Obama's Transition Team Under the Hood at NASA–Is it all True Series #63

Lori Garver is her name, and she is looking under the hood at NASA for president elect Obama. So what will she find? First, a nervous group of people hoping their jobs are preserved during this time of financial turmoil. Next, she will find an out of control administrator named Mike Griffin, who is promoting a project called Constellation, which could have costs over-rides in the billions. The word on the street is the New Moon rocket program is under performing and well over budget, and Constellation is the next-generation to the Moon project. The Apollo project was over 30 years ago. Then came the Shuttle Program, an earth orbital project that lost its public excitement over the last 10 years, not to mention the lives of several astronauts. And of course we have in this strange mix a contractor (the military industrial complex) looking for billions of more contracts. Mr Griffin has put out the word to his contractors to chill-out with the transition team to preserve their future grace with him. The excitement is building.

So what could be under that damn hood, something or just nothing? Some fairly intelligent people actually say we have never gone to the moon and that it was all done on a Hollywood-type stage in the California desert, but this posting is not to debate that. But I do believe Obama knows something is wrong in NASA-ville. So lets looks at America’s manned space travel timeline- 1958: US first satellite into orbit; 1961: Alan Shepard, first American in Space; 1962: John Glenn, first American in orbit; 1969: Moon landing for Armstrong and Aldrin. So 11 years from first satellite to the Moon landing there were some amazing accomplishments, but then during the next 39 years we have been just floating around the earth, what is going on here?

Have our Alien buddies stopped our progress; I say YES. We have been trapped on this planet. Look, at the minimum, considering the first 11 years of progress in the manned space program, we should have, at the very least, landed a man on Mars and had a permanent base there by now, or I will boldly say we never went to the Moon period.

NASA is a place of Dreams, space travel to the moon and beyond. Obama knows or he will know the truth. Lori Garver said, “There is going to be a change.”

There is something very interesting about Obama .More to come.



George Knapp Speaks with Joseph Farrell Part 5 – SS Brotherhood of the Bell

The Bell ,monstrous in its application and its potential. Yes Nazi directed energy weapons. World War Germany had the A-Bomb. A document describing a 1944 mushroom cloud. Technology of Bell , could be bigger then the biggest A-Bomb. Two space programs one very known and one known by only a few. The neutral point Earth/Moon is saying something to pay attention to.


George Knapp Speaks with Joseph Farrell Part 4 – SS Brotherhood of the Bell

Bell is it the footprint of Nazi Saucer Technology , a testing device for futuristic travel vehicles. Texas Acorn UFO sighting similar to the Bell or the Bell.
MJ12 Documents real ? Paper trail ” very interesting” Scientists were murdered from the Bell project? Code names for the Bell project — light bearer – Satan or straight out — The Time Machine. Scalar weapons tap into the zero point field.

Enjoy another good one ,, also we lose Farrell for a few minutes — right as he starts talking about MJ12 Documents…

George Knapp Speaks with Joseph Farrell Part 3 – SS Brotherhood of the Bell

Starts off with the comment Jacques Vallee is one of the most important thinkers in the world. YES very yes.

The Bell disappeared in a huge Aircraft after the War — to the US or maybe Argentina ( post-war Nazi projects). Nazis had 14 million pool of slaves to do their super secret projects.Kurt Davis ( Nazi? ) in charge of NASA in Florida may have built The Bell. The search for the Bell’s design team was huge. The Bell was a Super Secret — deep , deep secret. The Bell maybe at Kirtland AFB in happy Albuquerque — very close to my dear Lesley’s house (we will see if she reads this)


Ufologists: How will full disclosure make us feel?- A few thoughts–Is it all True Series #60

There have been rumors worldwide that UFO disclosure has happened, but the process forgot to tell 99.9% of the world population.

It was reported in May 2004 that a fleet of UFOs from the Galactic Federation of Light made full contact with the Mexican Air Force in the Bay of Campeche in the Gulf of Mexico. There were big headlines in several Mexican newspapers, but nothing here in the US or Europe.

So why hasn’t full true worldwide (in your face) UFO Disclosure happened? I believe it hasn’t happened for several possible reasons, such as preserving our economic system, our government system, our religious system, and our Ego system (we are the greatest and the only higher biological culture in this part of the universe). Or is it just the power and the greed of a worldwide human control group who can’t chance the superior competition? Or is this non-disclosure a way to protect the alien beings as they prod and use us humans as a resource for some strange need, maybe our emotional energy could be the fuel to keep them alive. Are we the big 6 billion and growing human cattle farm? The truth is probably a combination of several or all of the above.

Also I believe Humans enjoy keeping secrets; we are programmed to do this at a deep level. And without our precious secrets, some of us would feel we had no purpose. Secrets are power. Many of us UFO guys know the UFO/Alien existence without a doubt. But we will hold it close in, so not to give up the power. Dear fellow researchers, give up your known knowledge. For this subject has infinite layers and all you have to do is move to the next level of secrets; you will never run out.

But in the end, truth and full disclosure will trump all hidden agendas and human breeding farms. My question to the world is- do we have to be pushed to the brink before we shout, “THEY ARE HERE” from our rooftops and we will all listen?



UFOs and the Obama Factor- Is it all True Series #59

On January 20th, 2009 we will inaugurate our 44th President, the leader of the most powerful country on planet earth. And if Obama wants to know what our underground agencies really know about UFOs, he will probably have to ask and he could at the minimum find out if there are UFOs. I believe he would have to push very hard to get our government to admit knowledge of alien beings and their known agendas on earth.

