A Conversation with Norio Hayakawa–Is it all True Series #51

A couple of Thursdays ago I had the great pleasure of sitting down with Norio Hayakawa. We spoke of UFOs, Robert Lazar, Dulce and other paranormal stuff while enjoying some jasmine tea and cake.

Norio Hayakawa is a Spanish teacher, who brought a Japanese film crew over to Las Vegas, NV in 1990, and had a strange but enlightening interview with Mr. Robert Lazar. Mr. Lazar reportedly saw a real alien UFO. Norio reported that this interview took place in a house that looked like it was vacant just a few minutes before the interview. There was a makeshift office thrown together and very few other furnishings. Norio also reported that there were two strange men, with weird black devices attached to their sides, almost as if they were robots or men in black.

Norio said that he then took his crew to Dulce, NM because of a tip from Lazar about an underground base, which was located there. It probably was an interesting sight to see a group of Japanese gentlemen entering the strange Wild West town located on an Apache reservation. Apparently Hoyt Velarde, the police chief of the town, must have thought the same thing because he wasn’t at all pleased to see these strangers snooping around his town. Norio told Velarde that they wanted some information about an underground base supposedly co-run by aliens and our military. Norio directly asked Hoyt “what’s up with the base”? This question didn’t make Chief Velarde very happy and he showed the film crew and Norio the door. Hoyt said, “Don’t you ever ask any more questions regarding such a base. I have nothing to do with it and I do not want to talk about it”. I think Hoyt actually said a lot and knew a lot.

Norio spent three days total in Dulce. While he was there he built some interesting relationships and gathered some solid information about paranormal events in and around Dulce. He took this information back to Japan and helped put together one of the most popular documentaries on the subject of Area 51, Mr. Lazar, and Dulce.

I liked Norio very much; he was very sincere, knowledgeable, and quite real. He emailed me to say, “I agree with you totally that this whole phenomenon is very much multi-faceted and fascinating.”

To you Norio, may our fascination drive our journey to find the Truth.


PS. Lesley thanks for the opportunity to meet him (Norio).


1984 and not the Book! Part 3 By Mary Muñoz © September 21, 2008

Disappointment is how I felt that day. Not only did I not get the picture, but I had one absence against me. Three of them and I was out of the class.
I called my dad to see what my options would be at this point since I had been so stunned to the fact that the guy knew my activities or appeared to know them. Truthfully I was thoroughly convinced of this when he went by the window. It was a feeling that came over me at the moment he turned and looked.
With this my dad suggested that I try to find a pattern to his schedule. To do that I would have to locate him, which was already appearing to be more complicated than first expected. My dad believed locating him and finding this pattern might open up the door to get that shot with the camera without his knowledge that I was there.
Day 2: The Introduction
Without much to go on I decided that I would stand in the same place in hopes that he might come by. It was a long a shot, but why not. And yes, I had the camera, but I held it around my neck, not in my hands. I even left the lens cap on.
The bell rings and the students stream by. Something told me I would not see him this day. I wasn’t completely disappointed when the last door closed and the hallway was empty without a single appearance. I lean over grabbing my camera case putting the camera back in its spot. I grab my backpack and think to myself, “You idiot you just missed the class again…one more and you are out!”
And with that thought I turned and started down the stairs. I hear a person coming up and I move from the middle to the right side, so that they come through. I am half way to the landing when the person comes around the corner and takes the first step up. I look up to see who it was and yeah, it was he. Why not! The camera is in its case and is not an issue anymore.
This is when I look into his eyes and I am amazed at how peaceful they were. Then he says, “Hello.” Note to the reader: He did not move his lips. Not a single facial movement occurred during this exchange. Not knowing how to respond I say, “Hi”. Yeah, I know…why in the hell didn’t I say more! I don’t know; I beat myself today thinking this was a great opportunity and I lost it.
I continue down the steps and he continues up the steps. I had no specific thoughts at this moment. I was mechanical in all that I did. I went straight to the car in the back parking lot, sat down, and then it hit me…“What in the hell just happened here?” “He was right there in front of me. Why didn’t I turn and go after him. Why didn’t I say more to him than just, hi.” Now were all of my reactions out of fear he would see me get the shot or was it more? In a split second I realized that I was not dealing with a normal person. He said hello without moving his mouth and he appeared to know my next move. He was always one step ahead of me and he liked to surprise me. It was becoming a game.
But even knowing all of this there was still the final question, which came down to this, “How would I get the picture?”

