Priscilla Wolf -part 3 of Cloud UFOs and my Grandpa Antonio

One Step beyond our imagination. How beautiful how our minds create and except the unknown.
Grandfather use to say; when you see something unknown and you speak about it, there is always those who try to say its not true until it happens to them, this world is full of mysteries. When you except it opens doors to the unknown.
It was Feb-1962- 2 months after Grandfather expired, I had been outside chopping wood, and bringing wood in for our fireplace . I was so exhausted, I joined my grandmother, Mother,and Aunt Frances in the kitchen for a cup of coffee, then I went into the front room to lay on the sofa and rest a bit. I seemed to fall into a deep sleep. It was the most vivid experience, and I can recall it all in enormous detail. There is no way it was a dream. Call it whatever, but I felt I was lifted into this cloud formation with such a force, Suddenly I was in a huge room, but outside was a white cloud. There was no windows- I saw my grandfather Antonio enters the room and greeted me with happiness- We talked a lot about everything at home. He wore a white robe and he glowed, he looked younger and complete in good health.
“He said; my Patricia ” I have bad news for you.
Two of my daughters are very ill and will join me soon. They will die a week apart in March (of 1962.)
Please let them know I’m here for them. he gave me other messages, I felt myself moving down from the sky. until I was back on the sofa. I woke up and walked into the kitchen and Mom asked me if I was ok? I was very pale they said. Did you see a ghost? I sat down and told them, Grandpa just came to visit me. And he had a message for you all. He has came back for two of his daughters . Mom said; I hope its me- I been so sick, Aunt Frances said; he can go to hell, I’m not ready to go. Grandmother made the remark it was just a dream- don’t worry. A week later in March of 1962- My Aunt Frances got very ill and we took her to Alamosa, Colorado hospital. The day they released her, we went to the hospital to get her, I went into her room and she was sound asleep. but she wasn’t asleep she was dead. it was March-12-1962.
Aunt Helen became very ill same month and was taken to Denver Colorado hospital. The day she was released she also died asleep, it was march-23-1962. Aunt Helen never knew her sister Frances had died.
They say death spirits take three, December 29-1962 grandfather expired- and in March 1962 both Aunts expired. Remember chances are you will never know your death time, but you can drop by one step beyond if you dare. In this particular story it may have been because there was a strong bond between grandfather
and grand- daughter where communication was entirely positive, comforting, and reassuring….

Whitley Speaks with Joseph Farrell – The Cosmic War -part 3 of 6

Tablets of Destiny — describing the destruction of ancient weapons, some could not be destroyed, but were hidden and maybe still exist. These ancient texts/tablets loaded with science , describing as Whitley says by humans , whom no longer understood the technology lthey were describing in the texts. With our new science we maybe closer to the truth.

MJ-7 Meeting for February from an Insider– Is it all True Series #73

Well I just got a call from an insider from this Group call MJ-7. Apparently last Saturday they had their monthly meeting. Half the meeting was on their plans for the much anticipated Dulce conference at the end of March. Norio is the lead person developing this project. Several excellent speakers will attend including Gregg Bishop, a local Albuquerque researcher and a past Police Chief of Dulce, who has probably seen it all (whatever that means). The Dulce underground base phenomenon is a true enigma. It sounds like both sides of this controversial subject will be presented at this conference in an open forum-type format, which will hopefully draw in the local native Apaches. Although one of the MJ-7 group members, who herself is an Apache, feels this “opening up” of the locals in Dulce may be a difficult challenge for the group to accomplish. I guess time will tell on that one. Apparently it seems like the tribe has accepted the first conference about their community and the mysteries that may or may not lie under or near their quiet town. Although there was caution in the group because the president of the tribe has not commented yet on this event, so MJ-7 may have to hold their breath. Native tribes work in mysterious ways in their own universe. This could make for an amazing event which the attendees may never forget.

Three weeks ago in Dulce,a TV/ Film company did a film about the town, which will be shown in the U.S. in June 2009. Media coverage of the main event in March is expected as the anticipation is heating up.

Other topics at the meeting included people who seemed to be drawn to New Mexico to live and stay and wait for “something” that may occur in 2012. The Phoenix Project had several members there at the meeting. A famous Native American told interesting stories from her past and how native traditions look at the UFOs and other related phenomena.

Also group attendance is growing at each meeting; the word is spreading and more people from diverse backgrounds are joining in.

The brain trust is growing, so is the Truth far behind?




