Have Humans Been Created From a Future Us? Is it all True Series #185

There is a reason why the inter-dimensional beings will save us in the end. This reason is complex. First, we provide an unlimited pool of emotional energy, which they love to bathe in. We are unlike 99% of all beings that exist in our galaxy. I believe there are a few thousand planets nearly identical to ours. But in the scheme of things and the pure math, we are truly a minority species type. So that alone makes us a bit special.

There was a time, in the very distant past, millions and millions of years ago, when our type of planets existed. But for the most part we destroyed ourselves. Yes, there probably were some major natural disasters that took some of the planets down, asteroids, comet collisions, star radiation and polar shifts. Nothing much humans could do, and the higher non-human intelligent beings believed in a hands-off policy.

But this hands-off policy changed, and I am not sure yet why. About one million years ago (a nice round number) someone in the universe said the humans must be saved.
For they are our past and we cannot ignore their historic importance. So if you get it, we are them from their past. We live in their old third-dimensional realm, their realm of their past. So about 350 thousand years ago, we were placed first on Mars, but it only took 100 thousand years for humans to destroy that planet, so our creator modified this other planet, which we call Earth and some of the remaining humans were bought from Mars. So modern man has been around here for about 250 thousand years. We were doing all right except something went terribly wrong the last 200 years, (another posting to explain that).

So how will they save us? Well, through a massive re-education program, or as I like to call it –cosmic mind control or mind alternation . We are becoming a different being; so different that in 50 years we will not know ourselves as we were. We will only look back and wonder who were those beings, and where did they go, for they don’t exist anymore, the Neanderthal of our time. The time has come to save ourselves from ourselves with a little help from our future selves.

Sleep Tight – the Earth waits in wonder of the New Human – we will be here– soon.


The New Mexico UFO/Paranormal Forum has a Sharing Session- Is it all True Series #173

The February Meeting of one of New Mexico’s favorite UFO/ Paranormal groups used their meeting time to share valuable information about all things cosmic. The talented group from all parts of the country brought their very interesting diversity to the meeting.

So briefly, one newcomer talked about two powerful UFO sightings in Northern New Mexico, one an extremely bright light and the other which looked like a florescent propane tank. Another man who was a city planner for a large community started getting channeled information from several dimensional groups and his life was changed forever. He was told first to move to Canada and then to Albuquerque, and he is waiting there for further instructions.

Then there was the military meteorologist who had extensive conversations with physicists from the Rand Corp. about the existence of UFOs. And as weather spotter he had seen many UFOs and anomalies on the weather radar. There was the woman who did vortex photography and photographed 30+ UFOs in the sky over the Sandia Mountains, ships that were exactly the same as the now famous ones over New York City seen late last year.

Another lady talked about the many vortexes on the Belen Mesa and how through them and recent powerful solar flares changes are happening at all levels of this dimension. One of the senior members of the group talked about two UFO Hot Spots he had visited – Puerto Rico and Skinwalker Ranch in Utah and the strange anomalies he had witnessed.

Another participant talked about her running away from home at 2 years old and being found down the street playing in a garden. And she said there was a strange cosmic feeling to the whole event. And finally there was discussion about an excellent new book by a member of the group called “Reflections of a UFO Investigator.” A 622 page book covering a lifetime of tight investigative work on UFOs, strange beings, abductions, the cover-up conspiracy and much more.

Sleep Tight – If you like it or not change is coming, so be fearless and embrace it, but always, always listen to your heart-mind.


What if all ETs are really TBs and/or IDBs of Earth terrestrial origin? Is it all True Series #172


There is a mega question, which I believe will occupy the debate among UFO researchers for many years to come. The basic tough question is are any of the beings that walk among us from distant planets or have they always been here? Now the word always is relative, so let’s say the last 250,000 years. Several other researchers and myself believe there is a reasonable chance that Mars had an active civilization of some interesting type, and when a major Mars Change happened about 250,000 years ago, some of the beings were able to escape to earth. I believe that follows close to the Richard Hoagland theory.

In Hank Worbetz’s new and I think amazing book “Reflections of a UFO Investigator,” he concurs that ETs have been here for a very long time. I personally believe much longer than us humans, the latecomers to the party. I will talk more in the future about Hank’s blockbuster book, as I plan to do a series of posts about the book.

Ok, some definitions. ETs are of course extra-terrestrial, meaning from “off earth” and many feel the word means very far off earth, as in across the universe. TBs are terrestrial beings, being of this earth, always been here, I guess like us humans. And finally IDBs are interdimensional beings, but still of terrestrial origin, although there may be a side debate here as to how far out this dimensional thing extends. Some would say the dimensions extend to infinity. But I will say a force holds these dimensions to the earth plane anchoring them, making the IDBs terrestrial in their own strange way.

