loved ones in danger.

Warsiah did say, they did interact with Native Americans who they call Numah, hundreds of years ago but it was not always amicable. I think there was a kind of enmity on both sides but she didn’t go into detail on it. This attitude stands today but I think as with all people they are open to anyone with a good heart.

I got the sense she was a mother, not a young Sasquatch but more so as a woman in her 30’s which for them would easily be 150 years. Obviously, they live much longer than humans because they have very unique DNA. Age just doesn’t happen the same way for them as it does for us and this could possibly be a reason why the military is interested in them.

We intend to go back this week to see if Warsiah took her apple. She’ll get an apple a visit from us so I hope that she enjoys the offering of our friendship and hopefully down the line, she’ll wave at me and I will see her, live in the now.


Reality vs Frightful Shadows Part 2- Phobias

Throughout childhood really weird phobias crept out of nowhere and I found myself in some cases manipulated by odd fears. To this day, I hate cars or vehicles of any sort coming up behind me. It unhinges me to no end. If I hear cars coming I either run or hide in bushes. There’s a really interesting comfort in knowing I can’t be seen. As a child, I would outrun cars walking home or find hiding places along the way home. I actually had hiding places down in my head that I could run to at a moment’s notice along the way to and from school. To this day as an adult, I have to keep myself from jumping into bushes. I’m sure Michael wouldn’t appreciate trying to coax me out of our neighbor’s bushes so I do my best to control this strange habit.

I can’t sleep with a top sheet. I don’t like the feel of it and I don’t like my feet being confined  by the weight of the top sheet and the bedspread. I have memories of being on a table and having a thick, sticky, mucus like substance draped over me. It would get really tight and I wouldn’t be able to move. My arms and legs would be held so tight that I remember screaming with no sound coming out of me.

I could turn my head side to side and look around but I couldn’t get free and the more I struggled, the tighter it would become. It would feel like hours would pass with no one coming around. In some ways that was just as bad as what the Greys were doing to me. That was probably the worst torture of all and I believe to this day that the Greys and anyone else who does this, knows it. It’s part of the mind-screw that they implement starting at young ages. To this day if I find sheets on me, I panic.

Add to the above, the uncomfortable and stressful feelings I get being in an elevator or in a car on a highway that is slowed by traffic. When I was in Paris, France years ago, I was staying at a hotel that had a small and round elevator. It was big enough just for two people. I went up it the first time and by the time we hit the floor our room was on, I was a total mess. I couldn’t breathe, I had sweat coming off my forehead and the palms of my hands were sweaty and hot. When I got to my room, I looked in the mirror and was flushed from head to toe. I looked like I had been in the sun and was a cooked lobster. It took a few hours for me to get back to normal. I walked up and down the stairs after that.

Just recently Michael and I went to go get family from the airport and the roads were full of black ice. Traffic came to a standstill, three or four times and I found myself panicking, not being able to breathe. My palms were sweaty and I was stressed beyond my limits so much so that I  almost jumped out of the car. This particular phobia, I don’t understand unless I was taken away against my will multiple times in vehicles and I associate traffic and being confined in a car to this fear.

Like most abductees, I can’t sleep with the lights off. The darkness is too vast and so much can happen in the blackness of the room. Corners in a room become hiding places for uninvited creatures and closets become doorways into the unknown. I can feel spirits looking down at me, sucking my breath away or standing by my bed staring down at me. I have been touched and shaken even with the lights on but for me, the advantage is that I can see my surroundings. The days of sleeping in a dark room were over years ago.

I grew up in an average household with two older sisters. We were middle class America with hopes and dreams just like everybody else. Maybe that was a part of this phenomenon, the more American pie people are, the better they are for target practice and to experiment on.

How does the paranormal fit into all of this? Well, for some reason abductees attract the paranormal to them and I am assuming because we carry with us a very distinct energy or frequency that becomes altered through the abductions, it stays with us throughout our lives.

