Action Alert: Call for Devic Intervention/Assistance for the Arizona fires

As we were driving home from Sedona, Arizona to Santa Fe, New Mexico yesterday, I was concerned to see not only the extremely reduced visibility in the sky, but my own respiratory distress in breathing the smoke generated by the ‘out-of-control wild-fires’ in Arizona. I also felt something unnatural about the fires, something being ‘driven’ with a harmful intent. There are many theories regarding what caused these fires, and the bottom line is, it doesn’t matter at this point. We need help to contain them, now.

Several years ago, I and my Sedona, Arizona geobiology team were asked to help contain another out-of-control fire in Arizona, where I was living and working at the time. We had a great degree of success with the following protocol, given to us by the devic realm in our area. I am asking now that as many human beings as possible request assistance of the devic and elemental kingdoms at this time to contain the fires in Arizona. Here is what we were instructed to ask for in 2002, during the fires that were baffling veteran firefighters and sending flames over 500 feet into the air. This situation is far worse than that one, and we need to mobilize as many people as possible to ask for assistance in containing/resolving this environmental emergency, now.

Please, in your own home, or in a group of any size, request the following, with the contingency that no harm is done to any of the elementals or devas involved:

Begin by acknowledging that we, the human community, have had an accident that may have started the fires, and we are requesting the assistance of the devic and angelic communities to co-create addressing the environmental emergency precipitated by our actions.

Please ask for the Earth element to ‘eat’ the fires, using the intense energies of the fires to fructify and fertilize, to strengthen the earth in each affected area. Give thanks for the earth elementals in utilizing their mastery to accomplish this in a way that brings beauty back to all.

Pleas ask the Atmospheric devas to calm the winds in the areas of the fires, or to direct the winds to blow the fires inward onto themselves instead of advancing into more territory. Thank them for participating with us and lending us their mastery in this area.

Please ask for the Water element in each area to bring water up from beneath the ground to assist in humidifying the affected areas, and to magnetize and attract the necessary water, with no harm to neighboring areas, to assist in this project. Thank all water elementals for their help and give your gratitude for the life-giving and preserving quality of water in your personal life as well as for the areas the fires are active in.

Please acknowledge the life-force of the Fires, ask the Fires to contain themselves, to live out their individual destinies, to consume only what they need to accomplish their work, and thank them for the transformational qualities they bring.

Please command the immediate neutralization of any and all unnatural
human-generated controls/interferences in the creation/continuation of these ‘wild-fires’, and give thanks for the restoration of the balance of Nature in all of the affected areas.

Please ask for Devic Transition teams to assist with all of the living beings who have lost their lives in the fires. Make your own prayers for all of the animals, trees, birds, insects, structures, etc…My own prayer is that the Goddess bless, heal and rebirth them when the time is right…do whatever your heart leads you to in this regard.

Then please give your own personal offerings to our Devic and Angelic partners for their help and expertise in carrying out, to the best of their abilities, what you’ve asked them to do. Make an altar in your own space with each element represented and offer songs, prayers, dances, water, fruit, fragrances, whatsoever you feel moved to offer them. This will give them the ‘fuel’ they need from our human community to accomplish what we’ve asked them to do without harm to themselves.

Thank you in advance for anything you do to participate in this event. Please forward these instructions to any friends and relations you feel guided to.

Diana D. James
Devic Communications Specialist
Academie of Sacred Arts & Sciences
Santa Fe, NM

Have Humans Been Created From a Future Us? Is it all True Series #185

There is a reason why the inter-dimensional beings will save us in the end. This reason is complex. First, we provide an unlimited pool of emotional energy, which they love to bathe in. We are unlike 99% of all beings that exist in our galaxy. I believe there are a few thousand planets nearly identical to ours. But in the scheme of things and the pure math, we are truly a minority species type. So that alone makes us a bit special.

There was a time, in the very distant past, millions and millions of years ago, when our type of planets existed. But for the most part we destroyed ourselves. Yes, there probably were some major natural disasters that took some of the planets down, asteroids, comet collisions, star radiation and polar shifts. Nothing much humans could do, and the higher non-human intelligent beings believed in a hands-off policy.