Cloud UFOs & the travels of Antonio on UFO Clouds. by Priscilla Garduno Wolf‏

Grandfather use to talk about Cloud UFO’s when I was a child, I was about six years old in the first grade, in Southern Colorado, raised in the far, with my Grandparent’s.
My Apache Grandmother talked about the Star people, and the Birds they came in from the sky. Some colorful birds that landed on rock, water, mountains, some just sit still in the air, silent birds.Out of their body’s came the Star people. Grandfather was from Spain and was very religious ( Catholic). He believed in the supernatural, paranormal, and in space crafts. It was neat living with them because all was normal. So much existed around us. In San Luis Valley, Colorado is well known for the paranormal and UFOs. My friend Author Chris O Brain wrote about me in his third book. “Secrets of the Mysterious Valley”. I was going to school first grade, school was hard on me I didn’t know how to speak English, hardest language I ever had to learn. On my way home past the Skin Walker tree. I noticed a pure white cloud on my grandfathers farm, it just laid there on five acres of land. Never seen a cloud on the ground, and the color white was different then any white I ever seen. As I got closer to home, it was still there. Suddenly like a door opened and a small girl my age walked out and started to walk toward me, she was beautiful! gold blonde hair and blue eyes and dressed in a yellow dress. I called her Nancy we were friends until I was eight. she taught me art and English and showed me places I never been too. for those reading this- she was not a imaginary friend. She was real as me and you. but she came in a Cloud ship. I have wrote a lot about her in my writings. She was a Star Child. Grandfather seemed to know a lot about Cloud UFO’s. Till the day he died. He claimed he traveled in them. it was 1961 winter was very cold and we had a lot of snow. Grandfather had a heart Attack and died a week later. But the day of his heart attack he laid on the sofa. He asked me for a glass of water. ( I was 17) grandfather was in his 80’s.
So I went into the kitchen to get him a glass of water. When I came back he had his hand reaching for something, he was calling out to his two friends that had died a year before. Grandpa I said: wait for me? I’m coming! I asked grandfather who are you talking too? He replied my friends, they just came to visit me, look outside he told me see how they came? I looked outside and to the South same five acres I had seen Nancy come in a Cloud UFO, there it was once again. The UFO cloud shape like a egg, all pure white, it just laid there. Except this time it laid on the snow- but a different color of white then the snow. It was amazing beautiful. It just sit there for one day, once we moved Grandfather to Alamosa, Colorado hospital it vanished.
Grandfather told me I will come back and visit you and show you there are other worlds beside our own. A promise he kept. The Travels of Antonio On Cloud UFOs, until second part ” The Return Of Antonio in a Cloud UFO” Three weeks later. Enjoy They are real.

Whitley Speaks with Joseph Farrell – The Cosmic War -part 1 of 6

Did this Cosmic war strip us humans of our memories of the past ? Face on Mars and the Bigfoot looking figure on Mars– was Mars murdered ?

Bell Project — Nazi guys — free Energy , a weapon, a UFO, the most secret project of the Nazi Tech. The Bell completely missing at the end of the War II. Did it go to Latin America or the U.S.
JFK connection to the Bell and his death , Then the Blue Man in Cave — War between Earth and Mars . Earth Won ?or did we ?

Stone Connection By Mary Muñoz © February 15, 2009

I would like to share this week an interesting experience I had with a particular stone I had purchased from a small shop close the University of New Mexico.
Once I had accepted that my past beliefs, which were based on a fundamentalist Christian view, were not the final answer to all things, and was not completely written in stone, though some of them were, I found out that there were other possibilities in this plane of reality. It was then and only then, that I began to seek more truth or experience through other avenues of understanding.
It was at this point that I began to experiment with using stone energy to bring forward other experiences, including but not limited to protecting, healing, and anything else I thought would be of need in my life at that moment in time. I also wanted to heal the body’s energy field from the damaging effects of the environment we live in. Then again I also wanted to know if they really worked and I since other avenues I had ventured through had limited success in protecting me from what was happening it couldn’t hurt.
This is when I had heard about Moldavite. This stone is supposed to have a connective force with the ET’s and I was interested in understanding what the ET involvement in my l life meant, so what better way to find out? Anyone who has gone through this will understand that they leave only glimpses of memory and/or some physical marks of their presence that night. With that I was bent on finding out more about why they were in my life. I already knew of the family connection, but was there more? And if this stone gave me the connection then why not. I wanted to remember and understand what this was all about.
With that I had for several months been visiting a crystal shop. One day while I was there I noticed a Moldavite stone that was in the shape of ET head. Upon lifting it up to the light swore there was a presence residing in it. I put money down on it knowing that I would have it the next week.
The proprietor of the establishment was herself into the ET phenomena and was extremely interested in the stone. She was surprised that she had never noticed the connection. It had been in her shop for about a year and she had never realized its uniqueness. This is another fact of stones; they call to you when it is time. Some of us can look at a stone for months or years and never find a connection to them, and then one day it is there. This was a Friday…
…Monday came around and I picked up the stone; earlier than expected. I was so fascinated with it and wanted to know if it really would open up a connection between them and me.
That night I went to sleep with the stone under my pillow really not expecting anything, but underneath hoping something would occur. Then most amazing experience happened, as I lay in bed I begin to smell something. It was as if I was lying in a field of the most amazing flower essence ever. It was peaceful and beautiful. There were no other explanations to what was happening. I knew there were other presences around me, I just couldn’t wake up. Some could have said it was all in a dream, but I had the black light to show me in the morning that it was in fact not. Remember the UV black light will show the marks they leave, and I had plenty.
Excited about what happened I thought this was a break through. I remembered them coming, and with that I would then continue my search through the use of this stone for their presence, but regretfully it would not come or I would not remember. I still have the stone in my room sitting with many others I have collected over the years. I still wait, but it comes down to this, “Will it ever happen again?” And if so, “Will I ever know the answers I am looking for?” I don’t know…one can only hope, wait, and see.