Sometimes the shadows will divulge what type of  intelligence is lurking in the corner. It doesn’t matter if it’s Alien, human or spirit, I don’t like uninvited guests especially when I’m at my most vulnerable. For Empaths like myself, we don’t like surprises so turning on the light seems to be whole heck of a lot easier than waiting for the darkness to emerge.

As Michael says, sleep tight but for those of you like me, keep the lights on.

Reality VS the Frightful Shadows Part 1

The paranormal can be many things for a variety of reasons. For the most part within our reality here on this planet, there are the unseen, unknowable aspects of the darkness and only what seems to be like a handful of books to address any problems lurking within the shadows. Syfy has taken liberties with imaginative monsters and dark gabled windows that reflect back more than the naked eye can see. What happens when the darkness is real, the experiences are terrifying and the impulse is to run with nowhere to hide? It’s become a rudimentary and convoluted topsy turvy problem; the reality for some reason seems to be less terrifying to fanatical listeners and distantly obsessed observers because Horror and Syfy shows have taken everything to the extreme, the impossible, and the unthinkable. People who experience the darkness these days have to prove its existence to the naysayers, when years ago, on word of mouth only and a preacher’s visit, the said acknowledgment was enough.

With this being said, to an, “In the moment Experiencer,” there is no movie comparable to living and breathing the reality of shadows and mysterious creatures. The reality of the unexplained is not only a lonely endeavor but for most people, they instinctively loath the idea and without a doubt, resolutely avoid its path. Those few brave souls like Michael and myself who do venture forward towards the unknown, become acquainted with the shadows and the shadows forever follow us. This doesn’t mean that light doesn’t peek through the shadowy silhouettes; it means that once acquainted with the unknown, one becomes altered by its association.

Here are a few experiences I have had that I can’t explain. I’ve tried to figure out scenarios that fit perfectly like puzzle pieces even though these sequences are just as fantastical as the experience. Maybe this is the first clue, what seems to be complete fantasy probably is closer to the truth and reality than what we can ever know. Aliens, Shadow People, Men in Black, Black Ops and Cryptids welcome the occasional traveler through their domains or so we think. Maybe in some cases, it’s a bit more sinister.

I don’t want to put human thought into the minds of certain beings, Aliens, Cryptids or whoever lurks in the corners. But I must say, my human mind wants clarification and tutoring into the protocols of each group. How do we understand what exists alongside us that is ultimately as foreign to us as the distant star? Those dark and mysterious reclusive souls who stay within the shadows eventually come out and show themselves in the most unusual and convoluted ways. It comes down to seeing beyond our expected reality, our eyesight’s normal range so that we can see the depth of the exceptional unknown. The question is, how do we get past our minds roadblocks?

Locations can trigger memories as far back as our earliest childhood. Blocks and unconscious association to places and people can be the hardest of all to understand. Los Alamos, New Mexico is one of those places for me. As a child along with my older sister Holly, we realized that something was off, almost  peculiar regarding the town itself. And I say town because it wasn’t very big in the 70s. We would go to visit my uncle and aunt and each visit was always accompanied by dread not only by me but my sister as well. Back then as a kid, I felt I was going to the Twilight Zone. It reminded me of a town hiding secrets and the people seemed to be strange not only in appearance but in some other odd manner that even to this day, I can’t put my finger on. My uncle worked for Los Alamos Labs but we never knew what he did, he took its secret to his grave.

Funny thing is, that I had been there a few times as an adult but I blocked out the way from both directions, a back way through  the Jemez Mountains and the other off of  I-25. With the knowledge of my childhood apprehension regarding Los Alamos, Michael and I decided to take a trip the back way into Los Alamos to see why I felt the way I did. It was lovely, the Jemez Pueblo was surrounded by red rocks and the Caldera further down the road, was magnificent in size. How on earth could I have forgotten such a beautiful place? As we went along the winding road getting closer to Los Alamos, my breathing became heavier and I started to get sweaty palms. We past an area of high grass along the highway that ventured out into pine trees. A flash of memory came back to me but I wasn’t sure at first what it was. A few days later, it hit me like a ton of bricks, a full blown memory that to this day, I can’t believe I had forgotten.