But this hands-off policy changed, and I am not sure yet why. About one million years ago (a nice round number) someone in the universe said the humans must be saved.
For they are our past and we cannot ignore their historic importance. So if you get it, we are them from their past. We live in their old third-dimensional realm, their realm of their past. So about 350 thousand years ago, we were placed first on Mars, but it only took 100 thousand years for humans to destroy that planet, so our creator modified this other planet, which we call Earth and some of the remaining humans were bought from Mars. So modern man has been around here for about 250 thousand years. We were doing all right except something went terribly wrong the last 200 years, (another posting to explain that).

So how will they save us? Well, through a massive re-education program, or as I like to call it –cosmic mind control or mind alternation . We are becoming a different being; so different that in 50 years we will not know ourselves as we were. We will only look back and wonder who were those beings, and where did they go, for they don’t exist anymore, the Neanderthal of our time. The time has come to save ourselves from ourselves with a little help from our future selves.

Sleep Tight – the Earth waits in wonder of the New Human – we will be here– soon.


June News and Updates from Shaman Elizabeth

Shaman Elizabeth

“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.”
— Peace Pilgrim

It seems that nature has turned vicious lately with flooding, tornadoes, and higher than normal tempertures. In the Raleigh metro area, where I live, we have experienced tornadoes that took many lives, as well as record-breaking heat.

Nature is a reflection of our consciouness. We have all felt the stress of a bad economy, a housing market in its biggest slump since the depression, and a stock market that is still recovering (I know my retirement fund isn’t what it used to be!).

I watched a video last week of scientists testing plants using a lie detector machine to see how the plants’ surroundings affected them. What the scientists didn’t expect to discover was that plants respond to our thoughts, as well as our actions.

When setting up the first experiment, the scientist had the thought of burning the plant’s leaf to see if it would register on the lie detector machine. At the moment the scientist had this thought, the needle on the lie detector machine begin to have high readings! The plant probably didn’t know what a match was, but it did know what fire was!

This event set off a series of tests, which showed that plants responded to human thoughts, in addition to other plants’ thoughts. The video showed an experiment of a cabbage being cut up in the presence of another potted cabbage, which reacted with high readings.

So, while we are dismayed at our finances and unhopeful about the future, our surroundings are absorbing our thoughts. Nature’s fearful and turbelent actions are reflecting our thoughts.

We don’t have to be fearful, even if events aren’t going as we would like. We can trust that our paths our laid out perfectly and that the Spirit has a mightly destiny for all us. And, if we don’t stand in the way, we can lead glorious lives. Not necessarily in terms of money, but in loving gestures, healing words, and hopeful hearts.

NEW! A Course in Miracles Group in Apex, North Carolina

I have been inspired to host A Course in Miracles (ACIM) study group. While this may seem like a strange event for a shaman to host, I have discovered that there are no differences in the fundamentals truths between shamanism and the teachings of ACIM. Although they appear different in practice, they both believe in wholeness, relying on a higher power for healing, and asking for guidance from the Spirit.

The purpose of this ACIM study group is to emphasize “Application rather than theory, and experience rather than theology.”

The ACIM group will meet every two weeks in Apex, North Carolina, except for June, July, and August, when we will meet once a month. If you live near here, you are welcomed to join us. There are no fees, and you don’t have to come for every gathering.

If you are interested, please visit the website at

Blessed journeys!
Shaman Elizabeth

Upcoming Events

Speaking Engagement
June 6, 2011
Shaman Elizabeth will be speaking with the Miller-Motte College massage students in their Energy Based Modalities class. The presentation will include an overview on shamanic healing and how the spiritual affects the physical.
(private event)

June 14, 2011
Thinning the Veil: A Course in Miracles Study Group
Apex, North Carolina
Facilitated by Shaman Elizabeth. You are invited to attend.

Other upcoming events that might interest you:

Soul Retrieval Training
August 14-19, 2011
Portland Oregon
Taught by Sandra Ingerman

Mind, Body Spirit Expo
October 28-30, 2011
King of Prussia, PA
Featuring Doreen Virtue, Don Miguel Ruiz, and Michael Beckwith

Shaman Stone Soup
Elizabeth Herrera
The book that will help you believe in miracles!
Shaman Stone Soup is a collection of “beautifully written and heartfelt” stories in which Shaman Elizabeth Herrera brings miracles to life through her personal experiences and as a healer for friends, family, and clients.

Coronal mass ejection as viewed by the Solar Dynamics Observatory on June 7, 2011. — Amazing and a little Scary


The sun unleashed a massive solar storm today (June 7) in a dazzling eruption that kicked up a vast cloud of magnetic plasma that appeared to rain back down over half of the sun’s entire surface, NASA scientists say.