Indigos of Today, Changelings of the Past—Is it all True Series #50

Last week I did a posting on a Fairy swarm in northeastern Washington State. In doing my background research on that posting I came across something called Changelings which come from Western European folklore which typically describe these beings as offspring of a fairy, troll, elf or other creatures. Folklore describes these creatures being left in the place of human children. Many countries of the world have these Changelings legends from Scandinavia, Ireland, Spain, Malta and even Nigeria.

Some feel that the Changeling beliefs stem from the births of deformed or mentally challenged children with a variety of diseases like spinal bifida, and cerebral palsy. In the past this Changeling phenomena may have been used to explain and maybe justify the unknown diseases plaguing their newborns. There are many interesting characteristics that portray these little beings, such as voracious appetite, malicious temper, green tint to their skin, dislike for wearing shoes, wisdom beyond their years and special powers and abilities. It was said that these little beings would tell their human host parents that they were not their children and that they were bought here under protest.

I have heard of similar characteristics from parents with the Crystal/Indigo children of today. Of course my beliefs on the Indigo children of today is that these beings are a new upgraded human-type with genes from a hybrid (alien/ human) mixed with genes from a group of enlightened humans (i.e., humans who have reached spiritual freedom from earthly fears).

Changelings may have been the first attempt at gene manipulation by a group outside of the human race. Now humans are trying to make a new human as we play with the human genome. I say whoever is doing the changing; please help us stop our own extinction before our time runs out.



Those cute little ones

Orange Orb! By Mary Muñoz © August 17, 2008

It would be simple too jump in where I left off in my last writing about the meeting of my dad and the connection we had, but up until a specific event in 1994 I would not really understand the entire story, because up until this moment in time I didn’t question what I was hearing, feeling, or seeing.
The event I am referring to began at approximately 1:15 – 1:20 AM on an early spring, possibly March, night. Hannah, my daughter, woke up very ill. Due to our circumstance at the time we were sharing the only bed we had and the only set of sheets we owned. I had no choice but to get up and wash the linens. After putting everything in the washer I walked over to the kitchen window, just a few feet away, but found that the neighbor’s house blocked my view at the distant horizon. I wanted a better view of the night sky; I figured I would have an hour before the linen would be completely done washing and drying. So I walked to the back door, which faced the same direction.
I live in a small community in Central New Mexico. To our east is an area that has Clines Corner and a section of hills named the Perdernal. The southern end of the horizon, from my vantage point, is the Perdernal Hills. The northern section of the horizon, which is blocked from my vantage point, is a stop on Interstate 40 called Clines Corner.
I am now focused to the horizon between the two points of interest. I was there only a minute or two when I saw an orange orb come directly straight up from the horizon line. Now a regular person would have wondered about the orb and question it, but that was not my reaction. I didn’t wait to see in which direction it was going. I instinctively ran. I ran to the bedroom my daughter and I shared. I grab her pushing myself into the corner of the bed, up against the wall, under a shelving unit, hoping I would not be seen. I started praying to God that they would not take her. I repeated this prayer over and over. Then…
…I heard a sound I will never forget to this day. It is hard to explain in this format, but I will try. The sound rotated as if it was moving in a circular motion. It would come in and then out by going lower and louder. It had an eerie feeling to it. And when I heard it approaching I prayed even harder, held onto Hannah even more, and was rocking back and forth with tears flowing down my cheeks. I can’t tell anyone how long it took for the sound to leave, but I do know that it wasn’t short enough me.
Once the sound left in the direction toward the northwest I knew we were safe, but I would not let go of Hannah. Instead I grabbed for the remote and turned on the television. I reached over and took the receiver of the phone and called my brother who was working a swing shift. Out of the blue for no reason I am trying to find anything to talk to him about. I needed to have human contact. Surprisingly Hannah slept through the entire event.
I stayed up the rest of the night and called my dad at 5:00 AM to tell him what had happened, because he was my trust. His only words to me were, “Let me see what I can find out.” It was later that day that he would call me back and state that it was a confirmed sighting, but the next question for me was, “Why did I react the way I did?” Come on I was a born again Christian who lived a normal life working for the ministry full time. I only saw things…I didn’t experience things…or did I? And why was I so scared and repeating what I was stating for Hannah’s protection? Something wasn’t right!
This experience would remind me of an event that occurred on January 2, 1990, which we will look at next week. And we might jump around in my life, but there is a reason…this is a puzzle, but the pieces are scattered over a lifetime of experience…in the end they will all come together to create a picture. One that still amazes me to this day…
Mary .

