Zecharia Sitchin, man of no fear and big ideas -Is it all True Series #162

Sitchin died nearly 2 months ago, so it is about time for me to say a few words in honor of a man who was not afraid to stand and say his beliefs. His main, core belief was that mankind was created by ETs, or as some say, the ancient astronaut theory.

Zecharia wrote a series of very popular books which sold millions of copies in 25 different languages. He had a pop culture following of loyal disciples. I always enjoyed his 12th planet idea – the idea that the planet Nibiru comes sliding though our solar system every 3600 years and gets very near earth, and the beings that occupy that planet sort of jump off and visit us and collect minerals, gold etc. And during one of the visits they decided to create a few helpers to mine the minerals they needed. Those helpers were us guys, us wild and crazy humans.

I didn’t think much of the Sitchin story until years later during a couple of abductee interviews. They told a very similar story about a planet that comes close to earth periodically and that there were interactions with a group of beings similar to humans that left behind some of their undesirables and they became our ancient ancestors. I was very careful to see if they knew of Sitchin before our conversation and they assured me they had never heard of him before.

During Zecharia’s last years he came under more criticism as more independent researchers were challenging his theories. But he stayed strong not giving in to his critics. I had the pleasure of twice hearing him speak and meeting him in person. He was a feisty little man who when pushed would push back hard, very hard, and he had made some enemies over his 90 long years. I think his strong belief in his research kept him alive and going, traveling, writing and researching the history of mankind; he walked the walk. I admired him because he was not afraid to do what he loved. Sitchin may not have been 100% on, but I believe by 2050 we will see that he was 90% there.

Sleep tight – Nibiru is probably our heaven and our hell.


Prophecy Corner — A quickie

I have some interesting concerns about a few dates coming up shortly, 10/10/10 Sunday, 10/11/10 Monday — these two I have had those feelings , now not necessarily bad stuff, but I am not ruling it out . This could be something that opens a door , or gives us a clue to a higher understanding.

Also 10/13/10 Wed. is a date predicted by a retired NORAD person who said from his and the Military’s contact with alien being group or groups,that particular date would be a day of protest , the beings are protesting our destruction of this planet, which they also occupy.

Fleets of their ships will hover over major cities of the world.

We will see shortly if any of this has a meaning .

Enjoy the world can be FUN.


Annoucement–The UFO Watchtower and Colorado MUFON—2010 UFO Conference September 4 and 5

For More Information Please Contact:
Judy Messoline
The UFO Watchtower and Colorado MUFON (The Mutual UFO Network) will host the 2010 UFO Conference September 4 and 5 at the UFO Watchtower, located 22 ½ miles north of Hooper on Highway 17.

Saturday speakers will include: Joe Fex, Sasquatch and Paranormal Investigator;
Gloria Hawker, Hypnotherapist and abductee; Paola Harris, from traditional Ufology to AVATAR, a New World view; Larry Porter, Remote Healing; Charles Hall, Nellis Air Force Base and the Tall Whites.
For the complete list of speakers visit www.ufowatchtower.com
Activities begin at 8:30 AM with the last speaker at 6:00 PM.

The Sunday speaker lineup includes: Jules Kennedy, Channeler of other worldly sources; Dr. Ardy Clarke, a Professor Emeritus, will share stories related to her by indigenous people in the US, Mexico, Central America, the South Pacific and Australia: Dori Alsop Paden, will speak about the impact of extraterrestrial contact both physical and telepathic; Niara Terela Isley former enlisted Airman in the U.S. Air Force with a 3 month block of missing time.
Speakers begin at 9:00 AM with the last speaker at 4:00 PM.
Cost for the conference is $25 per person. Camping is available at $10 per night.

Friday, September 3, will find a Gathering of Native American Healers beginning at 10:00 AM featuring Native American singers and drummers.
Cost for this event is $15 per person. Camping is available at $10 per night.

Reservations for both of these events may be obtained by calling Judy at

“The Board”: an instrument into the Otherworld or vehicle to the Void? – Part 1 Is it all True Series #143

Sometimes on a Friday night as I get ready to write an article on something UFO/Paranormal I have a bit of an old brain fart. But luckily that doesn’t last long, for I ask the cosmos for some direction and it has me push random words into the Google search bar. And guess what, interesting stuff comes up and it awakens my frozen neurons. This week is the favorite big mystery item called “the board” – the Ouija or the Ouija board – whatever you like to call it.

First a little “board” history. It was born surprising here in the USA, not in some dark castle in old Europe. In the 1870’s a carpenter named E.C. Reich built the first wooden “board”. But I believe its first conceptional appearance could have been back as far as the early Egyptians. Then around and about 1886, E.C. sold his concept and his board to two guys named Kennard and Maupin and they started marketing the Ouija. Next a Mr. Bill Fuld bought the business and he and his brother made lots of money over the next 35 years with their Ouija board business. Interestingly, Fuld may have committed suicide at the age of 57. The board, or a jealous close relative? Only the “board” knows. Then in 1942 the Fuld family sold the board to the game giant Parker Brothers who still own the rights.

