The Three People, who have felt the Alien Mind-Part 3 of 3-Is it all True Series #37

This is the last of the “three people postings” and I may have saved the best for last. I consider Louis Whitley Strieber a friend; I guess you could say he introduced me to the hard-core Ufology. About 22 years ago I was working in Atlanta and my assistant answered the phone. A man left a strange message for me, which was that I needed to go to the Atlanta UFO Forum that Friday. That message was from a Mr. Strieber. I went to the forum, and I was hooked on the hard stuff. Whitley and I later exchanged several letters and met at three conferences.

Here is a little background on Mr. Strieber (as he called himself); he is a prolific author with over 25 books to his name, which include fiction, non-fiction and more recently the fiction/non-fiction. Whitley first ventured into the strange UFO/ Alien world with his masterpiece entitled “Communion”. The book was in response to his December 1985 personal abduction. This abduction took place at his upstate New York cabin. He called the aliens “the visitors” which is a neutral term that leaves their origin open to the possibility that they were maybe from other worlds, our world, parallel worlds or even our minds. He continued his “visitor journey” in his next three books “Transformation”, “Breakthrough” and “Secret School”. Initially Whitley’s view of the beings was neutral, but I feel it was more like an unknowing, like an uncertainty about their motives. You could feel Whitley’s emotions and confusion bleed onto the pages of these books. But in the end of “The Secret School” he was moving towards the belief that these were good guys that were here to help.

Most of his books deal with the minds of both humans and “the visitors” and the points at which they meet. Mr. Strieber has gone outside his human mind to catch a glimpse of the Alien psyche, the alien mind. They are very different from us humans, so different that maybe only the hybrids will understand both them and us. Could Whitley be a hybrid – in the infinite universe – why not?

Now we get to his most recent books, “The Grays” and “The 2012 War for the Souls”, which are of the fiction/non-fictions genre. Fiction/non-fiction is an interesting term. Whitley uses a fiction veil to tell certain truths about his visitors. Without this cover, these truths would turn-off many of his readers and increase the criticisms and even government black agencies’ pressure to stop writing. These two books demonstrate a shift in Whitley’s feelings toward his visitors. Now they have a dark and hard look or even an “emotionally dead” look, which is the most dangerous, because without emotion there is no love. And with no love, mankind can’t prosper or even survive.

So dear “Visitors” don’t take our love…


Mr Strieber

Whitley Speaks — The Nye Incidents — Part 3

— Whitley- “this is the Dark-side of something”. Cats, horses, cattle and maybe now humans. Our moment of contact happened many years ago. This Nye stuff doesn’t feel like the grays — doing. Maybe different creatures — old car with oriental looking non-human beings — very strange eyes.
Could they cut your head off ?

Enjoy — life can be short .

The Three People, who have felt the Alien Mind-Part 2 of 3-Is it all True Series #36

Part two of this series is devoted to Jacques Vallee, a man with an extraordinary mind. He has a degree in mathematics, a Masters of Science in astrophysics, and a PhD in computer science. At age sixteen, Vallee first sighted an UFO over his Pontoise, France home. In his twenties, he viewed tapes of unknown objects orbiting the earth. He wrote nine books between 1965 and 1992 about UFOs and the human psyche.

Vallee feels there is a genuine UFO phenomenon- that something non-human is manipulating our time and our space. It is a game of deception on the human witnesses. They (these mind beings) come in various shapes and forms and present themselves differently to various cultures around the world. Vallee states they have always been here among us. The motivation behind this deception is unknown, but its purpose is probably some major change for human society. He downplays any government involvement in this deception, as the manipulators may want us to see our government as being involved for some unknown purpose as part of the end game.

Vallee’s first two books strongly supported the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (they come from far away in spaceships). But during the late 60’s, Vallee had changed his opinion, saying that this concept was too narrow to explain the whole of the phenomena. There were common elements between UFOs, cults, religious movements, angels, ghosts, strange creatures (i.e. Bigfoot), and psychic happenings. Vallee put forth the suggestion that they were multidimensional visitations and these beings could be from everywhere and/or maybe just from here; they were always here, but could remain undetected. His new view of the visitors cast Vallee out of good standings with mainstream Ufology. Vallee referred to himself as a “heretic among heretics.”

There were five reasons why he feels the term “space visitors” is incorrect:

1. Too many close encounters were recorded, many more than would be needed for the aliens to do a physical survey of the planet.

2. UFOs have the apparent ability to manipulate space and time suggesting a deeper science and richer alternatives.

3. This phenomenon has been seen throughout recorded history demonstrating that UFOs are not a recent fly-in event. (50s -Roswell)

4.The reported behavior in thousands of abduction reports contradicts the hypothesis of genetic or scientific experimentation on humans by an advanced race. (I personally don’t fully buy this point.)

5.The Humanoid body structure of the alleged “aliens” are not likely to have originated on another planet and are not biologically suited for space travel.

I personally don’t agree with all of Vallee’s views but he is a great thinker and a true Renaissance man, who has felt the Alien Mind.



Little Jacques – First Sighting

Whitley Speaks — The Nye Incidents — Part 2

Craig Spector (Co-author of the Nye Incidents ) Craig is outside of this event , he is not afraid , at least for now. Abductions and mutilations — light column in the sky with a body floating in the center. Man goes missing. man’s car is found. Man’s body in the swamp area — body looks strange , maybe mutilated . Bodies dropped from the skies in New Jersey , Some dropped on roofs of buildings –( homeless people ) Is it all True ?