I was around 6 or 7 years old and I remember a group of men in military uniforms. Some in brown and others in blue except for … the Grey Aliens. They were testing me along with a selected group of children. We were all supposed to levitate over an area the size of a football field. They had us running along a large valley of tall grass surrounded by pine trees. I was scared and knew that I wouldn’t be able to levitate as they requested. My mind was literally mush so nothing could get through. I literally felt like a scared rabbit.  I knew that the repercussions for not doing what they asked me to do was going to be a severe punishment but I didn’t care. I knew that if I ran a little behind the other kids that there might be a chance that I could escape. I didn’t see the soldiers that surrounded us when I made a run for it and I was immediately picked up scampering in another direction. The memory stops here.

Another memory came weeks later, I was back in the same area with the other children. The Greys were levitating over us and wanted us to follow them. They had instructions for us. It was a total mind manipulation, a third eye mind meld. I remember I physically saw through another way, I think my pineal gland and I felt tingly all over as if I was half in my body and half out. I levitated a little and would fall … constantly. I’m sure I was bruised. The other kids did the same but they didn’t seem to care if we were getting hurt, they just wanted us to keep up the levitation to a point to where we could float and move from one end of the field to the other. I remember I was levitating up to about 10 feet and I was looking down at the ground below me. It was such an exhilarating feeling of not only accomplishing what they wanted but entering another place in my mind. Some voice in my head told me that I was doing a good job. As a child, I liked pleasing this group of Aliens. Good things happened when I was able to do as they asked, but the consequences I use to suffer for my failures is still blocked. In a way, I’m glad I can’t remember.

The final memory which I believe involves my childhood handler is foggier than the other memories. I was holding a man’s hand who was very familiar to me. I looked up to him more as a father figure than anything. We were standing by a 4 door sedan. I knew it was my handler’s car. There were 4 men directly in front of us in military uniforms besides other vehicles that were military. One person in particular was a high ranking officer, I believe he was a Major. He was yelling at my handler, telling him he was inappropriate with me and getting in the way of my progress. I held my handler’s hand tightly because I didn’t want him to go away. At that very moment, I had a sinking feeling that things were going to change and never be the same. I knew they were going to make me leave in another car with some stranger who I didn’t know and who would be assigned as my new handler. Something happened though it’s foggy, someone took my arm as my handler pulled me closer to him and tried to fight off whoever was trying to take me away. The memory just fades away after that. I can’t remember what happened.

If I try to explain these memories, I can’t. They are as detailed as if they happened yesterday. How do I explain or prove them? This is hard to do.

Stay tune for part 2. Rainbow

Encounters— Everywhere Anywhere

I have gone into deep woods in search of Sasquatch contact, but as time goes on I have started to realize that people have had encounters anywhere in the world – urban/rural/ desert / forest/islands and everywhere in between.

I have recently moved to Oregon and interestingly found out we live in the county with the most sightings in the country. Now remember its Oregon and people here are very open to these type of encounters, and I recently learned from a Sasquatch contactee that they love these huge trees that Oregon offers. Word has it they use the extensive root systems of these trees to communicate and even travel. The contactee I am speaking of is my finance and her first Sasquatch contact was in the shower in Albuquerque, telepathy. Her next encounter was in Portland area a suburb call Lake Oswego in the physical an in the house encounter. 

My encounters and sighting happened in the deep woods of Northeastern Washington State, which was made up of a couple of prints, hand on my shoulder in tent, a photo and a chorus of hooting Sasquatch. But there are many examples of the big Guys being seen and felt in urban areas around this country.

So let’s look at a few cities around the country that have had recent Sasquatch sightings , first Chicago there is a large forest preserve northwest side of the city , where joggers have gotten glimpses of the hairy folks over the years. In St Louis at their famous River Park there have been several sightings recently by picnickers who said they felt their presence and briefly saw the big guys watching them eat their food. King County/ Seattle 50 reported solid sighting the last 2 years. Miami/ Dade county numerous sightings of the Skunk Apes looking into people’s windows near the Everglades locations. And for many years south of Denver there has been a rash of day and night sightings in the middle of beautiful suburban areas.