Whitley Speaks — The Nye Incidents — Part 10

The visitors in a Hive mode. Whitley describes in his NY cabin — 3 sets of precise knocks . Strange cries like machines ( intelligent machines) eyes closed– seeing black radar screens ( a caller). Cat mutilations in Plano TX. We Feel — They don’t- ( guess who ? ) maybe their interest in us – guys.

Cats Out of the Bag- By Mary Muñoz -© August 3, 2008

After I had received the letter my life would become a virtual prison or I should say more than it had already been. Prior to receiving the letter I was already going through some serious issues of freedom with my mom and it all could be traced back to one phone call.
I don’t remember the exact date when this call happened, but I remember it was in 1978 and what the outcome of it would be. My grandmother called my mom frantic and upset. Upon answering the other line my mom quickly rushed to the living room to retrieve the second phone unplugging it from the wall and carrying it into the bedroom with her. Interested in this I crept up to her bedroom door and listened in. I heard her saying things like, “How did he find you?” Where is he at?” “What do you mean he wants to see her?” “He doesn’t know where we are does he?” “Well when you get down here we will see about this?” It was these words that would lock me in a fortress for the rest of my high school years, which of course just happened to be three more.
I was no longer allowed to leave the premises without my mom next to me, to have friends that were not handpicked by her, and I could not go on overnight stays even when I was invited by those she trusted. And now that the letter had shown up out of the blue my mom was more vigilant to what I was doing. Initially when this was happening I thought that her clenches on me were due to my own teenage actions the fall prior, but I soon found out more than I could have ever imagined.
For the first week after the letter I began to question what was so wrong about this man. Why someone who worked for the government would jeopardize his career by seeing his child before she turned 18 due to the divorce papers?
In the letter there was a number that was left for me to call collect, if I liked. He didn’t seem like a person who would be someone you couldn’t trust. He sounded sincere in all he stated and to this day I believe that he meant it.
So I called him one evening, within a week or two, when my mom was not at home, and I told him that I was going against her wishes, but I had to know…know who he was, so I could understand who I am. After a few months of writing letters between one another we decided to meet. It was now the summer of 1980.
Just a note to the reader: How did my mom not find out we were writing to one another? Simple…my dad opened a P.O. Box in the town we lived in his name and gave me the combination to it. I would go and get the letters out when my mom was not around. I would hide them in my room. Within the letters he would always add a self addressed stamped envelope, so that I could write back. Intrigued in his abilities to be sneaky along with a little cloak and dagger made it mysterious and fun, which hooked me in.
But that is only the beginning of the things I would find out…it was at our first meeting that my eyes would be opened to our connection and the extraterrestrial phenomena, which I will share next week.