The Three People, who have felt the Alien Mind-Part 1 of 3-Is it all True Series #35

The three people who have felt the Alien Mind are Whitley, Spielberg, and Vallee. We will devote this posting to Steven Spielberg. Steven has “Taken” us on this UFO/alien journey from 1977 to 2002, with out-of-this- world hits such as Close Encounter of the Third Kind, ET the Extraterrestrial and last but not least the 20-hour epic TV series “Taken”.

In 1977 there was Close Encounter of the Third Kind, a movie directed for an adult audience. It was a landmark movie, portraying the aliens as benign, unlike the past movies, which depicted beings who were totally evil and blood thirty. Although the human characters in the film were confused and emotionally upset, it was still a positive ending for the alien and the humans — the Third Encounter was full of celebration in the end.

In 1982 in ET the Extraterrestrial, Spielberg showed us an even softer, gentler side of these beings—we will forever remember the cute little being we all grew to love as he floated through moonlit sky on a bike, eating Reese’s Pieces and drinking Coors beer, so now the Aliens are acting a little human. This positive approach communicated to our kids that maybe abductions and aliens are good things and good guys.

Then in 2002 Steven produced “Taken” – a new view of this phenomenon, from the 1940’s, The War, Roswell and the lives of three families moving through four generations. Some of the humans were victims of the abduction world, while others were chasing the abductees. Life wasn’t good for any of them; a great deal of physical pain and emotional suffering is felt throughout this series.

So what is going on here?? Spielberg’s attitude of the beings has changed from the soft and fuzzy to – OH SHIT. In the end of “Taken” a mother loses her child to the Aliens, of course we are pushed into justifying that this little girl named Allie couldn’t have stayed here because she was part Alien and she can’t deal with us crazy humans. (I am almost buying it.)

I believe that Spielberg’s most current view is the right way to look at alien beings; we as humans know very little about these aliens and their abduction purposes. But I know alien beings and abductions are real, and we must proceed with caution.



Into the Moonlight or into our Mind.

Whitley Streiber 2012 -War for the Souls–Part 12

Whitley’s strange dimensional village in New Jersey 20 miles from where reality was, this reality.

His twilight zone and his 2012 book — and last but not least reptilians are not a happy group.

Signing off on Whitley’s 2012 interesting -a thinking persons book.

Enjoy — MWiz.

Whitley Streiber 2012 -War for the Souls–Part 11

Whitley- the ear thing– a cosmic communication device in his ear- ( Bio-mechanical )

Super love for a little being– teaching the world thru holograms.

They ( the beings ) are great tricksters – yes, no, maybe.

They are a super varieties of beings like us in the world.

Whitley, first experience with “Them” was very rough, finally they became friends.

Parallel universes — dimensional beings — could be the answer . — to it all.


God's creative freedom – We now can believe in Aliens (?)

VATICAN CITY (AP) – The Vatican’s chief astronomer says that believing in aliens does not contradict faith in God.

The Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, the Jesuit director of the Vatican Observatory, says that the vastness of the universe means it is possible there could be other forms of life outside Earth, even intelligent ones.

In an interview published Tuesday by Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano, Funes says that such a notion “doesn’t contradict our faith” because aliens would still be God’s creatures.

The interview was headlined “The extraterrestrial is my brother.” Funes said that ruling out the existence of aliens would be like “putting limits” on God’s creative freedom.

Thanks —The Associated Press.

Our Presidential Candidates and their Alien Being Reflections (hitchhiker) Is it all True Series #25

I have always speculated that in each of us there is a reflection of an alien being, who is sharing our body vessel. They have joined in our journey for the past 70+ years. During many interviews with contactees and abductees I have felt these “others” inside them. Sometimes these inner beings show only a slight essence of their presence, but others dominate their host body. I believe the influence of this strange relationship changes over time. If you have ever read Ruth Montgomery and the walk-ins, Ruth shows these beings as suddenly moving into the human vehicle and completely transforming personalities and souls.

So lets move on to some less serious observations about alien being reflections in our present candidates for President of the US of A. First lets look at Hillary Rodham Clinton– in her is a Gray being at the highest intelligence level (there are several levels of Grays). They are typically short in stature. The Grays display a most precise focus on a goal and will do anything to get it and at times in complete denial of the probable outcome. They can also be a chameleon and change colors and directions as needed to be successful, sometimes using real truth and also real lies to manipulate the masses. A tenacious fighter, and a great team player as long as she/ they are leading the team.

Barack Obama has a Nordic in him, they are normally blue-eyed blondes, but many have dark hair and brown eyes with attractive features (and a few have large ears). The Nordics are at times very naive, and their promises are not always fulfilled. They will not break the law of non-interference into human affairs, except if the Grays are affecting them directly (in negative way). If Nordics want, they can dominate and push back the Grays and most other alien beings.

Finally, the MIB type alien resides in John McCain. The MIB’s have very pale lifeless skin and light sensitive eyes (love sunglasses). They don’t conform well to social patterns and they sometimes are time disoriented. They can’t handle psychological curve balls or interruption of their plans (show anger). And lastly the MIB’s impersonate government officials.

One last comment — GWB has a Reptilian hitchhiker (enough said).

Sleep tight; don’t worry, our government is watching over us.


Recognize my EYES

Whitley Streiber 2012 – War for the Souls–Part 3.

Whitley’s book – the “Coming Super-Storm” the changes that he and Art Bell discussed are happening now,20 to 30 years ahead of their time. NASA last year predicted the next solar Max in 2011or 2012 . In his 2012 book — its about two parallel universes. On the same day Whitley released his book– in the New Scientist Magazine – they were saying to — Yes to parallel universes. Are Gateways going to open as we get close to 2012 ,,, maybe. The Mayans and the Egyptians civilizations knew the coming secrets of our future.

Enjoy — time is short,