The solar storm hit its peak at about 2:41 a.m. EDT (0641 GMT), but the actual flare extended over a three-hour period, said C. Alex Young, a solar astrophysicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center who runs a website called The Sun Today, in a video describing the event.

“The sun produced a quite spectacular prominence eruption that had a solar flare and high-energy particles associated with it, but I’ve just never seen material released like this before,” Young said. “It looks like somebody just kicked a giant clod of dirt into the air and then it fell back down.” [Video: See the sun’s June 7 solar flare and eruption]

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NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory spacecraft caught high-definition video of the flare in different wavelengths. The event registered as a Class M-2 solar flare, which is a medium-class sun storm that should not pose a danger to satellites or infrastructure on Earth.

An alert by the NOAA-operated Space Weather Prediction Center stated that the solar flare could create a strong geomagnetic storm on Wednesday (June 9) from the event’s coronal mass ejection (CME), an explosion of charged particles triggered by the flare. Geomagnetic storms can lead to stronger than normal displays of Earth’s auroras, also known as the northern and southern lights.

“It’s nothing we really have to worry about,” Young said in his video. “It’s just really, really beautiful.”

The coronal mass ejection is directed at Earth and moving at about 3.1 million mph (5 million kph), SDO mission scientists said in a statement.

“Due to its angle, however, effects on Earth should be fairly small. Nevertheless, it may generate space weather effects here on Earth in a few days,” they added.

In the SDO videos, the solar flare erupts from the lower right of the sun and triggers the intense coronal mass ejection, which blows plasma and particles high up into the sun’s corona — its outer atmosphere — with some raining back down.

SDO mission scientists said the flare kicked up relatively cool gas and material.

“It is somewhat unique because at many places in the eruption there seems to be even cooler material —at temperatures less than 80,000 Kelvin,” SDO scientists explained.

A temperature of 80,000 Kelvin is about 143,540 degrees Fahrenheit (nearly 79,727 degrees Celsius). The sun’s corona typically has temperatures ranging from 900,000 degrees F (500,000 degrees C) to 10.8 million degrees F (6 million degrees C). It can reach tens of millions of degrees when a solar flare occurs.

The sun is currently going through an active period in it is 11-year solar weather cycle. The current cycle is called solar cycle 24.

Several NASA spacecraft are keeping constant watch on the sun for flares and CMEs, and serve as an early-warning system for major space weather events.

You can follow Managing Editor Tariq Malik on Twitter @tariqjmalik. Follow for the latest in space science and exploration news on Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook.

Ignore Most Dietary Advice – Follow These Four Steps Instead– From Dr. Mercola

The UK Department of health is clearly placing the health and well-being of their citizens in grave danger with this foolish decision. But I can’t say I’m surprised. This action is a phenomenal testimony as to just how powerful the food industry is. It certainly rivals the drug cartels as to their pernicious influence on public health.

In the US, Americans currently spend about 90 percent of their food budgets purchasing processed foods, which offer very little in terms of nutritional value and instead typically contain ingredients that will actually cause you harm. According to a previous article in the New York Times, “no country has embraced the movement toward commercialized, prepackaged food as much as the United States. ”

Sure seems that this latest decision is little more than a scheme to drag the UK down the same path of increasing corporate profits while rapidly destroying the health of the British people.

What Does McDonald’s, PepsiCo, and Mars Know About Health?

That’s an important question that the UK department of health appears to ignore. The evidence showing how processed foods and fast foods destroy health is so overwhelming you’d have to be buried in a Chilean coal mine to be ignorant of this connection. And yet some of the worst corporate culprits are now supposed to write government health policies to combat obesity, alcohol and diet-related disease!

According to The Guardian:

“The alcohol responsibility deal network is chaired by the head of the lobby group the Wine and Spirit Trade Association.

The food network to tackle diet and health problems includes processed food manufacturers, fast food companies, and Compass, the catering company famously pilloried by Jamie Oliver for its school menus of turkey twizzlers. The food deal’s sub-group on calories is chaired by PepsiCo…”

This is blatant folly. Additionally, the board created to oversee the work of these “deal networks” is ALSO dominated by the food, alcohol, advertising and retail industries! So what you end up with is foxes guarding the foxes that guard the hen house…

Making matters even more precarious for the public, The Guardian reports that “one group was told that the health department did not want to lead, but rather hear from its members what should be done.”