Lets talk about past Presidents and what has been said about their knowledge of UFOs. Of course speculation reins here, but some truth I feel is in the mix. First, Harry Truman may have given orders to the military to shoot the saucers down. It was famously rumored he may have been the first President to negotiate a sort of treaty with the Grays about their human research program, also known as human abductions. It has also been said that Dwight Eisenhower had a meeting during his term with a group of alien beings at a California Air Force base in 1954. President Kennedy probably knew something, and the question will always be in my mind, did his loose lips sink his ship, or at least was a factor in his death. Lyndon Johnson’s knowledge of UFOs is unknown and I believe he was trying to distance himself from any Kennedy assassination plot, which could draw him in. But reading about Johnson being a very power-hungry person, he would enjoy this type of secret. Nixon somehow may have gotten himself fully informed on the subject since he was part of the Eisenhower administration, which was up to their necks in UFO stuff. Nixon was said to have brought civilian friends to secret facilities to look at debris and alien bodies from crashed UFOs. Jimmy Carter had his own UFO close sighting from Air Force One. Also I have written in another posting about strange lights near his peanut plantation in South Georgia (see posting). Ronald Reagan, again may have had his own close encounter in the hills over Los Angeles. It might not have been a good encounter because remember he was the guy who during his Presidency developed Star Wars, maybe to defend earth from them. Then we got Bill Clinton, he did have close friend who were deep into the UFO subject, such as Laurence Rockefeller, a sort of UFO whistle blower. George Bush (H.W.) was once the director of the CIA. The CIA knows lots of UFO stuff, even though Bush never got into the underbelly of the CIA, where the real juicy information is hiding. But his position with the CIA would have gotten him the surface UFO stuff. And last but least “W”–hopefully no one told him anything. A little knowledge in his hands would be dangerous and thankfully there is not evidence of his UFO knowledge or I am sure he would use it as a vehicle of fear to promote his agenda. But there are a few weeks left until Obama is president.

Now Obama and UFOs – I see him being curious but very cautious. He is a man of deliberation. He truly knows that “loose lip sinks all ships”. He sees the similarity between Camelot and Obamalot. And the Kennedy factor will keep Obama’s lips closed, he is a man who understands history repeats itself. He will also come to realize in a few years the importance of the truth and the need for the world to know this truth.

So watch and listen Obama will tell us in code.



An Update on Gary McKinnon, the Alien Super Hacker–Is it all True Series #56

Mr. Gary McKinnon is the man who committed the “biggest military computer hack of all time”. Mr. McKinnon is accused of hacking into 97 NASA and US military computers in 2001 and 2002. The US estimated he caused $700,000 of damage to the systems, not to mention, damaged about 100 egos of the IT security guys making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year protecting us from the bad guys (or so they say). These systems are supposed to be the most sophisticated in the world. This is where all our secrets our stored. So here is a guy, whom I am told was just a medium level hacker, and apparently he just used a store-bought software called Remotely Anywhere to do his exploring. He calls himself a “bumbling computer nerd”, who admits an addiction to computers, and he would hack only when fully loaded with beer and marijuana for hours on end. He used a non-sophisticated Perl script and searched for blank passwords and much to his surprise apparently there were many opportunities, which let him into the systems.

So what did he find? Please note some of the following is pure speculation on my part, and some is based on interviews done by reporters with Gary over the past 6 years. He has always had an interest in UFOs, free energy technology, and anti-gravity technology and is possibly interested in the events surrounding 9/11. He claims some of the information he saw talked about captured spacecraft and the reverse engineering of craft, (a Bob Lazar-type comment.) There was even an interesting comment about a huge cigar shaped vehicle floating over the northern hemisphere (Mother-ship anyone?). He says he actually saw a low-resolution image of the craft. Now could alien beings be using Mr. Gary to spy for them and see what we know? Probably not since they would be able to do this for themselves. (This would have saved Gary’s beer and pot bill.)

So now what is going to happen to Gary? Last I heard he is waiting for the final word if he is going to be extradited from Britain, where this all happened, to the US. If he is extradited, he could face 70 years. His greatest fear is that he would be sent to Git-Mo to be used as an example to other future hackers. He didn’t help himself by leaving the following note on one of computers he was looking around in… “US foreign policy is akin to government-sponsored terrorism these days. It was not a mistake that there was a huge security stand-down on September 11 … I am Solo (his nickname). I will continue to disrupt at the highest levels”. Gary did state he was always very frightened when he realized that there were other people with foreign ISP’s routinely going through things in the same systems he was hanging in. He said it was very worrying that the world’s only super-power could be breached so easily.

You know I have heard that the US Pentagon has over 250,000 attacks in a single year and the vast majority of the cases are never solved, so Gary is not unique or is he? Did he see/find the mother-load of UFO information, which would finally blow the lid off the greatest secret ever–that we are in fact, not alone.

Good luck Gary–you are going to need it. The US will do anything to keep this secret forever.

Sleep tight. Dick Cheney is watching over you- still.


Alien or Hacker or Both ???

Whitley Speaks with Art – The Uncle, The UFO's and The Nukes

Whitley has an uncle (maybe passed) who was involved in the attempt to re-assembly the craft that crash in Roswell. Prez.Truman on down knew the crash was a UFO. Whitley book ” Majestic” was a fiction/non-fiction book about his uncle experience. A nuclear weapon ” trip wire”. If another nuke goes off — they are coming to stop us etc. Maybe the final stop! The Iran concern and their underground facility– many UFOs sightings recently in Iran . Why ? Doe it have meaning.