Now in the Worbetz book, one of his themes is that the US Government has been promoting strangely the extra-terrestrial origin theory, why? Good question, I think the Government wants us to believe their origin is off planet. So they will not have to explain that they (TBs) are a part of our world, a part of us. They also forestall the question of why the citizens of the world have been kept in the dark since July 1947, when the government recovered bodies from the crash at Roswell and probably became aware of their terrestrial origins. And according to Worbetz, their ship was made of all terrestrial earth materials.

The government really gets upset with anyone stating what I just stated. This Terrestrial Story can make them harass you out of the UFO business. And truly I don’t fully understand why, since just the truth about the existence of ETs, or IDBs – whatever you call them – would be enough to turn the world upside down. And as I have said in other postings with these powerful social networks and groups like WikiLeaks riding on the Internet, the lid is coming off the UFO conspiracy.

Sleep Tight – Life and change are moving at quantum speed- and quantum is making the change.


Waking Up In New Mexico- Is it all True Series #171

Recently — this quite remarkable- courageous woman related this amazing story to me — Her name is Esperanza. This type of story seems to be on the increase in recent months around the Southwestern part of the country. If you know of a similar story please forward to the comment section – no real names please.

Over the last 8 days I have sustained several visitations from ETs or inter-dimensional beings. I don’t know what species or which kind. I can hardly believe it, myself. I will say it happened over several nights because I remembered after the central event on the second night that a prior visit had taken place the evening before, and I knew another one would come, too. Here’s my story.

That first night I awoke at 3:33am. I remember because I looked at the clock. I felt strange as if something had made me wake up but I neither heard, saw nor felt anyone in the house. Consequently, I went to the bathroom and returned to bed. The next night I was awakened by something again. For some reason, this time my heart was in my throat. I raised my head to look at the clock on my husband’s side of the bed, lowered it and listened. It was 2:22am. As I lay there on my side I stared at the curtained door of our bedroom, which leads to the backyard. I noticed what looked like a ring of energy shadowed against them: a huge jagged circle the height of the door itself that spread out about six feet. I rubbed my eyes. I thought it must be a result of my eye having been plunged into the pillow, but the ring remained. So, I turned onto my back and listened. That was when I heard a strange series of very quiet sounds coming from the dining room. “OMG! Someone is in the house.” I looked out into the hall, careful not to move a muscle, I saw a tall shadow thrown onto the hallway wall. I was freaked. “Jesus! I have to wake John!” In the second the thought passed through my mind I saw them round the corner and step through the door.

A tall humanoid woman who had auburn hair led them. It was pulled back from her face. A much shorter man followed her. All wore lab-type jackets. Some white in color, others light blue. There were six of them. They surrounded our bed. Two stationed themselves at the foot and two on either side. My husband, still asleep, began to lightly snore. I tried to hold my eyes open, but I could feel my control slipping away. It was like being engulfed in a slow fog. If you’d ever been sedated for an operation the feeling was similar. Although they appeared to be humanoid I strongly believe what I saw was a projected image. The people fit the description of characters from a book I’d read recently AND because of what happened next. The humanoids disappeared and I was faced with insect-like beings. I think now that they may have had difficulty holding the image of the humanoids as they set about working. Perhaps, they didn’t expect me to be awake when they arrived or maybe to have the mental strength to fight the control? I don’t know. It’s all speculation. But it was only when they began to work on me that the projected image fell away and I saw what they really were.

They held my mind and body in their control, but I could still see them. One literally got on top of me and put its head very, very close to mine. No one has ever been so close to my face without touching me. It moved its head in all directions around mine, tilting and turning it, as if peering into my brain from multiple directions. At such a close range I could see details. They were brown in color, had 4 very, very thin limbs/arms (the ones I could make out), with a bumpy, textured skin. They had a praying-mantis-like head with huge eyes of a darker brown and a tiny pointed chin. Imagine a praying mantis’ face. That’s what I saw. Once they positioned themselves and began turning their heads about, they also began to emit a deafening sound. It was high pitched like that of an insect. I believe they were communicating with each other. But it was more. I felt that the sound was ‘tuning’ me, somehow. That sounds crazy, but it’s the best explanation I can give for the experience.

When the sound started and the level rose, I don’t remember anything more. The next thing I knew I being awakened by my husband who was holding on to my arm saying rather loudly, “I am awake, honey!” Apparently, I was yelling out loud for him to wake up! I’d been screaming in my mind the entire time they were in the room. I was yelling to him to WAKE UP! WAKE UP!, but he didn’t. Of course, I was beside myself, tears rolled down my face as I jumped up and flipped on the light, blinding him. I yelled, “They were here! I saw them. They were here!” I proceeded to tell him what had happened. He believed me. He knows me. He knew I was not dreaming. Besides, he’s more that meets the eye, himself.