So over the last 140 years people all over the world have been playing with this vehicle.
And I believe 90% of the time no harm comes to the participants. Now the 10%, which many would debate is a very high number, but I say yes, it is one of the dangers; a 10% chance of getting your mind screwed into another world with no way back is something to note. So the more you play it, the more the roulette wheel turns and the closer to the void you come. Another issue is it is quite addictive, the thrill of the unknown and the possible glimpse of a spirit will keep you coming back.

So what is happening here? Well I believe several things: one, as we play with the board we ask questions of the entities who lie normally at a safe distance from us in their world plane. By asking questions we are inviting them in to our world and they love to visit. That would not be so bad but they like to take bits of stuff back with them. Some of the stuff they take are memories from the most vulnerable players of the game. And who are the most vulnerable ones? They are the ones with the most fear in their hearts and minds.
Also a law between worlds is that you must balance out the worlds and leave something behind in the world you take from. So normal human memories are taken and replaced by non-human thoughts. I’m talking about looking into the void, a very dark void at that.

People whose minds are filled with fear are in danger of losing a bit of their sanity if they play with the board – “ the Board will play you.”

Next week I will continue with more on “the Board” from my personal experiences and those of other reliable sources.

And here I am telling you about the dangers of “the board” as I get ready to go into the other world through vortex photography on a trip east of Albuquerque high in the mountains.

Sleep tight and remember – no fear will make you even with the board.


Short Message from Jim Turner of Apocalypse Island Fame

I depart this afternoon for the Eclipse Expedition and will be alongside the island monument on the Ahau day and unable to communicate with the outside world. The solo expedition will be a challenge but it is one that I am exceptionally excited about.

I anticipate returning with some amazing video footage as well as with many answers to the mysteries of the Mayan Sun God monument. Thanks for your interest and support and I look forward to reporting on my triumphs when I return.



Prophecy – Is an event coming? A big Event ?.

As you know if you follow this site- I am not a big believer of prophecy, although if you search ” prophecy ” in the search bar — you will find some very interesting stuff – with some amazing results.

So here we go again ,, mark your calendar. I normally give much thought to announcing a possible event, this is coming from a little gut and some astrology. My astrology gurus talk about T-squares,Cardinal signs and a special rare assignment of Venus,Jupiter,Saturn,and Pluto, I just say I feel something is going to happen –on or about July 31 2010 something big — earthquake type event maybe another large volcanic eruption. But it could be a big explosion of some sort ( I will leave it at that ).

Be safe — keep your head down and your socks up.


A Man in Black and the Georgia Mystery celebrates 30 years- Is it all True Series # 128

I lived in Georgia for over 14 years and I frequently visited the Georgia Guidestones about 100 miles northeast of Atlanta near the small town of Elberton, Georgia. Many call these guide- stones America’s Stonehenge. The nearly 20 foot tall slabs were honed from Elberton area, which has blue/ green granite quarries.

First, how did these slabs get to this farm field? The stories vary; I will tell you what I have heard and the more official version. In 1980 a man with, I believe, the alias name of R.C. Christian, came to a small bank in Elberton, talked with the bank agent named Wyatt Martin. R.C., opened an account in the bank with instructions to Wyatt to how the money would be distributed to various contractors who would work on the project. I understand RC met with Wyatt two or three times during the project. R.C. also met with the stoneworkers who would construct his “Age of Reason” monument.
The four vertical slabs had R.C.’s rules of reason such as:
1. Rule the world with tempered reason.
2. Avoid petty laws and useless officials
3. Prize love, truth, and beauty
4. Don’t be a cancer on the earth
5. Leave room for nature
6. Seek harmony with all
7. Call for the limit the population to 500 million people.
I can’t say I disagree with any of the above. Of course people will take this into many directions such as satanic and totalitarian. And others will say its just common sense.

These rules are written in eight different languages and the capstones are written in ancient languages such as Egyptians hieroglyphics, Cuneiform, Sanskrit and Old Greek.
The stones themselves are a cosmic clock using the sun and stars to track time. As I have visited these pillars, I felt a low level vibration from the ground, like its message is being resourced from Mother Earth.

It’s very peaceful to sit by the stone-crop-circles in the middle of a cornfield. On one of my trips to the Guidestones I went into Elberton and talked to the locals about the pillars of stone. One old guy told me that the banker who dealt with the mysterious man named K.C., the banker was caught off guard with the appearance Mr. K.C. He was all dressed in black with white pasty skin and talked a bit mechanical.

So now to my theory, one of my past interests in the UFO field was those crazy guys called men in black and there were even a few female types. But as some know and I believe these MIBs are not human. In my over one thousand interviews with people that had UFO encounters, 1 out of 5 also had a man or women in black contact. But something happened in 1980, MIB contact seemed to stop, that was also the year the Guidestones were built. Could the construction of this monument be the last message of warning from the MIBs before they moving on to another world? This is a interesting concept but speculative, but one thing I do know I would not want to be the person or persons who has been vandalizing the Guidestones because from the contactee information I have gathered over the years the MIBs could really mess with you if you cross them.

