Many years ago, I heard about Mr. Costello while reading the wild and crazy Dulce papers. The Dulce papers are amazing stuff based around the premise that the aliens have underground bases in various locations around the world, including one of the most famous ones called the Dulce in far northern New Mexico.
Thomas Costello is most likely a factitious name of a security guard who saw some interesting things as he guarded the underground facility in the Dulce area. He claims Dulce is an underground hub of alien being activity in the western US.
I would probably agree with that statement because of my conversations with construction workers who worked on building tunnels going in various directions out from Sandia Labs, Kirkland AFB and from Los Alamos National Lab. These workers have also seen glimpses of strange beings moving about in these tunnel systems.
Thomas has said that Dulce was started in the late 30’s by Army Engineers; I have personally heard that the starting dates were more like the late 40’s because of our atomic bomb activity, and the alien interest in our genie in the bottle release. and the destruction of thousands of human souls. I also believe we had to agree on underground accommodations for the aliens “or else.”
Costello also talks about tunnels from New Mexico connecting to Mt. Shasta where it is rumored that the mountain is the home or was the home of an Elder/Reptilian race. This statement also seems to hold water, for I have had personal communication through meditation on Mt. Shasta several years ago, with some alien group.
Thomas also talks heavily about Reptilian activity in and around Salt Lake City and possible Mormon connection. Although I agree there is some pretty strange stuff going on in Utah, I worked with Mormons in the Salt Lake area for several years and never felt they (Mormons) had direct involvement with any alien groups.
If Thomas Costello is real or not, he sure told an interesting story of what might be. And I can confirm not all his conversations are sheer folly.
Sleep tight, one path of conspiracy is truth.
LMAO. “His statement holds water… cause I.. some weirdo from the internet went and sat on a mountain and heard voices in my head.. HAHAHAH
LMAO stfu ok and learn to read this shit is real I’ve seen them I’ve seen people appear from nowhere following huge storms ok just cause you don’t believe it doesn’t mean you have to give your 2 cents cause no one cares about it
I’d love to hear more about that story or any experience with aliens, if some of you could contact me and letting me know about it
I’d love to hear your story Killjoy!
Personal communication with aliens through meditation? Holy shut, where do you people come from?!
The Dulce papers seems not to be unreal. I have seen the twelve reports and lost them years ago.
There are other documents, that the US Government is dealing with extraterrestrial beeings. See also SETI, cropcircle answers.
I think,it is the wrong way. We will pay for it. There is another force, who warned the government, not to deal with these species. Now I think, it is too late to withdraw from the ‘business’.
If you study Alesiter Crowley and other infamous occultists, they too communicated to aliens while meditating. I, believe what people consider aliens are really jinn/demons who are interdimensional beings. Just as the leading UFO experts in the world believe that the UFO’s are interdimensional and not intergalactic, as it would take great time and energy to come here from another planet. It is more likely that they simply shift dimensions.
I live in Dulce and have been my whole life and this is true about the base,for holidays that there are many lights up you can see flying saucer hovering above the sky and then it will fly very quickly back into the side of Archuleta mesa,just so happens that a few nights ago there was a low flying plane that supposedly wnet into the side of the mountain to drop off “supplies”.that’s only one of the many strange things that has happened here.
Get som footage of UFO’s than. Should be easy based on your claim.
To concur with the statement above about seeing strange things out of nowhere following storms, these strange anomalies I’ve seen during strong thunderstorms with lots of lighting strikes. Orb type crafts look to be recharging inside the electromagnetic storm clouds. Get out of the fake matrix and open your eyes…
People like you are the reason secrets are kept your so dumb and pliable that you infer without boundary I don’t doubt for a second you genuinely believe this crap but I know for a fact you are delusional too. Without a doubt the bases and other such hidden agendas exist but they ain’t housing elder reptilian’s the entire premise of that conspiracy has more holes than the fairytales in religion do you really think whistleblowers would ever be able to do and confirm such things when the government is 10x more equipped to preserve secrets than any of you are to speculate your insignificant and so are your claims so what if there are aliens do you think disclosure would change anything seriously what would you do? Absolutly nothing is the answer except maybe build more elaborate stories to full your thirst for mystery it’s logical that aliens exist and to be honest it’s logical that humans would have some sort of agreeement but it’s not logical to tell or involve a public as stupid irational and unpredictable as you lot that’s why the provide so much misinformation and confusion so that even if someone is on the right track they will never have enough proof to confirm it you don’t deserve disclosure and you will never get it unless it’s too late and realistically I think that’s the best way my only grievance is that the 80% of dumb fools exist because it prevent’s us realistic people from knowing for certain too but it’s a price I’m willing to pay to ensure worthless goons like yourself never have any satisfaction do the world the cosmos and any other life a favour and just slit your throat and the throats all those like you .
So Mr. Genocide
Thanks for you comments although I didn’t call you names , you did confirm some very interesting things about yourself and that there is much truth you can draw from disinformation.
You know what I am talking about.
The image is a fake, it’s from a movie called “The 6th day” staring Arnold Schwarzenegger. Someone was just bored and made the photo black and white and zoomed in cutting Arnold out of the picture.