“The Grays” and other – Whitley Strieber Part 6

More Strieber -you got to love him. Whitley in the woods with his gun and looking for Cig. butts.
He sees little animal creatures with human eyes, quite frightening. (not of this world). Also in the woods was a little man in a black stretch suit. Cole the Cat is lost the beloved family pet (crisis) in the woods with the strange beings. Finally Anne and Whitley go skinny dipping, go figure.


Thanks to YOUTUBe. And check out Whitley site on our blogroll.

Men in Black -an Audrey experience-Is it all True? < The Series part 13

Audrey, a sweet southern gal, has had some amazing experiences with non-human visitors for most of her life. In the summer 1987 my sister and I visited Audrey at her parents’ home in North Carolina. She at that time was 23 years old with two super smart kids who assured me they spoke to small beings on a regular basis. As we pulled up to Audrey’s parents’ home I noticed a large bald area on their lawn near their home. The area was a near perfect circle about 20 ft. in diameter. This bald circular spot had been there for 14 years and only in the last couple of years had a few blades of grass started to grow inside this large strange circle.

This circle appeared during a week long succession of abductions involving 9-year-old Audrey. This was a tough period for Audrey who was having wild lucid dreams about big-eyed beings taking her for the ride of her life with the typical probing and scoop mark scars as reminders of these experiences.

Then a week later while her grandmother was babysitting her; there was a strong urgent knock on the door. Audrey went to open the door with her grandmother right behind her. There were two official looking guys who introduced themselves as being from the Special Investigation Unit of the US Government; they even briefly flashed badges, which looked like they came from a cowboy sheriff play set. Upon close examination these two guys looked quite strange, dark suits with big baggy pants, old fedora hats (like something from the late 30’s and 40’s), darks glasses and porcelain skin. They talked very slow and in a monotone voice with no emotion. They were very interested in Audrey and how she was feeling and they wanted to touch her to see how she felt. Grandma didn’t like what she was hearing. They said for their family’s good what happened this last week must be forgotten. And as they tried to step further into the house toward her granddaughter, Grandma pushed one of them out the door. It/ he felt light as a feather, they both turned in unison and floated across the ground to their brand new looking black Cadillac and when they got into the car, it seemed to disappear. The Grandmother was visibly shaken for about a week. Audrey was somewhat amused by it all.
So although the MIBs were not very effective, Audrey never forgot.

MIBs disappeared from the UFO scene about 5 years after this experience; they were probably called back to planet X or Y and retired to the junkyard.

Enjoy…Sleep tight — feel safe the CIA is watching over you.



A girl with Men in Black or white …

“The Grays” and other – Whitley Strieber Part 5

More great Whitley ,,, Visitors at his NY State cabin ,lights,beings,and good and evil aliens .

No more superstition ,, Whitley becomes a negative figure ,, being attacked verballly from others in the public.

Negative and dangerous stuff he had stumbled on.

The woods walks and his communication with the beings. The Cancer Man in his woods was a 11 year old boy (so he thought.) — strange weather smoking being ,, a bit scary.

Enjoy… Mwiz.

Lady in Black -a Personal experience-Is it all True? < The Series part 12

Now I want to share with you a personal experience I had about 13 years ago,
in Atlanta, GA, on January 3, 1995. I was a manager at a plastics company overseeing the logistics department. I had a great secretary named Debbie, she kept me honest and preserved my privacy when it came to probing sales people, like transportation trucking reps. But this day was going to be different; I was chilling out in my office after an intense upper management meeting. Suddenly there was a new voice outside my office door, a voice I had never heard before. This new person was talking to Debbie and they both seemed to be enjoying the conversation. I moved across my office to do a little filing duty (which I hated to do). Now I could see our new visitor. She was a bit strange in some way, but a bit of a beauty. She had very white smooth porcelain skin, long jet-black hair and other pleasant features. I guess I caught her eye and she gave me a sexy smile. Shortly after Debbie came into my office explaining maybe we could use her company to ship products into Cleveland. We had three other carriers going to Cleveland already so I was puzzled why Debbie was pushing this.

So I reluctantly agreed to speak with her. Up close there was a strange robotic way about this woman. She talked briefly about her company (almost in an uninterested way). Then suddenly she blurted, “my brother recently was on a business trip and staying in a hotel in Nashville and he was getting ready for bed and two Gray beings walked through the wall. They sat on the bed with him and quickly said that 3 weeks from that day there would be a huge earthquake (7+) in Kobe Japan and over five thousand would die. Her brother, Ed, couldn’t speak, the beings said nothing more and walked back through the wall. Her brother had been upset for over a week and was very anxious and waiting for the next two weeks to pass.

And on January 17, 1995 a 7.2 earthquake killed 6,400 people with $100 billion in damage in Kobe, Japan. It had happened, a real prophecy had come true. I was in shock. I quickly ransacked my desk to find the business card of the lady in black. I had to talk to her. But to my surprise or not to my surprise, she never existed at the company. I called three times and talked to three different people, no Bonnie Thomas.
So my calls to the Cosmos, “Lady in Black” please call, I am waiting for your next prophecy.

I believe…

MWiz — Enjoy life is short.


Kobe Japan 1995- Jan.

“The Grays” and other – Whitley Strieber Part 4

Whitley’s Cosmic child — is in his heart. He said it is a challenge to talk about his strange but normal life. The guardian — Whitley has an amazing dream when he was 25 years old. Sees himself arriving at the world of the dead. — EARLY . He is sent back to continue his life and his experiences in his up-state NY cabin ,his famous — Communion cabin.