So happy 30th – Age of Reason Stones
Sleep tight for the four pillars are still there guiding our journey

The Prophecy of 02/28/10 has the Factor? — Posting it one day before *– Is it all True Series ? #123 ALSO UPDATE 8.8 Chile quake- The Hit ?

I have in the past written about world prophecy and I have stated before that I possess a high level of skepticism for the general abilities and accuracy of most and maybe all psychics. But when a non-human entity is the source of the prophecy I stop and listen. Please review my “Lady in Black Prophecy” posting (on 12/07/07) and see why the alien being factor makes the difference, which was a truly amazing event. My January 3, 2009 prophecy posting, for the pure fun of it, shot out some 2009 prophecies- with the now known results as follows:

1. A 14% unemployment rate? – Thank the lord it never got that high.
2. Obama popularity is still near 50% and the chance that unemployment could be below 9 % by mid- summer 2010 is still very possible.
3. Pakistan – is the most dangerous country in the world and Obama is doing air strikes in Pakistan I guess with their approval.
4. Mixed bag on Climate Change, but it wasn’t an ice –free Arctic in summer 2009.
5. Major UFO sightings – None in western Australia, but there was a fairly major one off the coast of Portugal.
I guess I was about 50/50 probably slightly better than those powerhouse tabloid psychics.

That brings us to the interesting 2010 prophecy, check my Dec.15th 2009 posting about the date 02/28/10 for the complete details. The reason I think it is worth the time is that this prophecy has the non-human factor. Briefly this prophecy was prophesized in France to a French couple who was visiting Rennes – Le- Chateau. The couple observed a bright light that lit up the valley floor and later as they drove to their lodging saw a luminous entity. This entity approached them to a close position and made the couple very uncomfortable, the strange being stayed only a minute and then disappeared. The next thing they saw was three manta-ray type crafts fly-by them and just disappeared. That night as the couple slept they had a sleep state encounter with the same being they saw during the daytime. The entity stated they could not make direct contact with humans, but could contact them in the dream state. And the main statement from the alien being was that there would be a major disaster on 02/28/10 in which many people would need the couple’s help.

So this will be posted on 02/27/10. And tomorrow we will see if that Aug.26 2009 encounter was a true prophetic event. I say it is a 50/50 chance, which in my world it’s a high probability, so we will see. The more I think about all this potential pain and suffering in this already chaotic world the more I truly hope nothing happens.

Sleep tight, tomorrow will probably only be another day, let’s hope.

*****PS>> A day early we have had a super quake in Chile — is this a prophecy hit — maybe ???? ****** My experience is the Alien Being Prophets are sometimes a day early or a day late- go figure.


MJ-7 January Meeting and a new name and a new beginning– Is it all True Series ? #120

The semi-secret UFO paranormal group called MJ-7 is joining forces with other New Mexico groups to form “Albuquerque UFO/Paranormal Forum”. This will be a larger group whose on-going mission will be to seek the truth in the areas of UFOs and other paranormal realms. The hope is also to grow the group into a real UFO research resource in the Southwest.

The purpose of using Albuquerque, as part of the new name was to elevate Albuquerque to the status of a first rate UFO/Paranormal study community, a status that was lacking in the past.

Some potential projects/events for 2010 that were discussed at the meeting are as follows:

1. Flying over Dulce to take close aerial photos of some anomalies and analyzing the results to better understand this strange area and its phenomena.
2. Taking a trip to Oregon to research Bigfoot and Alien habitats in lava tubes, and also doing Vortex photography.
3. Looking into doing a TV show/talk show devoted to all strange things.
4. Start major planning for a blockbuster underground base conference in Albuquerque, probably in 2011.
5. One of the members, an abductee consultant, is working on a high profile study on the history of the Roswell event.
6. Another member is taking an accredited course at UNM on UFOs (a first in the nation as far as I know).
7. There was a lively discussion about “Jump Rooms,” instant travel ports between two points in the universe. The group could look into one here locally that is said to go from Sandia Labs to Los Alamos Lab in a fraction of a second.

This could be an exciting year for the group, as new ideas, new knowledge and new journeys enter into discussions at their robust gatherings, which are free and open to the public. The wise seven Owls of the original group will always be at the core of this fascinating Cabal (a good cabal, of course – a little secret school)

The next meeting under the new banner will be March 6th 2010, 1:00 to 2:30 pm at the Manzano Multi-Generational Center south of I-40 and Eubank in Albuquerque.

Come one, come all – Listen, learn, and share.


Seven Wise Truthseekers

The Seven Wise-ones

Noory Speaks — William Henry – StarWalkers III.

Our friends the Anunnaki entering the earth plane via- the Stargate , a celestial boat of sorts. The crossing point for the Deities. We are all on the boat together – passing into the dimension of the of the blessed. Bundle of reeds – Symbols of the Gods = language of the Gods. Are we raising into a Cosmic species. Portal/ Gates used for travel and more lots more. Path of enlightenment – not accepted here in the West.