When he felt comfortable that I’d calmed down enough, he turned on the TV. He said it would orient me. He clearly saw I was not myself and not at all normal. That morning, the early, early news was playing old clips of Kennedy. They were talking about how it had been 50 years this month since he was inaugurated. I said ’50 years’ over and over to myself trying to grasp the concept. I realized then that I had absolutely no idea what month or year it was. I sat there in bed trying to remember what 50 years meant. By this time, my husband was falling back asleep. I woke him up again and asked what month it was. He told me. I tried to find a year in my head, any year. I couldn’t. I asked him what year it was. He told me that, too. Even knowing didn’t seem to make a difference. I simply couldn’t remember time. I felt I was in a bubble. This bubble lasted the entire day. No one could touch me. I felt I was looking out of a capsule into another reality–someone else’s world, not mine.

After a day of adjusting and putting it all together, I knew that evening they’d return at 1:11am. It seemed to follow that they were scheduling something or me: 3:33am; 2:22am, 1:11am. I knew now that on the evening before when I had awakened at 3:33am they had been there. The time was a marker of some sort. That evening, I stayed awake or, at least, I thought I did. At 1:11a I found myself waking from a dream about my old dog. He died years before. We loved him and never got another dog. I saw him walking in a park like atmosphere at the end of our bed. He walked over to me and I put my hands on either side of his face holding his little head in my hands, smiling. I told my husband, “Look it’s Dabby!” But his head was way too large to hold it properly and his eyes were deeply intelligent looking into mine–too intelligent to be my dog! Dabby was a sweet animal but not bright. I realized when I woke up that it had not been my dog. It was one of them. This time they’d been ready for me. They had given me a nicer screen image, which they’d plucked, from my brain. I figured, after scaring the pants off me the night before, they either decided to handle it differently or perhaps had tuned me so they could easily handle me. Again, it’s all speculation.

Now that I’ve had a few days to analyze these experiences, remember details and the feelings that accompanied them, I believe these beings could have been a type of bio-bot. I feel their purpose was to scan the human mind, adjust the subject and report back. Although I could be wrong, I do not believe they have the spark of spirit in the way we understand it, but were rather prepared by highly advanced and sentient beings for a specific job. Something in me says I am not wrong. These things were part of a much greater mind. I could feel that behind them was something more intelligent and knowing than they.

Since those first 3 nights, they’ve returned again with neither my husband nor me knowing. This last time, however, there was physical evidence. My husband had laid his cell phone by the bedside. I’d fully charged the phone for him that afternoon. In the wee hours of the morning it began beeping loudly before it went completely dead. Of course, it woke up us both. I said, “Honey I just charge that phone. The battery must be dying. I’ll get a new one tomorrow.” The next morning I checked the battery. It had no juice left at all. Suddenly, I thought, I’ll charge it and see if the battery is really bad. It held a charge without problem and in the last 2 days has operated just fine. I’ve heard that batteries are drained during contact experiences.

Frankly, after the 2:22am visit, I was shell-shocked. However, several conclusions came from the event. When I felt their presence, before I actually saw them round corner into our bedroom, I also had a remembrance. They’d been here before. They’d visited me in my childhood. This, too, was a revelation–one that was difficult to digest in the light of day, but I’m doing ok with it now.

The inevitable questions continue. Why me? What did they want? Did they visit other members of my family? Is that why I feel different than other people? Is it why I’ve never belonged anywhere with anyone until I met my husband a decade ago? Is that why I feel my heart breaking at times and I even say out loud, “I want to go home, now.”? And, given the world situation, 2012 and everything we hear about prophesy–Why now? As you can image, there are more questions than answers.

I also felt that they left me with a post-hypnotic suggestion not to speak about the experience of seeing them. I literally couldn’t tell anyone for several days afterward. I just couldn’t. I tried. If my husband had not been in bed that night, he’d not know. My silence was broken finally several days afterward. I asked a friend to lunch. We talked about work and the inevitable annoyances that accompany it. When she asked me how things were at my house. I paused, looked at her and said, I can’t believe what I’m about to say … Telling her the story seemed to break the ‘enchantment’. Now, I can share it with you.

I was never that interested in UFOs or the phenomenon. Because of the events surrounding my life and family, I grew up with the idea that there was life on other planets and that, of course, other species would be a natural extension of that. But I can also say that I always wanted confirmation. I’m feeling a lot like that song: “…And every morning I wake up and worry, what’s gonn’a happen today?”

I know they will be back. My husband appears to be involved now too. OR, maybe he’s the reason? Will we ever know? I’ll keep you posted from our home in New Mexico.


Can Bigfoot be a human Killer/Cannibal or just too overprotective of his property? Is it all True Series #159

Well over the years I have done field research on Bigfoot and feel I have been in the presence of the Sasquatch people several times. Never did I feel in danger – to the contrary, I felt at peace in their presence.