Whitley Speaks — The Nye Incidents — Part 1

Scared Whitley — SCARED WHITLEY — did you hear me ??? So much frightening a story to be told : inspired by true events. The Terror: the Reason: It take place 30 to 40 miles from his famous NY cabin. Very personal event. David Jacobs saw the evil — yes , no – maybe. Whitley : see all this clearly before we judge the Universe. He wrote 34 different versions of this — AMAZING .. His brain can’t get around the story.

Enjoy — sleep tight- only reality can keep you from awakening.

Whitley Speaks — Communion Letters of evidence- part 1

Mr. Whitley Strieber,
Sony Pictures “the Grays” . Now what up with the Drones ? All computer images of the Drones – were man- made creations, except probably the San Paulo Brazil, many of the still shots of the Drones. UFOs are real and the beings encounters are real and happening alot, a complex human experience. There are thousands of Communion letters of communication with other realms. A recent new Whitley contact experience ( his journal ) — called ” Most Complex Encounter “– on his site Unknowncountry .com

Phoenix Lights – 11 years past, Plus a recent strange event -Is it all True Series #29

Was the event that occurred this past Monday evening on April 21st a rerun of the super event that occurred about 11 years ago, the famous lights and objects over Phoenix, Arizona in 1997, known all over the world? No, it was quite probably a hoax. Those were probably flares or maybe a candle lantern or two but remember during the original flap, as per my analysis of the videos and interviews with eyewitnesses back in 1997, I strongly believe part of the sightings was a flare hoax, a military creation to cover-up the “UFO mini-attack” as I called it. Next is a re-post of my original Phoenix lights piece.

My View – Lights over Phoenix March 1997 – Mini- Invasion
Posted on June 30, 2007 by MWiz. Edit.
Categories: UFOs, alien.

For about a 2-week period in March 97, it was a strange world for most of southern Arizona. I was walking out to my car to go to work about 7:00am on a bright sunny day in Tucson and there in the northern sky were at least 7 or so white balls of something moving rapidly east to west. Then several evenings/nights around March 13th the big wave hit the Phoenix area. Lights, huge craft, even strange little beings were reported. The city got crazed and thousands witnessed the event.
Symington, the Governor of Arizona at the time, on the 10-year anniversary of the event admitted he saw the Huge Craft and said, “the craft I saw was enormous, it just felt other-worldly.” At the time the Governor put on a mock news conference about the capture of the alien who caused all of the uproar. One of Symington’s advisors dressed up like a large Grey; it was a lot of fun. But inside he knew different.
In Casa Grande AZ located between Tucson and Phoenix, there was a daylight sighting by several reliable individuals who saw this huge ship the size of several football fields slowly move across the sky; they described it as awesome and very scary at the same time.
And of course there were plenty videos of the event. Some of the objects did truly look like flares lighting up and burning out in a sort of formation, even though the Military denied any aircraft or flares in the area. There were other videos, which were quite amazing, orbs of light moving from the ground to the sky and back. Large craft with no lights blocking out the sky, stars, moon, etc.
Conclusion: The flare lights were military disinformation to cover the main event- something the military couldn’t control but knew it was there. It was a wonderful two-week period I will never forget – lots of light, action and crazy fun. The Mini-Invasion worked. phoenix1997lights.jpg

I personally will never forget the 1997 event. Everyone needs to remember this event’s scope was huge from Nevada to northern Mexico. Thousands of people saw many lights and hundreds of daytime sightings. I personally saw 7 daytime objects and several strange lights over the Catalina Mountains near Tucson.
One interesting fact about the recent 2008 sightings is that on the same night, Phoenix-type sightings were also sighted in Florida and Germany, were they coincidental releases, candles, flares or maybe that mysterious swamp gas? -A Whitley quote.

Enjoy – LIFE is getting very short, but lets still have much JOY!