In essence, the UK health department is giving carte blanche to industry to devise whatever “health recommendations” they see fit, and you can be sure of one thing – these industries will NOT recommend anything that could jeopardize their business! For example, they’ve already ruled out using pricing of food or alcohol as a strategy to change consumer behavior. What does that tell you? It’s quite clear to me that nothing good can come out of this.

Poor Nutrition Drives Declining Health Statistics

It’s not hard to predict that public health policies dictated by the likes of McDonald’s, PepsiCo and Mars will be far from successful in creating recommendations to successfully curb obesity and diet-related diseases.

How could they? The very existence of these corporations relies on consumers maintaining their purchasing habits! And that’s the crux of the public health disaster facing both the US and the UK. We all need to REDUCE our consumption of processed foods, fast foods, sugary snacks and sodas!

None of these types of “food” have any place whatsoever in a health-promoting, nutritious diet.

If you eat a fast-food burger, you can easily take in close to half of your daily caloric requirements. Add in fries and a soda and you may be nearing an entire day’s worth of required calories in just one meal! But in that one meal, which is designed to be eaten quickly, on-the-go, you have not received the vitamins and minerals, the live enzymes and micronutrients, the healthy fats or high-quality protein that your body needs to function, let alone thrive…

Regularly eating these types of foods is a prescription for obesity, diabetes, and all the health problems associated with these conditions.

The obesity rate in the US is now nearing 27 percent, more than two out of three are overweight, and 1 in 4 Americans are affected with diabetes or pre-diabetes. If British citizens end up listening to the recommendations that arise from this unholy alliance between the UK health department and industry, British obesity statistics will soon mirror those in the US.

In fact, the UK is already closing in. According to the latest statistics from the UK NHS, a quarter of all adults in the UK are now classified as obese. As of 2008, nearly 17 percent of British boys between the ages of 2 and 15 also fell in the obese category, along with just over 15 percent of all girls.

The report also found that fresh produce purchases fell substantially between 2007 and 2008. Fresh fruit purchases fell by nearly 8 percent, and fresh green vegetables fell by almost 10 percent!

Only 25-29 percent of men and women, respectively, consume the recommended five portions of fruits and vegetables a day, and British children fare even worse when it comes to consuming healthful foods, with less than 20 percent of children consuming the recommended levels of fruits and veggies.

Corruption and Bribes – Business as Usual in the Food Industry

There’s a very real danger in letting the food industry call the shots when it comes to establishing public health policies. It just can’t work. The food industry, just like the pharmaceutical industry, is fraught with corruption and questionable business practices, including bribery and racketeering schemes. Like other players in big business, those running the food industry are out to make a profit, and often this comes at the expense of your health. Three prominent examples of food industry manipulation include the cases of:

Monsanto’s genetically engineered bovine growth hormone (rbGH/rbST)
Genetically modified (GM) foods
You can read the entire history of fraud and deception that led to the approval of aspartame here, but, in a nutshell, the evidence that showed aspartame was harmful was ignored or falsified, and the artificial sweetener was pushed through the the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval process by a select few who stood to benefit handsomely from its profits.

Ditto for rBGH. The U.S. FDA didn’t even require that rBGH be adequately tested before allowing it on the market. And, the fact that genetically modified (GM) foods have been allowed to infiltrate the market at all is a major lesson in the corruption of the food industry.

Further, the food crops currently subsidized in the US are corn, wheat, soy and rice. Growing little else but corn and soy means we end up with a fast food diet. In essence, these commodity programs are subsidies for the creation of junk and fast food, not REAL food that could have a positive impact on public health.

In short, regardless of where you live, the food you depend on to survive is slowly being degraded, devalued, and de-humanized by giant corporations and short-sighted, lackadaisical governments. And soon the UK will provide their citizens with even more highly questionable health recommendations fashioned by the very companies that actively created the health crises’ of obesity, diabetes and alcohol- and diet-related diseases in the first place…

Take Control of Your Diet and Your Health With these Crucial Four Steps

Folks, whether you live in the US, the UK, or elsewhere, the current madness appears to be Universal… So, what’s the answer?