So the bottom line here is researchers stay home, save your money they are in your backyard, meditate, look and be patient. If you are a peace loving person with a very open mind, they will contact you just reach out to them in a meditative state, and they will come – that easy.

Sleep tight – the paranormal is a normal state that exists all around you, embrace it and explore it.


Paranormal Awareness

Sometimes I listen to paranormal shows and I often wonder what their impact on people is. What are the do’s and don’ts of living in a haunted house? What are the signs that there is a problem and when should a person get professional help? It’s not easy living in a haunted home or for that matter experiencing the paranormal on a daily basis. It usually happens when we least expect it which in a warped way, is the paranormal’s way of showing us; it has a dark sense of humor.

When I was in my early teens, I realized that there were some things I had to learn to do to survive even the slightest hint of anything paranormal. I didn’t have any tools so I did what I could to feel safe. I realized even back then that there were people like me who were experiencing the paranormal but that there wasn’t a specific rule of thumb to go by. Maybe it’s time I wrote about my version of this rule of thumb so to speak and how it helped me get through some dark and tough times. This is obviously based on my experiences so I hope in some manner, large or small the advice I give will help those in search for answers.

Closets                                                              From childhood on up to this very day, closets still scare the bejeezus out of me. If a child or young adult tells their parents there is a problem in the closet, in most cases, they won’t be believed. This happened to me and it was really more about my parents didn’t want to deal with something that could possibly be a problem. The door would be shut and if it opened, there was a rational explanation. A closed door that doesn’t usually open on its own isn’t normal. Sounds from a closet are not normal. Things being messed with in a closet isn’t normal. Something coming out of a closet definitely isn’t normal. If any of these things I spoke of are part of a conversation you have with your kids or family members, there’s a problem. The real question is, why would a parent discount what a scared child or young adult tells them?

I believed my daughter when she told me something was in her closet watching her and what was worse, she then proceeded to tell me a voice told her to go to the closet. When she told me this, I immediately knew something was up. I mean, that is not a regular conversation I would usually have with my four years old. First and foremost, believe what your kids and family members are telling you. Secondly, it’s important to go and open the door, look around in the closet and state you are aware it’s there. Claim the closet as part of your house and smudge the inside of it with sage. I would also light either, frankincense and myrrh or dragonsblood incense in the bedroom. I would call my daughters guardian angels into the room and ask them to watch over her. I would also place a piece of tiger eye or serenite in the closet. I also do this for myself.

Antiques                                                                                                                                                                                   I’m a sucker for antiques and in some ways, they can be my downfall. There are two things you can do if you want to bring a piece of the past home with you, first, ask the history of the piece, where it came from and who owned it before it came up for sale. Secondly, ask the salesperson if anything strange has happened around it. If you get bad vibes meaning heart racing, headache, stomach tightening or goose-bumps from being around the piece, that’s usually a sign you should not buy it. Remember if something is attached to a piece of furniture, art or lamp, you will feel it. It’s harder for the darkness to hide when the room temperature changes. Beware of cold spots.

Haunted Rooms                                                        In a prior post I wrote about a house I lived in, in my early twenties. The room was one of the most haunted spaces I even to this day have come across. Usually haunted rooms or locations occur when a death, natural or unnatural has occurred. This means that perhaps violence and or negative emotions were absorbed into that room. Sometimes spirits like to occupy a space even if they did not live or experience anything there, it just depends on the circumstances. For example, a little boy spirit would peer in my daughter’s room from an outside window when she was young. He didn’t have anything to do with the house but was more attracted to her and her playing in her room. He wanted her to invite him in; I made it clear there would be no uninvited spirit playmates in the house.