But recently I have come across a few interesting and a bit scary stories that give me a little pause when it comes to Bigfoot. One story that got me doing further research was from an article sent by my colleague, friend and major Sasquatch researcher, Kewaunee. The story goes briefly as follows. In 1906, in the Nahanni Valley in the Northwest Territory of Canada, an area which at that time was being heavily prospected for gold, a priest who had a small mission on a river near the valley found a very sick man (fever). After he got well, the man related a horrifying story about his partner being attacked by what he called the monkey-men, large hairy creatures that used whistles and howls to communicate with each other. One foggy night they got his partner and ate all his flesh to the bone and took his head. Well if it was only this old prospector story we could brush it off an old embellished tale. But according to Canadian Police records since 1906, ten similar unsolved murders have happened in this Nahanni Valley area.

So was it a pack of monster Grizzlies, or Bigfoot protecting their valley of gold and sending a message for humans to stay out?

A more recent story near the sleepy town of Bostic, North Carolina: two teenage boys were abducted from a campground near a swampy area of the state. There was a large amount of human blood left behind and large footprints near their camp leading into the swamp. The case is still unresolved.

Teddy Roosevelt once wrote in his book, “The Wilderness Hunter,” a story about two fur trappers who were out trapping beaver in the Bitterroot Mountain near the Salmon River. The two trappers were warned by the local natives not to go into a particular area, because of the strange events that had happened there in the past. But the lure of abundant beaver made them continue into the forbidden area. After spending two days there and going back to their traps to get their bounty, one of the trappers met with a very violent death at the hands of a large hairy creature.

There are several other credible stories of similar murders around the world over the last one hundred years. I would say most, if not all, involved humans in Sasquatch territory, either prospecting or hunting. I have personally interviewed several hunters in Arizona and New Mexico saying when they entered certain valleys or areas of the forest they have experienced strange howling sounds, rocks thrown at them, and a feeling of being threatened, which makes the human hunter leave the area quickly.

So what can we take from these stories? Is it that some Bigfoot will defend their area/territory to the death, and if it’s humans, it’s humans? I personally believe this violence is very rare and that 99.9% of human/Bigfoot encounters are peaceful, although quite scary for most humans – at least that very first encounter can be. So to bottom line it: Sasquatch people will warn if you are not welcome, so give them love (telepathically) and leave the area quickly and you will survive.

Sleep tight, that knocking on your exterior wall is only a Bigfoot saying goodnight.


Prophecy Corner — A quickie

I have some interesting concerns about a few dates coming up shortly, 10/10/10 Sunday, 10/11/10 Monday — these two I have had those feelings , now not necessarily bad stuff, but I am not ruling it out . This could be something that opens a door , or gives us a clue to a higher understanding.

Also 10/13/10 Wed. is a date predicted by a retired NORAD person who said from his and the Military’s contact with alien being group or groups,that particular date would be a day of protest , the beings are protesting our destruction of this planet, which they also occupy.

Fleets of their ships will hover over major cities of the world.

We will see shortly if any of this has a meaning .

Enjoy the world can be FUN.


Annoucement–The UFO Watchtower and Colorado MUFON—2010 UFO Conference September 4 and 5

For More Information Please Contact:
Judy Messoline
The UFO Watchtower and Colorado MUFON (The Mutual UFO Network) will host the 2010 UFO Conference September 4 and 5 at the UFO Watchtower, located 22 ½ miles north of Hooper on Highway 17.

Saturday speakers will include: Joe Fex, Sasquatch and Paranormal Investigator;
Gloria Hawker, Hypnotherapist and abductee; Paola Harris, from traditional Ufology to AVATAR, a New World view; Larry Porter, Remote Healing; Charles Hall, Nellis Air Force Base and the Tall Whites.
For the complete list of speakers visit www.ufowatchtower.com
Activities begin at 8:30 AM with the last speaker at 6:00 PM.

The Sunday speaker lineup includes: Jules Kennedy, Channeler of other worldly sources; Dr. Ardy Clarke, a Professor Emeritus, will share stories related to her by indigenous people in the US, Mexico, Central America, the South Pacific and Australia: Dori Alsop Paden, will speak about the impact of extraterrestrial contact both physical and telepathic; Niara Terela Isley former enlisted Airman in the U.S. Air Force with a 3 month block of missing time.
Speakers begin at 9:00 AM with the last speaker at 4:00 PM.
Cost for the conference is $25 per person. Camping is available at $10 per night.

Friday, September 3, will find a Gathering of Native American Healers beginning at 10:00 AM featuring Native American singers and drummers.
Cost for this event is $15 per person. Camping is available at $10 per night.

Reservations for both of these events may be obtained by calling Judy at