Quite simply, you need to start thinking for yourself, and ignore much, if not most, of the health- and dietary advice you get through the conventional channels. Fortunately, “eating healthy” is actually far easier than most people think. Here’s a quick and dirty summary:

Focus on raw, fresh foods, and avoid as many processed foods as possible (for those who still have trouble understanding what “processed food” is: if it comes in a can, bottle, or package, and has a list of ingredients, it’s processed)
Avoid foods that contain high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) like the plague, but don’t just limit it to HFCS, you must limit ALL sources of fructose to less than 25 grams per day, and that includes fruit. If you are taking the average amount of fructose you are consuming three times that or 75 grams. At that level any fruit will cause more harm than good for all but those engaging in unhealthy levels of aerobic cardio activity.
Limit or eliminate grain carbohydrates if you have diabetes, are overweight, or have high cholesterol or high blood pressure
Replace sodas and other sweetened beverages with clean, pure water
If you’re new to healthful living, those four basic steps can put you on the right path toward vastly improved health, regardless of what your government’s dietary guidelines are. For my Top 10 Healthy Lifestyle recommendations please see this previous article.

The Best Sources for Safe, Nutritious Foods

Contrary to popular belief, your local grocery store is generally NOT going to be the best source for healthy, fresh food. Rather, the best place to find safe, nutritious food is at your local farm or from your local farmer’s market or organic food co-op. If you live in the US, the Coop Directory Service ( can help you find a co-op near you. My web page Promoting Sustainable Agriculture also lists resources for high-quality produce, meats and other foods in your area. If you’re in the UK, check out the Organic Portal (

Keep Learning!

Knowledge truly is power, and the more people become informed, the faster real and needed changes can come about. Below are several wonderful films that will give you an excellent overview of the health dangers of fast food, and the problems with modern agriculture. I highly recommend you watch and share these with your friends and family!

Food, Inc.
The Future of Food
Food Matters
Fast Food Nation
The World According To Monsanto

Did a Fleet of UFOs Get Shot Out of the Sky? Is It all True Series ? #184

The year was 1947, the month was July, and our government was using a new mobile device, similar to radar, to disrupt the UFO’s navigation system. There were a total of 5 UFOs shot down during the first half of July 1947. This information comes from a man named Chuck Wade, who has studied and done field work in the Corona/Roswell area for over 40 years. Chuck is a native New Mexican, raised in the Corona, NM area and who now lives in Gallup, NM.

The New Mexico UFO/Paranormal Forum had Chuck as a wonderful guest speaker for our May meeting. Chuck is a good-hearted man whose passion is New Mexico UFO crashes. Chuck has a science degree from NM State University and was in the military for 30 years. Chuck has some direct witness testimony of these UFO crashes. And Chuck has material evidence, although it seems to be controversial. I believe with further independent scientific analysis, the evidence will prove to be solid proof of the existence of UFO crashes in New Mexico. And maybe, just maybe proof that the US Military bought these vehicles down, killing most of its occupants. I said most of the occupants, because rumors have speculated that 3 or 4 beings survived the crashes, but all finally died by 1953.

Now the question is, does Chuck have the smoking gun to prove to the world these crashes were a reality here in New Mexico? Time is running out to find any more direct first-line witnesses; they all would be over 80 years old and some 90+, while others have moved away and have no desire to get into the middle of one of the most controversial subjects known to mankind. I do feel there is some more physical evidence out there in the vast semi-arid, semi-wasteland called southern New Mexico. Chuck believes there could be another part of a craft or maybe even a full craft that is wedged deep into a mountain crevice.

Chuck, I hope you find the UFO mother load; you deserve it after spending 50+ years of your personal time researching every possible lead. And as you well know, you have your critics, but you have persevered and have courageously kept moving forward. The time, your time is near, don’t stop now, and thanks for sharing. For there are no secrets worth keeping.

Sleep tight. Sometimes all we think we have left is our courage, but there is more, with courage there is always more.


The Ahau Chronicles Volume 24– From Jim Turner

Happy Ahau Day!

This newsletter brings together many strands of evidence from previous volumes into a grand interpretation of the meaning of the Age of Aquarius. Though the reading seems epic in scope it is supported by the evidence and emanates a grandeur of proportion that is appropriate for the occasion. The challenge is to open your eyes wide enough see it.

For those readers who have also checked out my YouTube channel, ApocalypseIsland2012, you will find a new video of my good friend Pedro Niada recounting his harrowing escape from the February 2010 tsunami which destroyed much of the village on Robinson Crusoe Island. I spoke with Pedro last week and he told me they have started to rebuild on the site of his old hostel. See the photos of the reconstruction on the “2010 Tsunami” page of my website. Bravo Pedro and best of luck!


Click on Blue text below.

JimThe Ahau Chronicles Volume 24