Enjoy—- life is quite short


“The Grays” and other – Whitley Strieber Part 2

More good stuff from Whitley . One day the Grays showed Whitley a “Blond”-child in an airport playing super-fast patty-cake. People and aliens just disappearing. And the two Grays in the Book-store checking out Whitley book -Communion. And More.

Sleep – very tight , our government is “watching” over you.


Thanks to youtube And check out Whitley site on our blogroll.

Some more, more Barry # 3 -Is it all true– the series- Part 9

This is my final chapter on my friend Barry, the AF air traffic controller, and the subject of my last two Saturday afternoon posts. Barry, myself and another friend of mine named Tom had the privilege to visit an incredible piece of country about 5 miles west of Grandfather Mountain in North Carolina. Barry owned this property. It was an area of rolling hills in the middle of a forest of huge magnolias. There was no house or cabin there yet, so we camped. Tom was a non- believer of UFOs and alien things, but his world was about to change. I had bought along my trusty million-watt spotlight to bring in alien ships and Tom just laughed. Barry and I laughed at Tom. Things started slow, as I blinked up into the crystal clear and crisp sky above the Blue Ridge Mountains. Then Barry pointed out a light moving rapidly from the south; Tom shouted nervously that it was only a plane, but to his disbelief it suddenly stopped, hovered and came in closer and brighter. I started a series of protocol I learned from the Steven Greer group. And whatever it was (a UFO) returned the same series of blinks for about 10 minutes then it blinked out and reappeared on the left side of the horizon, shot straight up and was gone. Tom was a little shocked, but he was alive. We played with the ships until about 1 AM, and we all were very tired. All three of us had some pretty incredible dreams that night. Anything can happen when you’re with Barry. Tom still talks about his baptism into our crazy world of the unknown, which was now nearly 30 years ago.

The last Barry story takes place in Roswell New Mexico, the Holy Grail event of the UFO world, at least according to some of the amateurs. Two of Barry’s very close military friends were witnesses to this event. One named Bill was an aerodynamics expert from California who was awaken from a deep sleep and was told he had 10 minutes to get ready for at least a week away from home. At about the same time Ray a forensic specialist (burned bodies expert) was hustled from his Army base in Colorado. Forty+ years later on Bill’s deathbed Barry heard part of the story. Forty years earlier, Bill was taken to a small town in New Mexico and in a small but heavily secured military base hangar he observed, categorized, and touched metals and parts of a burned out ship, which had amazing properties. There was writing on the metal in some type of foreign symbols. Bill was told that the ship came down because we were experimenting with a new radar system. Two years later when Ray was dying of cancer, he told Barry he was taken to the same hangar and on the far south side of that hangar four small burned bodies under silver blankets were being held. He had never seen bodies like those before and even though they were badly burned, he easily declared them to be non-human.

You know I miss old Barry; I have not talked to him for about 10 years. He had some amazing experiences and probably more every day.

Enjoy, life is short, but always remember – never worry our government is watching over us.



Grandfather MT. Aliens love it.

Richard Sauder PhD – His view Underground Bases 9

Ancient tunnel systems , Hopi Indians . They talk about four period when the civilizations of earth have been destroyed.The Hopi talk about going underground and living with the Ant People .

Richard , also discusses tunnels between Sandia / Kirkland Base and Las Alamos . These tunnels are world wide — a worldwide issue.

Barry and his experiences "Is it all true"? Part 7.

I have worked in management positions for all of my life; I have hired hundreds, probably thousands of people during my career, and many of these people have UFO/ET stories, many of which I believe are true. I guess I have a unique ability to have people share their paranormal experiences with me.

Barry was one of those people. He was a retired Air Force air traffic controller, and he had many amazing stories, a few of which I will share with you.

It was the mid 70’s, and Barry was stationed on an AFB in Florida. One of the more exciting things the air traffic guys would do was make bets on when the first Orbs would appear during that particular week. The Orbs came in different colors, green, yellow and bright white (almost too bright to look at), and they would shoot across the runaways at high speeds. They didn’t seem to bother the flights though, and they were great amusement for the guys running the flight line.

Barry also experienced several instances of missing time over the course of several years. He would come home from work and would start reading the paper and maybe have a beverage. It seemed like only a few minutes, but several hours would have actually passed. He would start in one chair and end up in another. So where had Barry been? Only they know.

In the early 80’s the Air Force transferred Barry to a base in Missouri. One weekend he was going to see a relative across the state. He was driving west on Interstate 44 near Lebanon towards Joplin at 10:00 am and in a blink of an eye he realized he was on Inter-state 64 heading east out of Missouri and it was 11:00am; he had gone 200 miles in about one hour; I want that car! Barry never made it to see his relative. Chances are he saw something else, but he couldn’t remember.

Barry’s whole life has been filled with experiences that are not much different than what thousands of Americans experience everyday. Barry for the most part has handled his experiences in a positive way; he liked to think he was chosen, but he knew inside he was only at the right place at the right time, but some would say at the wrong time.

More on Barry next week.

Enjoy— life is short



Orbs on an AFB.

Richard Sauder PhD – His view Underground Bases 7

Navy has major interest in underground stuff. Mining – is it one of the reasons to go under.- to create- Black- Budget money- Gold, Silver, and Platinum. High Tech. equipment to retrieve stuff from the bottom of the ocean, and the crazy Nazis again, and their strange love of the Antarctic. And finally under-surface human breeding groups.- WOW.

Enjoy,, the Crazy and Wild world. Thanks Youtube