Clearing a haunted room isn’t that easy. As a homeowner, it’s important to state it’s your house and that includes those spaces that are apart of your house that is compromised. I have always had an altar in my bedroom anywhere I’ve lived. It’s the one thing that I think people should do in their homes. Once I get my altar set up, I then make it clear that my guardian angels and spirit guides are invited in besides friendly contacts but all others with negative intentions, have to leave. If they don’t like it, I ask my guardian angels to take care of it. The important thing here is to know without a shadow of a doubt that your guardian angels will take care of it. If you doubt this, you take away their ability to get rid of unwanted spirits and you actually empower the unwanted spirit with the fear of uncertainty. Your convictions as a live human and your beliefs are put to the test when you have to get rid of unwanted spirits. They have to know that you have dominion in this reality. If they are mean, it may take some time but when I’ve had my fill of activity, I’m steadfast and stick to my guns in order to get them out.

Attachments                                                                                                                                                                           Spirits have their own agendas and sometimes figuring out what their agendas are can be like going down a rabbit hole. It’s important to look at yourself as a whole individual with a protective bubble around you. The one-way spirits can attach themselves to people is when they are depressed and unprotected. Think of all the people who take medication for depression, it’s a real problem and a part of this problem is dark energy taking advantage of the low points in people’s emotional lives.

Here’s something that might help, first off, it’s important to have daily goals even habitual routines that are reminders to keep our shields of protection up. All this shield is, is asking your spirit guides or guardian angels or whoever to protect you. Imagine wings around you all day or a wonderful array of lights engulfing you. However, you can imagine your shield around you because it is the most important part of keeping the darkness at bay. Imagining it, feeling it and relaxing in its protection is what makes it real. It’s a daily ritual of asking that reminds us that at certain times within a day, we can become vulnerable. This is when we need help the most.

Dark Shadows                                                                                                                                                                   Every so often in the various houses I’ve lived in, I have seen dark shadows. I don’t always see them as something apart of the house because I have seen them outside as well. I think they are beings from other dimensions who are fascinated with our energy. I think our vibrations of emotional highs and lows attract the attention of these creatures. Whatever appearance you see them it doesn’t really matter because they all seem to show themselves in whatever image gets the worst scare out of you. I’ve seen black blobs, shadows of men in military uniforms, tall and short figures of people and the list goes on. Whenever I see them, I say out loud, “I see you!” This has always worked in making them leave because for some reason they don’t like for the people to know they are watching them. I can’t say in all cases that if you let them know you see them that they will leave but at least it puts you on an even keel with whatever is looking at you. Awareness is key here.

Paralysis                                                                                                                                                                                This is a weird one here because I have woken up on my stomach totally paralyzed except for my eyes looking around. I have had a strange dark figure try to pull me off the bed a few times with me paralyzed except for my eyes and a difficult time speaking or should I say screaming! If I focus on my vocal cords and really try to get them to work, I usually can make a sound squeak out and then I can get it louder from there. I think on this one if you can stay focused on your body and not what’s going on around you it helps. It’s important to try to get your mind over matter and focus on what works so that you can go to that inner place within you that is your source of power. This is what I call the sanctuary of the soul where God presides. In my opinion, there is nothing more powerful than this place within a person and if we can learn to focus on it, we usually can free ourselves. I know I did it in Egypt when I woke up paralyzed. The Medicine men and women I studied with showed me how to focus during times of distress.

You have to calm down your breathing, almost feeling your heartbeat, feeling it within your chest beating in a more relaxed manner. Secondly know that you are working from your mind and that what the mind tells the body to do, it does. Its part of the reality of this dimension, our mind is the pilot of our body. Focus on your inner sanctuary where your essence is most comfortable and at home. Between the two, mind and essence, focus on easing yourself from the confines of the paralysis. As it was told to me, all humans need to get used to going within themselves instead of focusing outside themselves. By going within, we make it harder for paralysis and mind control to happen. There’s a vast Universe within us that we never venture into, maybe it’s time you did.

Hope these examples help you. I’ve been dealing with all kinds of things for 50 years. Not much surprises me but there are those exceptions. I’ll talk about those in my next post.

e it harder for paralysis and mind control to happen. There’s a vast Universe within us that we never venture into, maybe it’s time you did.

Hope these examples help you. I’ve been dealing with all kinds of things for 50 years. Not much surprises me but there are those exceptions. I’ll talk about those in my next post.