Religions of the UFOs and their Founders: Part 2-Is it all True Series #71

George Van Tassel, contactee, ufologist and paranormal researcher, was born in Jefferson, Ohio in 1910. He dropped out of high school, got a pilot’s license and moved to California. He worked for his uncle as an auto mechanic and befriended a loner named Critzer, who has quite a story himself. Critzer was doing some prospecting near Landers, California and near this amazing huge freestanding rock (maybe the largest in the world). It is 7 stories high and about 6,000 sq ft on the ground. After Critzer’s death, Tassel leased the land next to this giant rock, and built a home, a cafe, an airstrip and a dude ranch.

George would meditate by the rock and one day it happened; the all-wise “Council of Seven Lights” came for a visit. He claimed they were from Venus, were very friendly and suggested to him to build a device to extend human life for many years. George spent the next 25 years of his life building this structure called the Integratron. Many people have visited this dome-shaped wooden structure over the years, but many feel it is incomplete and not functioning as it was intended to. George died in 1978, at a not-so-ripe age of 68. I believe the dome was in fact incomplete in that it needed to have an overlapping counter rotation to activate the rejuvenation process.

George was credited with the term “channeling”; he wanted to distinguish his communication from “mediums”. George said his communication was something called a tensor beam, like a TV, with different channels and different frequencies. One of George’s first channeling was from Ashtar. Ashtar’s message, through George as his channel, said to stop playing with splitting the hydrogen atom, and that hydrogen is the giver of life to this planet. If the initial explosion is large enough, the chain-reaction could/would destroy the whole earth into tiny subatomic particles, basically vaporizing everything we know into nothingness.

With that happy thought in mind, George went on and founded two groups, one called The Ministry of Universal Wisdom and the other called, The College of Universal Wisdom.

So have these warnings from another dimension been heard? George tried. And another George, George Adamski, who was probably one of the most famous, did attend Van Tassel’s Giant Rock Conventions. More on Adamski next week.

One final thought, we need to get down close to the ground and listen.


George’s Vehicle – to youth

The Religions of the UFOs and their Founders Part 1-Is it all True Series #70

I am going to do several postings on people who were inspired by something or someone to venture far from the mainstream and present radical views on the possibilities of the existence of aliens and their flying machines. These people developed very loyal cult following or mini religious-type movements.

Daniel William Fry was born in July 1908 in Vernon Township, Minnesota. Both of his parents died early in his life, and his grandmother raised him in California. As a young man, he was interested in chemistry and other sciences and settled on working with explosives, which helped him pursue a career in the new field of rocketry. He got a job with Aerojet, testing rockets at White Sands, New Mexico.

In July 1949, Daniels strange encounter began. On an extremely hot 4th of July day, too hot to stay in his base quarters, he decided to cool off in the surrounding high desert area. Daniel claims he saw a small “oblate spheroid” (saucer shape), which was remotely controlled by a mothership over 900 miles above the earth. Daniel was then invited on board by an Alien named A-lawn? (Alan), and Daniel was quickly shuttled between Mew Mexico and New York City in a mere 30 minutes. Daniel had many other trips, and his Alien being pilot gave Daniel a vast array of unknown human history and new sciences. With this knowledge Daniel formed a group (9 original members) called “Understanding”. It eventually grew to 60 units with international status. The group spread their knowledge through lectures, meetings, and through their newsletters. Their mission was to prepare the people of the earth for coming meetings with others from space, thus the Understanding.

So was this a cult/religion? Daniel always denied this, although there were rituals and a special prayer by Alice Bailey (Queen of Galactic channeling) to open each meeting. I have read articles about people praising his honesty, strange wisdom and authenticity. So did an alien named A-lawn give Daniel the ride of his life or did his work and dreams of rockets simply fuel his imagination?

Side note: Daniel would attend a yearly meeting at Giant Rock hosted by George Van Tassel. Next week- more on George.

Sleep very tight and dream well. Earth is just a brief stop on your infinite adventure.



Can we ” Understand ” ?